public ICustomerPersonalInfo GetCustomer() { ICustomerPersonalInfo c = new Customer(); c.FullName = txtFullName.Text; c.Phone = txtPhone.Text; c.PoBox = txtPO.Text; c.AltContact = txtAltContact.Text; c.AltPhone = txtAltPhone.Text; c.Email = txtEmail.Text; c.EditSequence = _editSequence; c.CustomerID = _customerID; return c; }
ICustomerPersonalInfo XmlToCustInfo(XElement xCustomer) { ICustomerPersonalInfo cpi = new Customer(); cpi.CustomerID = xCustomer.Element("CustomerID").Value; cpi.EditSequence = xCustomer.Element("EditSequence").Value; cpi.FullName = xCustomer.Element("FullName").Value; cpi.Phone = xCustomer.Element("Phone").Value; cpi.Email = xCustomer.Element("Email").Value; cpi.AltPhone = xCustomer.Element("AltPhone").Value; cpi.AltContact = xCustomer.Element("AltContact").Value; return cpi; }
XElement CustomerToXml(Customer c) { XElement xCust = new XElement("Customer"); xCust.Add( new XElement("CustomerID", c.CustomerID), new XElement("EditSequence", c.EditSequence), new XElement("FullName", c.FullName), new XElement("Phone", c.Phone), new XElement("Email", c.Email), new XElement("AltPhone", c.AltPhone), new XElement("AltContact", c.AltContact) ); return xCust; }
public List<Customer> SearchCustomers(string searchText) { bool useFirstAndLast = false; string first = string.Empty; string last = string.Empty; var searchPieces = searchText.Split(" ".ToCharArray()).ToList(); if (searchPieces.Count == 2) { useFirstAndLast = true; first = searchPieces[0]; last = searchPieces[1]; } List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>(); try { OpenSession(); IMsgSetRequest msgSetRequest = _qbSession.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 8, 0); msgSetRequest.ClearRequests(); ICustomerQuery customerQuery = msgSetRequest.AppendCustomerQueryRq(); customerQuery.ORCustomerListQuery.CustomerListFilter.MaxReturned.SetValue(150); customerQuery.ORCustomerListQuery.CustomerListFilter.ActiveStatus.SetValue(ENActiveStatus.asAll); customerQuery.ORCustomerListQuery.CustomerListFilter.ORNameFilter.NameFilter.Name.SetValue(searchText); customerQuery.ORCustomerListQuery.CustomerListFilter.ORNameFilter.NameFilter.MatchCriterion.SetValue(ENMatchCriterion.mcContains); customerQuery.OwnerIDList.Add(_settings.CustomerPrivateFieldsID); IMsgSetResponse msgSetResponse = _qbSession.DoRequests(msgSetRequest); if (((msgSetResponse == null) || (msgSetResponse.ResponseList == null)) || (msgSetResponse.ResponseList.Count <= 0)) { throw new Exception(); } IResponseList responseList = msgSetResponse.ResponseList; if (responseList.Count != 1) { throw new Exception(); } IResponse response = responseList.GetAt(0); if (response == null) { throw new Exception(); } if (response.StatusCode != 0) { _logger.Log("Error in GetAllCustomers." + Environment.NewLine + "Status Code: " + response.StatusCode); throw new Exception(); } if (response.Type == null) { throw new Exception(); } if (response.Detail == null) { throw new Exception(); } if (response.Detail.Type == null) { throw new Exception(); } ICustomerRetList customerRetList = (ICustomerRetList)response.Detail; for (int i = 0; i < customerRetList.Count; i++) { var cust = customerRetList.GetAt(i); Customer customer = new Customer(); if (customer == null) { _logger.Log("Error GetAllCustomers."); CloseSession(); throw new Exception("Error finding customer by ID"); } if (cust.FullName != null && !cust.FullName.IsEmpty()) customer.FullName = cust.FullName.GetValue(); if (cust.AltContact != null && !cust.AltContact.IsEmpty()) customer.AltContact = cust.AltContact.GetValue(); if (cust.AltPhone != null && !cust.AltPhone.IsEmpty()) customer.AltPhone = cust.AltPhone.GetValue(); if (cust.Email != null && !cust.Email.IsEmpty()) customer.Email = cust.Email.GetValue(); if (cust.ListID != null && !cust.ListID.IsEmpty()) customer.CustomerID = cust.ListID.GetValue().ToString(); if (cust.EditSequence != null && !cust.EditSequence.IsEmpty()) customer.EditSequence = cust.EditSequence.GetValue(); if (cust.Phone != null && !cust.Phone.IsEmpty()) customer.Phone = cust.Phone.GetValue(); if (cust.BillAddress != null) { var ba = cust.BillAddress; if (ba.Addr1 != null && !ba.Addr1.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.Line1 = cust.BillAddress.Addr1.GetValue(); if (ba.Addr2 != null && !ba.Addr2.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.Line2 = Environment.NewLine + ba.Addr2.GetValue(); if (ba.Addr3 != null && !ba.Addr3.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.Line3 = Environment.NewLine + ba.Addr3.GetValue(); if (ba.Addr4 != null && !ba.Addr4.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.Line4 = Environment.NewLine + ba.Addr4.GetValue(); if (ba.City != null && !ba.City.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.City = ba.City.GetValue(); if (ba.State != null && !ba.State.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.State = ba.State.GetValue(); if (ba.PostalCode != null && !ba.PostalCode.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.Zip = ba.PostalCode.GetValue(); } if (cust.ShipAddress != null) { var sa = cust.ShipAddress; if (sa.Addr1 != null && !sa.Addr1.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.Line1 = sa.Addr1.GetValue(); if (sa.Addr2 != null && !sa.Addr2.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.Line2 = sa.Addr2.GetValue(); if (sa.Addr3 != null && !sa.Addr3.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.Line3 = sa.Addr3.GetValue(); if (sa.Addr4 != null && !sa.Addr4.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.Line4 = sa.Addr4.GetValue(); if (sa.City != null && !sa.City.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.City = sa.City.GetValue(); if (sa.State != null && !sa.State.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.State = sa.State.GetValue(); if (sa.PostalCode != null && !sa.PostalCode.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.Zip = sa.PostalCode.GetValue(); } if (cust.DataExtRetList != null) { for (int j = 0; j < cust.DataExtRetList.Count; j++) { CreditCard cc1 = customer.CreditCards[0]; CreditCard cc2 = customer.CreditCards[1]; CreditCard cc3 = customer.CreditCards[2]; IDataExtRet field = cust.DataExtRetList.GetAt(j); string name = field.DataExtName.GetValue(); string val = field.DataExtValue.GetValue(); if (name.StartsWith("CardNameType")) { string[] pieces = val.Split(":".ToCharArray()); string cardholderName = string.Empty; Enums.CreditCardType ccType; if (pieces.Length >= 2) { cardholderName = pieces[1]; string type = string.Empty; if (pieces[0].StartsWith("V")) ccType = Enums.CreditCardType.Visa; else if (pieces[0].StartsWith("M")) ccType = Enums.CreditCardType.Mastercard; else if (pieces[0].StartsWith("D")) ccType = Enums.CreditCardType.Discover; else if (pieces[0].StartsWith("A")) ccType = Enums.CreditCardType.Amex; else ccType = Enums.CreditCardType.UnknownOrNotSet; } else { ccType = Enums.CreditCardType.UnknownOrNotSet; cardholderName = string.Empty; } if (name.EndsWith("1")) { cc1.CreditCardType = ccType; cc1.CardholderName = cardholderName; } if (name.EndsWith("2")) { cc2.CreditCardType = ccType; cc2.CardholderName = cardholderName; } if (name.EndsWith("3")) { cc3.CreditCardType = ccType; cc3.CardholderName = cardholderName; } } else if (name.StartsWith("CardNumExp")) { string[] pieces = val.Split(":".ToCharArray()); if (pieces.Length >= 2) { if (name.EndsWith("1")) { cc1.CardNumber = pieces[0]; cc1.ExpirationDate = pieces[1]; } else if (name.EndsWith("2")) { cc2.CardNumber = pieces[0]; cc2.ExpirationDate = pieces[1]; } else if (name.EndsWith("3")) { cc3.CardNumber = pieces[0]; cc3.ExpirationDate = pieces[1]; } } } } } if (customer != null) customers.Add(customer); } } catch (QuickBooksException qbe) { throw qbe; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogException("Error in GetAllCustomers.", ex); } finally { CloseSession(); } return customers; }
public Customer GetCustomerByID(string id) { Customer customer = new Customer(); try { OpenSession(); IMsgSetRequest msgSetRequest = _qbSession.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 8, 0); msgSetRequest.ClearRequests(); ICustomerQuery customerQuery = msgSetRequest.AppendCustomerQueryRq(); customerQuery.ORCustomerListQuery.ListIDList.Add(id); customerQuery.OwnerIDList.Add(_settings.CustomerPrivateFieldsID); IMsgSetResponse msgSetResponse = _qbSession.DoRequests(msgSetRequest); if (((msgSetResponse == null) || (msgSetResponse.ResponseList == null)) || (msgSetResponse.ResponseList.Count <= 0)) { throw new Exception(); } IResponseList responseList = msgSetResponse.ResponseList; if (responseList.Count != 1) { throw new Exception(); } IResponse response = responseList.GetAt(0); if (response == null) { throw new Exception(); } if (response.StatusCode != 0) { _logger.Log("Error in GetAllCustomersByID." + Environment.NewLine + "Status Code: " + response.StatusCode); } if (response.Type == null) { throw new Exception(); } if (response.Detail == null) { throw new Exception(); } if (response.Detail.Type == null) { throw new Exception(); } ICustomerRetList customerRetList = (ICustomerRetList)response.Detail; if (customerRetList.Count > 1) { _logger.Log("More than one customer found with id " + id + " in method GetCustomerById"); throw new Exception(); } if (customerRetList.Count == 0) { _logger.Log("Customer with ID " + id + " not found in GetAllCustomersByID method"); throw new Exception(); } var cust = customerRetList.GetAt(0); if (cust.FullName != null && !cust.FullName.IsEmpty()) customer.FullName = cust.FullName.GetValue(); if (cust.AltContact != null && !cust.AltContact.IsEmpty()) customer.AltContact = cust.AltContact.GetValue(); if (cust.AltPhone != null && !cust.AltPhone.IsEmpty()) customer.AltPhone = cust.AltPhone.GetValue(); if (cust.Email != null && !cust.Email.IsEmpty()) customer.Email = cust.Email.GetValue(); if (cust.ListID != null && !cust.ListID.IsEmpty()) customer.CustomerID = cust.ListID.GetValue().ToString(); if (cust.EditSequence != null && !cust.EditSequence.IsEmpty()) customer.EditSequence = cust.EditSequence.GetValue(); if (cust.Phone != null && !cust.Phone.IsEmpty()) customer.Phone = cust.Phone.GetValue(); if (cust.BillAddress != null) { var ba = cust.BillAddress; if (ba.Addr1 != null && !ba.Addr1.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.Line1 = cust.BillAddress.Addr1.GetValue(); if (ba.Addr2 != null && !ba.Addr2.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.Line2 = Environment.NewLine + ba.Addr2.GetValue(); if (ba.Addr3 != null && !ba.Addr3.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.Line3 = Environment.NewLine + ba.Addr3.GetValue(); if (ba.Addr4 != null && !ba.Addr4.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.Line4 = Environment.NewLine + ba.Addr4.GetValue(); if (ba.City != null && !ba.City.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.City = ba.City.GetValue(); if (ba.State != null && !ba.State.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.State = ba.State.GetValue(); if (ba.PostalCode != null && !ba.PostalCode.IsEmpty()) customer.BillingAddress.Zip = ba.PostalCode.GetValue(); } if (cust.ShipAddress != null) { var sa = cust.ShipAddress; if (sa.Addr1 != null && !sa.Addr1.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.Line1 = sa.Addr1.GetValue(); if (sa.Addr2 != null && !sa.Addr2.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.Line2 = sa.Addr2.GetValue(); if (sa.Addr3 != null && !sa.Addr3.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.Line3 = sa.Addr3.GetValue(); if (sa.Addr4 != null && !sa.Addr4.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.Line4 = sa.Addr4.GetValue(); if (sa.City != null && !sa.City.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.City = sa.City.GetValue(); if (sa.State != null && !sa.State.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.State = sa.State.GetValue(); if (sa.PostalCode != null && !sa.PostalCode.IsEmpty()) customer.ShippingAddress.Zip = sa.PostalCode.GetValue(); } bool fieldsExist = false; if (cust.DataExtRetList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < cust.DataExtRetList.Count; i++) { if (cust.DataExtRetList.GetAt(i).DataExtName.GetValue().ToString().Equals("CardNameType1")) { fieldsExist = true; break; } } } if (!fieldsExist) { customer.CreditCardFieldsExistInQB = fieldsExist; } else { customer.CreditCardFieldsExistInQB = fieldsExist; for (int j = 0; j < cust.DataExtRetList.Count; j++) { CreditCard cc1 = customer.CreditCards[0]; CreditCard cc2 = customer.CreditCards[1]; CreditCard cc3 = customer.CreditCards[2]; IDataExtRet field = cust.DataExtRetList.GetAt(j); string name = field.DataExtName.GetValue(); string val = field.DataExtValue.GetValue(); if (name.StartsWith("CardNameType")) { string[] pieces = val.Split(":".ToCharArray()); if (pieces.Length >= 2) { Enums.CreditCardType ccType; string type = string.Empty; if (pieces[0].StartsWith("V")) ccType = Enums.CreditCardType.Visa; else if (pieces[0].StartsWith("M")) ccType = Enums.CreditCardType.Mastercard; else if (pieces[0].StartsWith("D")) ccType = Enums.CreditCardType.Discover; else if (pieces[0].StartsWith("A")) ccType = Enums.CreditCardType.Amex; else ccType = Enums.CreditCardType.UnknownOrNotSet; if (name.EndsWith("1")) { cc1.CreditCardType = ccType; cc1.CardholderName = pieces[1]; } if (name.EndsWith("2")) { cc2.CreditCardType = ccType; cc2.CardholderName = pieces[1]; } if (name.EndsWith("3")) { cc3.CreditCardType = ccType; cc3.CardholderName = pieces[1]; } } } else if (name.StartsWith("CardNumExp")) { string[] pieces = val.Split(":".ToCharArray()); if (pieces.Length >= 2) { if (name.EndsWith("1")) { cc1.CardNumber = pieces[0]; try { cc1.ExpirationDate = pieces[1]; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogException(ex); } } else if (name.EndsWith("2")) { cc2.CardNumber = pieces[0]; try { cc2.ExpirationDate = pieces[1]; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogException(ex); } } else if (name.EndsWith("3")) { cc2.CardNumber = pieces[0]; try { cc3.ExpirationDate = pieces[1]; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogException(ex); } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogException("Error in GetCustomerById with cust id of " + id, ex); throw ex; } finally { CloseSession(); } return customer; }
public void ModifyCustomer(Customer c, bool getLatestEditSequence) { string editSequence = c.EditSequence; if (getLatestEditSequence) { var latestCust = GetCustomerByID(c.CustomerID); editSequence = latestCust.EditSequence; } Address billingAddress = c.BillingAddress; Address shippingAddress = c.ShippingAddress; try { OpenSession(); IMsgSetRequest msgSetRequest = _qbSession.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 8, 0); msgSetRequest.Attributes.OnError = ENRqOnError.roeContinue; ICustomerMod modCust = msgSetRequest.AppendCustomerModRq(); modCust.ListID.SetValue(c.CustomerID); modCust.EditSequence.SetValue(editSequence); modCust.Name.SetValue(c.FullName); modCust.Phone.SetValue(c.Phone); modCust.AltPhone.SetValue(c.AltPhone); modCust.AltContact.SetValue(c.AltContact); modCust.Email.SetValue(c.Email); modCust.ShipAddress.Addr1.SetValue(shippingAddress.Line1); modCust.ShipAddress.Addr2.SetValue(shippingAddress.Line2); modCust.ShipAddress.Addr3.SetValue(shippingAddress.Line3); modCust.ShipAddress.Addr4.SetValue(shippingAddress.Line4); modCust.ShipAddress.City.SetValue(shippingAddress.City); modCust.ShipAddress.State.SetValue(shippingAddress.State); modCust.ShipAddress.PostalCode.SetValue(shippingAddress.Zip); modCust.BillAddress.Addr1.SetValue(billingAddress.Line1); modCust.BillAddress.Addr2.SetValue(billingAddress.Line2); modCust.BillAddress.Addr3.SetValue(billingAddress.Line3); modCust.BillAddress.Addr4.SetValue(billingAddress.Line4); modCust.BillAddress.City.SetValue(billingAddress.City); modCust.BillAddress.State.SetValue(billingAddress.State); modCust.BillAddress.PostalCode.SetValue(billingAddress.Zip); IMsgSetResponse msgSetResponse = _qbSession.DoRequests(msgSetRequest); IResponseList responseList = msgSetResponse.ResponseList; IResponse rsp = responseList.GetAt(0); if (rsp.StatusCode == 3200) //3200 means edit sequence code is out of date { if (getLatestEditSequence) //do not allow more than one re-try { _logger.Log(string.Format("First attempt to modify customer {0} failed. Attempted to get the latest edit sequence id for customer and retry the edit but it also failed.", c.FullName)); throw new QuickBooksException("Unable to successfully modify customer.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else //re-try the modification now { CloseSession(); _logger.Log(string.Format("Attempting to get the latest edit sequence for customer {0} and retry the ModifyCustomer method.", c.FullName)); ModifyCustomer(c, true); } } else if (rsp.StatusCode != 0) { _logger.Log(string.Format("Status code of {0} returned for customer modification for customer {1}", rsp.StatusCode, c.FullName)); //throw new QuickBooksException(StatusCode.Failure, string.Format("Error modifying customer {1}", c.FullName), true); TODO: look at this code again. } else if (getLatestEditSequence) //success { _logger.Log(string.Format("Successfully retrieved latest edit sequence for customer {0}", c.FullName)); throw new QuickBooksException("Customer was modified successfully; however, the customer data was stale " + "and had to be merged with newer data." + Environment.NewLine + "It is highly recommended that you perform a customer " + "refresh periodically to prevent this from becoming a regular occurence.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } catch (QuickBooksException qbe) { throw qbe; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogException(string.Format("Error modifying customer with ID {0} and name {1}", c.CustomerID, c.FullName), ex); throw ex; } finally { CloseSession(); } }
public string AddCustomer(Customer c) { var billingAddress = c.BillingAddress; var shippingAddress = c.ShippingAddress; OpenSession(); IMsgSetRequest msgSetRequest = _qbSession.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 8, 0); try { msgSetRequest.Attributes.OnError = ENRqOnError.roeContinue; ICustomerAdd newCust = msgSetRequest.AppendCustomerAddRq(); newCust.Name.SetValue(c.FullName); newCust.Phone.SetValue(c.Phone); newCust.AltPhone.SetValue(c.AltPhone); newCust.AltContact.SetValue(c.AltContact); newCust.Email.SetValue(c.Email); newCust.ShipAddress.Addr1.SetValue(shippingAddress.Line1); newCust.ShipAddress.Addr2.SetValue(shippingAddress.Line2); newCust.ShipAddress.Addr3.SetValue(shippingAddress.Line3); newCust.ShipAddress.Addr4.SetValue(shippingAddress.Line4); newCust.ShipAddress.City.SetValue(shippingAddress.City); newCust.ShipAddress.State.SetValue(shippingAddress.State); newCust.ShipAddress.PostalCode.SetValue(shippingAddress.Zip); newCust.BillAddress.Addr1.SetValue(billingAddress.Line1); newCust.BillAddress.Addr2.SetValue(billingAddress.Line2); newCust.BillAddress.Addr3.SetValue(billingAddress.Line3); newCust.BillAddress.Addr4.SetValue(billingAddress.Line4); newCust.BillAddress.City.SetValue(billingAddress.City); newCust.BillAddress.State.SetValue(billingAddress.State); newCust.BillAddress.PostalCode.SetValue(billingAddress.Zip); IMsgSetResponse msgSetResponse = _qbSession.DoRequests(msgSetRequest); IResponseList list = msgSetResponse.ResponseList; IResponse resp = list.GetAt(0); if (resp.StatusCode != 0) { _logger.Log("Error adding customer with name " + c.FullName + ". Status code is " + resp.StatusCode); throw new Exception(); } ICustomerRet cust = (ICustomerRet)resp.Detail; string id = cust.ListID.GetValue(); CloseSession(); this.AddCreditCardsForCustomer(c.CreditCards, id); return id; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogException(string.Format("Error adding customer with ID {0} and name {1}", c.CustomerID, c.FullName), ex); throw new QuickBooksException("There was an error adding the customer to QuickBooks.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { CloseSession(); } }
private List<Customer> GetAllCustomersPersonalInfo() { List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>(); try { OpenSession(); IMsgSetRequest msgSetRequest = _qbSession.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 8, 0); msgSetRequest.ClearRequests(); ICustomerQuery customerQuery = msgSetRequest.AppendCustomerQueryRq(); IMsgSetResponse msgSetResponse = _qbSession.DoRequests(msgSetRequest); if (((msgSetResponse == null) || (msgSetResponse.ResponseList == null)) || (msgSetResponse.ResponseList.Count <= 0)) { throw new Exception(); } IResponseList responseList = msgSetResponse.ResponseList; if (responseList.Count != 1) { throw new Exception(); } IResponse response = responseList.GetAt(0); if (response == null) { throw new Exception(); } if (response.StatusCode != 0) { _logger.Log("Error in GetAllCustomers." + Environment.NewLine + "Status Code: " + response.StatusCode); throw new Exception(); } if (response.Type == null) { throw new Exception(); } if (response.Detail == null) { throw new Exception(); } if (response.Detail.Type == null) { throw new Exception(); } ICustomerRetList customerRetList = (ICustomerRetList)response.Detail; for (int i = 0; i < customerRetList.Count; i++) { var cust = customerRetList.GetAt(i); Customer customer = new Customer(); if (customer == null) { _logger.Log("Error GetAllCustomers."); CloseSession(); throw new Exception("Error finding customer by ID"); } if (cust.FullName != null && !cust.FullName.IsEmpty()) customer.FullName = cust.FullName.GetValue(); if (cust.AltContact != null && !cust.AltContact.IsEmpty()) customer.AltContact = cust.AltContact.GetValue(); if (cust.AltPhone != null && !cust.AltPhone.IsEmpty()) customer.AltPhone = cust.AltPhone.GetValue(); if (cust.Email != null && !cust.Email.IsEmpty()) customer.Email = cust.Email.GetValue(); if (cust.ListID != null && !cust.ListID.IsEmpty()) customer.CustomerID = cust.ListID.GetValue().ToString(); if (cust.EditSequence != null && !cust.EditSequence.IsEmpty()) customer.EditSequence = cust.EditSequence.GetValue(); if (cust.Phone != null && !cust.Phone.IsEmpty()) customer.Phone = cust.Phone.GetValue(); customers.Add(customer); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogException("Error in GetallCustomersPersonalInfo()", ex); throw ex; } finally { CloseSession(); } return customers; }
Customer GetPopulatedCustomer() { Customer c = new Customer() { FullName = RandomString(10), CreditCards = new List<CreditCard>(){ new CreditCard(){ CardholderName = RandomString(10), CreditCardType = Enums.CreditCardType.Discover, ExpirationDate = "exp", CardNumber = GetRandomNumber(100, 999999).ToString() }, new CreditCard(), new CreditCard() } }; return c; }
public CustomerOrderObject() { _vehicle = new Vehicle(); _customer = new Customer(); _order = new Order(); }
private void SelectCustomerFromRow() { if (gvMain.SelectedRows.Count == 1) { string selectedCustId = gvMain.SelectedRows[0].Cells["CustomerID"].Value.ToString(); if (_cachedCustomers.ContainsKey(selectedCustId)) _selectedCustomer = _cachedCustomers[selectedCustId]; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Select a customer", "QuickBooks", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }