private string RunProcess(string command, string args) { _printer.Print($"{command} {args}", MessageType.Command); _startInfo.WorkingDirectory = Application.LocalUserAppDataPath; _startInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(Application.LocalUserAppDataPath, command); _startInfo.Arguments = args; _process.StartInfo = _startInfo; var output = ""; _process.Start(); while (!_process.HasExited) { var buffer = new char[4096]; while (_process.StandardOutput.Peek() > -1 || _process.StandardError.Peek() > -1) { if (_process.StandardOutput.Peek() > -1) { var length = _process.StandardOutput.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); var data = new string(buffer, 0, length); output += data; _printer.PrintResponse(data, MessageType.Info); } if (_process.StandardError.Peek() > -1) { var length = _process.StandardError.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); var data = new string(buffer, 0, length); output += data; _printer.PrintResponse(data, MessageType.Info); } Application.DoEvents(); // This keeps your form responsive by processing events } } return(output); }
public Flashing(Printing printer) { _printer = printer; EmbeddedResourceHelper.ExtractResources(_resources); var query = new System.Management.SelectQuery("Win32_SystemDriver") { Condition = "Name = 'libusb0'" }; var searcher = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(query); var drivers = searcher.Get(); if (drivers.Count > 0) { printer.Print("libusb0 driver found on system", MessageType.Info); } else { printer.Print("libusb0 driver not found - attempting to install", MessageType.Info); if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.LocalUserAppDataPath, "dfu-prog-usb-1.2.2"))) { Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(Application.LocalUserAppDataPath, "dfu-prog-usb-1.2.2"), true); } ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(Path.Combine(Application.LocalUserAppDataPath, ""), Application.LocalUserAppDataPath); var size = 0; var success = Program.SetupCopyOEMInf(Path.Combine(Application.LocalUserAppDataPath, "dfu-prog-usb-1.2.2", "atmel_usb_dfu.inf"), "", Program.OemSourceMediaType.SpostNone, Program.OemCopyStyle.SpCopyNewer, null, 0, ref size, null); if (!success) { var errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); var errorString = new Win32Exception(errorCode).Message; printer.Print("Error: " + errorString, MessageType.Error); } } _process = new Process(); //process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; //process.OutputDataReceived += OnOutputDataReceived; //process.ErrorDataReceived += OnErrorDataReceived; _startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardInput = true, CreateNoWindow = true }; }
private void ProcessOutput(Object streamReader) { StreamReader _stream = (StreamReader)streamReader; var output = ""; while (!_stream.EndOfStream) { output = _stream.ReadLine() + "\n"; _printer.PrintResponse(output, MessageType.Info); if (output.Contains("Bootloader and code overlap.") || // DFU output.Contains("exceeds remaining flash size!") || // BootloadHID output.Contains("Not enough bytes in device info report")) // BootloadHID { _printer.Print("File is too large for device", MessageType.Error); } } }
public bool DetectBootloader(ManagementBaseObject instance, bool connected = true) { var deviceId = GetHardwareId(instance); var vpr = DeviceIdRegex.Match(deviceId); if (vpr.Success) { var vendorId = Convert.ToUInt16(vpr.Groups[1].ToString(), 16); var productId = Convert.ToUInt16(vpr.Groups[2].ToString(), 16); var revisionBcd = Convert.ToUInt16(vpr.Groups[3].ToString(), 16); string deviceName; string comPort = null; string mountPoint = null; string driverName = GetDriverName(instance); Chipset deviceType; if (IsSerialDevice(instance)) { if (vendorId == 0x03EB && productId == 0x6124) // Atmel SAM-BA { deviceName = "Atmel SAM-BA"; deviceType = Chipset.AtmelSamBa; } else if (caterinaVids.Contains(vendorId) && caterinaPids.Contains(productId)) // Caterina { deviceName = "Caterina"; deviceType = Chipset.Caterina; } else if (vendorId == 0x16C0 && productId == 0x0483) // ArduinoISP/AVRISP { deviceName = "AVRISP"; deviceType = Chipset.AvrIsp; } else { return(false); } comPort = GetComPort(instance); _flasher.ComPort = comPort; } else if (vendorId == 0x03EB) { if (atmelDfuPids.Contains(productId)) { if (revisionBcd == 0x0936) // QMK-DFU { deviceName = "QMK DFU"; deviceType = Chipset.QmkDfu; } else // Atmel DFU { deviceName = "Atmel DFU"; deviceType = Chipset.AtmelDfu; } } else if (productId == 0x2045) // LUFA MS { deviceName = "LUFA Mass Storage"; deviceType = Chipset.LufaMs; mountPoint = GetMountPoint(instance); _flasher.MountPoint = mountPoint; } else { return(false); } } else if (vendorId == 0x16C0 && productId == 0x0478) // PJRC Teensy { deviceName = "Halfkay"; deviceType = Chipset.Halfkay; } else if (vendorId == 0x0483 && productId == 0xDF11) // STM32 DFU { deviceName = "STM32 DFU"; deviceType = Chipset.Stm32Dfu; } else if (vendorId == 0x314B && productId == 0x0106) // APM32 DFU { deviceName = "APM32 DFU"; deviceType = Chipset.Apm32Dfu; } else if (vendorId == 0x1C11 && productId == 0xB007) // Kiibohd { deviceName = "Kiibohd"; deviceType = Chipset.Kiibohd; } else if (vendorId == 0x16C0 && productId == 0x05DF) // Objective Development BootloadHID { deviceName = "BootloadHID"; deviceType = Chipset.BootloadHid; } else if (vendorId == 0x16C0 && productId == 0x05DC) // USBasp and USBaspLoader { deviceName = "USBasp"; deviceType = Chipset.UsbAsp; } else if (vendorId == 0x1781 && productId == 0x0C9F) // AVR Pocket ISP { deviceName = "USB Tiny"; deviceType = Chipset.UsbTiny; } else if (vendorId == 0x1EAF && productId == 0x0003) // STM32Duino { deviceName = "STM32Duino"; deviceType = Chipset.Stm32Duino; } else { return(false); } var connectedString = connected ? "connected" : "disconnected"; var comPortString = comPort != null ? $" [{comPort}]" : ""; var mountPointString = mountPoint != null ? $" [{mountPoint}]" : ""; var driverString = driverName ?? "NO DRIVER"; _printer.Print($"{deviceName} device {connectedString} ({driverString}): {instance.GetPropertyValue("Manufacturer")} {instance.GetPropertyValue("Name")} ({vendorId:X4}:{productId:X4}:{revisionBcd:X4}){comPortString}{mountPointString}", MessageType.Bootloader); _devicesAvailable[(int)deviceType] += (connected ? 1 : -1); return(true); } return(false); }
public bool DetectBootloader(ManagementBaseObject instance, bool connected = true) { var hardwareIds = (System.String[])instance.GetPropertyValue("HardwareID"); var deviceId = hardwareIds[0]; var deviceidRegex = new Regex(@"VID_([0-9A-F]+).*PID_([0-9A-F]+).*REV_([0-9A-F]+)"); var vp = deviceidRegex.Match(deviceId); var vid = vp.Groups[1].ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); var pid = vp.Groups[2].ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); var rev = vp.Groups[3].ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); string deviceName; if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x03EB) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0x6124)) // Detects Atmel SAM-BA VID & PID { deviceName = "Atmel SAM-BA"; _flasher.CaterinaPort = GetComPort(deviceId); _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.AtmelSamBa] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x03EB)) // Detects Atmel Vendor ID for other Atmel devices { deviceName = "DFU"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Dfu] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x2341) || MatchVid(deviceId, 0x1B4F) || MatchVid(deviceId, 0x239A)) // Detects Arduino Vendor ID, Sparkfun Vendor ID, Adafruit Vendor ID { deviceName = "Caterina"; _flasher.CaterinaPort = GetComPort(deviceId); _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Caterina] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x16C0) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0x0478)) // Detects PJRC VID & PID { deviceName = "Halfkay"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Halfkay] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x0483) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0xDF11)) // Detects STM32 PID & VID { deviceName = "STM32"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Stm32] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x1C11) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0xB007)) // Detects Kiibohd VID & PID { deviceName = "Kiibohd"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Kiibohd] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x16C0) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0x0483)) // Detects Arduino ISP VID & PID { deviceName = "AVRISP"; _flasher.CaterinaPort = GetComPort(deviceId); _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.AvrIsp] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x16C0) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0x05DC)) // Detects AVR USBAsp VID & PID { deviceName = "USBAsp"; _flasher.CaterinaPort = GetComPort(deviceId); _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.UsbAsp] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x1781) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0x0C9F)) // Detects AVR Pocket ISP VID & PID { deviceName = "USB Tiny"; _flasher.CaterinaPort = GetComPort(deviceId); _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.UsbTiny] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x16C0) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0x05DF)) // Detects Objective Development VID & PID { deviceName = "BootloadHID"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.BootloadHid] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else { return(false); } var connectedString = connected ? "connected" : "disconnected"; _printer.Print($"{deviceName} device {connectedString}: {instance.GetPropertyValue("Manufacturer")} {instance.GetPropertyValue("Name")} ({vid}:{pid}:{rev})", MessageType.Bootloader); return(true); }
private void MainWindow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; var menuHandle = GetSystemMenu(Handle, false); InsertMenu(menuHandle, 0, MfByposition | MfSeparator, 0, string.Empty); // <-- Add a menu seperator InsertMenu(menuHandle, 0, MfByposition, About, "About"); //_backgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); foreach (var mcu in _flasher.GetMcuList()) { mcuBox.Items.Add(mcu); } if (mcuBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { mcuBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (Settings.Default.hexFileCollection != null) { filepathBox.Items.AddRange(Settings.Default.hexFileCollection.ToArray()); } logTextBox.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 8); _printer.Print("QMK Toolbox (", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse("Supporting following bootloaders:\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - DFU (Atmel, LUFA) via dfu-programmer (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - Caterina (Arduino, Pro Micro) via avrdude (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - Halfkay (Teensy, Ergodox EZ) via teensy_loader_cli (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - STM32 (ARM) via dfu-util (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - Kiibohd (ARM) via dfu-util (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - BootloadHID (Atmel, ps2avrGB, CA66) via bootloadHID (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - Atmel SAM-BA via mdloader (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse("And the following ISP flasher protocols:\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - USBTiny (AVR Pocket)\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - AVRISP (Arduino ISP)\n", MessageType.Info); var devices = new List <UsbDeviceInfo>(); ManagementObjectCollection collection; using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity where DeviceID Like ""USB%""")) collection = searcher.Get(); _usb.DetectBootloaderFromCollection(collection); UpdateHidDevices(false); UpdateHidList(); if (_filePassedIn != string.Empty) { SetFilePath(_filePassedIn); } LoadKeyboardList(); LoadKeymapList(); }
public bool DetectBootloader(ManagementBaseObject instance, bool connected = true) { var deviceId = GetHardwareId(instance); var vpr = DeviceIdRegex.Match(deviceId); var vid = vpr.Groups[1].ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); var pid = vpr.Groups[2].ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); var rev = vpr.Groups[3].ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); string deviceName; string comPort = null; string driverName = GetDriverName(instance); if (IsSerialDevice(instance)) { comPort = GetComPort(instance); if (MatchVidPid(deviceId, 0x03EB, 0x6124)) // Atmel SAM-BA { deviceName = "Atmel SAM-BA"; _flasher.ComPort = comPort; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.AtmelSamBa] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (caterinaVids.Contains(vid) && caterinaPids.Contains(pid)) // Caterina { deviceName = "Caterina"; _flasher.ComPort = comPort; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Caterina] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVidPid(deviceId, 0x16C0, 0x0483)) // ArduinoISP/AVRISP { deviceName = "AVRISP"; _flasher.ComPort = comPort; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.AvrIsp] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else { return(false); } } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x03EB) && atmelDfuPids.Contains(pid)) // Atmel DFU { deviceName = "Atmel DFU"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.AtmelDfu] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVidPid(deviceId, 0x16C0, 0x0478)) // PJRC Teensy { deviceName = "Halfkay"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Halfkay] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVidPid(deviceId, 0x0483, 0xDF11)) // STM32 DFU { deviceName = "STM32 DFU"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Stm32Dfu] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVidPid(deviceId, 0x314B, 0x0106)) // APM32 DFU { deviceName = "APM32 DFU"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Apm32Dfu] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVidPid(deviceId, 0x1C11, 0xB007)) // Kiibohd { deviceName = "Kiibohd"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Kiibohd] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVidPid(deviceId, 0x16C0, 0x05DF)) // Objective Development BootloadHID { deviceName = "BootloadHID"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.BootloadHid] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVidPid(deviceId, 0x16C0, 0x05DC)) // USBAsp and USBAspLoader { deviceName = "USBAsp"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.UsbAsp] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVidPid(deviceId, 0x1781, 0x0C9F)) // AVR Pocket ISP { deviceName = "USB Tiny"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.UsbTiny] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVidPid(deviceId, 0x1EAF, 0x0003)) // Detects STM32duino Bootloader { deviceName = "STM32duino"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Stm32Duino] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else { return(false); } var connectedString = connected ? "connected" : "disconnected"; var comPortString = comPort != null ? $" [{comPort}]" : ""; var driverString = driverName ?? "NO DRIVER"; _printer.Print($"{deviceName} device {connectedString} ({driverString}): {instance.GetPropertyValue("Manufacturer")} {instance.GetPropertyValue("Name")} ({vid}:{pid}:{rev}){comPortString}", MessageType.Bootloader); return(true); }
private void MainWindow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; var menuHandle = GetSystemMenu(Handle, false); InsertMenu(menuHandle, 0, MfByposition | MfSeparator, 0, string.Empty); // <-- Add a menu seperator InsertMenu(menuHandle, 0, MfByposition, About, "About"); //_backgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); foreach (var mcu in _flasher.GetMcuList()) { mcuBox.Items.Add(mcu); } if (Settings.Default.hexFileCollection != null) { filepathBox.Items.AddRange(Settings.Default.hexFileCollection.ToArray()); } _printer.Print($"QMK Toolbox {Application.ProductVersion} (", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse("Supported bootloaders:\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - Atmel/LUFA/QMK DFU via dfu-programmer (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - Caterina (Arduino, Pro Micro) via avrdude (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - Halfkay (Teensy, Ergodox EZ) via Teensy Loader (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - ARM DFU (STM32, APM32, Kiibohd, STM32duino) via dfu-util (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - Atmel SAM-BA (Massdrop) via Massdrop Loader (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - BootloadHID (Atmel, PS2AVRGB) via bootloadHID (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse("Supported ISP flashers:\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - USBTiny (AVR Pocket)\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - AVRISP (Arduino ISP)\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - USBasp (AVR ISP)\n", MessageType.Info); ManagementObjectCollection collection; using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE DeviceID LIKE 'USB%'")) collection = searcher.Get(); _usb.DetectBootloaderFromCollection(collection); EnableUI(); UpdateHidDevices(false); if (_filePassedIn != string.Empty) { SetFilePath(_filePassedIn); } LoadKeyboardList(); }
private void AutoFlashEnabledChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { PropertyChangedEventArgs args = (PropertyChangedEventArgs)e; if (args.PropertyName == "AutoFlashEnabled") { if (windowState.AutoFlashEnabled) { _printer.Print("Auto-flash enabled", MessageType.Info); DisableUI(); } else { _printer.Print("Auto-flash disabled", MessageType.Info); EnableUI(); } } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { if (Mutex.WaitOne(TimeSpan.Zero, true) && args.Length > 0) { AttachConsole(AttachParentProcess); var printer = new Printing(); if (args[0].Equals("list")) { var flasher = new Flashing(printer); var usb = new Usb(flasher, printer); flasher.Usb = usb; ManagementObjectCollection collection; using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE DeviceID LIKE ""USB%""")) collection = searcher.Get(); usb.DetectBootloaderFromCollection(collection); FreeConsole(); Environment.Exit(0); } if (args[0].Equals("flash")) { var flasher = new Flashing(printer); var usb = new Usb(flasher, printer); flasher.Usb = usb; ManagementObjectCollection collection; using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE DeviceID LIKE ""USB%""")) collection = searcher.Get(); usb.DetectBootloaderFromCollection(collection); if (usb.AreDevicesAvailable()) { var mcu = args[1]; var filepath = args[2]; printer.Print("Attempting to flash, please don't remove device", MessageType.Bootloader); flasher.Flash(mcu, filepath); FreeConsole(); Environment.Exit(0); } else { printer.Print("There are no devices available", MessageType.Error); FreeConsole(); Environment.Exit(1); } } if (args[0].Equals("help")) { printer.Print("QMK Toolbox (", MessageType.Info); printer.PrintResponse("Supported bootloaders:\n", MessageType.Info); printer.PrintResponse(" - Atmel/LUFA/QMK DFU via dfu-programmer (\n", MessageType.Info); printer.PrintResponse(" - Caterina (Arduino, Pro Micro) via avrdude (\n", MessageType.Info); printer.PrintResponse(" - Halfkay (Teensy, Ergodox EZ) via Teensy Loader (\n", MessageType.Info); printer.PrintResponse(" - ARM DFU (STM32, Kiibohd) via dfu-util (\n", MessageType.Info); printer.PrintResponse(" - Atmel SAM-BA (Massdrop) via Massdrop Loader (\n", MessageType.Info); printer.PrintResponse(" - BootloadHID (Atmel, PS2AVRGB) via bootloadHID (\n", MessageType.Info); printer.PrintResponse("Supported ISP flashers:\n", MessageType.Info); printer.PrintResponse(" - USBTiny (AVR Pocket)\n", MessageType.Info); printer.PrintResponse(" - AVRISP (Arduino ISP)\n", MessageType.Info); printer.PrintResponse(" - USBasp (AVR ISP)\n", MessageType.Info); printer.PrintResponse("usage: qmk_toolbox.exe <mcu> <filepath>", MessageType.Info); FreeConsole(); Environment.Exit(0); } printer.Print("Command not found - use \"help\" for all commands", MessageType.Error); FreeConsole(); Environment.Exit(1); } else { if (Mutex.WaitOne(TimeSpan.Zero, true)) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(args.Length == 0 ? new MainWindow(string.Empty) : new MainWindow(args[0])); Mutex.ReleaseMutex(); } else { // send our Win32 message to make the currently running instance // jump on top of all the other windows if (args.Length > 0) { using (var sw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "qmk_toolbox/file_passed_in.txt"))) { sw.WriteLine(args[0]); } } NativeMethods.PostMessage( (IntPtr)NativeMethods.HwndBroadcast, NativeMethods.WmShowme, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } } }
private void MainWindow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { windowStateBindingSource.DataSource = windowState; windowState.PropertyChanged += AutoFlashEnabledChanged; if (Settings.Default.hexFileCollection != null) { filepathBox.Items.AddRange(Settings.Default.hexFileCollection.ToArray()); } mcuBox.SelectedValue = Settings.Default.targetSetting; _printer.Print($"QMK Toolbox {Application.ProductVersion} (", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse("Supported bootloaders:\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - ARM DFU (APM32, Kiibohd, STM32, STM32duino) via dfu-util (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - Atmel/LUFA/QMK DFU via dfu-programmer (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - Atmel SAM-BA (Massdrop) via Massdrop Loader (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - BootloadHID (Atmel, PS2AVRGB) via bootloadHID (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - Caterina (Arduino, Pro Micro) via avrdude (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - HalfKay (Teensy, Ergodox EZ) via Teensy Loader (\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - LUFA Mass Storage\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse("Supported ISP flashers:\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - AVRISP (Arduino ISP)\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - USBasp (AVR ISP)\n", MessageType.Info); _printer.PrintResponse(" - USBTiny (AVR Pocket)\n", MessageType.Info); ManagementObjectCollection collection; using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE DeviceID LIKE 'USB%'")) { collection = searcher.Get(); } _usb.DetectBootloaderFromCollection(collection); EnableUI(); consoleListener.consoleDeviceConnected += ConsoleDeviceConnected; consoleListener.consoleDeviceDisconnected += ConsoleDeviceDisconnected; consoleListener.consoleReportReceived += ConsoleReportReceived; consoleListener.Start(); if (_filePassedIn != string.Empty) { SetFilePath(_filePassedIn); } }
public bool DetectBootloader(ManagementBaseObject instance, bool connected = true) { var connectedString = connected ? "connected" : "disconnected"; var deviceId = instance.GetPropertyValue("DeviceID").ToString(); var deviceidRegex = new Regex(@"VID_([0-9A-F]+).*PID_([0-9A-F]+)\\([0-9A-F]+)"); var vp = deviceidRegex.Match(instance.GetPropertyValue("DeviceID").ToString()); var vid = vp.Groups[1].ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); var pid = vp.Groups[2].ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); var ver = vp.Groups[3].ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); var uni = instance.GetPropertyValue("ClassGuid").ToString(); var comRegex = new Regex("(COM[0-9]+)"); string deviceName; if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x03EB)) // Detects Atmel Vendor ID { deviceName = "DFU"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Dfu] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x2341) || MatchVid(deviceId, 0x1B4F) || MatchVid(deviceId, 0x239a)) // Detects Arduino Vendor ID, Sparkfun Vendor ID, Adafruit Vendor ID { deviceName = "Caterina"; _flasher.CaterinaPort = GetComPort(deviceId); _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Caterina] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x16C0) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0x0478)) // Detects PJRC VID & PID { deviceName = "Halfkay"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Halfkay] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x0483) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0xDF11)) // Detects STM32 PID & VID { deviceName = "STM32"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Stm32] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x1C11) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0xB007)) // Detects Kiibohd VID & PID { deviceName = "Kiibohd"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Kiibohd] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x16C0) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0x0483)) // Detects Arduino ISP VID & PID { deviceName = "AVRISP"; _flasher.CaterinaPort = GetComPort(deviceId); _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.Avrisp] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x1781) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0x0C9F)) // Detects AVR Pocket ISP VID & PID { deviceName = "USB Tiny"; _flasher.CaterinaPort = GetComPort(deviceId); _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.UsbTiny] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else if (MatchVid(deviceId, 0x16C0) && MatchPid(deviceId, 0x05DF)) // Detects Objective Development VID & PID { deviceName = "BootloadHID"; _devicesAvailable[(int)Chipset.BootloadHID] += connected ? 1 : -1; } else { return(false); } _printer.Print($"{deviceName} device {connectedString}: {instance.GetPropertyValue("Name")} -- {vid}:{pid}:{ver} {uni}", MessageType.Bootloader); return(true); }