public ChangeRoom(Form previousForm, ref RADGSHALibrary.Patient p, ref RADGSHALibrary.Visit v) { InitializeComponent(); selectedPatient = p; selectedVisit = v; this.previousForm = previousForm; }
public DiagnosisWizard(RADGSHALibrary.Patient p, Visit v) { selectedVisit = v; selectedPatient = p; InitializeComponent(); wizard = new RADGSHALibrary.DiagnosisWizard(ref selectedVisit, ref selectedPatient); currentSymptom = wizard.getNextSymptom(); QuestionLabel.Text = "Does " + selectedPatient.getFirstName() + " have the symptom: '" + currentSymptom.Substring(0, currentSymptom.Length - 1) + "' ?"; }
private void viewPatientButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBConnectionObject DBconnection = DBConnectionObject.getInstance(); RADGSHALibrary.Patient p = DBconnection.getPatient(PatientListView.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[2].Text); //This should return the selected Patient this.Hide(); Patient P = new Patient(this, p); this.Closed += (s, args) => P.Close(); P.Show(); }
public Patient(Form previousForm, RADGSHALibrary.Patient selectedPatient) { selectedVisit = selectedPatient.getCurrentVisit(); editingPatient = false; InitializeComponent(); this.previousForm = previousForm; this.selectedPatient = selectedPatient; //set the patient passed to this form as the active patient displayPatient(); disableCurrentPatientTextBoxes(); //selectedVisit = new RADGSHALibrary.Visit(); //selectedVisit.setPatientId(selectedPatient.getSSN()); checkInOutButton.Text = (selectedVisit == null) ? "Check In" : "Check Out"; //checkInOutButton.Text = (selectedVisit.getExitDate() == null) ? "Check Out" : "Check In"; }