private static void SaveField(object fieldObj, XmlElement node) { if (fieldObj == null) { node.AddElement("value").SetValue(""); return; } Type fieldType = fieldObj.GetType(); if (IsPrimitiveType(fieldType)) { node.AddElement("value").SetValue(fieldObj); } else if (fieldType == typeof(Vector2)) { SaveField(ToFloatArray((Vector2)fieldObj), node); } else if (fieldType == typeof(Vector3)) { SaveField(ToFloatArray((Vector3)fieldObj), node); } else if (fieldType == typeof(Vector4)) { SaveField(ToFloatArray((Vector4)fieldObj), node); } else if (fieldType == typeof(Quaternion)) { SaveField(ToFloatArray((Quaternion)fieldObj), node); } else if (fieldType == typeof(Color)) { SaveField(ToFloatArray((Color)fieldObj), node); } else if (fieldType.IsArray || (fieldObj is IList && fieldType.IsGenericType)) { IList arrayObjects = (IList)fieldObj; foreach (var o in arrayObjects) { SaveField(o, node.AddElement("ArrayElement")); } } else if (fieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UnityEngine.Object))) { #if UNITY_EDITOR string assetPath = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(((UnityEngine.Object)fieldObj).GetInstanceID()); node.AddElement("value").SetValue(UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(assetPath)); #endif } else { List <FieldInfo> fields = QuickUtils.GetAllFieldsConfigurable(fieldObj.GetType()); foreach (FieldInfo f in fields) { XmlElement e = node.AddElement("Field"); e.SetAttribute("name", f.Name); SaveField(f.GetValue(fieldObj), e); } } }
protected virtual void OnDestroy() { //ResetTPose(); QuickUtils.Destroy(transform.Find(IK_SOLVERS_ROOT_NAME)); QuickUtils.Destroy(m_ikTargetsRoot); }
public override string[] GetVibratorCodes() { List <string> result = new List <string>(base.GetVibratorCodes()); result.AddRange(QuickUtils.GetEnumValuesToString <VibratorCodes>()); return(result.ToArray()); }
public static QuickHumanFingers[] GetHumanFingers() { if (_fingers == null) { _fingers = QuickUtils.GetEnumValues <QuickHumanFingers>().ToArray(); } return(_fingers); }
public static HumanBodyBones[] GetHumanBodyBones() { if (_humanBodyBones == null) { List <HumanBodyBones> tmp = QuickUtils.GetEnumValues <HumanBodyBones>(); tmp.RemoveAt(tmp.Count - 1); //Remove the LastBone, which is not a valid HumanBodyBone ID _humanBodyBones = tmp.ToArray(); } return(_humanBodyBones); }
public static HumanBodyBones ToHumanBodyBones(IKBone ikBone) { if (_toHumanBodyBones.Count == 0) { for (IKBone b = 0; b < IKBone.LastBone; b++) { _toHumanBodyBones.Add(QuickUtils.ParseEnum <HumanBodyBones>(b.ToString())); } } return(_toHumanBodyBones[(int)ikBone]); }
public static IKBone ToIKBone(HumanBodyBones boneID) { if (_toIKBone.Count == 0) { for (IKBone b = 0; b < IKBone.LastBone; b++) { _toIKBone[QuickUtils.ParseEnum <HumanBodyBones>(b.ToString())] = b; } } return(_toIKBone[boneID]); }
public static Dictionary <HumanBodyBones, Vector3> GetLocalPositions(this Animator animator) { List <HumanBodyBones> bones = QuickUtils.GetEnumValues <HumanBodyBones>(); Dictionary <HumanBodyBones, Vector3> result = new Dictionary <HumanBodyBones, Vector3>(); foreach (HumanBodyBones boneID in bones) { Transform b = animator.GetBoneTransform(boneID); result[boneID] = b ? b.localPosition :; } return(result); }
protected override void Awake() { foreach (U u in QuickUtils.GetEnumValues <U>()) { _stringToAxis[u.ToString()] = u; } foreach (V v in QuickUtils.GetEnumValues <V>()) { _stringToButton[v.ToString()] = v; } base.Awake(); }
private static void Init() { _allJoints = QuickUtils.ParseEnum <QuickHumanBodyBones, TrackedJointBody>(); foreach (QuickHumanFingers f in QuickHumanTrait.GetHumanFingers()) { _allJoints.AddRange(QuickHumanTrait.GetBonesFromFinger(f, true)); _allJoints.AddRange(QuickHumanTrait.GetBonesFromFinger(f, false)); } foreach (TrackedJointBody j in QuickUtils.GetEnumValues <TrackedJointBody>()) { _toTrackedJointBody[QuickUtils.ParseEnum <QuickHumanBodyBones>(j.ToString())] = j; } }
protected override IEnumerator CoUpdate() { if (!QuickUtils.IsInternetConnection()) { _guiCalibration.SetCalibrationInstructions(QuickUserGUICalibration.CalibrationStep.InternetConnectionRequired); while (!InputManager.GetButtonDown(InputManager.DEFAULT_BUTTON_CONTINUE)) { yield return(null); } QuickUtils.CloseApplication(); } }
protected virtual void Start() { StartPlayer(); if (_hTracking) { QuickSingletonManager.GetInstance <CameraFade>().SetColor(; StartCoroutine(CoUpdate()); } else { QuickVRManager.LogError("NO HEAD TRACKING FOUND!!! APPLICATION IS CLOSED"); QuickUtils.CloseApplication(); } }
public override string[] GetButtonCodes() { string[] sufix = { "Left", "Right" }; List <string> codes = new List <string>(); foreach (string s in sufix) { foreach (ButtonCodes b in QuickUtils.GetEnumValues <ButtonCodes>()) { codes.Add(b.ToString() + s); } } return(GetCodes(codes)); }
protected virtual bool IsSettingBase(string key) { bool isBase = false; List <string> values = QuickUtils.GetEnumValuesToString <SettingsBase.Key>(); foreach (string s in values) { if (s == key) { isBase = true; break; } } return(isBase); }
public static T EnumPopup <T>(string label, T value) where T : struct { string[] values = QuickUtils.GetEnumValuesToString <T>().ToArray(); int selectedIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { if (values[i] == value.ToString()) { selectedIndex = i; break; } } return(QuickUtils.ParseEnum <T>(values[EditorGUILayout.Popup(label, selectedIndex, values)])); }
protected virtual void Awake() { _ovrHandsInitializer = QuickSingletonManager.GetInstance <QuickOVRHandsInitializer>(); _collider = transform.GetOrCreateComponent <SphereCollider>(); _collider.radius = 0.5f; _collider.isTrigger = true; _rigidBody = transform.GetOrCreateComponent <Rigidbody>(); _rigidBody.isKinematic = true; _debugger = transform.CreateChild("__Debugger__"); _debugger.GetOrCreateComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load <Material>("Materials/QuickDiffuseRed"); _debugger.GetOrCreateComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = QuickUtils.GetUnityPrimitiveMesh(PrimitiveType.Sphere); _debugger.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
protected virtual void DrawMethodButtons() { MethodInfo[] methods = target.GetType().GetMethods(); if (methods.Length > 0) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); foreach (MethodInfo m in methods) { ButtonMethodAttribute attribute = QuickUtils.GetCustomAttribute <ButtonMethodAttribute>(m); if ((attribute != null) && DrawButton(m.Name)) { QuickUtils.Invoke(target, m.Name); OnButtonMethod(m.Name); } } } }
private static Dictionary <QuickHumanFingers, List <QuickHumanBodyBones> > InitHumanFingers(bool isLeft) { Dictionary <QuickHumanFingers, List <QuickHumanBodyBones> > result = new Dictionary <QuickHumanFingers, List <QuickHumanBodyBones> >(); string prefix = isLeft ? "Left" : "Right"; string[] phalanges = { "Proximal", "Intermediate", "Distal", "Tip" }; foreach (QuickHumanFingers f in GetHumanFingers()) { result[f] = new List <QuickHumanBodyBones>(); foreach (string p in phalanges) { QuickHumanBodyBones fingerBone = QuickUtils.ParseEnum <QuickHumanBodyBones>(prefix + f.ToString() + p); result[f].Add(fingerBone); _fingerFromBone[fingerBone] = f; } } return(result); }
protected virtual IEnumerator CoUpdate() { //Check if the game has expired bool gameExpired = false; if (_useExpirationDate) { if (!QuickUtils.IsInternetConnection()) { _guiCalibration.SetCalibrationInstructions(QuickUserGUICalibration.CalibrationStep.InternetConnectionRequired); gameExpired = true; } else { int day, month, year; QuickUtils.GetDateOnline(out day, out month, out year); DateTime timeNow = new DateTime(year, month, day); DateTime timeExp = new DateTime(_expirationYear, _expirationMonth, _expirationDay); if (timeNow >= timeExp) { _guiCalibration.SetCalibrationInstructions(QuickUserGUICalibration.CalibrationStep.TimeExpired); gameExpired = true; QuickVRManager.Log("GAME DATE EXPIRED!!!"); } } } if (gameExpired) { while (!InputManager.GetButtonDown(InputManager.DEFAULT_BUTTON_CONTINUE)) { yield return(null); } QuickUtils.CloseApplication(); } else { //Execute the stagesPre _state = State.StagesPre; _stagesPre.Init(); } }
protected virtual void OnControllerUpdate( string id, int index, string handValue, bool hasOrientation, bool hasPosition, Quaternion orientation, Vector3 position, Vector3 linearAcceleration, Vector3 linearVelocity, WebXRControllerButton[] buttonValues, float[] axesValues) { object hValue = QuickUtils.ParseEnum(typeof(WebXRControllerHand), handValue.ToUpper()); if (hValue != null && (WebXRControllerHand)hValue == _controller.hand) { _buttonValues = buttonValues; _axesValues = axesValues; } }
protected virtual void Awake() { //Create the mesh filter MeshFilter mFilter = gameObject.GetOrCreateComponent <MeshFilter>(); mFilter.mesh = QuickUtils.CreateFullScreenQuad(); mFilter.mesh.bounds = new Bounds(, new Vector3(1000000, 1000000, 1000000)); //Create the mesh renderer MeshRenderer r = gameObject.GetOrCreateComponent <MeshRenderer>(); r.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off; r.receiveShadows = false; _material = new Material(Shader.Find("QuickVR/CalibrationScreen")); r.material = _material; gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); SetColor(Color.clear); }
public static void SaveToXml(this ScriptableObject obj, string path) { if (path.Length == 0) { return; } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement nodeFields = doc.AddElement("ClassFields"); List <FieldInfo> fields = QuickUtils.GetAllFieldsConfigurable(obj.GetType()); foreach (FieldInfo f in fields) { XmlElement e = nodeFields.AddElement("Field"); e.SetAttribute("name", f.Name); SaveField(f.GetValue(obj), e); } doc.Save(path); }
private static object LoadNodeValue(Type valueType, XmlElement nodeField) { if (valueType == typeof(int)) { return(QuickUtils.ParseInt(nodeField.FirstChild.InnerText)); } else if (valueType == typeof(float)) { return(QuickUtils.ParseFloat(nodeField.FirstChild.InnerText)); } else if (valueType == typeof(string)) { return(nodeField.FirstChild.InnerText); } else if (valueType == typeof(bool)) { return(QuickUtils.ParseBool(nodeField.FirstChild.InnerText)); } else if (valueType.IsEnum) { return(QuickUtils.ParseEnum(valueType, nodeField.FirstChild.InnerText)); } else if (IsUnityFloatContainer(valueType)) { return(LoadUnityFloatContainer(valueType, nodeField)); } else if (valueType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UnityEngine.Object))) { #if UNITY_EDITOR string guid = nodeField.FirstChild.InnerText; string assetPath = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid); return(UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, valueType)); #endif } //else if (valueType.IsClass) return Activator.CreateInstance(valueType); return(null); }
protected virtual void OnEnable() { //Create the mesh filter _mFilter = gameObject.GetOrCreateComponent <MeshFilter>(); if (!_mFilter.sharedMesh) { _mFilter.sharedMesh = QuickUtils.CreateFullScreenQuad(); } //Create the mesh renderer _renderer = gameObject.GetOrCreateComponent <MeshRenderer>(); _renderer.receiveShadows = false; //Ensure that the renderer has the reflection material. string shaderName = GetShaderName(); if (!_renderer.sharedMaterial || != shaderName) { _renderer.sharedMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find(shaderName)); } QuickMirrorReflectionManager.AddMirror(this); }
protected virtual void Awake() { Reset(); CheckPrefabs(); CheckEventSystem(); _vrManager = QuickSingletonManager.GetInstance <QuickVRManager>(); _xrInteractionManager = QuickSingletonManager.GetInstance <XRInteractionManager>(); _interactorHandLeft = transform.CreateChild("__InteractorHandLeft__").GetOrCreateComponent <QuickVRInteractor>(); _interactorHandLeft._xrNode = XRNode.LeftHand; _interactorHandRight = transform.CreateChild("__InteractorHandRight__").GetOrCreateComponent <QuickVRInteractor>(); _interactorHandRight._xrNode = XRNode.RightHand; //By default, disable all the locomotion providers foreach (DefaultLocomotionProvider lProvider in QuickUtils.GetEnumValues <DefaultLocomotionProvider>()) { EnableLocomotionSystem(lProvider, false); } BaseTeleportationInteractable[] teleportationInteractables = FindObjectsOfType <BaseTeleportationInteractable>(); foreach (BaseTeleportationInteractable t in teleportationInteractables) { t.teleportationProvider = _teleportProvider; } _grabInteractables = new List <XRGrabInteractable>(FindObjectsOfType <XRGrabInteractable>()); foreach (XRGrabInteractable g in _grabInteractables) { if (!g.attachTransform) { //Try to find the default attach transform g.attachTransform = g.transform.Find(GRAB_PIVOT_NAME); } } }
public static T GetEnum <T>(string key, T defaultValue = default(T)) where T : struct { return(QuickUtils.ParseEnum <T>(GetString(key, defaultValue.ToString()))); }
protected virtual void WriteGettersAndSetters(List <string> keys, IndentedTextWriter outFile) { outFile.Indent++; outFile.WriteLine("#region GET AND SET"); outFile.WriteLine(); foreach (string k in keys) { System.Type type = System.Type.GetType(QuickPlayerPrefs.GetSetting(k).GetTypeName()); if (type == null) { type = typeof(string); } string typeName; if (type == typeof(string)) { typeName = "string"; } else if (type == typeof(int)) { typeName = "int"; } else if (type == typeof(float)) { typeName = "float"; } else if (type == typeof(bool)) { typeName = "bool"; } else { typeName = QuickUtils.GetTypeFullName(type); } //The getter outFile.WriteLine("public static " + typeName + " Get" + k + "()"); outFile.WriteLine("{"); outFile.Indent++; if (type == typeof(string)) { outFile.WriteLine("return QuickPlayerPrefs.GetString(\"" + k + "\");"); } else if (type == typeof(int)) { outFile.WriteLine("return QuickPlayerPrefs.GetInt(\"" + k + "\");"); } else if (type == typeof(float)) { outFile.WriteLine("return QuickPlayerPrefs.GetFloat(\"" + k + "\");"); } else if (type == typeof(bool)) { outFile.WriteLine("return QuickPlayerPrefs.GetBool(\"" + k + "\");"); } else if (type.IsEnum) { outFile.WriteLine("return QuickPlayerPrefs.GetEnum<" + typeName + ">(\"" + k + "\");"); } outFile.Indent--; outFile.WriteLine("}"); outFile.WriteLine(); //The setter outFile.WriteLine("public static void Set" + k + "(" + typeName + " value)"); outFile.WriteLine("{"); outFile.Indent++; outFile.WriteLine("QuickPlayerPrefs.SetValue(\"" + k + "\", value);"); outFile.Indent--; outFile.WriteLine("}"); outFile.WriteLine(); } outFile.WriteLine("#endregion"); outFile.Indent--; }
protected virtual void LoadRecordFromXML() { _ikRecord.LoadFromXml(QuickUtils.GetUserFolder() + @"\IkRecording.xml"); }
protected virtual void SaveRecordToXML() { _ikRecord.SaveToXml(QuickUtils.GetUserFolder() + @"\IkRecording.xml"); }
protected static void Init() { _typeList = QuickUtils.ParseEnum <QuickHumanBodyBones, Type>(QuickUtils.GetEnumValues <Type>()); }