public AutomationElement FindMatchingChild(Predicate<AutomationElement> pred) { IUIAutomationTreeWalker walker; pAutomation.get_ControlViewWalker(out walker); try { IUIAutomationElement elem; walker.GetFirstChildElement(pElement, out elem); while(elem != null) { AutomationElement ae = new AutomationElement(elem); if(pred(ae)) { return ae; } IUIAutomationElement next; walker.GetNextSiblingElement(elem, out next); elem = next; } return null; } finally { if(walker != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(walker); } }
public CachedListItemElement(AutomationElement elem, ExtendedItemsView parent) { Point offset = parent.GetWindowPos(); offset = new Point(-offset.X, -offset.Y); Index = elem.GetItemIndex(); Rectangle rect = elem.GetBoundingRect(); rect.Offset(offset); FullRect = rect; bool foundLabel = false; bool foundIcon = false; foreach(AutomationElement child in elem.GetChildren()) { if(!foundLabel && child.GetAutomationId() == "System.ItemNameDisplay") { rect = child.GetBoundingRect(); rect.Offset(offset); LabelRect = rect; if(foundIcon) break; foundLabel = true; } else if(!foundIcon && child.GetClassName() == "UIImage") { rect = child.GetBoundingRect(); rect.Offset(offset); IconRect = rect; if(foundLabel) break; foundIcon = true; } } }
public int HitTest(Point pt, bool ScreenCoords) { if(ListViewController == null) { return -1; } else if(fIsSysListView) { if(ScreenCoords) { PInvoke.ScreenToClient(ListViewController.Handle, ref pt); } LVHITTESTINFO structure = new LVHITTESTINFO(); = pt.X; = pt.Y; IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(structure)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(structure, ptr, false); int num = (int)PInvoke.SendMessage(ListViewController.Handle, LVM.HITTEST, IntPtr.Zero, ptr); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr); return num; } else { if(!ScreenCoords) { PInvoke.ClientToScreen(ListViewController.Handle, ref pt); } AutomationElement elem = ListItemElementAt(pt); if(elem == null) return -1; StoredListItemElem = elem; StoredListItemIdx = elem.GetItemIndex(); return StoredListItemIdx; } }
public int GetFocusedItem() { if(!HasFocus()) { return -1; } if(fIsSysListView) { int count = GetItemCount(); for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int state = (int)PInvoke.SendMessage(ListViewController.Handle, LVM.GETITEMSTATE, (IntPtr)i, (IntPtr)LVIS.FOCUSED); if(state != 0) { return i; } } return -1; } else { AutomationElement elem = AutomationElement.FromKeyboardFocus(); if(elem != null) { // I don't like this solution. TODO find a better one. StoredListItemElem = elem; StoredListItemIdx = elem.GetItemIndex(); return StoredListItemIdx; } return -1; } }
protected override bool ListViewController_MessageCaptured(ref Message msg) { if (msg.Msg == WM_AFTERPAINT) { RefreshCache(); } if (base.ListViewController_MessageCaptured(ref msg)) { return(true); } switch (msg.Msg) { case LVM.SCROLL: { int amount = msg.WParam.ToInt32(); SetRedraw(false); AutoMan.DoQuery(factory => { AutomationElement elem = factory.FromHandle(Handle); amount /= SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollDelta; bool dec = amount < 0; if (dec) { amount = -amount; } int lines = SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollLines; if (lines < 0) { elem.ScrollHorizontal(dec ? ScrollAmount.LargeDecrement : ScrollAmount.LargeIncrement, amount); } else { elem.ScrollHorizontal(dec ? ScrollAmount.SmallDecrement : ScrollAmount.SmallIncrement, amount * lines); } return(0); }); SetRedraw(true); return(true); } case WM.MOUSEACTIVATE: { int res = (int)msg.Result; bool ret = OnMouseActivate(ref res); msg.Result = (IntPtr)res; return(ret); } case WM.LBUTTONDOWN: { // The ItemsView's window class doesn't have the CS_DBLCLKS // class style, which means we won't be receiving the // WM.LBUTTONDBLCLK message. We'll just have to make do // without... Int64 now = DateTime.Now.Ticks; Point pt = QTUtility2.PointFromLPARAM(msg.LParam); if ((now - lastLButtonTime) / 10000 <= SystemInformation.DoubleClickTime) { Size size = SystemInformation.DoubleClickSize; if (Math.Abs(pt.X - lastLButtonPoint.X) <= size.Width) { if (Math.Abs(pt.Y - lastLButtonPoint.Y) <= size.Height) { lastLButtonTime = 0; if (OnDoubleClick(pt)) { return(true); } if (HitTest(pt, false) > -1) { // Explorer includes an option to make // single-clicking activate items. // TODO: Support that. if (OnItemActivated(Control.ModifierKeys)) { return(true); } } return(false); } } } lastLButtonPoint = pt; lastLButtonTime = now; return(false); } case WM.MOUSEMOVE: { Point pt = QTUtility2.PointFromLPARAM(msg.LParam); if (pt != lastMouseMovePoint) { lastMouseMovePoint = pt; if (focusedElement != null) { if (hotElement == null && focusedElement.FullRect.Contains(pt)) { PInvoke.PostMessage(Handle, (uint)WM_AFTERPAINT, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } else if (hotElement != null && hotElement.Index == focusedElement.Index && !focusedElement.FullRect.Contains(pt)) { PInvoke.PostMessage(Handle, (uint)WM_AFTERPAINT, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } } } break; } case WM.MOUSELEAVE: if (focusedElement != null) { if (hotElement != null && hotElement.Index == focusedElement.Index) { PInvoke.PostMessage(Handle, (uint)WM_AFTERPAINT, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } } break; case WM.KEYDOWN: if (OnKeyDown((Keys)msg.WParam)) { return(true); } if ((Keys)msg.WParam == Keys.Enter) { return(OnItemActivated(Control.ModifierKeys)); } break; case WM.LBUTTONUP: case WM.RBUTTONUP: case WM.MBUTTONUP: RefreshCache(); break; case WM.NOTIFY: { NMHDR nmhdr = (NMHDR)Marshal.PtrToStructure(msg.LParam, typeof(NMHDR)); if (nmhdr.code == -530 /* TTN_NEEDTEXT */) { NMTTDISPINFO dispinfo = (NMTTDISPINFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(msg.LParam, typeof(NMTTDISPINFO)); if ((dispinfo.uFlags & 0x20 /* TTF_TRACK */) != 0) { return(OnGetInfoTip(ShellBrowser.GetFocusedIndex(), true)); } else { int i = GetHotItem(); if (i != -1 && IsTrackingItemName()) { return(OnGetInfoTip(i, false)); } } } break; } } return(false); }
protected override bool HandleCursorLoop(Keys key) { int focusedIdx = ShellBrowser.GetFocusedIndex(); int itemCount = ShellBrowser.GetItemCount(); int selectMe = -1; int viewMode = ShellBrowser.ViewMode; switch (viewMode) { case FVM.CONTENT: case FVM.DETAILS: if (key == Keys.Up && focusedIdx == 0) { selectMe = itemCount - 1; } else if (key == Keys.Down && focusedIdx == itemCount - 1) { selectMe = 0; } break; case FVM.ICON: case FVM.SMALLICON: case FVM.THUMBNAIL: case FVM.TILE: case FVM.LIST: Keys KeyNextItem, KeyPrevItem, KeyNextPage, KeyPrevPage; if (viewMode == FVM.LIST) { KeyNextItem = Keys.Down; KeyPrevItem = Keys.Up; KeyNextPage = Keys.Right; KeyPrevPage = Keys.Left; } else { KeyNextItem = Keys.Right; KeyPrevItem = Keys.Left; KeyNextPage = Keys.Down; KeyPrevPage = Keys.Up; } int pageCount = AutoMan.DoQuery(factory => { AutomationElement elem = factory.FromHandle(Handle); if (elem == null) { return(-1); } return(viewMode == FVM.LIST ? elem.GetRowCount() : elem.GetColumnCount()); }); if (pageCount == -1) { return(false); } int page = focusedIdx % pageCount; if (key == KeyNextItem && (page == pageCount - 1 || focusedIdx == itemCount - 1)) { selectMe = focusedIdx - page; } else if (key == KeyPrevItem && page == 0) { selectMe = Math.Min(focusedIdx + pageCount - 1, itemCount - 1); } else if (key == KeyNextPage && focusedIdx + pageCount >= itemCount) { selectMe = page; } else if (key == KeyPrevPage && focusedIdx < pageCount) { int x = itemCount - focusedIdx - 1; selectMe = x - x % pageCount + focusedIdx; } break; } if (selectMe >= 0) { ShellBrowser.SelectItem(selectMe); return(true); } else { return(false); } }