private void EnsureBindings(object itemObject)
            if (itemDataBindings == null && !itemIsViewModel.HasValue)
                itemIsViewModel = itemObject is ViewModelBase;
                if (!itemIsViewModel.Value)
                    itemDataBindings = new List <ItemDataBinding>();

                    Type itemType = itemObject.GetType();

                    foreach (var pi in itemType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
                        var resourceId = AndroidHelpers.FindResourceId(IdName(pi.Name));
                        if (resourceId.HasValue)
                            itemDataBindings.Add(new ItemDataBinding(pi, resourceId.Value));

                    foreach (var fi in itemType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
                        var resourceId = AndroidHelpers.FindResourceId(IdName(fi.Name));
                        if (resourceId.HasValue)
                            itemDataBindings.Add(new ItemDataBinding(fi, resourceId.Value));
 protected override void OnResume()
 protected override void OnPause()
 protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        private DataBinding AddBinding(string propertyName, BindingMode mode = BindingMode.OneWay, string listPropertyName = null, View view = null, AdapterView commandParameterSelectedItemAdapterView = null)
            string idName     = (view != null) ? view.Id.ToString() : IdName(propertyName);
            int?   resourceId = AndroidHelpers.FindResourceId(idName);

            if (view == null && resourceId.HasValue)
                view = rootView.FindViewById(resourceId.Value);
            if (view == null)

            bool   itemIsValue = false;
            string itemTemplateName = null, itemValueId = null;
            int?   commandParameterListId = null;

            if (view.Tag != null)
                // Get optional parameters from tag:
                // {Binding propertyName, Mode=OneWay|TwoWay|Command}
                // {List ItemsSource=listPropertyName, ItemIsValue=false|true, ItemTemplate=listItemTemplateName, ItemValueId=listItemValueId}
                // {CommandParameter ListId=<view Id>}
                // Defaults:
                //   propertyName is known by convention from view Id = <rootview prefix><propertyName>; the default for the rootview prefix is the rootview class name + "_".
                //   Mode = OneWay
                // Additional defaults for views derived from AdapterView (i.e. lists):
                //   ItemsSource = propertyName + "List"
                //   ItemIsValue = false
                //   ItemTemplate = ItemsSource + "Item"
                //   ItemValueId : if ItemIsValue = true then the default for ItemValueId = ItemTemplate
                string tag = view.Tag.ToString();
                if (tag != null && tag.Contains("{"))
                    var match = Regex.Match(tag, @"({Binding\s+((?<assignment>[^,{}]+),?)+\s*})?(\s*{List\s+((?<assignment>[^,{}]+),?)+\s*})?(\s*{CommandParameter\s+((?<assignment>[^,{}]+),?)+\s*})?");
                    if (match.Success)
                        var gc = match.Groups["assignment"];
                        if (gc != null)
                            var cc = gc.Captures;
                            if (cc != null)
                                for (int i = 0; i < cc.Count; i++)
                                    string[] assignmentElements = cc[i].Value.Split('=');
                                    if (assignmentElements.Length == 1)
                                        string value = assignmentElements[0].Trim();
                                        if (value != "")
                                            propertyName = value;
                                    else if (assignmentElements.Length == 2)
                                        string name  = assignmentElements[0].Trim();
                                        string value = assignmentElements[1].Trim();
                                        switch (name)
                                        case "Mode": Enum.TryParse <BindingMode>(value, true, out mode); break;

                                        case "ItemsSource": listPropertyName = value; break;

                                        case "ItemIsValue": Boolean.TryParse(value, out itemIsValue); break;

                                        case "ItemTemplate": itemTemplateName = value; break;

                                        case "ItemValueId": itemValueId = value; break;

                                        case "ListId":
                                            commandParameterListId = AndroidHelpers.FindResourceId(value);
                                            if (commandParameterSelectedItemAdapterView == null && commandParameterListId.HasValue)
                                                commandParameterSelectedItemAdapterView = rootView.FindViewById <AdapterView>(commandParameterListId.Value);

                                        default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown tag binding parameter: " + name);

            var binding = new DataBinding
                View                     = view,
                ResourceId               = resourceId,
                Mode                     = mode,
                ViewModelPropertyInfo    = viewModel.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName),
                CommandParameterListId   = commandParameterListId,
                CommandParameterListView = commandParameterSelectedItemAdapterView

            if (binding.View is AdapterView)
                if (listPropertyName == null)
                    listPropertyName = propertyName + "List";
                var pi = viewModel.GetType().GetProperty(listPropertyName);
                if (pi == null && binding.ViewModelPropertyInfo.PropertyType.GetInterface("IList") != null)
                    listPropertyName = propertyName;
                    pi = binding.ViewModelPropertyInfo;
                    binding.ViewModelPropertyInfo = null;
                binding.ViewModelListPropertyInfo = pi;

                pi = binding.View.GetType().GetProperty("Adapter", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                if (pi != null)
                    var adapter = pi.GetValue(binding.View);
                    if (adapter == null)
                        if (itemTemplateName == null)
                            itemTemplateName = listPropertyName + "Item";
                        if (itemIsValue && itemValueId == null)
                            itemValueId = itemTemplateName;
                        int?itemTemplateResourceId = AndroidHelpers.FindResourceId(itemTemplateName, AndroidHelpers.ResourceCategory.Layout);
                        int?itemValueResourceId    = AndroidHelpers.FindResourceId(itemValueId);
                        if (itemTemplateResourceId.HasValue)
                            adapter = new DataBindableListAdapter <object>(layoutInflater, itemTemplateResourceId.Value, itemTemplateName + "_", itemValueResourceId, rootViewExtensionPoints);
                            pi.SetValue(binding.View, adapter);
                    binding.ListAdapter = adapter as IDataBindableListAdapter;

            switch (binding.Mode)
            case BindingMode.TwoWay: AddTwoWayHandler(binding); break;

            case BindingMode.Command: AddCommandHandler(binding); break;

            dataBindings.Add(idName, binding);
Exemple #6
        private DataBinding AddBinding(BindingParameters bp)
            object view         = bp.View;
            View   androidView  = view as View;
            string propertyName = bp.ViewModelPropertyName;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ViewModelPropertyName");

            string idName = IdName(propertyName);
            int?   resourceId;

            if (androidView != null)
                string viewIdName = AndroidHelpers.FindResourceName(androidView.Id);
                if (viewIdName != idName)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("View Id '{0}' does not match expected value '{1}'; adjust either the view Id or the ViewModelPropertyName binding parameter.", viewIdName, idName));
                resourceId = androidView.Id;
                resourceId = AndroidHelpers.FindResourceId(idName);

            if (view == null && resourceId.HasValue)
                view = androidView = rootView.FindViewById(resourceId.Value);
            if (view == null)

            if (androidView != null && androidView.Tag != null)
                bp = ParseBindingParameters(androidView.Tag.ToString(), bp);

            string viewMemberName = bp.ViewMemberName;

            if ((bp.Mode == BindingMode.OneWay || bp.Mode == BindingMode.TwoWay) && bp.UpdateView == null && viewMemberName == null)
                ViewDefaultPropertyOrFieldName.TryGetValue(view.GetType().FullName, out viewMemberName);

            var         viewModelPropertyInfo = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) || propertyName == ".") ? null : viewModel.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
            AdapterView commandParameterSelectedItemAdapterView = bp.CommandParameterSelectedItemAdapterView;

            if (commandParameterSelectedItemAdapterView == null && bp.ListId.HasValue)
                commandParameterSelectedItemAdapterView = rootView.FindViewById <AdapterView>(bp.ListId.Value);

            var binding = new DataBinding
                ViewProperty          = new PropertyReference(view, viewMemberName, viewModelPropertyInfo != null ? viewModelPropertyInfo.PropertyType : null),
                ResourceId            = resourceId,
                UpdateViewAction      = bp.UpdateView,
                UpdateViewModelAction = bp.UpdateViewModel,
                Mode = bp.Mode,
                ViewModelPropertyInfo    = viewModelPropertyInfo,
                CommandParameterListId   = bp.ListId,
                CommandParameterListView = commandParameterSelectedItemAdapterView

            string listPropertyName = bp.ListPropertyName;

            if (listPropertyName == null)
                listPropertyName = propertyName + "List";
            var pi = viewModel.GetType().GetProperty(listPropertyName);

            if (pi == null && binding.ViewModelPropertyInfo.PropertyType.GetInterface("IList") != null)
                listPropertyName = propertyName;
                pi = binding.ViewModelPropertyInfo;
                binding.ViewModelPropertyInfo = null;
            binding.ViewModelListPropertyInfo = pi;

            if (view is AdapterView)
                pi = view.GetType().GetProperty("Adapter", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                if (pi != null)
                    var adapter = pi.GetValue(view);
                    if (adapter == null)
                        string itemTemplateName       = bp.ListItemTemplateName ?? listPropertyName + "Item";
                        string itemValueId            = (bp.ListItemIsValue && bp.ListItemValueId == null) ? itemTemplateName : bp.ListItemValueId;
                        int?   itemTemplateResourceId = AndroidHelpers.FindResourceId(itemTemplateName, AndroidHelpers.ResourceCategory.Layout);
                        int?   itemValueResourceId    = AndroidHelpers.FindResourceId(itemValueId);
                        if (itemTemplateResourceId.HasValue)
                            adapter = new DataBindableListAdapter <object>(layoutInflater, itemTemplateResourceId.Value, itemTemplateName + "_", itemValueResourceId, rootViewExtensionPoints);
                            pi.SetValue(view, adapter);
                    binding.ListAdapter = adapter as IDataBindableListAdapter;

            switch (binding.Mode)
            case BindingMode.TwoWay: AddTwoWayHandler(binding); break;

            case BindingMode.Command: AddCommandHandler(binding); break;

            dataBindings.Add(idName, binding);
Exemple #7
        public static BindingParameters ParseBindingParameters(string tag, BindingParameters bp = null)
            if (tag != null && tag.Contains("{"))
                var match = Regex.Match(tag, @"({Binding\s+((?<assignment>[^,{}]+),?)+\s*})?(\s*{List\s+((?<assignment>[^,{}]+),?)+\s*})?(\s*{CommandParameter\s+((?<assignment>[^,{}]+),?)+\s*})?");
                if (match.Success)
                    var gc = match.Groups["assignment"];
                    if (gc != null)
                        var cc = gc.Captures;
                        if (cc != null)
                            if (bp == null)
                                bp = new BindingParameters();
                            for (int i = 0; i < cc.Count; i++)
                                string[] assignmentElements = cc[i].Value.Split('=');
                                if (assignmentElements.Length == 1)
                                    string value = assignmentElements[0].Trim();
                                    if (value != "")
                                        bp.ViewModelPropertyName = value;
                                else if (assignmentElements.Length == 2)
                                    string name  = assignmentElements[0].Trim();
                                    string value = assignmentElements[1].Trim();
                                    if (name.StartsWith("."))
                                        bp.ViewMemberName = name.Substring(1);
                                        if (value != "")
                                            bp.ViewModelPropertyName = value;
                                        switch (name)
                                        case "Mode": Enum.TryParse <BindingMode>(value, true, out bp.Mode); break;

                                        case "ItemsSource": bp.ListPropertyName = value; break;

                                        case "ItemIsValue": Boolean.TryParse(value, out bp.ListItemIsValue); break;

                                        case "ItemTemplate": bp.ListItemTemplateName = value; break;

                                        case "ItemValueId": bp.ListItemValueId = value; break;

                                        case "ListId": bp.ListId = AndroidHelpers.FindResourceId(value); break;

                                        default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown tag binding parameter: " + name);