Exemple #1
        public override void FromXML(XmlNode node)
            // TODO: Implement correctly
            //XmlNode conventionsNode = node.SelectSingleNode("Conventions");
            CheckNode(node, "Conventions");

            foreach (XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes)
                if (child.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment)

                Convention convention = new Convention();
                string     childName  = child.Name;

                if (childName == "Zero")
                    convention = new ZeroRateConvention();
                else if (childName == "Deposit")
                    convention = new DepositConvention();
                else if (childName == "Future")
                    convention = new FutureConvention();
                else if (childName == "FRA")
                    convention = new FraConvention();
                else if (childName == "OIS")
                    convention = new OisConvention();
                else if (childName == "Swap")
                    convention = new IRSwapConvention();
                //else if (childName == "AverageOIS")
                //    convention.reset(new AverageOisConvention());
                //else if (childName == "TenorBasisSwap")
                //    convention.reset(new TenorBasisSwapConvention());
                //else if (childName == "TenorBasisTwoSwap")
                //    convention.reset(new TenorBasisTwoSwapConvention());
                else if (childName == "FX")
                    convention = new FXConvention();
                //else if (childName == "CrossCurrencyBasis")
                //    convention.reset(new CrossCcyBasisSwapConvention());
                //else if (childName == "CDS")
                //    convention.reset(new CdsConvention());
                //else if (childName == "SwapIndex")
                //    convention.reset(new SwapIndexConvention());
                //else if (childName == "InflationSwap")
                //    convention.reset(new InflationSwapConvention());
                    // Temporary before having implemented all conventions
                    //QLNet.Utils.QL_FAIL("Convention name, " + childName + ", not recognized.");

                string id = child.SelectSingleNode("Id").FirstChild.Value;

                    //DLOG("Loading Convention " << id);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //Utils.QL_FAIL("Exception parsing convention XML Node (id = " + id + ") : " + ex.ToString());
                    //WLOG("Exception parsing convention " "XML Node (id = " << id << ") : " << e.what());
Exemple #2
        private void BuildDiscountCurve()
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(_curveSegments.Count <= 1, () => "More than one zero curve segment not supported yet.");
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(_curveSegments[0].CurveSegmentType() == YieldCurveSegment.Type.Zero, () => "The curve segment is not of type Zero.");

            // Fill a vector of zero quotes.
            List <ZeroQuote>        zeroQuotes       = new List <ZeroQuote>();
            DirectYieldCurveSegment zeroCurveSegment = _curveSegments[0] as DirectYieldCurveSegment;

            List <string> zeroQuoteIDs = zeroCurveSegment.Quotes();

            for (int i = 0; i < zeroQuoteIDs.Count; ++i)
                MarketDatum marketQuote = _loader.Get(zeroQuoteIDs[i], _asofDate);
                if (marketQuote != null)
                    Utils.QL_REQUIRE(marketQuote.GetInstrumentType() == MarketDatum.InstrumentType.ZERO, () => "Market quote not of type zero.");
                    ZeroQuote zeroQuote = marketQuote as ZeroQuote;
                    Utils.QL_FAIL("Could not find quote for ID " + zeroQuoteIDs[i] + " with as of date " + _asofDate + ".");

            // Create the (date, zero) pairs.
            Dictionary <Date, double> data = new Dictionary <Date, double>();
            Convention convention          = _conventions.Get(_curveSegments[0].ConventionsID());

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(convention != null, () => "No conventions found with ID: " + _curveSegments[0].ConventionsID());
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(convention.ConventionType() == Convention.Type.Zero, () => "Conventions ID does not give zero rate conventions.");
            ZeroRateConvention zeroConvention  = convention as ZeroRateConvention;
            DayCounter         quoteDayCounter = zeroConvention.DayCounter();

            for (int i = 0; i < zeroQuotes.Count; ++i)
                Utils.QL_REQUIRE(quoteDayCounter == zeroQuotes[i].DayCounter(), () => "The day counter should be the same between the conventions and the quote.");

                if (!zeroQuotes[i].TenorBased())
                    data[zeroQuotes[i].Date()] = zeroQuotes[i].Quote().link.value();
                    Utils.QL_REQUIRE(zeroConvention.TenorBased(), () => "Using tenor based zero rates without tenor based zero rate conventions.");

                    Date zeroDate = _asofDate;
                    if (zeroConvention.SpotLag() > 0)

                    zeroDate       = zeroConvention.SpotCalendar().advance(zeroDate, new Period(zeroConvention.SpotLag(), TimeUnit.Days));
                    zeroDate       = zeroConvention.TenorCalendar().advance(zeroDate, zeroQuotes[i].Tenor(), zeroConvention.RollConvention(), zeroConvention.Eom());
                    data[zeroDate] = zeroQuotes[i].Quote().link.value();

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(data.Count > 0, () => "No market data found for curve spec " + _curveSpec.Name() + " with as of date " + _asofDate);

            // \todo review - more flexible (flat vs. linear extrap)?
            if (data.Keys.First() > _asofDate)
                double rate = data.Values.First();
                data[_asofDate] = rate;
                //LOG("Insert zero curve point at time zero for " + curveSpec_.name() + ": "+ "date " + _asofDate + ", "+"zero " + data[_asofDate]);

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(data.Count > 1, () => "The single zero rate quote provided should be associated with a date greater than as of date.");

            // First build temporary curves
            List <Date>   dates     = new List <Date>();
            List <double> zeroes    = new List <double>();
            List <double> discounts = new List <double>();


            Compounding zeroCompounding     = zeroConvention.Compounding();
            Frequency   zeroCompoundingFreq = zeroConvention.CompoundingFrequency();
            Dictionary <Date, double> it;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Date, double> kvp in data)
                Date   d = kvp.Key;
                double r = kvp.Value;

                InterestRate tempRate = new InterestRate(r, quoteDayCounter, zeroCompounding, zeroCompoundingFreq);
                double       t        = quoteDayCounter.yearFraction(_asofDate, d);
                /* Convert zero rate to continuously compounded if necessary */
                if (zeroCompounding == Compounding.Continuous)
                    zeroes.Add(tempRate.equivalentRate(Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.Annual, t).value());
                //LOG("Add zero curve point for " + curveSpec_.name() + ": " + dates.Last() + " " + zeroes.Last() + " / " + discounts.Last());

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(dates.Count == zeroes.Count, () => "Date and zero vectors differ in size.");
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(dates.Count == discounts.Count, () => "Date and discount vectors differ in size.");

            // Now build curve with requested conventions
            if (_interpolationVariable == YieldCurve.InterpolationVariable.Zero)
                YieldTermStructure tempCurve = Zerocurve(dates, zeroes, quoteDayCounter);
                for (int i = 0; i < dates.Count; ++i)
                    double zero = tempCurve.zeroRate(dates[i], _zeroDayCounter, Compounding.Continuous).value();

                _p = Zerocurve(dates, zeroes, _zeroDayCounter);
            else if (_interpolationVariable == YieldCurve.InterpolationVariable.Discount)
                YieldTermStructure tempCurve = Discountcurve(dates, discounts, quoteDayCounter);
                for (int i = 0; i < dates.Count; ++i)
                    double discount = tempCurve.discount(dates[i]);
                _p = Discountcurve(dates, discounts, _zeroDayCounter);
                Utils.QL_FAIL("Unknown yield curve interpolation variable.");