/// <summary>
        /// Loads the schedule from file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void LoadScheduleFromFile()
            // Empty the current schedule collection

            // Clear the list of commands

            // Get the schedule XML
            XmlDocument scheduleXml = GetScheduleXml();

            // Parse the schedule xml
            XmlNodeList nodes = scheduleXml["schedule"].ChildNodes;

            // Are there any nodes in the document
            if (nodes.Count == 0)

            // We have nodes, go through each one and add them to the layoutschedule collection
            foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                LayoutSchedule temp = new LayoutSchedule();

                // Node name
                temp.NodeName = node.Name;

                if (temp.NodeName == "dependants")
                    // Do nothing for now
                else if (temp.NodeName == "command")
                    // Try to get the command using the code
                        // Pull attributes from layout nodes
                        XmlAttributeCollection attributes = node.Attributes;

                        ScheduleCommand command = new ScheduleCommand();
                        command.Date = DateTime.Parse(attributes["date"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        command.Code = attributes["code"].Value;
                        command.ScheduleId = int.Parse(attributes["scheduleid"].Value);

                        // Add to the collection
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("ScheduleManager - LoadScheduleFromFile", e.Message), LogType.Error.ToString());
                    // Pull attributes from layout nodes
                    XmlAttributeCollection attributes = node.Attributes;

                    // All nodes have file properties
                    temp.layoutFile = attributes["file"].Value;

                    // Replace the .xml extension with nothing
                    string replace = ".xml";
                    string layoutFile = temp.layoutFile.TrimEnd(replace.ToCharArray());

                    // Set these on the temp layoutschedule
                    temp.layoutFile = ApplicationSettings.Default.LibraryPath + @"\" + layoutFile + @".xlf";
                    temp.id = int.Parse(layoutFile);

                    // Get attributes that only exist on the default
                    if (temp.NodeName != "default")
                        // Priority flag
                        temp.Priority = (attributes["priority"].Value == "1") ? true : false;

                        // Get the fromdt,todt
                        temp.FromDt = DateTime.Parse(attributes["fromdt"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        temp.ToDt = DateTime.Parse(attributes["todt"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        // Pull out the scheduleid if there is one
                        string scheduleId = "";
                        if (attributes["scheduleid"] != null) scheduleId = attributes["scheduleid"].Value;

                        // Add it to the layout schedule
                        if (scheduleId != "") temp.scheduleid = int.Parse(scheduleId);

                        // Dependents
                        if (attributes["dependents"] != null)
                            foreach (string dependent in attributes["dependents"].Value.Split(','))

                    // Look for dependents nodes
                    foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes)
                        if (childNode.Name == "dependents")
                            foreach (XmlNode dependent in childNode.ChildNodes)
                                if (dependent.Name == "file")


            // Clean up
            nodes = null;
            scheduleXml = null;

            // We now have the saved XML contained in the _layoutSchedule object
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets an empty schedule into the _layoutSchedule Collection
        /// </summary>
        private void SetEmptySchedule()
            Debug.WriteLine("Setting an empty schedule", LogType.Info.ToString());

            // Remove the existing schedule

            // Schedule up the default
            LayoutSchedule temp = new LayoutSchedule();
            temp.layoutFile = ApplicationSettings.Default.LibraryPath + @"\Default.xml";
            temp.id = 0;
            temp.scheduleid = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a new schedule from _layoutSchedules
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Collection<LayoutSchedule> LoadNewSchdule()
            // We need to build the current schedule from the layout schedule (obeying date/time)
            Collection<LayoutSchedule> newSchedule = new Collection<LayoutSchedule>();
            Collection<LayoutSchedule> prioritySchedule = new Collection<LayoutSchedule>();
            // Temporary default Layout incase we have no layout nodes.
            LayoutSchedule defaultLayout = new LayoutSchedule();

            // Store the valid layout id's
            List<int> validLayoutIds = new List<int>();
            List<int> invalidLayouts = new List<int>();

            // For each layout in the schedule determine if it is currently inside the _currentSchedule, and whether it should be
            foreach (LayoutSchedule layout in _layoutSchedule)
                // Is this already invalid
                if (invalidLayouts.Contains(layout.id))

                // If we haven't already assessed this layout before, then check that it is valid
                if (!validLayoutIds.Contains(layout.id))
                    // Is the layout valid in the cachemanager?
                        if (!_cacheManager.IsValidLayout(layout.id + ".xlf"))
                            Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule", "Layout invalid: " + layout.id), LogType.Error.ToString());
                        // Ignore this layout.. raise an error?
                        Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule", "Unable to determine if layout is valid or not"), LogType.Error.ToString());

                    // Check dependents
                    foreach (string dependent in layout.Dependents)
                        if (!_cacheManager.IsValidPath(dependent))
                            Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule", "Layout has invalid dependent: " + dependent), LogType.Info.ToString());

                // Add to the valid layout ids

                // If this is the default, skip it
                if (layout.NodeName == "default")
                    // Store it before skipping it
                    defaultLayout = layout;

                // Look at the Date/Time to see if it should be on the schedule or not
                if (layout.FromDt <= DateTime.Now && layout.ToDt >= DateTime.Now)
                    // Priority layouts should generate their own list
                    if (layout.Priority)

            // If we have any priority schedules then we need to return those instead
            if (prioritySchedule.Count > 0)
                return prioritySchedule;

            // If the current schedule is empty by the end of all this, then slip the default in
            if (newSchedule.Count == 0)

            return newSchedule;