Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Places or removes a block.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="place">True to place block</param>
        /// <param name="x">X coordinate of the placed/removed block</param>
        /// <param name="y">Y coordinate of the placed/removed block</param>
        /// <param name="z">Z coordinate of the placed/removed block</param>
        /// <param name="version">Current segment version</param>
        /// <returns>True if block has been placed/removed</returns>
        public bool PlaceOrRemoveBlock(bool place, out int x, out int y, out int z, out uint version)
            x       = -1;
            y       = -1;
            z       = -1;
            version = 0;

            if (!_CanPlaceBlocks)

            // check closest intersection
            Point3D      eyeLocation            = new Point3D(Location, 0.0f, _EyeHeightFromCenter, 0.0f);
            Vector3D     line                   = new Vector3D(eyeLocation, NewDirection);
            Intersection closest                = new Intersection();
            List <Tuple <Box, int, int> > boxes = new List <Tuple <Box, int, int> >();

            // first add current segment's boxes which have 0 shift
            foreach (Box box in _CurrentSegment.GetBoxesSynchronized())
                boxes.Add(Tuple.Create(box, 0, 0));
            // now add other boxes and determine possible shift
            foreach (Segment neighbour in _CurrentSegmentNeighbours)
                int shiftX = 0;
                if (_CurrentSegment.X - neighbour.X > WorldHelper.HalfSizeX)
                    shiftX = WorldHelper.SizeX;
                else if (neighbour.X - _CurrentSegment.X > WorldHelper.HalfSizeX)
                    shiftX = -WorldHelper.SizeX;

                int shiftZ = 0;
                if (_CurrentSegment.Z - neighbour.Z > WorldHelper.HalfSizeZ)
                    shiftZ = WorldHelper.SizeZ;
                else if (neighbour.Z - _CurrentSegment.Z > WorldHelper.HalfSizeZ)
                    shiftZ = -WorldHelper.SizeZ;

                foreach (Box box in neighbour.GetBoxesSynchronized())
                    boxes.Add(Tuple.Create(box, shiftX, shiftZ));

            if (eyeLocation.Y * eyeLocation.Y < BlockInteractionRange)
                boxes.Add(Tuple.Create(Box.FloorBox, 0, 0));

            int reverseShiftX = 0;
            int reverseShiftZ = 0;

            foreach (Tuple <Box, int, int> box in boxes)
                Intersection intersection = box.Item1.GetIntersection(line, box.Item2, box.Item3);
                if (intersection.Distance < closest.Distance)
                    closest       = intersection;
                    reverseShiftX = -box.Item2;
                    reverseShiftZ = -box.Item3;

            // check if there is a close intersection at all
            if (closest.IntersectionPoint == null || closest.Distance > BlockInteractionRange)
                // not close enough or no point at all

            // adjust the reverse shift by accounting for reverse number truncating
            // when below 0
            if (closest.IntersectionPoint.X < 0 && closest.IntersectionPoint.X % 1 != 0)
            if (closest.IntersectionPoint.Z < 0 && closest.IntersectionPoint.Z % 1 != 0)
            // calculate cube location without the shift
            x = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(closest.IntersectionPoint.X)) + reverseShiftX;
            y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(closest.IntersectionPoint.Y));
            z = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(closest.IntersectionPoint.Z)) + reverseShiftZ;

            if (place)
                // correct the location based on intersection side
                switch (closest.Side)
                case Sides.FrontX:

                case Sides.FrontY:

                case Sides.FrontZ:
                // correct the location based on intersection side
                switch (closest.Side)
                case Sides.BackX:

                case Sides.BackY:

                case Sides.BackZ:

            // check for floor/ceiling limits
            if (y < 0 || y > byte.MaxValue)

            // adjust possible shift over the edge of the world after correction
            if (x < 0)
                x += WorldHelper.SizeX;
            else if (x >= WorldHelper.SizeX)
                x -= WorldHelper.SizeX;

            if (z < 0)
                z += WorldHelper.SizeZ;
            else if (z >= WorldHelper.SizeZ)
                z -= WorldHelper.SizeZ;

            // check if placing the block will clip into an entity
            if (place)
                Box           box      = new Box(new Cube(x, y, z, 0), null);
                List <Entity> entities = WorldHelper.GetEntities(box.CenterPoint, BlockEntityCollisionSelectRange);

                bool collides = false;
                foreach (Entity entity in entities)
                    box.CheckSuffocation(entity.Location, ref entity._HalfSizeX, ref entity._HalfSizeY, ref collides);
                    if (collides)
                        // at least one entity collides with the newly placed box

            // retrieve the destination segment and place or remove the block
            Segment destinationSegment = WorldHelper.GetSegment(x, y, z);

            version = destinationSegment.PlaceOrRemoveBlockAndUpdateVersion(place, x, y, z, GetSelectedMaterial());

Exemple #2
        internal List <CollisionWall> GetCollisionWalls()
            lock (_Lock)
                if (_CollisionWalls == null)
                    _CollisionWalls = new List <CollisionWall>();
                    Segment neighbour = null;

                    for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                            for (int z = 0; z < 8; z++)
                                if (!_VisMatrix.Get(ref x, ref y, ref z))
                                    // skip empty space

                                Box box = new Box(new Cube(X + x, Y + y, Z + z, 0), this);

                                // check front X wall
                                if (x == 0)
                                    neighbour = WorldHelper.GetSegment(X - 8, Y, Z);
                                    if (neighbour != null && !neighbour._VisMatrix.Get(7, y, z))
                                        _CollisionWalls.Add(new CollisionWall(box, Sides.FrontX));
                                else if (!_VisMatrix.Get(x - 1, y, z))
                                    _CollisionWalls.Add(new CollisionWall(box, Sides.FrontX));

                                // check back X wall
                                if (x == 7)
                                    neighbour = WorldHelper.GetSegment(X + 8, Y, Z);
                                    if (neighbour != null && !neighbour._VisMatrix.Get(0, y, z))
                                        _CollisionWalls.Add(new CollisionWall(box, Sides.BackX));
                                else if (!_VisMatrix.Get(x + 1, y, z))
                                    _CollisionWalls.Add(new CollisionWall(box, Sides.BackX));

                                // check front Z wall
                                if (z == 0)
                                    neighbour = WorldHelper.GetSegment(X, Y, Z - 8);
                                    if (neighbour != null && !neighbour._VisMatrix.Get(x, y, 7))
                                        _CollisionWalls.Add(new CollisionWall(box, Sides.FrontZ));
                                else if (!_VisMatrix.Get(x, y, z - 1))
                                    _CollisionWalls.Add(new CollisionWall(box, Sides.FrontZ));

                                // check back Z wall
                                if (z == 7)
                                    neighbour = WorldHelper.GetSegment(X, Y, Z + 8);
                                    if (neighbour != null && !neighbour._VisMatrix.Get(x, y, 0))
                                        _CollisionWalls.Add(new CollisionWall(box, Sides.BackZ));
                                else if (!_VisMatrix.Get(x, y, z + 1))
                                    _CollisionWalls.Add(new CollisionWall(box, Sides.BackZ));

Exemple #3
        private void CheckSegmentChanged()
            int segmentX = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(Location.X));

            segmentX -= segmentX % 8;
            if (segmentX >= WorldHelper.SizeX)
                segmentX -= WorldHelper.SizeX;
            else if (segmentX < 0)
                segmentX += WorldHelper.SizeX;
            int segmentY = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(Location.Y));

            segmentY -= segmentY % 8;
            int segmentZ = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(Location.Z));

            segmentZ -= segmentZ % 8;
            if (segmentZ >= WorldHelper.SizeZ)
                segmentZ -= WorldHelper.SizeZ;
            else if (segmentZ < 0)
                segmentZ += WorldHelper.SizeZ;

            bool refreshNeighbours = false;

            // check if segment needs to be changed
            if (_CurrentSegment == null ||
                !(_CurrentSegment.X == segmentX &&
                  _CurrentSegment.Y == segmentY &&
                  _CurrentSegment.Z == segmentZ))
                _CurrentSegment   = WorldHelper.GetSegment(segmentX, segmentY, segmentZ);
                refreshNeighbours = true;

            Point3D inBorderCheckPoint = new Point3D(Location.X - _CurrentSegment.X,
                                                     Location.Y - _CurrentSegment.Y,
                                                     Location.Z - _CurrentSegment.Z);
            bool xRefresh = (inBorderCheckPoint.X < 4 != _PreviousCheckPoint.X < 4);
            bool yRefresh = (inBorderCheckPoint.Y < 4 != _PreviousCheckPoint.Y < 4);
            bool zRefresh = (inBorderCheckPoint.Z < 4 != _PreviousCheckPoint.Z < 4);

            // check if neighbours are to be refreshed
            if (refreshNeighbours || xRefresh || yRefresh || zRefresh)
                _CurrentSegmentNeighbours = WorldHelper.GetSegmentNeighboursForCollisions(_CurrentSegment, Location);

            _PreviousCheckPoint = inBorderCheckPoint;

            // check if column area isn't changed
            int x = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(Location.X));

            x -= x % 64;
            int z = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(Location.Z));

            z -= z % 64;

            if (CurrentColumnX != x || CurrentColumnZ != z)
                _CurrentColumnX = x;
                _CurrentColumnZ = z;

                if (OnColumnChanged != null)
                    OnColumnChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);