private void btnTestEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Quiksoft.EasyMail.SMTP.License.Key = "Muroc Systems, Inc. (Single Developer)/9983782F406978487783FBAA248A#E86A"; Quiksoft.EasyMail.SSL.License.Key = "Muroc Systems, Inc. (Single Developer)/9984652F406991896501FC33B3#02AE4B"; const string smtpServerHostName = ""; const string smtpUserName = "******"; const string smtpPassword = "******"; var ssl = new Quiksoft.EasyMail.SSL.SSL(); var smtp = new Quiksoft.EasyMail.SMTP.SMTP(); EmailMessage msg = new EmailMessage(); msg.Recipients.Add("*****@*****.**", "Kevin Tst Jones", RecipientType.To); msg.Subject = "KEVIN'S TEST EMAIL"; msg.From.Email = "*****@*****.**"; msg.From.Name = "Mr. blah"; msg.BodyParts.Add(new Quiksoft.EasyMail.SMTP.BodyPart("三菱電機 増田です。", BodyPartFormat.HTML)); msg.CharsetEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; //msg.Attachments.Add("c:\\tesxt.png"); msg.CustomHeaders.Add("X-xsMessageId", ""); msg.CustomHeaders.Add("X-xsMailingId", ""); //message.Headers.Add("X-xsMessageId", email.OrganizationID.ToString()); //message.Headers.Add("X-xsMailingId", email.EmailID.ToString()); //Set the SMTP server and secure port. var smtpServer = new SMTPServer { Name = smtpServerHostName, Port = 465, //Secure port Account = smtpUserName, Password = smtpPassword, AuthMode = SMTPAuthMode.AuthLogin }; smtp.SMTPServers.Add(smtpServer); try { smtp.Connect(ssl.GetInterface()); //For performance loop here to send multiple message on the same connection. smtp.Send(msg); //Disconnect when done. smtp.Disconnect(); MessageBox.Show("Message Sent"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("There was an error sending mail\n\n" + ex.Message); } }
public override void Run() { Logs.WriteHeader("Starting Run"); Emails.UnlockThread(LoginUser, (int)_threadPosition); _isDebug = Settings.ReadBool("Debug", false); Logs.WriteHeader("Debug: " + _isDebug.ToString()); Quiksoft.EasyMail.SMTP.License.Key = "Muroc Systems, Inc. (Single Developer)/9983782F406978487783FBAA248A#E86A"; Quiksoft.EasyMail.SSL.License.Key = "Muroc Systems, Inc. (Single Developer)/9984652F406991896501FC33B3#02AE4B"; Quiksoft.EasyMail.SSL.SSL ssl = new Quiksoft.EasyMail.SSL.SSL(); SMTP smtp = new Quiksoft.EasyMail.SMTP.SMTP(); //Set the SMTP server and secure port. int port = Settings.ReadInt("SMTP Port"); string account = Settings.ReadString("SMTP UserName"); var smtpServer = new SMTPServer { Name = Settings.ReadString("SMTP Host"), Port = port, //465, //Secure port Account = account, Password = Settings.ReadString("SMTP Password"), AuthMode = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(account) ? SMTPAuthMode.None : SMTPAuthMode.AuthLogin }; smtp.SMTPServers.Add(smtpServer); if (port == 465 || port == 587) { smtp.Connect(ssl.GetInterface()); } else { smtp.Connect(); } int count = 0; try { while (true) { try { if (ServiceThread.ServiceStopped) { Logs.WriteHeader("ServiceThread.ServiceStopped"); break; } if (IsStopped) { Logs.WriteHeader("IsStopped"); break; } Email email = GetNextEmail(LoginUser.ConnectionString, (int)_threadPosition); if (email == null) { Thread.Sleep(10000); continue; } SendEmail(email, smtp); count++; Logs.WriteEvent("Processing: #" + count.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.WriteEvent("Error sending email - Ending Thread"); Logs.WriteException(ex); ExceptionLogs.LogException(LoginUser, ex, "Email", "Error sending email"); return; } } } finally { smtp.Disconnect(); Logs.WriteHeader("Disconnecting"); } }