Exemple #1
 void DrawBeam(Character caster, Prop target)
     if (beamSettings.beamMaterial || beamSettings.beamParticles)
         caster.beam.Activate(caster.GetBodyPart(userBodyPart), target.GetBodyPart(targetBodyPart), beamSettings, tint.GetColor());
Exemple #2
        public bool CanSee(Prop target)
            Vector3 headPos = transform.position;

            headPos.y = chest.position.y;
            Vector3 targetHeadPos = target.transform.position;

            targetHeadPos.y = target.GetBodyPart(BodyPart.Chest).position.y;

            float dist = (targetHeadPos - headPos).magnitude;
            Ray   ray  = new Ray(headPos, (targetHeadPos - headPos) / dist);

            RaycastHit[] hits         = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, dist + 1.0f);
            GameObject   first        = null;
            float        bestDistance = dist + 2.0f;

            foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits)
                if (hit.collider.gameObject != gameObject && hit.distance < bestDistance)
                    bestDistance = hit.distance;
                    first        = hit.collider.gameObject;
            return(first == target.gameObject);
        void UpdateParticles(Prop p, Status newStatus)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, GameObject> pair in systems)
                bool turnOff = (character.groupedEffects.ContainsKey(pair.Key) == false);
                if (!turnOff)
                    turnOff = !character.groupedEffects[pair.Key].IsCurrentlyActive(character);
                if (turnOff)
                    // turn on the fader to deactivate it
                    LifeSpanFader fader = pair.Value.GetComponent <LifeSpanFader>();
                    if (!fader)
                        Debug.Log("Missing fader!");
                    if (fader && !fader.enabled)
                        fader.lifespan = 1;
                        fader.enabled  = true;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Status> pair in character.groupedEffects)
                if (pair.Value.fx && pair.Value.IsCurrentlyActive(character)) // only turn on if valid and we have na FX for it
                    // if we dont have a particle system for this key yet, make one
                    if (systems.ContainsKey(pair.Key) == false)
                        Status s = pair.Value;
                        if (s.fx)
                            systems[pair.Key] = s.fx.Begin(character.GetBodyPart(s.bodyPart), s.tint, false, false);
                        LifeSpanFader fader = systems[pair.Key].GetComponent <LifeSpanFader>();
                        if (!fader)
                            Debug.Log("Missing fader!");
Exemple #4
 public override void Apply(Prop ch, Character caster = null)
     if (!delays.ContainsKey(ch) || delays[ch] < Time.time)
         if (!explosion)
             Debug.Log("Explosion " + name + "has no PowerArea");
         if (explosion.userFX)
             GameObject go = explosion.userFX.Begin(ch.GetBodyPart(explosion.userBodyPart), explosion.tint);
             explosion.userFX.ScaleToRadius(go, explosion.GetRadius(caster));
         explosion.Explode(ch.transform, caster);
         delays[ch] = Time.time + 0.4f;
Exemple #5
        // apply this power to a particular target
        // charge varies from 0 to 1
        public bool Apply(Prop target, float charge, Character caster, bool doStatus = true)
            // calculate chance to hit
            if (targetType == TargetType.Enemies)
                float casterAcc   = caster == null ? 0 : caster.stats[RPGSettings.StatName.Accuracy.ToString()].currentValue;
                float chanceToHit = RPGSettings.instance.baseAccuracy * accuracy + casterAcc - target.stats[RPGSettings.GetDefenceStat(type)].currentValue;
                if (Random.Range(0, 100) > chanceToHit)
                    target.NumberFloat("MISS!", Color.white);

            Character ch = target as Character;

            if (ch && sounds)

            // how does the damage get factored in?
            float damage;

            switch (mode)
            case Mode.Charge:
                damage = minDamage + charge * (maxDamage - minDamage);

            case Mode.Maintain:
                damage = minDamage + (1 - charge) * (maxDamage - minDamage);

                damage = Random.Range(minDamage, maxDamage);
            if (caster)
                damage *= caster.GetFactor(RPGSettings.GetDamageStat(type));

            if (damage != 0)
                target.ApplyDamage(damage, type);
            if (doStatus)
                foreach (Status s in effects)
                    target.ApplyStatus(s, GetDuration(caster), caster, this);
                foreach (Status s in selfEffects)
                    caster.ApplyStatus(s, GetSelfDuration(caster), caster, this);

                // add to a global list of DoT's if not a character?
                if (target as Character == null)
                    if (!Prop.activeProps.Contains(target.gameObject))

            // particles on target
            if (targetFX)
                targetFX.Begin(target.GetBodyPart(targetBodyPart), tint);

            // hit responses on the target
            foreach (HitResponse hr in target.hitResponses)
                if (Random.Range(0, 100) < hr.percentage && (hr.damageType & type) != 0)
                    hr.OnHit(target, damage);

Exemple #6
 public void PlayEffect(Prop p)
     responseFX.Begin(p.GetBodyPart(responseBodyPart), tint);