static void Main(string[] args) { var U = new Utilities(); var Game = new Game(); var ST = new StatusTracking(); var Bandit = new Bandit(); Bandit.BanditFight(ST); Game.Castle(); }
public void BanditFight(StatusTracking ST) { var D = new Dice(); var U = new Utilities(); while (banditHealth > 0) { if (banditHealth < 3 && banditPotion > 0) { Console.Clear(); ST.PlayerHUD(); banditHealth += D.Rollem("D4"); Console.WriteLine($"The bandit Pulls out a potion and takes a swig, smiling evilly as he does.\n" + $"Would you like to <attack> or <wait> or <defend>\n\n" + $"would you like to <attack> or <wait>"); switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "attack": banditHealth -= U.BattleAttack(ST.WeaponDamage()); break; case "wait": Console.WriteLine("you just wait"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("not choosing is choosing to wait"); break; } Console.WriteLine($"The bandit has {banditHealth} life left."); Console.ReadLine(); } if (banditHealth > 3 || banditPotion == 0) { int banditDamage = D.Rollem(banditWeapon); Console.Clear(); ST.PlayerHUD(); Console.WriteLine($"" + $"The Bandit attacks! dealing {banditDamage} points of damage\n\n" + $"would you like to <attack> or <wait>"); ST.PlayerDamage(banditDamage); switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "attack": banditHealth -= U.BattleAttack(ST.WeaponDamage()); break; case "wait": Console.WriteLine("you just wait"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("not choosing is choosing to wait"); break; } Console.WriteLine($"The bandit has {banditHealth} life left"); Console.ReadLine(); } } Console.WriteLine($"You have killed the bandit, good job"); Console.ReadLine(); }