public void UpdateStudentNote(Student student, Przedmiot lecture, Ocena noteTemp, Ocena updatedNote)
            if (student != null && lecture != null && noteTemp != null && updatedNote != null)
                //Prepare Ocena field
                float    wartoscOceny = updatedNote.Wartosc;
                DateTime time         = updatedNote.DataWystawienia;

                updatedNote = noteTemp;

                if (time == null)
                    updatedNote.DataWystawienia = DateTime.Now;
                    updatedNote.DataWystawienia = time;

                updatedNote.Wartosc = wartoscOceny;

                //Replace in Oceny (only, student store objectid note )
                MongoDBContext.Oceny.ReplaceOne(ocenyObj => ocenyObj.Id == updatedNote.Id, updatedNote, new UpdateOptions {
                    IsUpsert = true
        public void DeleteNote(Ocena note)
            if (note != null)
                Ocena ocena = Notes.Find(noteObj => noteObj.Id == note.Id);

                if (ocena != null)
                    var indexFoundedNotes = Notes.IndexOf(ocena);
        public void DeleteStudentNote(Student student, Przedmiot lecture, Ocena note)
            if (student != null && lecture != null && note != null)
                Ocena ocena = Notes.Find(noteObj => noteObj.Id == note.Id &&
                                         student.Indeks == note.IdStudent &&
                                         lecture.Id == note.IdPrzedmiot);

                if (ocena != null)
                    var indexFoundedNotes = Notes.IndexOf(ocena);
        public void AddNote(Ocena note, Student student)
            int indexStudent = -1;

            if (note != null && student != null)
                indexStudent = Students.IndexOf(student);

                if (indexStudent > -1)

                note.Id = generateUniqueNoteID();
        public bool UpdateNote(Ocena updatedNote)
            bool IsNoteUpdated = false;
            var  noteToReplace = Notes.Find(noteObj => noteObj.Id == updatedNote.Id);

            if (noteToReplace != null)
                var indexOfReplacedNote = Notes.IndexOf(noteToReplace);

                if (indexOfReplacedNote >= 0)
                    Notes[indexOfReplacedNote] = updatedNote;
                    IsNoteUpdated = true;

        public void DeleteStudentNote(Student student, Przedmiot lecture, Ocena note)
            if (student != null && lecture != null && note != null)
                //Delete from Oceny
                MongoDBContext.Oceny.DeleteMany(ocenaObj => ocenaObj.Id == note.Id &&
                                                ocenaObj.IdPrzedmiot == note.IdPrzedmiot &&
                                                ocenaObj.IdStudent == note.IdStudent);

                //Delete from concrete student
                student.Oceny.RemoveAll(ocenaObj => ocenaObj == note.Id);

                //Replace modified student
                MongoDBContext.Studenci.ReplaceOne(studentObj => studentObj.Id == student.Id,
                                                   student, new UpdateOptions {
                    IsUpsert = true
        public void UpdateStudentNote(Student student, Przedmiot lecture, Ocena note)
            var studentFounded = Students.Find(studentObj => studentObj.Indeks == student.Indeks);
            var lectureFounded = Lectures.Find(lectureObj => lectureObj.Id == lecture.Id);
            var noteFounded    = Notes.Find(lectureObj => lectureObj.Id == note.Id);

            if (studentFounded != null && lectureFounded != null && noteFounded != null)
                int indexStudent = Students.IndexOf(studentFounded);
                int indexLecture = Lectures.IndexOf(lectureFounded);
                int indexNote    = Notes.IndexOf(noteFounded);

                note.IdStudent       = student.Indeks;
                note.IdPrzedmiot     = lecture.Id;
                note.DataWystawienia = DateTime.Now;

                Notes.Insert(indexNote, note);
        public void AddNoteStudentFromLecture(Student studentExisted, Przedmiot lectureExisted, Ocena note)
            if (studentExisted != null && lectureExisted != null && note != null)
                //Find last added Ocena
                long  ocenyIndex    = 0;
                Ocena lastAddedNote = MongoDBContext.Oceny.Find(_ => true).ToList().OrderByDescending(ocenaObj => ocenaObj.IdOceny).FirstOrDefault();

                if (lastAddedNote != null)
                    ocenyIndex = lastAddedNote.IdOceny;

                //Prepare Ocena field
                note.IdOceny      = (int)ocenyIndex;
                note.IdPrzedmiotu = lectureExisted.IdPrzedmiotu;
                note.Indeks       = studentExisted.Indeks;
                note.IdStudent    = studentExisted.Id;
                note.IdPrzedmiot  = lectureExisted.Id;

                if (note.DataWystawienia == null)
                    note.DataWystawienia = DateTime.Now;

                //Add to Oceny

                //Add to concrete Student Oceny
                var ocenaLastAdded = MongoDBContext.Oceny.Find(_ => true).ToList().OrderByDescending(ocenaObj => ocenaObj.IdOceny).FirstOrDefault();

                //Replace old Student data to new
                MongoDBContext.Studenci.ReplaceOne(studentObj => studentObj.Id == studentExisted.Id, studentExisted, new UpdateOptions {
                    IsUpsert = true
        public void AddNoteStudentFromLecture(Student studentExisted, Przedmiot lectureExisted, Ocena note)
            var studentFounded = Students.Find(studentObj => studentObj.Indeks == studentExisted.Indeks);
            var lectureFounded = Lectures.Find(lectureObj => lectureObj.Id == lectureExisted.Id);

            if (studentExisted != null && lectureExisted != null && note != null)
                int indexStudent = Students.IndexOf(studentFounded);
                int indexLecture = Lectures.IndexOf(lectureFounded);

                note.Id              = generateUniqueNoteID();
                note.IdStudent       = studentExisted.Indeks;
                note.IdPrzedmiot     = lectureExisted.Id;
                note.DataWystawienia = DateTime.Now;

 public void DeleteNote(Student student, Przedmiot lecture, Ocena note)
     DeleteStudentNote(student, lecture, note);
 public void UpdateNote(Przedmiot lecture, Student student, Ocena note, Ocena noteFromBody)
     UpdateStudentNote(student, lecture, note, noteFromBody);