/// <summary>
        /// Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool Execute()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DTO.CcnUsername))
                Response.data = ActiveDirectory_BSO_Read.IsInActiveDirectory(Ado, SamAccountName);
                Response.data = ActiveDirectory_BSO_Read.IsInActiveDirectory(Ado, DTO.CcnUsername);

            return(Response.data != null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool Execute()
            //Validation of parameters and user have been successful. We may now proceed to read from the database
            var adoGroupAccount = new GroupAccount_ADO();

            //Power users or Administrators may not be group members
            if (IsPowerUser(DTO.CcnUsername) || IsAdministrator(DTO.CcnUsername))
                Log.Instance.Debug("Power users or Administrators may not be group members");
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            //Check if the user is in Active Directory
            if (!ActiveDirectory_BSO_Read.IsInActiveDirectory(Ado, DTO.CcnUsername))
                Log.Instance.Debug("User is not in Active Directory");
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            //First we must check if the GroupAccount exists already (we can't have duplicates)
            if (adoGroupAccount.Exists(Ado, DTO.CcnUsername, DTO.GrpCode))
                //This GroupAccount exists already, we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("GroupAccount exists already - create request refused");
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.duplicate");

            //Create the GroupAccount - and retrieve the newly created Id
            int newId = adoGroupAccount.Create(Ado, DTO, SamAccountName);

            if (newId == 0)
                Log.Instance.Debug("Can't create Group Account");
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            Response.data = JSONRPC.success;