private void RefreshUI() { foreach (Transform child in listRoot) { Destroy(child.gameObject); } foreach (ShopItem item in currentShop.GetFilteredItems()) { RowUI row = Instantiate <RowUI>(rowPrefab, listRoot); row.Setup(currentShop, item); } totalField.text = $"Total: ${currentShop.TransactionTotal():N2}"; totalField.color = currentShop.HasSufficientFunds() ? originalTotalTextColor :; confirmButton.interactable = currentShop.CanTransact(); TextMeshProUGUI switchText = switchButton.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>(); TextMeshProUGUI confirmText = confirmButton.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>(); if (currentShop.IsBuyingMode()) { switchText.text = "Switch To Selling"; confirmText.text = "Buy"; } else { switchText.text = "Switch To Buying"; confirmText.text = "Sell"; } foreach (FilterButtonUI button in GetComponentsInChildren <FilterButtonUI>()) { button.RefreshUI(); } }
private void RefreshUI() { foreach (Transform child in listRoot) { Destroy(child.gameObject); } foreach (ShopItem item in currentShop.GetFilteredItems()) { RowUI row = Instantiate <RowUI>(rowPrefab, listRoot); row.Setup(currentShop, item); } totalField.text = $"Total: ${currentShop.TransactionTotal():N2}"; }