public static double GetModifiedDuration(Cashflow[] cashflows,
                                                 IDayCount dayCount,
                                                 Frequency frequency,
                                                 Date startDate,
                                                 Date valueDate,
                                                 double yield,
                                                 TradingMarket tradeingMarket,
                                                 bool irregularPayment            = false,
                                                 IBondYieldPricer bondYieldPricer = null)
            const double dy = 1e-4;

            if (bondYieldPricer == null)
                bondYieldPricer = new BondYieldPricer();
            var priceUp   = bondYieldPricer.FullPriceFromYield(cashflows, dayCount, frequency, startDate, valueDate, yield - dy, tradeingMarket, irregularPayment);
            var priceDown = bondYieldPricer.FullPriceFromYield(cashflows, dayCount, frequency, startDate, valueDate, yield + dy, tradeingMarket, irregularPayment);

            return((priceUp - priceDown) / dy / (priceDown + priceUp));
        public static Tuple <Date, double>[] Calibrate(
            string name,
            Date referenceDate,
            IMarketInstrument[] marketInstruments,
            BusinessDayConvention bda,
            IDayCount daycount,
            ICalendar calendar,
            Compound compound,
            Interpolation interpolation,
            YieldCurveTrait trait,
            CurrencyCode currency,
            Date[] knotPoints,
            out double fittingError,
            IMarketCondition baseMarket = null,
            Expression <Func <IMarketCondition, object> >[] expression = null,
            double initialValue = double.NaN,
            double initialGuess = 0.05,
            double xmin         = -3,
            double xmax         = 3.0
            var accuracy = 1.0e-13;

            if (marketInstruments.Any(x => !(x.Instrument is Bond)))
                throw new PricingLibraryException("All instruments must be bond to build a bond curve!");

            var keyTs = knotPoints.Select(x => daycount.CalcDayCountFraction(referenceDate, x)).ToArray();
            var len   = keyTs.Length;

            baseMarket =
                new MarketCondition(
                    x => x.ValuationDate.Value        = referenceDate,
                    x => x.DiscountCurve.Value        = null,
                    x => x.FixingCurve.Value          = null,
                    x => x.HistoricalIndexRates.Value = new Dictionary <IndexType, SortedDictionary <Date, double> >()

            var bondYieldPricer = new BondYieldPricer();
            var bonds           = marketInstruments.Select(x => x.Instrument as Bond);
            var bondCf          = bonds.Select(x => x.GetCashflows(baseMarket, true)).ToList();
            var bondPrices      =
                    (x, i) =>
                    bondYieldPricer.FullPriceFromYield(bondCf[i], x.PaymentDayCount, x.PaymentFreq, x.StartDate, referenceDate,
                                                       marketInstruments[i].TargetValue, x.BondTradeingMarket, x.IrregularPayment)).ToArray();

            var rand = new Random();
            // variables : alpha, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 ...
            var    numVars     = 1 + 2 + len;
            var    lowerBounds = new double[numVars];
            var    upperBounds = new double[numVars];
            var    initials    = new double[numVars];
            double?finalScore  = double.NaN;

            for (var i = 0; i < numVars; ++i)
                lowerBounds[i] = i == 0 ? 0.0 : xmin;
                upperBounds[i] = i == 0 ? 1.0 : xmax;
                initials[i]    = rand.NextDouble() > 0 ? rand.NextDouble() : -rand.NextDouble();

            var globalSolver = new NLoptSolver(NLoptAlgorithm.GN_DIRECT, (ushort)numVars, accuracy, 100000, NLoptAlgorithm.LN_COBYLA);

            globalSolver.SetMinObjective((variables, gradients) =>
                var error =
                    bondCf.Select((cfs, i) => GetModelPrice(referenceDate, cfs, daycount, variables, keyTs) - bondPrices[i]).ToArray();
                return(error.Sum(x => x * x));
            var    globalResult = globalSolver.Optimize(initials, out globalFinalScore);

            var localSolvers = new[] { NLoptAlgorithm.LN_BOBYQA, NLoptAlgorithm.LD_AUGLAG, NLoptAlgorithm.LN_COBYLA };

            for (var k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
                var localSolver = new NLoptSolver(localSolvers[k], (ushort)numVars, accuracy, 100000, NLoptAlgorithm.LN_COBYLA);
                localSolver.SetMinObjective((variables, gradients) =>
                    var error = bondCf.Select((cfs, i) => GetModelPrice(referenceDate, cfs, daycount, variables, keyTs) - bondPrices[i]).ToArray();
                    return(error.Sum(x => x * x));

                var result = localSolver.Optimize(initials, out finalScore);
            fittingError = finalScore.Value;

            var coeffes = new[]
                Tuple.Create(referenceDate, initials[0]),
                Tuple.Create(referenceDate, -1.0 - initials[1] - initials[2] - initials.Skip(3).Sum() * 1 / 3.0),
                Tuple.Create(referenceDate, initials[1]),
                Tuple.Create(referenceDate, initials[2]),
            .Union(knotPoints.Select((x, i) => Tuple.Create(x, initials[i + 3])))

            //var errors = bondCf.Select((cfs, i) => GetModelPrice(referenceDate, cfs, daycount, initials, keyTs)).ToArray();

            //for (var i = 0; i < errors.Length; ++i)

            //	Console.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2}", errors[i], bondPrices[i], errors[i] - bondPrices[i]);

            return(coeffes);            // Insert 0D point to avoid interpolation jump at the beginning