Exemple #1
 static void BuildFromRemote(Library library, SynchronisationStates synchronisation_states)
     // --- TODO: Replace this with a pretty interface class ------------------------------------------------
     if (false)
     else if (library.WebLibraryDetail.IsIntranetLibrary)
         SynchronisationStateBuilder_Intranet.BuildFromRemote(library, synchronisation_states);
         throw new Exception(String.Format("Did not understand how to build from remote for library {0}", library.WebLibraryDetail.Title));
     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a map of SynchronisationState objects of the form
        ///     filename -> SynchronisationState
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static SynchronisationStates Build(Library library, Dictionary <string, string> historical_sync_file)
            SynchronisationStates synchronisation_states = new SynchronisationStates();

            StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus(StatusCodes.SYNC_META(library), "Building sync state from local history", 0, 1);
            BuildFromHistoricalSyncFile(historical_sync_file, ref synchronisation_states);

            StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus(StatusCodes.SYNC_META(library), "Building sync state from local files", 0, 1);
            BuildFromLocal(library, ref synchronisation_states);

            StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus(StatusCodes.SYNC_META(library), "Building sync state from Web/Intranet Library", 0, 1);
            BuildFromRemote(library, ref synchronisation_states);

            FilterSynchronisationStates(ref synchronisation_states);

        private static void FilterSynchronisationStates(ref SynchronisationStates synchronisation_states)
            HashSet <string> ineligible_keys = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var pair in synchronisation_states)
                if (!SynchronisationFileTypes.extensions.Contains(pair.Value.extension))
                    Logging.Warn("Not syncing unsupported extension of {0} in {1}", pair.Value.extension, pair.Value.filename);

            foreach (string key in ineligible_keys)
 private static void BuildFromHistoricalSyncFile(Dictionary <string, string> historical_sync_file, ref SynchronisationStates synchronisation_states)
     foreach (var pair in historical_sync_file)
         synchronisation_states[pair.Key].md5_previous = pair.Value;
Exemple #5
        internal static SynchronisationAction Build(WebLibraryDetail web_library_detail, SynchronisationStates synchronisation_states)
            SynchronisationAction synchronisation_action = new SynchronisationAction();

            List <SynchronisationState> synchronisation_state_list = new List <SynchronisationState>(synchronisation_states.Values);

            for (int i = 0; i < synchronisation_state_list.Count; ++i)
                SynchronisationState synchronisation_state = synchronisation_state_list[i];

                if (false ||
                    (0 == i % 20 && synchronisation_state_list.Count < 100) ||
                    (0 == i % 100 && synchronisation_state_list.Count < 1000) ||
                    (0 == i % 500)
                    StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus(StatusCodes.SYNC_META(web_library_detail), "Determining sync action", i, synchronisation_state_list.Count);

                // NB: Ordering of these statements is important so don't reorder them!

                // Not local, not remote: something dodgy in the history file, ignore it
                if (null == synchronisation_state.md5_local && null == synchronisation_state.md5_remote)

                // If we don't have it locally but we do remotely
                else if (null == synchronisation_state.md5_local && null != synchronisation_state.md5_remote)

                // If we don't have it remotely, but we do locally
                else if (null != synchronisation_state.md5_local && null == synchronisation_state.md5_remote)

                // If local and remote match, do nothing
                else if (0 == synchronisation_state.md5_local.CompareTo(synchronisation_state.md5_remote))

                // If local and remote don't match, but local has not changed
                else if (0 == synchronisation_state.md5_local.CompareTo(synchronisation_state.md5_previous))

                // If local and remote don't match, but remote has not changed
                else if (0 == synchronisation_state.md5_remote.CompareTo(synchronisation_state.md5_previous))

                // If local and remote don't match and neither match the previous value, we have a merge conflict
