private void RunJobs()
        string xForwardedFor   = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["X-Forwarded-For"];
        string xForwardedProto = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["X-Forwarded-Proto"];
        string xForwardedHost  = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["X-Forwarded-Host"];
        string appPath         =
            !string.IsNullOrEmpty(xForwardedFor) &&
                    ? Config.ExtBasePath
                    : HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath;
        string http = ((Request.IsSecureConnection) ? "https" : "http")
                      + (Request.Url.IsDefaultPort ? "://" : ":" + Request.Url.Port.ToString() + "//")
                      + Request.Url.Host;
        string cronjobBaseUrl =
                ? Config.CronJobBaseUrl
                : (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.IntBaseUrl) ? Config.IntBaseUrl
                : ""
        string baseUrl = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cronjobBaseUrl)
                ? cronjobBaseUrl
                : http + (HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath == "/" ? "" : HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath)
        string myUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cronjobBaseUrl) ? http + Request.Url.AbsolutePath : cronjobBaseUrl + "/CronJob.aspx";
        Dictionary <string, string> requestInfo = GetRequestInfo();
        Func <DateTime>             currentTime = () => DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("g")); // strip to minute for comparison.
        Action jobTask = () =>
                while (true)
                    lock (SystemList)
                        if (running)
                            running = true;

                    DateTime      nextCheck           = currentTime().AddMinutes(15);
                    bool          perMinute           = false;
                    List <string> jobsRun             = new List <string>();
                    Dictionary <string, string> links = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    DateTime now      = currentTime();
                    string   admEmail = base.SysAdminEmail(3);
                    List <Tuple <Exception, Dictionary <string, string> > > errorList = new List <Tuple <Exception, Dictionary <string, string> > >();
                    bool   singleSQLCredential = Config.DesShareCred;
                    string RunCronJobModules   = Config.RunCronJobModules;
                    string dbDesDataBase;
                        foreach (DataRow dr in SystemList.Rows)
                            if (dr["Active"].ToString() != "Y"
                                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RunCronJobModules) && !RunCronJobModules.Contains(dr["dbDesDatabase"].ToString()))
                            dbDesDataBase = dr["dbDesDatabase"].ToString();
                            string    connStr = Config.GetConnStr(dr["dbAppProvider"].ToString(), dr["ServerName"].ToString(), dr["dbDesDatabase"].ToString(), "", dr["dbAppUserId"].ToString());
                            DataTable dtJobs  = null;
                                dtJobs = (new AdminSystem()).GetCronJob(null, string.Empty, connStr
                                                                        , singleSQLCredential ? Config.DesPassword : dr["dbAppPassword"].ToString());
                            catch (Exception er)
                                string errorMsg = string.Format("Cronjob scan error {0}", dbDesDataBase);
                                ErrorTrace(new Exception(errorMsg, er), "error", requestInfo);
                            dtJobs.DefaultView.Sort = "NextRun, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute";
                            foreach (DataRowView drvJob in dtJobs.DefaultView)
                                now = currentTime();
                                string jobLink = drvJob["JobLink"].ToString();
                                if (drvJob["NextRun"].ToString() == "")
                                    if (!links.ContainsKey(jobLink))
                                        //InvokeJob((int)drvJob["CronJobId"], dr["SystemId"].ToString(), jobLink, baseUrl);
                                        //jobsRun.Add(drvJob["JobLink"].ToString() + " first time on " + now.ToString());
                                        //links.Add(jobLink, jobLink);
                                            base.UpdCronStatus((int)drvJob["CronJobId"], true, connStr
                                                               , singleSQLCredential ? Config.DesPassword : dr["dbAppPassword"].ToString());
                                        catch (Exception ex) {
                                                string errorMsg = string.Format("Cronjob update status error for {0}({1})", jobLink, drvJob["CronJobId"].ToString());
                                                ErrorTrace(new Exception(errorMsg, ex), "error", requestInfo);
                                            catch { }
                                            //var d = new Dictionary<string,string>(){
                                            //    {"CronJobId", drvJob["CronJobId"].ToString()},
                                            //    {"JobLink", jobLink},
                                            //    {"Error",errorMsg},
                                            //errorList.Add(new Tuple<Exception, Dictionary<string, string>>(ex, d));
                                    DateTime nextRun = (DateTime)drvJob["NextRun"];
                                    DateTime lastRun = (DateTime)drvJob["LastRun"];
                                    if (nextRun <= now && nextRun.AddMinutes(1) > lastRun)
                                        if (!links.ContainsKey(jobLink))
                                            InvokeJob((int)drvJob["CronJobId"], dr["SystemId"].ToString(), jobLink, baseUrl, requestInfo);
                                            jobsRun.Add(drvJob["JobLink"].ToString() + " intended on " + nextRun.ToString() + " UTC invoked on " + now.ToString() + " UTC");
                                            links.Add(jobLink, jobLink);
                                            if (jobLink.ToLower().StartsWith("http"))
                                                    base.UpdCronStatus((int)drvJob["CronJobId"], connStr
                                                                       , singleSQLCredential ? Config.DesPassword : dr["dbAppPassword"].ToString());
                                                catch (Exception ex)
                                                        string errorMsg = string.Format("Cronjob update status error for {0}({1})", jobLink, drvJob["CronJobId"].ToString());
                                                        ErrorTrace(new Exception(errorMsg, ex), "error", requestInfo);
                                                    catch { }
                                                    //var d = new Dictionary<string, string>(){
                                                    //    {"CronJobId", drvJob["CronJobId"].ToString()},
                                                    //    {"JobLink", jobLink},
                                                    //    {"Error",string.Format("Cronjob update status error for {0}({1})", jobLink, drvJob["CronJobId"].ToString())},
                                                    //errorList.Add(new Tuple<Exception, Dictionary<string, string>>(ex, d));

                                        //short? year = drvJob.Row.Field<short?>("Year");
                                        //byte? month = drvJob.Row.Field<byte?>("Month");
                                        //byte? day = drvJob.Row.Field<byte?>("Day");
                                        //byte? hour = drvJob.Row.Field<byte?>("Hour");
                                        //byte? min = drvJob.Row.Field<byte?>("Minute");
                                        //byte? dow = drvJob.Row.Field<byte?>("DayOfWeek");
                                        ////DateTime? next = RO.Common3.Utils.GetNextRun(year, month, day, dow, hour, min);
                                        //DateTime? next = GetNextRun(currentTime(), year, month, day, dow, hour, min);
                                        //(new AdminSystem()).UpdCronJob((int)drvJob["CronJobId"], DateTime.Now, next, connStr, dr["dbAppPassword"].ToString());
                                        if (nextRun < nextCheck)
                                            nextCheck = nextRun;
                            now = currentTime();
                            dtJobs.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format(@" (Year IS NULL OR Year = {0}) 
                                                                            AND (Month IS NULL OR Month = {1})
                                                                            AND (Day IS NULL OR Day = {2})
                                                                            AND (DayOfWeek IS NULL OR DayOfWeek = {3})
                                                                            AND (Hour IS NULL OR Hour = {4})
                                                                            AND Minute IS NULL", now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, (int)now.DayOfWeek, now.Hour);
                            if (dtJobs.DefaultView.Count > 0)
                                perMinute = true;
                                //dtJobs.DefaultView.RowFilter = "";
                                //DataRow drJob = dtJobs.DefaultView[0].Row;
                                //short? year = drJob.Field<short?>("Year");
                                //byte? month = drJob.Field<byte?>("Month");
                                //byte? day = drJob.Field<byte?>("Day");
                                //byte? hour = drJob.Field<byte?>("Hour");
                                //byte? min = drJob.Field<byte?>("Minute");
                                //byte? dow = drJob.Field<byte?>("DayOfWeek");
                                ////DateTime? next = RO.Common3.Utils.GetNextRun(year, month, day, dow, hour, min);
                                //DateTime? next = GetNextRun(DateTime.Now,year, month, day, dow, hour, min);
                                //(new AdminSystem()).UpdCronJob((int)drJob["CronJobId"], DateTime.Now,next, connStr, dr["dbAppPassword"].ToString());
                    catch (Exception er)
                            string errorMsg = string.Format("Cronjob invoke error");
                            ErrorTrace(new Exception(errorMsg, er), "error", requestInfo);
                        catch { }

                        //var d = new Dictionary<string, string>(){
                        //                                {"CronJobId", null},
                        //                                {"JobLink", null},
                        //                                {"Error",string.Format("Cronjob invoke error {0} {1}", er.Message, er.StackTrace)},
                        //                            };
                        //errorList.Add(new Tuple<Exception, Dictionary<string, string>>(er, d));

                    DateTime nextMin = currentTime().AddMinutes(2);
                    if (jobsRun.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(admEmail))
                        RO.Common3.Data.Credential cr  = new RO.Common3.Data.Credential("Anonymous", "Anonymous");
                        RO.Common3.Data.LoginUsr   usr = (new LoginSystem()).GetLoginSecure(cr);
                        string nonAnonymousWarning     = usr == null ? "WARNING: This system does not have Anonymous Login" : "";
                        // Asynchronous send email for faster performance:
                        Action a = () =>
                            if (!summNotify)
                                summNotify = true;
                                base.SendEmail("background job on " + myUrl.ToString(), "Summary (" + Application.GetHashCode().ToString() + "): Checked on " + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC; Next check on " + (perMinute ? nextMin : nextCheck).ToString() + " UTC <br/><br/>" + string.Join("<br/>", jobsRun.ToArray()) + "<br/><br/>" + nonAnonymousWarning, admEmail, admEmail, admEmail, "Admin", true);
                        a.BeginInvoke(null, null);
                    if (nextCheck > currentTime())
                        if (perMinute)
                            if (currentTime() < nextMin)
                            TimeSpan waitInterval = nextCheck.Subtract(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime());
                    string     myHash = Convert.ToBase64String(new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Config.DesPassword)));
                    WebRequest wr     = HttpWebRequest.Create(myUrl + "?hash=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(myHash));
                    lock (SystemList)
                        running = false;
                        HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)wr.GetResponse();
                        if (((int)resp.StatusCode) <= 300)
                            // trumpline, i.e. we kill ourself and like the next invoke take over
                    catch (Exception ex)
                            string errorMsg = string.Format("Cronjob refresh error {0}", myUrl);
                            ErrorTrace(new Exception(errorMsg, ex), "error", requestInfo);
                        catch { }
            catch (ThreadAbortException ex)
            catch (Exception e)
                    string errorMsg = string.Format("Cronjob daemon error {0}", myUrl);
                    ErrorTrace(new Exception(errorMsg, e), "error", requestInfo);
                catch { }
                lock (SystemList)
                    running = false;

        jobTask.BeginInvoke(null, null);
Exemple #2
    private void RunJobs()
        string http = (Config.EnableSsl ? "https" : "http")
                      + (Request.Url.IsDefaultPort ? "://" : ":" + Request.Url.Port.ToString() + "//")
                      + Request.Url.Host;
        string          baseUrl     = http + HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath;
        string          myUrl       = http + Request.Url.AbsolutePath;
        Func <DateTime> currentTime = () => DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("g"));    // strip to minute for comparison.
        Action          jobTask     = () =>
                while (true)
                    lock (SystemList)
                        if (running)
                            running = true;

                    DateTime      nextCheck           = currentTime().AddMinutes(15);
                    bool          perMinute           = false;
                    List <string> jobsRun             = new List <string>();
                    Dictionary <string, string> links = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    DateTime now      = currentTime();
                    string   admEmail = base.SysAdminEmail(3);
                        foreach (DataRow dr in SystemList.Rows)
                            string    connStr = Config.GetConnStr(dr["dbAppProvider"].ToString(), dr["ServerName"].ToString(), dr["dbDesDatabase"].ToString(), "", dr["dbAppUserId"].ToString());
                            DataTable dtJobs  = (new AdminSystem()).GetCronJob(null, string.Empty, connStr, dr["dbAppPassword"].ToString());
                            dtJobs.DefaultView.Sort = "NextRun, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute";
                            foreach (DataRowView drvJob in dtJobs.DefaultView)
                                now = currentTime();
                                string jobLink = drvJob["JobLink"].ToString();
                                if (drvJob["NextRun"].ToString() == "")
                                    if (!links.ContainsKey(jobLink))
                                        //InvokeJob((int)drvJob["CronJobId"], dr["SystemId"].ToString(), jobLink, baseUrl);
                                        //jobsRun.Add(drvJob["JobLink"].ToString() + " first time on " + now.ToString());
                                        //links.Add(jobLink, jobLink);
                                            base.UpdCronStatus((int)drvJob["CronJobId"], true, connStr, dr["dbAppPassword"].ToString());
                                        catch { }
                                    DateTime nextRun = (DateTime)drvJob["NextRun"];
                                    DateTime lastRun = (DateTime)drvJob["LastRun"];
                                    if (nextRun <= now && nextRun.AddMinutes(1) > lastRun)
                                        if (!links.ContainsKey(jobLink))
                                            InvokeJob((int)drvJob["CronJobId"], dr["SystemId"].ToString(), jobLink, baseUrl);
                                            jobsRun.Add(drvJob["JobLink"].ToString() + " intended on " + nextRun.ToString() + " UTC invoked on " + now.ToString() + " UTC");
                                            links.Add(jobLink, jobLink);
                                            if (jobLink.ToLower().StartsWith("http"))
                                                    base.UpdCronStatus((int)drvJob["CronJobId"], connStr, dr["dbAppPassword"].ToString());
                                                catch { }

                                        //short? year = drvJob.Row.Field<short?>("Year");
                                        //byte? month = drvJob.Row.Field<byte?>("Month");
                                        //byte? day = drvJob.Row.Field<byte?>("Day");
                                        //byte? hour = drvJob.Row.Field<byte?>("Hour");
                                        //byte? min = drvJob.Row.Field<byte?>("Minute");
                                        //byte? dow = drvJob.Row.Field<byte?>("DayOfWeek");
                                        ////DateTime? next = RO.Common3.Utils.GetNextRun(year, month, day, dow, hour, min);
                                        //DateTime? next = GetNextRun(currentTime(), year, month, day, dow, hour, min);
                                        //(new AdminSystem()).UpdCronJob((int)drvJob["CronJobId"], DateTime.Now, next, connStr, dr["dbAppPassword"].ToString());
                                        if (nextRun < nextCheck)
                                            nextCheck = nextRun;
                            now = currentTime();
                            dtJobs.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format(@" (Year IS NULL OR Year = {0}) 
                                                                            AND (Month IS NULL OR Month = {1})
                                                                            AND (Day IS NULL OR Day = {2})
                                                                            AND (DayOfWeek IS NULL OR DayOfWeek = {3})
                                                                            AND (Hour IS NULL OR Hour = {4})
                                                                            AND Minute IS NULL", now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, (int)now.DayOfWeek, now.Hour);
                            if (dtJobs.DefaultView.Count > 0)
                                perMinute = true;
                                //dtJobs.DefaultView.RowFilter = "";
                                //DataRow drJob = dtJobs.DefaultView[0].Row;
                                //short? year = drJob.Field<short?>("Year");
                                //byte? month = drJob.Field<byte?>("Month");
                                //byte? day = drJob.Field<byte?>("Day");
                                //byte? hour = drJob.Field<byte?>("Hour");
                                //byte? min = drJob.Field<byte?>("Minute");
                                //byte? dow = drJob.Field<byte?>("DayOfWeek");
                                ////DateTime? next = RO.Common3.Utils.GetNextRun(year, month, day, dow, hour, min);
                                //DateTime? next = GetNextRun(DateTime.Now,year, month, day, dow, hour, min);
                                //(new AdminSystem()).UpdCronJob((int)drJob["CronJobId"], DateTime.Now,next, connStr, dr["dbAppPassword"].ToString());
                    catch (Exception er) { }

                    DateTime nextMin = currentTime().AddMinutes(2);
                    if (jobsRun.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(admEmail))
                        RO.Common3.Data.Credential cr  = new RO.Common3.Data.Credential("Anonymous", "Anonymous");
                        RO.Common3.Data.LoginUsr   usr = (new LoginSystem()).GetLoginSecure(cr);
                        string nonAnonymousWarning     = usr == null ? "WARNING: This system does not have Anonymous Login" : "";
                        // Asynchronous send email for faster performance:
                        Action a = () =>
                            if (!summNotify)
                                summNotify = true;
                                base.SendEmail("background job on " + myUrl.ToString(), "Summary (" + Application.GetHashCode().ToString() + "): Checked on " + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC; Next check on " + (perMinute ? nextMin : nextCheck).ToString() + " UTC <br/><br/>" + string.Join("<br/>", jobsRun.ToArray()) + "<br/><br/>" + nonAnonymousWarning, admEmail, admEmail, admEmail, "Admin", true);
                        a.BeginInvoke(null, null);
                    if (nextCheck > currentTime())
                        if (perMinute)
                            if (currentTime() < nextMin)
                            TimeSpan waitInterval = nextCheck.Subtract(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime());
                    string     myHash = Convert.ToBase64String(new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Config.DesPassword)));
                    WebRequest wr     = HttpWebRequest.Create(myUrl + "?hash=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(myHash));
                    lock (SystemList)
                        running = false;
                        HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)wr.GetResponse();
                        if (((int)resp.StatusCode) <= 300)
                    catch { }
            catch (Exception e)
                lock (SystemList)
                    running = false;

        jobTask.BeginInvoke(null, null);