Exemple #1
        public static void GetChaseTarget(edict_t ent)
            int     i;
            edict_t other;

            for (i = 1; i <= GameBase.maxclients.value; i++)
                other = GameBase.g_edicts[i];

                if (other.inuse && !other.client.resp.spectator)
                    ent.client.chase_target = other;
                    ent.client.update_chase = true;


            GameBase.gi.centerprintf(ent, "No other players to chase.");
Exemple #2
        public static void UpdateChaseCam(edict_t ent)
            float[] o = { 0, 0, 0 }, ownerv = { 0, 0, 0 }, goal = { 0, 0, 0 };
            edict_t targ;

            float[] forward = { 0, 0, 0 }, right = { 0, 0, 0 };
            trace_t trace;
            int     i;

            float[] oldgoal = { 0, 0, 0 };
            float[] angles  = { 0, 0, 0 };

            // is our chase target gone?
            if (!ent.client.chase_target.inuse || ent.client.chase_target.client.resp.spectator)
                var old = ent.client.chase_target;

                if (ent.client.chase_target == old)
                    ent.client.chase_target       = null;
                    ent.client.ps.pmove.pm_flags &= (byte)~pmove_t.PMF_NO_PREDICTION;


            targ = ent.client.chase_target;

            Math3D.VectorCopy(targ.s.origin, ownerv);
            Math3D.VectorCopy(ent.s.origin, oldgoal);

            ownerv[2] += targ.viewheight;

            Math3D.VectorCopy(targ.client.v_angle, angles);

            if (angles[Defines.PITCH] > 56)
                angles[Defines.PITCH] = 56;

            Math3D.AngleVectors(angles, forward, right, null);
            Math3D.VectorMA(ownerv, -30, forward, o);

            if (o[2] < targ.s.origin[2] + 20)
                o[2] = targ.s.origin[2] + 20;

            // jump animation lifts
            if (targ.groundentity == null)
                o[2] += 16;

            trace = GameBase.gi.trace(ownerv, Globals.vec3_origin, Globals.vec3_origin, o, targ, Defines.MASK_SOLID);

            Math3D.VectorCopy(trace.endpos, goal);

            Math3D.VectorMA(goal, 2, forward, goal);

            // pad for floors and ceilings
            Math3D.VectorCopy(goal, o);
            o[2] += 6;
            trace = GameBase.gi.trace(goal, Globals.vec3_origin, Globals.vec3_origin, o, targ, Defines.MASK_SOLID);

            if (trace.fraction < 1)
                Math3D.VectorCopy(trace.endpos, goal);
                goal[2] -= 6;

            Math3D.VectorCopy(goal, o);
            o[2] -= 6;
            trace = GameBase.gi.trace(goal, Globals.vec3_origin, Globals.vec3_origin, o, targ, Defines.MASK_SOLID);

            if (trace.fraction < 1)
                Math3D.VectorCopy(trace.endpos, goal);
                goal[2] += 6;

            if (targ.deadflag != 0)
                ent.client.ps.pmove.pm_type = Defines.PM_DEAD;
                ent.client.ps.pmove.pm_type = Defines.PM_FREEZE;

            Math3D.VectorCopy(goal, ent.s.origin);

            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                ent.client.ps.pmove.delta_angles[i] = (short)Math3D.ANGLE2SHORT(targ.client.v_angle[i] - ent.client.resp.cmd_angles[i]);

            if (targ.deadflag != 0)
                ent.client.ps.viewangles[Defines.ROLL]  = 40;
                ent.client.ps.viewangles[Defines.PITCH] = -15;
                ent.client.ps.viewangles[Defines.YAW]   = targ.client.killer_yaw;
                Math3D.VectorCopy(targ.client.v_angle, ent.client.ps.viewangles);
                Math3D.VectorCopy(targ.client.v_angle, ent.client.v_angle);

            ent.viewheight = 0;
            ent.client.ps.pmove.pm_flags |= (byte)pmove_t.PMF_NO_PREDICTION;