Exemple #1
        public void initService()
            EvnContext evnContext = TestUtil.getEvnContext();

            storSerivce = new QingStor(evnContext);
            Console.WriteLine("test : initService");
        public void initialize_the_bucket_CORS()
            // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
            EvnContext evnContext = TestUtil.getEvnContext();

            Bucket = new Bucket(evnContext, bucketName);
        public void delete_bucket_CORS()
            // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
            EvnContext evnContext = TestUtil.getEvnContext();

            Bucket = new Bucket(evnContext, bucketName);
            deleteBucketCORSOutput = Bucket.deleteCORS();
        public void get_bucket_policy()
            // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
            EvnContext evnContext = TestUtil.getEvnContext();

            Bucket = new Bucket(evnContext, bucketName);
            getBucketPolicyOutput = Bucket.getPolicy();
Exemple #5
        public void list_buckets()
            // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
            EvnContext evnContext = TestUtil.getEvnContext();

            storSerivce = new QingStor(evnContext);
            listOutput  = storSerivce.listBuckets(new QingStor.ListBucketsInput());
Exemple #6
        public void initialize_QingStor_service()
            // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
            EvnContext evnContext = TestUtil.getEvnContext();

            storSerivce = new QingStor(evnContext);
            Console.WriteLine("test : initService");
        public void put_bucket_policy(String arg1)
            // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
            EvnContext evnContext = TestUtil.getEvnContext();

            Bucket = new Bucket(evnContext, bucketName);
            Bucket.PutBucketPolicyInput input = new Bucket.PutBucketPolicyInput();
            putBucketPolicyOutput = Bucket.putPolicy(input);
Exemple #8
        public void initialize_the_object_with_key(String arg1)
            // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
            EvnContext evnContext = TestUtil.getEvnContext();

            subService = new Bucket(evnContext, bucketName);
            Bucket.PutObjectInput input = new Bucket.PutObjectInput();
            //objectOutput = subService.PutObject(arg1,input);
            test_object = arg1;
        public void put_bucket_CORS(String arg1)
            // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
            EvnContext evnContext = TestUtil.getEvnContext();

            Bucket = new Bucket(evnContext, bucketName);
            Bucket.PutBucketCORSInput input = new Bucket.PutBucketCORSInput();
            List <Object>             cors  = new List <Object>();

            putBucketCORSOutput = Bucket.putCORS(input);
Exemple #10
        public void put_bucket_external_mirror(String arg1)
            // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
            EvnContext evnContext = TestUtil.getEvnContext();

            Bucket = new Bucket(evnContext, bucketName);
            Bucket.PutBucketExternalMirrorInput input = new Bucket.PutBucketExternalMirrorInput();
            string obj = QSJSONUtil.convertJSONObject(arg1);

            input.setSourceSite(QSJSONUtil.toString(obj, "source_site"));
            putBucketExternalMirrorOutput = Bucket.putExternalMirror(input);
Exemple #11
        public void initiate_multipart_upload_with_key(String arg1)
            // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
            EvnContext evnContext = TestUtil.getEvnContext();

            Bucket = new Bucket(evnContext, bucketName);

            Bucket.InitiateMultipartUploadInput input = new Bucket.InitiateMultipartUploadInput();

            initOutput            = Bucket.initiateMultipartUpload(arg1, input);
            multipart_upload_name = arg1;
            multipart_upload_id   = initOutput.getUploadID();
Exemple #12
        public void put_object_with_key(String arg1)
            // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
            EvnContext evnContext = TestUtil.getEvnContext();

            subService = new Bucket(evnContext, bucketName);
            Bucket.PutObjectInput input = new Bucket.PutObjectInput();
            FileStream            f     = new FileStream("D:\\2.txt", FileMode.Open);

            test_object     = chinesePrefix + arg1 + chineseSuffix;
            putObjectOutput = subService.putObject(test_object, input);
        public void put_bucket_ACL()
            // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
            EvnContext evnContext = TestUtil.getEvnContext();

            Bucket = new Bucket(evnContext, bucketName);
            Bucket.PutBucketACLInput input = new Bucket.PutBucketACLInput();
            Types.ACLModel           acl   = new Types.ACLModel();
            Types.GranteeModel gm = new Types.GranteeModel();
            List <Types.ACLModel> aa = new List <Types.ACLModel>();

            putBucketACLOutput = Bucket.putACL(input);