Exemple #1
        public IndexNode(IndexNodeSaveFn store, int storeOverhead, Index index, bool isRoot, byte[] buffer, int offset)
            _store = store;
            _storageOverhead = storeOverhead;
            _index = index;
            _isRoot = isRoot;
            _header = new IndexHeader(buffer, offset + 0);
            _totalSpaceAvailable = _header.AllocatedSizeOfEntries;

            _entries = new List<IndexEntry>();
            int pos = (int)_header.OffsetToFirstEntry;
            while (pos < _header.TotalSizeOfEntries)
                IndexEntry entry = new IndexEntry(index.IsFileIndex);
                entry.Read(buffer, offset + pos);

                if ((entry.Flags & IndexEntryFlags.End) != 0)

                pos += entry.Size;
Exemple #2
 public IndexEntry(IndexEntry toCopy, byte[] newKey, byte[] newData)
     _isFileIndexEntry = toCopy._isFileIndexEntry;
     _flags = toCopy._flags;
     _vcn = toCopy._vcn;
     _keyBuffer = newKey;
     _dataBuffer = newData;
Exemple #3
        public IndexBlock(Index index, bool isRoot, IndexEntry parentEntry, BiosParameterBlock bpb)
            : base("INDX", bpb.BytesPerSector)
            _index = index;
            _isRoot = isRoot;

            Stream stream = index.AllocationStream;
            _streamPosition = parentEntry.ChildrenVirtualCluster * bpb.BytesPerSector * bpb.SectorsPerCluster;
            stream.Position = _streamPosition;
            byte[] buffer = Utilities.ReadFully(stream, (int)index.IndexBufferSize);
            FromBytes(buffer, 0);
Exemple #4
        public IndexNode(IndexNodeSaveFn store, int storeOverhead, Index index, bool isRoot, uint allocatedSize)
            _store = store;
            _storageOverhead = storeOverhead;
            _index = index;
            _isRoot = isRoot;
            _header = new IndexHeader(allocatedSize);
            _totalSpaceAvailable = allocatedSize;

            IndexEntry endEntry = new IndexEntry(_index.IsFileIndex);
            endEntry.Flags |= IndexEntryFlags.End;

            _entries = new List<IndexEntry>();

            _header.OffsetToFirstEntry = (uint)(IndexHeader.Size + storeOverhead);
            _header.TotalSizeOfEntries = (uint)(_header.OffsetToFirstEntry + endEntry.Size);
Exemple #5
        public bool TryFindEntry(byte[] key, out IndexEntry entry, out IndexNode node)
            foreach (var focus in _entries)
                if ((focus.Flags & IndexEntryFlags.End) != 0)
                    if ((focus.Flags & IndexEntryFlags.Node) != 0)
                        IndexBlock subNode = _index.GetSubBlock(focus);
                        return subNode.Node.TryFindEntry(key, out entry, out node);

                    int compVal = _index.Compare(key, focus.KeyBuffer);
                    if (compVal == 0)
                        entry = focus;
                        node = this;
                        return true;
                    else if (compVal < 0 && (focus.Flags & (IndexEntryFlags.End | IndexEntryFlags.Node)) != 0)
                        IndexBlock subNode = _index.GetSubBlock(focus);
                        return subNode.Node.TryFindEntry(key, out entry, out node);

            entry = null;
            node = null;
            return false;
Exemple #6
        private void SetEntries(IList<IndexEntry> newEntries, int offset, int count)
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                _entries.Add(newEntries[i + offset]);

            // Add an end entry, if not present
            if (count == 0 || (_entries[_entries.Count - 1].Flags & IndexEntryFlags.End) == 0)
                IndexEntry end = new IndexEntry(_index.IsFileIndex);
                end.Flags = IndexEntryFlags.End;

            // Ensure the node isn't over-filled
            if (SpaceFree < 0)
                throw new IOException("Error setting node entries - oversized for node");

            // Persist the new entries to disk
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Only valid on non-root nodes, this method divides the node in two,
        /// adding the new node to the current parent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An entry that needs to be promoted to the parent node (if any)</returns>
        private IndexEntry Divide()
            int midEntryIdx = _entries.Count / 2;
            IndexEntry midEntry = _entries[midEntryIdx];

            // The terminating entry (aka end) for the new node
            IndexEntry newTerm = new IndexEntry(_index.IsFileIndex);
            newTerm.Flags |= IndexEntryFlags.End;

            // The set of entries in the new node
            List<IndexEntry> newEntries = new List<IndexEntry>(midEntryIdx + 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < midEntryIdx; ++i)


            // Copy the node pointer from the elected 'mid' entry to the new node
            if ((midEntry.Flags & IndexEntryFlags.Node) != 0)
                newTerm.ChildrenVirtualCluster = midEntry.ChildrenVirtualCluster;
                newTerm.Flags |= IndexEntryFlags.Node;

            // Set the new entries into the new node
            IndexBlock newBlock = _index.AllocateBlock(midEntry);

            // Set the entries into the new node.  Note we updated the parent
            // pointers first, because it's possible SetEntries may need to further
            // divide the entries to fit into nodes.  We mustn't overwrite any changes.
            newBlock.Node.SetEntries(newEntries, 0, newEntries.Count);

            // Forget about the entries moved into the new node, and the entry about
            // to be promoted as the new node's pointer
            _entries.RemoveRange(0, midEntryIdx + 1);

            // Promote the old mid entry
            return midEntry;
Exemple #8
        private IndexEntry AddEntry(IndexEntry newEntry)
            bool exactMatch;
            int index = GetEntry(newEntry.KeyBuffer, out exactMatch);

            if (exactMatch)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Entry already exists");

            if ((_entries[index].Flags & IndexEntryFlags.Node) != 0)
                IndexEntry ourNewEntry = _index.GetSubBlock(_entries[index]).Node.AddEntry(newEntry);
                if (ourNewEntry == null)
                    // No change to this node
                    return null;

                _entries.Insert(index, newEntry);

            // If there wasn't enough space, we may need to
            // divide this node
            IndexEntry newParentEntry = EnsureNodeSize();


            return newParentEntry;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Only valid on the root node, this method moves all entries into a
        /// single child node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether any changes were made</returns>
        internal bool Depose()
            if (!_isRoot)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Only valid on root node");

            if (_entries.Count == 1)
                return false;

            IndexEntry newRootEntry = new IndexEntry(_index.IsFileIndex);
            newRootEntry.Flags = IndexEntryFlags.End;

            IndexBlock newBlock = _index.AllocateBlock(newRootEntry);

            // Set the deposed entries into the new node.  Note we updated the parent
            // pointers first, because it's possible SetEntries may need to further
            // divide the entries to fit into nodes.  We mustn't overwrite any changes.
            newBlock.Node.SetEntries(_entries, 0, _entries.Count);


            return true;
Exemple #10
        private void InsertEntryThisNode(IndexEntry newEntry)
            bool exactMatch;
            int index = GetEntry(newEntry.KeyBuffer, out exactMatch);

            if (exactMatch)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Entry already exists");
                _entries.Insert(index, newEntry);
Exemple #11
 internal static IndexBlock Initialize(Index index, bool isRoot, IndexEntry parentEntry, BiosParameterBlock bpb)
     return new IndexBlock(index, isRoot, parentEntry.ChildrenVirtualCluster, bpb);
Exemple #12
        public bool RemoveEntry(byte[] key, out IndexEntry newParentEntry)
            bool exactMatch;
            int entryIndex = GetEntry(key, out exactMatch);
            IndexEntry entry = _entries[entryIndex];

            if (exactMatch)
                if ((entry.Flags & IndexEntryFlags.Node) != 0)
                    IndexNode childNode = _index.GetSubBlock(entry).Node;
                    IndexEntry rLeaf = childNode.FindLargestLeaf();

                    byte[] newKey = rLeaf.KeyBuffer;
                    byte[] newData = rLeaf.DataBuffer;

                    IndexEntry newEntry;
                    childNode.RemoveEntry(newKey, out newEntry);
                    entry.KeyBuffer = newKey;
                    entry.DataBuffer = newData;

                    if (newEntry != null)

                    newEntry = LiftNode(entryIndex);
                    if (newEntry != null)

                    newEntry = PopulateEnd();
                    if (newEntry != null)

                    // New entry could be larger than old, so may need
                    // to divide this node...
                    newParentEntry = EnsureNodeSize();
                    newParentEntry = null;

                return true;
            else if ((entry.Flags & IndexEntryFlags.Node) != 0)
                IndexNode childNode = _index.GetSubBlock(entry).Node;
                IndexEntry newEntry;
                if (childNode.RemoveEntry(key, out newEntry))
                    if (newEntry != null)

                    newEntry = LiftNode(entryIndex);
                    if (newEntry != null)

                    newEntry = PopulateEnd();
                    if (newEntry != null)

                    // New entry could be larger than old, so may need
                    // to divide this node...
                    newParentEntry = EnsureNodeSize();

                    return true;

            newParentEntry = null;
            return false;
Exemple #13
        public void UpdateEntry(byte[] key, byte[] data)
            for (int i = 0; i < _entries.Count; ++i)
                var focus = _entries[i];
                int compVal = _index.Compare(key, focus.KeyBuffer);
                if (compVal == 0)
                    IndexEntry newEntry = new IndexEntry(focus, key, data);
                    if (_entries[i].Size != newEntry.Size)
                        throw new NotImplementedException("Changing index entry sizes");

                    _entries[i] = newEntry;

            throw new IOException("No such index entry");
Exemple #14
        internal IndexBlock AllocateBlock(IndexEntry parentEntry)
            if (_indexStream == null)
                _file.CreateStream(AttributeType.IndexAllocation, _name);
                _indexStream = _file.OpenStream(AttributeType.IndexAllocation, _name, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

            if (_indexBitmap == null)
                _file.CreateStream(AttributeType.Bitmap, _name);
                _indexBitmap = new Bitmap(_file.OpenStream(AttributeType.Bitmap, _name, FileAccess.ReadWrite), long.MaxValue);

            long idx = _indexBitmap.AllocateFirstAvailable(0);

            parentEntry.ChildrenVirtualCluster = idx * Utilities.Ceil(_bpb.IndexBufferSize, _bpb.SectorsPerCluster * _bpb.BytesPerSector);
            parentEntry.Flags |= IndexEntryFlags.Node;

            IndexBlock block = IndexBlock.Initialize(this, false, parentEntry, _bpb);
            _blockCache[parentEntry.ChildrenVirtualCluster] = block;
            return block;
Exemple #15
        internal IndexBlock GetSubBlock(IndexEntry parentEntry)
            IndexBlock block = _blockCache[parentEntry.ChildrenVirtualCluster];
            if (block == null)
                block = new IndexBlock(this, false, parentEntry, _bpb);
                _blockCache[parentEntry.ChildrenVirtualCluster] = block;

            return block;
Exemple #16
        internal static string EntryAsString(IndexEntry entry, string fileName, string indexName)
            IByteArraySerializable keyValue = null;
            IByteArraySerializable dataValue = null;

            // Try to guess the type of data in the key and data fields from the filename and index name
            if (indexName == "$I30")
                keyValue = new FileNameRecord();
                dataValue = new FileRecordReference();
            else if (fileName == "$ObjId" && indexName == "$O")
                keyValue = new ObjectIds.IndexKey();
                dataValue = new ObjectIdRecord();
            else if (fileName == "$Reparse" && indexName == "$R")
                keyValue = new ReparsePoints.Key();
                dataValue = new ReparsePoints.Data();
            else if (fileName == "$Quota")
                if (indexName == "$O")
                    keyValue = new Quotas.OwnerKey();
                    dataValue = new Quotas.OwnerRecord();
                else if (indexName == "$Q")
                    keyValue = new Quotas.OwnerRecord();
                    dataValue = new Quotas.QuotaRecord();
            else if (fileName == "$Secure")
                if (indexName == "$SII")
                    keyValue = new SecurityDescriptors.IdIndexKey();
                    dataValue = new SecurityDescriptors.IdIndexData();
                else if (indexName == "$SDH")
                    keyValue = new SecurityDescriptors.HashIndexKey();
                    dataValue = new SecurityDescriptors.IdIndexData();

                if (keyValue != null && dataValue != null)
                    keyValue.ReadFrom(entry.KeyBuffer, 0);
                    dataValue.ReadFrom(entry.DataBuffer, 0);
                    return "{" + keyValue + "-->" + dataValue + "}";
                return "{Parsing-Error}";

            return "{Unknown-Index-Type}";
        private bool SelfCheckIndexNode(byte[] buffer, int offset, Bitmap bitmap, IndexRoot root, string fileName, string indexName)
            bool ok = true;

            IndexHeader header = new IndexHeader(buffer, offset);

            IndexEntry lastEntry = null;

            IComparer<byte[]> collator = root.GetCollator(_context.UpperCase);

            int pos = (int)header.OffsetToFirstEntry;
            while (pos < header.TotalSizeOfEntries)
                IndexEntry entry = new IndexEntry(indexName == "$I30");
                entry.Read(buffer, offset + pos);
                pos += entry.Size;

                if ((entry.Flags & IndexEntryFlags.Node) != 0)
                    long bitmapIdx = entry.ChildrenVirtualCluster / Utilities.Ceil(root.IndexAllocationSize, _context.BiosParameterBlock.SectorsPerCluster * _context.BiosParameterBlock.BytesPerSector);
                    if (!bitmap.IsPresent(bitmapIdx))
                        ReportError("Index entry {0} is non-leaf, but child vcn {1} is not in bitmap at index {2}", Index.EntryAsString(entry, fileName, indexName), entry.ChildrenVirtualCluster, bitmapIdx);

                if ((entry.Flags & IndexEntryFlags.End) != 0)
                    if (pos != header.TotalSizeOfEntries)
                        ReportError("Found END index entry {0}, but not at end of node", Index.EntryAsString(entry, fileName, indexName));
                        ok = false;

                if (lastEntry != null && collator.Compare(lastEntry.KeyBuffer, entry.KeyBuffer) >= 0)
                    ReportError("Found entries out of order {0} was before {1}", Index.EntryAsString(lastEntry, fileName, indexName), Index.EntryAsString(entry, fileName, indexName));
                    ok = false;

                lastEntry = entry;

            return ok;