/// <summary> /// Method that allow access to the class /// </summary> /// <returns>Instance of the class ListOfCards</returns> public static ListOfCards GetInstance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new ListOfCards(); } return(Instance); }
/// <summary> /// This method initializes the different classes and data /// </summary> private void InitializesClassesData() { ServoMotor.GetInstance().Lock(); RFIDReader.GetInstance(); DisplayLoad(); ListOfCards.GetInstance().CardsList = SDCard.GetInstance().LoadCards(); if (ListOfCards.GetInstance().CardsList == null) { ListOfCards.GetInstance().CardsList = new ArrayList(); } RestoreInitialState(); }
/// <summary> /// When the menu to display all cards is selected /// </summary> private void DisplayCards() { switch (_displayCardsState) { case DISPLAY_CARDS_STATE.listIsEmpty: LCD.GetInstance().Clear(); if (ListOfCards.GetInstance().IsEmpty()) { _displayCardsState = DISPLAY_CARDS_STATE.errorMSG; } else { _displayCardsState = DISPLAY_CARDS_STATE.displayAllCards; } break; case DISPLAY_CARDS_STATE.errorMSG: LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Red, "/!\\ Aucun badge n'est enregistre /!\\", 10, LCD.GetInstance().LcdHeight / 2); Thread.Sleep(2000); RestoreInitialState(); break; case DISPLAY_CARDS_STATE.displayAllCards: int positionY = 10; // The Y position on the LCD LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Gray, "Pour quitter, appuyer sur le joystick", 10, LCD.GetInstance().LcdHeight - 20); foreach (Card card in ListOfCards.GetInstance().CardsList) { LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Black, card.Name, 10, positionY); positionY += 15; // Increment the Y position } if (!_joystickButton.Read()) // If joystick button is press { RestoreInitialState(); } break; default: _displayCardsState = DISPLAY_CARDS_STATE.listIsEmpty; break; } }
public static void Main() { Debug.Print(Resources.GetString(Resources.StringResources.String1)); AnalogInput joystick_y = new AnalogInput(FEZSpider.Socket9.AnalogInput4); //Initialise l'axe Y par rapport à l'orientation de mon joystick _reader.IdReceived += _reader_IdReceived; _reader.MalformedIdReceived += _reader_MalformedIdReceived; ListOfCards.GetInstance().AddCardToList("Badge", "U1 2D 34 56 FC"); ListOfCards.GetInstance().AddCardToList("Badge", "U9 65 B2 3C F5"); ListOfCards.GetInstance().AddCardToList("Badge", "U1 2D 34 56 FC"); ListOfCards.GetInstance().AddCardToList("Badge", "U9 65 B2 3C F5"); ListOfCards.GetInstance().AddCardToList("Badge", "U1 2D 34 56 FC"); ListOfCards.GetInstance().AddCardToList("Badge", "U9 65 B2 3C F5"); ListOfCards.GetInstance().AddCardToList("Marty", "U1 2D 34 56 FC"); ListOfCards.GetInstance().AddCardToList("Professeur", "U9 65 B2 3C F5"); //SDCardSerializer.GetInstance().SerializecCardsToSDCard(ListOfCards.GetInstance().CardsList); //SDCardSerializer.GetInstance().showDirectory(); //RFIDReader.GetInstance(); ServoMotor.GetInstance(); while (true) { Debug.Print(joystick_y.Read().ToString()); if (joystick_y.Read() == 1) { ServoMotor.GetInstance().Unlock(); } else if (joystick_y.Read() == 0) { ServoMotor.GetInstance().Lock(); } } }
/// <summary> /// When the menu to delete a card is selected /// </summary> private void DeleteCard() { switch (_deleteCardState) { case DELETE_CARD_STATE.listIsEmpty: LCD.GetInstance().Clear(); if (ListOfCards.GetInstance().IsEmpty()) { LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Red, "/!\\ Aucun badge n'est enregistre /!\\", 10, LCD.GetInstance().LcdHeight / 2); Thread.Sleep(2000); RestoreInitialState(); } else { _deleteCardState = DELETE_CARD_STATE.selectCard; } break; case DELETE_CARD_STATE.selectCard: int positionY = 10; // The Y position on the LCD int i = 0; foreach (Card card in ListOfCards.GetInstance().CardsList) { if (LCDTextFields.CursorPosition == i) // If the cursorposition is at this char { LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Blue, card.Name, 10, positionY); } else { LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Black, card.Name, 10, positionY); } positionY += 15; // Increment the Y position i++; } LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Gray, "Pour selectionner le badge, appuyer sur le joystick", 10, LCD.GetInstance().LcdHeight - 30); if (_joystickX.Read() > JOYSTICK_DOWN_LEFT) // If joystick is down { LCDTextFields.CursorPosition++; // Move the cursor to the next name if (LCDTextFields.CursorPosition > ListOfCards.GetInstance().CardsList.Count - 1) // If the cursor get out of the range of the list of cards array { LCDTextFields.CursorPosition = 0; // Move to the first position of the list of cards array } Thread.Sleep(100); // Wait 0.1 second to prevent the cursor from moving too fast } else if (_joystickX.Read() < JOYSTICK_UP_RIGHT) // If joystick is up { LCDTextFields.CursorPosition--; // Move the cursor to the previous name if (LCDTextFields.CursorPosition < 0) // If the cursor get out of the range of the list array { LCDTextFields.CursorPosition = ListOfCards.GetInstance().CardsList.Count - 1; // Move to the last position of the list of cards array } Thread.Sleep(100); // Wait 0.1 second to prevent the cursor from moving too fast } if (!_joystickButton.Read()) // If joystick button is press { _deleteCardState = DELETE_CARD_STATE.save; } break; case DELETE_CARD_STATE.save: try { ListOfCards.GetInstance().DeleteCardFromList(LCDTextFields.CursorPosition); SDCard.GetInstance().SaveCards(ListOfCards.GetInstance().CardsList); _deleteCardState = DELETE_CARD_STATE.success; } catch (Exception e) { _deleteCardState = DELETE_CARD_STATE.errorMSG; } break; case DELETE_CARD_STATE.errorMSG: DisplayError(); Thread.Sleep(2000); RestoreInitialState(); break; case DELETE_CARD_STATE.success: DisplaySave(); LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Green, "Le badge a bien ete supprime", 10, LCD.GetInstance().LcdHeight / 2); Thread.Sleep(2000); RestoreInitialState(); break; default: _deleteCardState = DELETE_CARD_STATE.listIsEmpty; break; } }
/// <summary> /// When the menu to add a card is selected /// </summary> private void AddCard() { switch (_addCardState) { case ADD_CARD_STATE.waitRFID: LCD.GetInstance().Clear(); LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Gray, "Veuillez approcher un badge du lecteur"); if (RFIDReader.GetInstance().IsBadgeScan) { _addCardState = ADD_CARD_STATE.RFIDDetected; LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Green, "Votre badge a ete correctement scanne", 10, LCD.GetInstance().LcdHeight / 2); Thread.Sleep(2000); // Wait 2 seconds to see the message } break; case ADD_CARD_STATE.RFIDDetected: LCD.GetInstance().Clear(); string uid = RFIDReader.GetInstance().CurrentUid; if (ListOfCards.GetInstance().FindCardInlist(uid)) // If the badge scanned already exist { _addCardState = ADD_CARD_STATE.badgeExist; } else { _addCardState = ADD_CARD_STATE.bageDontExist; } break; case ADD_CARD_STATE.badgeExist: LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Red, "/!\\ Erreur : Ce badge est deja sauvegarde /!\\", 10, LCD.GetInstance().LcdHeight / 2); Thread.Sleep(2000); // Wait 2 seconds to see the message RestoreInitialState(); break; case ADD_CARD_STATE.bageDontExist: string name = LCDTextFields.Content; // The content value of the LCD field, it's the name of the badge char[] charArray = name.ToCharArray(); // We split the name in a char array to make it easier to modify char by char int x = 110; // The position index where we're gonna write the first char if (LCDTextFields.ShouldBeRefresh) // If we need to refresh because we have modify a char or the position of the cursor { LCD.GetInstance().Clear(); LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Gray, "Votre badge :", 10, LCD.GetInstance().LcdHeight / 2); LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Gray, "Pour valider le nom, appuyer sur le joystick", 10, LCD.GetInstance().LcdHeight - 20); for (int i = 0; i < charArray.Length; i++) { if (i == LCDTextFields.CursorPosition) // If the cursorposition is at this char { LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Blue, charArray[i].ToString(), x, LCD.GetInstance().LcdHeight / 2); } else { LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Black, charArray[i].ToString(), x, LCD.GetInstance().LcdHeight / 2); } x += 10; // Increment the X position on the LCD } LCDTextFields.ShouldBeRefresh = false; } if (_joystickX.Read() < JOYSTICK_UP_RIGHT) // If the joystick is up { charArray[LCDTextFields.CursorPosition]++; // Increment the char ex : A -> B LCDTextFields.ShouldBeRefresh = true; Thread.Sleep(100); // Wait 0.1 second to prevent the letter from scrolling too fast } else if (_joystickX.Read() > JOYSTICK_DOWN_LEFT) // If the joystick is down { charArray[LCDTextFields.CursorPosition]--; // ecrement the char ex : B -> A LCDTextFields.ShouldBeRefresh = true; Thread.Sleep(100); // Wait 0.1 second to prevent the letter from scrolling too fast } if (_joystickY.Read() < JOYSTICK_UP_RIGHT) // If the joystick is right { LCDTextFields.CursorPosition++; // Move the cursor to the next char if (LCDTextFields.CursorPosition > charArray.Length - 1) // If the cursor get out of the range of the char array { LCDTextFields.CursorPosition = 0; // Move to the first position of the char array } LCDTextFields.ShouldBeRefresh = true; Thread.Sleep(200); // Wait 0.2 seconds to prevent the cursor from moving too fast } else if (_joystickY.Read() > JOYSTICK_DOWN_LEFT) // If the joystick is left { LCDTextFields.CursorPosition--; // Move the cursor to the previous char if (LCDTextFields.CursorPosition < 0) // If the cursor get out of the range of the char array { LCDTextFields.CursorPosition = charArray.Length - 1; // Move to the last position of the char array } LCDTextFields.ShouldBeRefresh = true; Thread.Sleep(200); // Wait 0.2 seconds to prevent the cursor from moving too fast } LCDTextFields.Content = new string(charArray); // Set the LCD text field with the value of the modify char array if (!_joystickButton.Read()) // If joystick button is press { _addCardState = ADD_CARD_STATE.save; } break; case ADD_CARD_STATE.save: try { uid = RFIDReader.GetInstance().CurrentUid; // Get the uid of the badge that was scanned name = LCDTextFields.Content; ListOfCards.GetInstance().AddCardToList(name, uid); SDCard.GetInstance().SaveCards(ListOfCards.GetInstance().CardsList); _addCardState = ADD_CARD_STATE.successMSG; } catch (Exception e) { _addCardState = ADD_CARD_STATE.errorMSG; } break; case ADD_CARD_STATE.errorMSG: DisplayError(); Thread.Sleep(2000); RestoreInitialState(); break; case ADD_CARD_STATE.successMSG: DisplaySave(); LCD.GetInstance().DisplayText(GT.Color.Green, "Le badge a bien ete ajoute", 10, LCD.GetInstance().LcdHeight / 2); Thread.Sleep(2000); RestoreInitialState(); break; default: _addCardState = ADD_CARD_STATE.waitRFID; break; } }
/// <summary> /// When no menu is selected /// </summary> private void InitialState() { switch (_scanCardState) { case SCAN_CARD_STATE.waitRFID: if (RFIDReader.GetInstance().IsBadgeScan) { _scanCardState = SCAN_CARD_STATE.RFIDDetected; } break; case SCAN_CARD_STATE.RFIDDetected: if (_servoState == SERVO_STATE.close) // If the servo is lock { bool isValid = ListOfCards.GetInstance().FindCardInlist(RFIDReader.GetInstance().CurrentUid); if (isValid) { _scanCardState = SCAN_CARD_STATE.RFIDValid; } else { _scanCardState = SCAN_CARD_STATE.RFIDInvalid; } } else { _scanCardState = SCAN_CARD_STATE.RFIDInvalid; } break; case SCAN_CARD_STATE.RFIDValid: _servoState = SERVO_STATE.open; _scanCardState = SCAN_CARD_STATE.waitRFID; DeleteCurrentBadgescan(); break; case SCAN_CARD_STATE.RFIDInvalid: _servoState = SERVO_STATE.close; _scanCardState = SCAN_CARD_STATE.waitRFID; DeleteCurrentBadgescan(); break; default: _scanCardState = SCAN_CARD_STATE.waitRFID; break; } switch (_servoState) { case SERVO_STATE.open: ServoMotor.GetInstance().Unlock(); _secuTimer.Start(); break; case SERVO_STATE.close: ServoMotor.GetInstance().Lock(); _secuTimer.Stop(); break; default: _servoState = SERVO_STATE.close; break; } if (_joystickX.Read() > JOYSTICK_DOWN_LEFT) // If the joystick is down { _menu++; if (_menu > 4) { _menu = 0; } DisplayMainMenu(_menu); // It is not removed from the test to prevent the lcd flashing Thread.Sleep(100); // Wait 0.1 second to prevent the menu from scrolling too fast } else if (_joystickX.Read() < JOYSTICK_UP_RIGHT) // The joystick is up { _menu--; if (_menu < 0) { _menu = 4; } DisplayMainMenu(_menu); // It is not removed from the test to prevent the lcd flashing Thread.Sleep(100); // Wait 0.1 second to prevent the menu from scrolling too fast } }