private void buttonGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            uint hp = 0;
            uint atk = 0;
            uint def = 0;
            uint spa = 0;
            uint spd = 0;
            uint spe = 0;

            if (maskedTextBoxHP_A.Text != "")
                hp = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxHP_A.Text);
            if (maskedTextBoxAtk_A.Text != "")
                atk = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxAtk_A.Text);
            if (maskedTextBoxDef_A.Text != "")
                def = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxDef_A.Text);
            if (maskedTextBoxSpA_A.Text != "")
                spa = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpA_A.Text);
            if (maskedTextBoxSpD_A.Text != "")
                spd = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpD_A.Text);
            if (maskedTextBoxSpe_A.Text != "")
                spe = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpe_A.Text);

            uint year_a = 0;
            uint month_a = 1;
            uint date_a = 1;
            uint hours_a = 0;
            uint minutes_a = 0;

            if (maskedTextBoxYear_A.Text != "")
                year_a = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxYear_A.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxMonth_A.Text != "")
                month_a = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMonth_A.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxDate_A.Text != "")
                date_a = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxDate_A.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxHours_A.Text != "")
                hours_a = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxHours_A.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxMinutes_A.Text != "")
                minutes_a = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinutes_A.Text);

            var nature = (Nature) comboBoxNature_A.SelectedValue;

            bool showMonster = checkBoxShowMonster.Checked;

            //  Get a list of possible starting seeds that we are going to use
            //  to work backwards and find probable initial seeds.
            List<Seed> startingSeeds =
                IVtoSeed.GetSeeds(hp, atk, def, spa, spd, spe, (uint) nature.Number);

            //  Now that we have developed a list of possible seeds we need to
            //  start working those backwards and then building a list of
            //  initial seeds that may have been possible.
            var seeds = new List<SeedInitial>();

            bool monsterFound = false;
            bool initialFound = false;

            uint minDefaultDelay = 550;
            if (radioButton_SIV_HGSS.Checked)
                minDefaultDelay = 400;

            uint maxDefaultDelay = 3600;

            if (maskedTextBoxMinDelay_A.Text != "" && radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                minDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinDelay_A.Text);
            if (maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_A.Text != "" && radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                maxDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_A.Text);

            foreach (Seed seed in startingSeeds)
                if (seed.FrameType == FrameType.Method1)
                    if (showMonster)
                        seeds.Add(new SeedInitial(seed.MonsterSeed, 0, "Monster", 0, 0));

                    monsterFound = true;

                    //  start backing up, we are going to back up
                    //  a grand totol of 1000 times max for the
                    //  time being,
                    var rng = new PokeRngR(seed.MonsterSeed);

                    for (uint backCount = 1; backCount < 2000; backCount++)
                        uint testSeed = rng.Seed;

                        uint seedAB = testSeed >> 24;
                        uint seedCD = (testSeed & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
                        uint seedEFGH = testSeed & 0x0000FFFF;

                        if ((seedEFGH > (minDefaultDelay + year_a - 2000) &&
                             seedEFGH < (maxDefaultDelay + year_a - 2000)) ||
                            //  Disqualify on hours second as it is very likely
                            //  to be a poor choice for use to work with.
                            if ((seedCD == hours_a) || radioButton_SIV_OPEN.Checked)
                                if (!radioButton_SIV_OPEN.Checked)
                                    for (uint secondsCount = 0; secondsCount < 60; secondsCount++)
                                        if (((month_a*date_a + minutes_a + secondsCount)%0x100) == seedAB)
                                            var initialSeed =
                                                new SeedInitial(
                                                    seedEFGH - (year_a - 2000));


                                            initialFound = true;
                                else // if (!checkBoxOpenSearch.Checked)
                                    //  Do the open search, which is completely open and does not
                                    //  honor the min/max delay of the advanced search, so we should
                                    //  likely make the selection of those mutially exclusive.
                                    if (seedCD < 24)
                                        if ((checkBoxLowDelay.Checked && seedEFGH < 10000) || !checkBoxLowDelay.Checked)
                                            var initialSeed =
                                                new SeedInitial(
                                                    seedEFGH - (year_a - 2000));


                                            initialFound = true;

            dataGridViewValues.DataSource = seeds;

            if (!monsterFound)
                MessageBox.Show("No matches found for the IVs entered.  Please check and try again.", "No Data Found",
            else if (!initialFound)
                MessageBox.Show("No reasonable initial seed found. Please check your DATE and TIME.", "No Data Found",

            Settings.Default.YearA = year_a.ToString();
            Settings.Default.MonthA = month_a.ToString();
            Settings.Default.DateA = date_a.ToString();
            Settings.Default.MinutesA = minutes_a.ToString();
            Settings.Default.HoursA = hours_a.ToString();

            if (maskedTextBoxMinDelay_A.Text != "" && radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                minDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinDelay_A.Text);
                Settings.Default.DelayMinA = minDefaultDelay.ToString();
            if (maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_A.Text != "" && radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                maxDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_A.Text);
                Settings.Default.DelayMaxA = maxDefaultDelay.ToString();

            string SIV_Mode = "DPP";
            if (radioButton_SIV_DPP.Checked)
                SIV_Mode = "DPP";
            else if (radioButton_SIV_HGSS.Checked)
                SIV_Mode = "HGSS";
            else if (radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                SIV_Mode = "CUSTOM";
            else if (radioButton_SIV_OPEN.Checked)
                SIV_Mode = "OPEN";
            Settings.Default.SIVMode = SIV_Mode;
            Settings.Default.SIVLowDelay = checkBoxLowDelay.Checked;
        private void buttonFind_ByIVRange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            uint year_ivrange = 0;
            uint month_ivrange = 1;
            uint date_ivrange = 1;
            uint hours_ivrange = 0;
            uint minutes_ivrange = 0;

            var nature = (Nature) comboBoxNature_IVRange.SelectedValue;

            if (maskedTextBoxYear_IVRange.Text != "")
                year_ivrange = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxYear_IVRange.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxMonth_IVRange.Text != "")
                month_ivrange = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMonth_IVRange.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxDate_IVRange.Text != "")
                date_ivrange = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxDate_IVRange.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxHours_IVRange.Text != "")
                hours_ivrange = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxHours_IVRange.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxMinutes_IVRange.Text != "")
                minutes_ivrange = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinutes_IVRange.Text);

            bool showMonster = checkBoxShowMonster.Checked;

            var Possibilities =
                new List<List<uint>>
                        new List<uint>(),
                        new List<uint>(),
                        new List<uint>(),
                        new List<uint>(),
                        new List<uint>(),
                        new List<uint>()

            var minIvs = new uint[6];
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinHP.Text, out minIvs[0]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinAtk.Text, out minIvs[1]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinDef.Text, out minIvs[2]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinSpAtk.Text, out minIvs[3]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinSpDef.Text, out minIvs[4]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinSpeed.Text, out minIvs[5]);
            var maxIvs = new uint[6];
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxHP.Text, out maxIvs[0]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxAtk.Text, out maxIvs[1]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxDef.Text, out maxIvs[2]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxSpAtk.Text, out maxIvs[3]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxSpDef.Text, out maxIvs[4]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxSpeed.Text, out maxIvs[5]);

            uint minDefaultDelay;
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinDelay_IVRange.Text, out minDefaultDelay);
            uint maxDefaultDelay;
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_IVRange.Text, out maxDefaultDelay);

            for (int statCnt = 0; statCnt <= 5; statCnt++)
                for (uint charCnt = minIvs[statCnt]; charCnt <= maxIvs[statCnt]; charCnt++)

            int combinations =

            //  If there are too many different combinations we need
            //  to notify the user that they may not proceed.
            if (combinations > 100)
                    "There were too many combinations of IV possibilities to accurately find your intitial seed (" +
                    combinations + ") please try with a higher level Pokemon,", "Too many IV Combinations");
                var allSeeds = new List<Seed>();

                //  Iterate through all of the combinations of IVs and check
                //  so something good, first using the IvToPID.
                foreach (uint combo_HP in Possibilities[0])
                    foreach (uint combo_Atk in Possibilities[1])
                        foreach (uint combo_Def in Possibilities[2])
                            foreach (uint combo_SpA in Possibilities[3])
                                foreach (uint combo_SpD in Possibilities[4])
                                    foreach (uint combo_Spe in Possibilities[5])
                                        List<Seed> startingSeeds =
                                                combo_HP, combo_Atk, combo_Def,
                                                combo_SpA, combo_SpD, combo_Spe,
                                                (uint) nature.Number, 0);


                //  We now have a complete list of starting seeds so we can run the
                //  same logic that we normally run here, but we might want to tone
                //  down how much we actually search.

                //  Now that we have developed a list of possible seeds we need to
                //  start working those backwards and then building a list of
                //  initial seeds that may have been possible.
                var seeds = new List<SeedInitial>();

                bool monsterFound = false;
                bool initialFound = false;

                foreach (Seed seed in allSeeds)
                    if (seed.FrameType == FrameType.Method1)
                        if (showMonster)
                            seeds.Add(new SeedInitial(seed.MonsterSeed, 0, "Monster", 0, 0));

                        monsterFound = true;

                        //  start backing up, we are going to back up
                        //  a grand totol of 10,000 times max for the
                        //  time being,
                        var rng = new PokeRngR(seed.MonsterSeed);

                        //  back to 500
                        for (uint backCount = 1; backCount < 500; backCount++)
                            uint testSeed = rng.Seed;

                            uint seedAB = testSeed >> 24;
                            uint seedCD = (testSeed & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
                            uint seedEFGH = testSeed & 0x0000FFFF;

                            if (seedEFGH > (minDefaultDelay + year_ivrange - 2000) &&
                                seedEFGH < (maxDefaultDelay + year_ivrange - 2000))
                                //  Disqualify on hours second as it is very likely
                                //  to be a poor choice for use to work with.
                                //wfy back to exact hour
                                if (seedCD == hours_ivrange)
                                    for (uint secondsCount = 0; secondsCount < 60; secondsCount++)
                                        if (((month_ivrange*date_ivrange + minutes_ivrange + secondsCount)%0x100) ==
                                            var initialSeed =
                                                new SeedInitial(
                                                    seedEFGH - (year_ivrange - 2000));


                                            initialFound = true;

                dataGridViewSeeds_IVRange.DataSource = seeds;

                if (!monsterFound)
                    MessageBox.Show("No matches found for the IVs entered.  Please check and try again.",
                                    "No Data Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                else if (!initialFound)
                    MessageBox.Show("No reasonable initial seed found. Please check your DATE and TIME.",
                                    "No Data Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                Settings.Default.YearIVR = year_ivrange.ToString();
                Settings.Default.MonthIVR = month_ivrange.ToString();
                Settings.Default.DateIVR = date_ivrange.ToString();
                Settings.Default.MinutesIVR = minutes_ivrange.ToString();
                Settings.Default.HoursIVR = hours_ivrange.ToString();
                Settings.Default.DelayMinIVR = minDefaultDelay.ToString();
                Settings.Default.DelayMaxIVR = maxDefaultDelay.ToString();
        private void buttonFind_Stat_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            uint year_stat = 0;
            uint month_stat = 1;
            uint date_stat = 1;
            uint hours_stat = 0;
            uint minutes_stat = 0;

            uint hp = 0;
            uint atk = 0;
            uint def = 0;
            uint spa = 0;
            uint spd = 0;
            uint spe = 0;

            uint level = 1;

            var pokemon = (Pokemon) comboBoxPokemon_Stat.SelectedValue;
            var nature = (Nature) comboBoxNature_Stat.SelectedValue;

            if (maskedTextBoxHP_Stat.Text != "")
                hp = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxHP_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxAtk_Stat.Text != "")
                atk = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxAtk_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxDef_Stat.Text != "")
                def = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxDef_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxSpA_Stat.Text != "")
                spa = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpA_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxSpD_Stat.Text != "")
                spd = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpD_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxSpe_Stat.Text != "")
                spe = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpe_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxLevel_Stat.Text != "")
                level = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxLevel_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxYear_Stat.Text != "")
                year_stat = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxYear_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxMonth_Stat.Text != "")
                month_stat = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMonth_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxDate_Stat.Text != "")
                date_stat = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxDate_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxHours_Stat.Text != "")
                hours_stat = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxHours_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxMinutes_Stat.Text != "")
                minutes_stat = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinutes_Stat.Text);

            bool showMonster = checkBoxShowMonster.Checked;

            var stats = new[] {hp, atk, def, spa, spd, spe};

            Characteristic characteristic = null;

            if (comboBoxCharacteristic_Stat.SelectedItem.ToString() != "NONE")
                characteristic = (Characteristic) comboBoxCharacteristic_Stat.SelectedItem;

            //  Run the IV checker with the stats and monster information
            //  that were entered into the intial seed finder,
            var ivCheck = new IVCheck(pokemon, level, nature, characteristic, stats);

            //  If there are any invalid IVs we need to notify the user
            //  what we may not proceed.
            if (!ivCheck.IsValid)
                    "There was a problem with the stats/nature/Pokemon you have entered.  Please check them and try again. " +
                    Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ivCheck, "Invalid Stats");
                uint minDefaultDelay = 550;
                if (radioButton_SS_HGSS.Checked)
                    minDefaultDelay = 400;

                uint maxDefaultDelay = 1200;

                if (maskedTextBoxMinDelay_Stat.Text != "" && radioButton_SS_CUSTOM.Checked)
                    minDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinDelay_Stat.Text);
                if (maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_Stat.Text != "" && radioButton_SS_CUSTOM.Checked)
                    maxDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_Stat.Text);

                int combinations =

                //  If there are too many different combinations we need
                //  to notify the user that they may not proceed.
                if (combinations > 100)
                        "There were too many combinations of IV possibilities to accurately find your intitial seed (" +
                        combinations + ") please try with a higher level Pokemon,", "To many IV Combinations");
                    var allSeeds = new List<Seed>();

                    //  Iterate through all of the combinations of IVs and check
                    //  so something good, first using the IvToPID.
                    foreach (uint combo_HP in ivCheck.Possibilities[0])
                        foreach (uint combo_Atk in ivCheck.Possibilities[1])
                            foreach (uint combo_Def in ivCheck.Possibilities[2])
                                foreach (uint combo_SpA in ivCheck.Possibilities[3])
                                    foreach (uint combo_SpD in ivCheck.Possibilities[4])
                                        foreach (uint combo_Spe in ivCheck.Possibilities[5])
                                            List<Seed> startingSeeds =
                                                    combo_HP, combo_Atk, combo_Def,
                                                    combo_SpA, combo_SpD, combo_Spe,
                                                    (uint) nature.Number, 0);


                    //  We now have a complete list of starting seeds so we can run the
                    //  same logic that we normally run here, but we might want to tone
                    //  down how much we actually search.

                    //  Now that we have developed a list of possible seeds we need to
                    //  start working those backwards and then building a list of
                    //  initial seeds that may have been possible.
                    var seeds = new List<SeedInitial>();

                    bool monsterFound = false;
                    bool initialFound = false;

                    foreach (Seed seed in allSeeds)
                        if (seed.FrameType == FrameType.Method1)
                            if (showMonster)
                                seeds.Add(new SeedInitial(seed.MonsterSeed, 0, "Monster", 0, 0));

                            monsterFound = true;

                            //  start backing up, we are going to back up
                            //  a grand totol of 10,000 times max for the
                            //  time being,
                            var rng = new PokeRngR(seed.MonsterSeed);

                            //  back to 500
                            for (uint backCount = 1; backCount < 500; backCount++)
                                uint testSeed = rng.Seed;

                                uint seedAB = testSeed >> 24;
                                uint seedCD = (testSeed & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
                                uint seedEFGH = testSeed & 0x0000FFFF;

                                if (seedEFGH > (minDefaultDelay + year_stat - 2000) &&
                                    seedEFGH < (maxDefaultDelay + year_stat - 2000))
                                    //  Disqualify on hours second as it is very likely
                                    //  to be a poor choice for use to work with.
                                    //wfy back to exact hour
                                    if (seedCD == hours_stat)
                                        for (uint secondsCount = 0; secondsCount < 60; secondsCount++)
                                            if (((month_stat*date_stat + minutes_stat + secondsCount)%0x100) == seedAB)
                                                var initialSeed =
                                                    new SeedInitial(
                                                        seedEFGH - (year_stat - 2000));


                                                initialFound = true;

                    dataGridViewValues_Stat.DataSource = seeds;

                    if (!monsterFound)
                        MessageBox.Show("No matches found for the IVs entered.  Please check and try again.",
                                        "No Data Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    else if (!initialFound)
                        MessageBox.Show("No reasonable initial seed found. Please check your DATE and TIME.",
                                        "No Data Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                    //  Save our information for the next run
                    Settings.Default.YearS = year_stat.ToString();
                    Settings.Default.MonthS = month_stat.ToString();
                    Settings.Default.DateS = date_stat.ToString();
                    Settings.Default.MinutesS = minutes_stat.ToString();
                    Settings.Default.HoursS = hours_stat.ToString();

                    if (maskedTextBoxMinDelay_Stat.Text != "" && radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                        minDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinDelay_Stat.Text);
                        Settings.Default.DelayMinS = minDefaultDelay.ToString();
                    if (maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_Stat.Text != "" && radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                        maxDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_Stat.Text);
                        Settings.Default.DelayMaxS = maxDefaultDelay.ToString();

                    string SS_Mode = "DPP";

                    if (radioButton_SS_DPP.Checked)
                        SS_Mode = "DPP";
                    else if (radioButton_SS_HGSS.Checked)
                        SS_Mode = "HGSS";
                    else if (radioButton_SS_CUSTOM.Checked)
                        SS_Mode = "CUSTOM";
                    Settings.Default.SSMode = SS_Mode;