private static void GetStringValue(Options options, IniSection section, out string key, string name, string value) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Section [{0}] is missing value '{1}'.", section.Name, name), "Error in options.ini!"); Environment.Exit(1); } key = value; }
private static string DoReplacements(Options options, string value) { int i = value.IndexOf("$stream"); while (i != -1) { value = value.Replace("$stream", options.Stream); i = value.IndexOf("$stream"); } return value; }
public static Options Load(string path) { Options options = new Options(); IniReader reader = new IniReader(FileName); IniSection section = reader.GetSectionByName("stream"); if (section == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Options file missing [Stream] section."); GetStringValue(options, section, out options.m_stream, "stream", section.GetValue("stream")); GetStringValue(options, section, out options.m_twitchName, "twitchname", section.GetValue("twitchname") ?? section.GetValue("user") ?? section.GetValue("username")); GetStringValue(options, section, out options.m_oauthPass, "oauth", section.GetValue("oauth") ?? section.GetValue("pass") ?? section.GetValue("password")); if (!options.m_oauthPass.StartsWith("oauth:")) throw new FormatException("The 'oauth' field in the [Stream] section must start with 'oauth:'.\n\nThis is not your twitch password, please get your api key from"); section = reader.GetSectionByName("grab"); if (section != null) foreach (string line in section.EnumerateRawStrings()) options.GrabList.Add(DoReplacements(options, line)); section = reader.GetSectionByName("highlight"); if (section != null) foreach (string line in section.EnumerateRawStrings()) options.HighlightList.Add(DoReplacements(options, line)); section = reader.GetSectionByName("ignoreusers"); if (section != null) foreach (string line in section.EnumerateRawStrings()) options.UserIgnoreList.Add(DoReplacements(options, line)); section = reader.GetSectionByName("ignoretext"); if (section != null) foreach (string line in section.EnumerateRawStrings()) options.TextIgnoreList.Add(DoReplacements(options, line)); section = reader.GetSectionByName("settings"); if (section != null) { GetBoolValue(section, "CheckForUpdates", ref options.m_checkUpdates, true); GetBoolValue(section, "PreventDuplicates", ref options.m_preventDuplicates, true); } return options; }
public static Options Load(string path) { Options options = new Options(); IniReader reader = new IniReader(FileName); IniSection section = reader.GetSectionByName("stream"); if (section == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Options file missing [Stream] section."); GetStringValue(options, section, out options.m_stream, "stream", section.GetValue("stream")); GetStringValue(options, section, out options.m_twitchName, "twitchname", section.GetValue("twitchname") ?? section.GetValue("user") ?? section.GetValue("username")); GetStringValue(options, section, out options.m_oauthPass, "oauth", section.GetValue("oauth") ?? section.GetValue("pass") ?? section.GetValue("password")); GetStringValue(options, section, out options.m_subscribers, "subscribers", section.GetValue("subscribers")); if (Directory.Exists(options.m_subscribers)) options.m_subscribers = Path.Combine(options.m_subscribers, "subs.txt"); string fn = options.m_subscribers; if (!File.Exists(fn)) { try { File.WriteAllText(fn, ""); File.Delete(fn); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Could not write to file {0}.\n\n{1}", fn, e)); Environment.Exit(1); } } if (!options.m_oauthPass.StartsWith("oauth:")) throw new FormatException("The 'oauth' field in the [Stream] section must start with 'oauth:'.\n\nThis is not your twitch password, please get your api key from"); section = reader.GetSectionByName("grab"); if (section != null) foreach (string line in section.EnumerateRawStrings()) options.GrabList.Add(DoReplacements(options, line)); section = reader.GetSectionByName("highlight"); if (section != null) foreach (string line in section.EnumerateRawStrings()) options.HighlightList.Add(DoReplacements(options, line)); section = reader.GetSectionByName("ignoreusers"); if (section != null) foreach (string line in section.EnumerateRawStrings()) options.UserIgnoreList.Add(DoReplacements(options, line)); section = reader.GetSectionByName("ignoretext"); if (section != null) foreach (string line in section.EnumerateRawStrings()) options.TextIgnoreList.Add(DoReplacements(options, line)); section = reader.GetSectionByName("settings"); if (section != null) { GetBoolValue(section, "CheckForUpdates", ref options.m_checkUpdates, true); GetBoolValue(section, "PreventDuplicates", ref options.m_preventDuplicates, true); } return options; }
/// <summary> /// Load the options from the option file /// </summary> private void LoadOptions() { try { m_options = Options.Load("options.ini"); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { MessageBox.Show("Could not find options.ini!", "Error loading options.ini."); Environment.Exit(-1); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Error loading options.ini:\n" + e.Message, "Error loading options.ini."); Environment.Exit(-1); } }