/// <summary>
        /// Computes the next value of this indicator from the given state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input given to the indicator</param>
        /// <returns>A new value for this indicator</returns>
        protected override decimal ComputeNextValue(TradeBar input)
            // Save the bar for summing

            // check if it is not ready add a 0 to the RviWindow
            if (!Bars.IsReady)
                RviWindow.Add(new IndicatorDataPoint(input.EndTime, 0.0m));
                // Bars have been added, so Bars[0] is the current value of the input

                // Filter the Close - Open with a four-bar symetical FIR filter before the terms are summed.
                var v1 = ((Bars[0].Close - Bars[0].Open) + 2 * (Bars[1].Close - Bars[1].Open) +
                          2 * (Bars[2].Close - Bars[3].Open) + (Bars[3].Close - Bars[3].Open) / 6);
                value1.Add(new IndicatorDataPoint(input.EndTime, v1));

                // Filter the High - Low with a four-bar symetical FIR filter before the terms are summed.
                var v2 = ((Bars[0].High - Bars[0].Low) + 2 * (Bars[1].High - Bars[1].Low) +
                          2 * (Bars[2].High - Bars[3].Low) + (Bars[3].High - Bars[3].Low) / 6);
                value2.Add(new IndicatorDataPoint(input.EndTime, v2));

                // The numerator and denominator are summed independently
                decimal num   = value1.Sum(point => point.Value);
                decimal denom = value2.Sum(point => point.Value);

                    // The RVI is the ratio of the numerator to the denominator.  Since
                    //  they are lagged by the same amount, due to the filtering,
                    //  the lag is removed by taking the ratio.
                    RviWindow.Add(new IndicatorDataPoint(input.EndTime, num / denom));
                catch (DivideByZeroException zex)
                    throw new Exception(zex.Message + zex.StackTrace);
        protected override decimal ComputeNextValue(IReadOnlyWindow <IndicatorDataPoint> window, IndicatorDataPoint input)
            var stop = 0;
            var src  = input.Value;

            if (src == Src.FirstOrDefault())

            if (Src.IsReady)
                //PFE = sqrt(pow(close - close[Length], 2) + 100)
                var s1    = Src.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault();
                var sL    = Src.LastOrDefault();
                var perfL = src - sL;
                PFE = Math.Sqrt((double)(perfL * perfL) + 100);

                //C2C = sum(sqrt(pow((close - close[1]), 2) + 1), Length)
                var perf1 = src - s1;
                var tosum = Math.Sqrt((double)(perf1 * perf1) + 1);

                //xFracEff = iff(close - close[Length] > 0,  round((PFE / C2C) * 100) , round(-(PFE / C2C) * 100))
                double c2csum   = 0;
                double xFracEff = 0;
                if (C2C.IsReady)
                    c2csum   = C2C.Sum();
                    xFracEff = (perfL > 0) ? Math.Round(PFE / c2csum * 100)  : Math.Round(-PFE / c2csum * 100);
                    xEma.Update(input.Time, (decimal)xFracEff);
                if (xEma.IsReady)
                    return(xEma);           //Math.Min(Math.Max(xEma, -100), 100);