public string addIndex(int index, int data) { CustomLinkedListObject temporary = this.head; int counter = 0; CustomLinkedListObject saved; while (true) { if (temporary.obj != null) { if (index - 1 != counter) { temporary = temporary.obj; counter++; } else { saved = temporary; temporary.obj = new CustomLinkedListObject(data, saved.obj); this.current = temporary.obj; break; } } else { return("Fail"); } } CustomLinkedListObject.size++; return("Success"); }
public string deleteIndex(int index) { CustomLinkedListObject temporary = this.head; int counter = 0; while (true) { if (temporary.obj != null) { if (index - 1 != counter) { temporary = temporary.obj; counter++; } else { temporary.obj = temporary.obj.obj; break; } } else { return("Fail"); } } CustomLinkedListObject.size--; return("Success"); }
public string getIndex(int index) { CustomLinkedListObject temporary = this.head; int counter = 0; while (true) { if (temporary.obj != null) { if (index - 1 != counter) { temporary = temporary.obj; counter++; } else { Console.WriteLine(; break; } } else { return("Fail"); } } return("Success"); }
public void show() { CustomLinkedListObject temporary = this.head; while (temporary.obj != null) { Console.WriteLine(; temporary = temporary.obj; } Console.WriteLine(; }
public string addLast(int data) { CustomLinkedListObject temporary = this.head; while (temporary.obj != null) { temporary = temporary.obj; } temporary.obj = new CustomLinkedListObject(data, null); CustomLinkedListObject.size += 1; this.current = temporary.obj; return("Success"); }
public bool Contains(CustomLinkedListObject item) { CustomLinkedListObject temporary = this.head; int counter = 0; while (true) { if (temporary.obj != null) { if ( == { return(true); } else { temporary = temporary.obj; counter++; } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool created = false; LinkedList newlist; Console.WriteLine("Welcome! In the information below you can see the commands for manipulating the data of the linked list."); Console.WriteLine("Type Create in order to create your first Linked List."); Console.WriteLine("Type Add Last/Add At Index in order to add a new integer in list."); Console.WriteLine("Type Delete At Index/Get At Index in order to delete/get an integer from list."); while (true) { LinkedList newlist2 = new LinkedList(new CustomLinkedListObject(10, null)); newlist2.addLast(2); newlist2.addLast(22); newlist2.addLast(222); newlist2.addLast(2222); newlist2.addLast(22222); newlist2.getSize(); Console.WriteLine("For each:"); foreach (CustomLinkedListObject c in newlist2) // Implented using IEnumerable & IEnumerator { Console.WriteLine( + " Worked For Each "); } CustomLinkedListObject test = new CustomLinkedListObject(222, null); string input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input.Equals("Create") && created == false) { created = true; Console.WriteLine("Enter the first number:"); string data0 = Console.ReadLine(); newlist = new LinkedList(new CustomLinkedListObject(int.Parse(data0), null)); while (true) { string input2 = Console.ReadLine(); if (input2.Equals("Add Last")) { Console.WriteLine("Enter integer:"); string data = Console.ReadLine(); newlist.addLast(int.Parse(data)); } if (input2.Equals("Add At Index")) { Console.WriteLine("Enter index:"); string index = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter integer:"); string data = Console.ReadLine(); newlist.addIndex(int.Parse(index), int.Parse(data)); } if (input2.Equals("Delete At Index")) { Console.WriteLine("Enter index:"); string index = Console.ReadLine(); newlist.deleteIndex(int.Parse(index)); } if (input2.Equals("Get At Index")) { Console.WriteLine("Enter index:"); string index = Console.ReadLine(); newlist.getIndex(int.Parse(index)); } if (input2.Equals("Show List")) {; } } } } }
public CustomLinkedListObject(int data, CustomLinkedListObject obj) { = data; this.obj = obj; }
public bool Remove(CustomLinkedListObject item) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void Add(CustomLinkedListObject item) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public LinkedList(CustomLinkedListObject obj) { this.head = obj; CustomLinkedListObject.size += 1; }