//MinHeapNodeo swap the value of the array for the given two array index
        private void SwapCells(int i, int j)
            MinHeapNode temp = _list[i];

            _list[i] = _list[j];
            //Also update the index change
            _list[i].root._heapArrayIndex = j;

            _list[j] = temp;
            _list[j].root._heapArrayIndex = i;
        public MinHeapNode GetItemByValue(MinHeapNode item)
            foreach (MinHeapNode current in _list)
                if (_wordcomparer.Compare(current, item) == 0)

        public int InsertAndGiveIndex(MinHeapNode e)
            //if the list has space
            if (Count >= _list.Count)
                _list[Count] = e;


            return(CustomHeapUp(Count - 1));
        //Insert element into the heap
        //Add the element to the bottom level of the heap.
        //Compare the added element with its parent; if they are in the correct order, stop.
        //If not, swap the element with its parent and return to the previous step.
        public void Insert(MinHeapNode e)
            //if the list has space
            if (Count >= _list.Count)
                _list[Count] = e;


            HeapUp(Count - 1);
        //MinHeapNodeo swap the value of the array for the given two array index
        private void SwapCells(int i, int j)
            MinHeapNode temp = _list[i];

            _list[i] = _list[j];
            //Also update the index change
            if (_list[i].root != null)
                _list[i].root._heapArrayIndex = j;

            _list[j] = temp;
            if (_list[j].root != null)
                _list[j].root._heapArrayIndex = temp.root._heapArrayIndex;
        //Heapup or bubble up is done to make sure the
        private void HeapUp(int i)
            MinHeapNode elt = _list[i];

            while (true)
                int parent = Parent(i);
                //if the parent value is lesser than o or
                //if the comparer value is greater than 0 then break...
                //eg in case of min-heap the parent should be smaller
                if (parent < 0 || _comparer.Compare(_list[parent], elt) > 0)
                SwapCells(i, parent);
                //this loop will continue untill the parent heap condition is satified
                //ie in min-heap the parent should be the smallest
                i = parent;
 public MinHeapNode GetItemByValue(MinHeapNode item)
 public int CustomInsert(MinHeapNode item)
 public void Insert(MinHeapNode item)