Exemple #1
 public static void Lesson9(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     introText = "" +
                 "Okay! Let's combine what we've learned about sets\n" +
                 "and bonus bubbles. See those three green bubbles\n" +
                 "in the upper right?:" +
                 "If we can match our two green bubbles at the\n" +
                 "bottom with them, we can pop 5 bubbles at once!:" +
                 "They'll also get replaced by two bonus bubbles,\n" +
                 "which we can use to get another set!";
     successText = "Nice! That was worth a lot of points!";
     failureText = "" +
                   "Oops! This one is tricky. Don't forget to use\n" +
                   "The shoulder buttons for rotations and the\n" +
                   "triggers to push and pull the bubbles.:" +
                   "Try and get match the bubbles in the upper\n" +
                   "right first!";
     restrictions = ControlRestrictions.None;
     Clear(box, grid);
     grid[3, 0]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     grid[4, 1]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     grid[4, 2]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     grid[0, 2]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     box[1, 2, 1] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     box[1, 2, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
Exemple #2
 public static void Lesson7(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     introText = "" +
                 "Another advanced topic is bonus bubbles! You\n" +
                 "may have noticed that when you match bubbles,\n" +
                 "new ones slide in to take their place.:" +
                 "But what happens if you match against two\n" +
                 "bubbles in different tentacles at the same\n" +
                 "time?:" +
                 "This will create a bonus bubble of the same\n" +
                 "color. Matching bonus bubbles will multiply\n" +
                 "the score of the set by 2!:" +
                 "Try rotating this orange bubble into the\n" +
                 "lower left corner!";
     successText = "" +
                   "Great! In addition to this bubble being\n" +
                   "worth bonus points, you popped 3 outer\n" +
                   "bubbles with just one inner bubble.:" +
                   "That's a useful skill!";
     failureText = "" +
                   "Oops! Try popping the bubbles in the lower\n" +
                   "left corner first. This will give you a bonus\n" +
     restrictions = ControlRestrictions.None;
     Clear(box, grid);
     grid[0, 3]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
     grid[1, 4]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
     grid[4, 1]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
     box[0, 2, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
Exemple #3
 public static void Lesson8(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     introText = "" +
                 "This technique will be especially important in\n" +
                 "Challenge Mode. Try to match all the bubbles\n" +
                 "here.:" +
                 "To do so, you'll need to get the bonus bubbles\n" +
                 "first again! Focus on the corners that contain\n" +
                 "two bubbles of the same color.:" +
                 "Also, don't forget the basics. Remember you can\n" +
                 "use the left and right triggers to push and pull\n" +
                 "the bubbles.";
     successText = "" +
                   "Perfect! You're almost ready to get started\n" +
                   "for real.";
     failureText = "" +
                   "Oops! Remember, if you match one bubble against\n" +
                   "two tentacles at the same time, it will be\n" +
                   "replaced by a bonus bubble.:" +
                   "You can reuse the bonus bubbles to make more\n" +
                   "matches. Try getting the bonus bubbles first!";
     restrictions = ControlRestrictions.None;
     Clear(box, grid);
     box[0, 1, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     box[0, 0, 0] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
     grid[3, 0]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
     grid[4, 1]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
     grid[1, 4]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
     grid[0, 1]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     grid[1, 0]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     grid[3, 4]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
Exemple #4
 public static void Lesson5(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     introText = "" +
                 "This next lesson is tricky. Notice the two\n" +
                 "yellow bubbles in Mister Jellyfish's body?:" +
                 "They're right next to each other, but they\n" +
                 "haven't popped!:" +
                 "That's because to pop bubbles, you need to\n" +
                 "match bubbles from the Jellyfish's body with\n" +
                 "the bubbles in the tentacles.:" +
                 "Try to align these two yellow bubbles with the\n" +
                 "yellow bubble in the tentacle to form a\n" +
                 "straight line.";
     successText = "" +
                   "You got it. Remember, sets of bubbles will\n" +
                   "only pop if they form a straight line. So be\n" +
     failureText = "" +
                   "Almost! Only sets of bubbles that form a\n" +
                   "straight line will match.";
     Clear(box, grid);
     grid[0, 1]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     box[0, 2, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     box[0, 2, 1] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     restrictions = ControlRestrictions.None;
Exemple #5
 public static void Lesson6(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     introText = "" +
                 "Scoring big sets is tricky. Lets practice some\n" +
                 "more. Try to match all of the bubbles using sets\n" +
                 "of 3 or more!";
     successText = "" +
                   "Awesome! These combos are worth way more points\n" +
                   "than just matching two bubbles at a time.:" +
                   "If you want to be a great Jellyfish doctor,\n" +
                   "you'll need to master spotting when you can\n" +
                   "match these kinds of sets!";
     failureText = "" +
                   "Oops! Remember, you need to rotate the bubbles\n" +
                   "so that all of the same colored bubbles are in\n" +
                   "a straight line!:" +
                   "Use the Right Control Stick to look around and\n" +
                   "get a better view of things!:" +
                   "Finally, don't forget about using the Shoulder\n" +
                   "Buttons for rotations.";
     Clear(box, grid);
     restrictions = ControlRestrictions.None;
     grid[1, 0]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     grid[0, 2]   = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     grid[4, 3]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     box[2, 0, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     box[2, 1, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     box[2, 2, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     box[1, 2, 0] = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     box[1, 2, 1] = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     box[0, 0, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     box[0, 1, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
Exemple #6
 public static void Lesson4(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     introText = "" +
                 "Now let's try and put it together! To match\n" +
                 "these bubbles, you'll need to use the Left and\n" +
                 "Right Triggers to push and pull them.:" +
                 "But, you'll also need to use the Left Control\n" +
                 "Stick and Shoulder Buttons to rotate them!:" +
                 "Try and match all the bubbles!";
     successText = "" +
                   "That's perfect!";
     failureText = "BUG!";
     Clear(box, grid);
     restrictions = ControlRestrictions.None;
     grid[0, 1]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     grid[2, 0]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
     grid[4, 2]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
     grid[3, 4]   = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     grid[4, 1]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     grid[1, 4]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Red);
     box[0, 0, 0] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Red);
     box[2, 2, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     box[1, 2, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
     box[0, 2, 0] = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     box[0, 0, 1] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     box[2, 1, 1] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
Exemple #7
        // Replaces all marked orbs with new random orbs.
        public static bool Replace(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
            bool anythingChanged = false;

            AddBoxToGrid(box, grid);

            for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
                    if (grid[x, y].marked == true)
                        grid[x, y]      = ReplaceHelper(x, y, grid);
                        anythingChanged = true;

            for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
                    if (grid[x, y].marked == true)
                        grid[x, y]        = grid[x, y].replace_orb;
                        grid[x, y].marked = true;

            SetBoxFromGrid(box, grid);
Exemple #8
 public static void Lesson2(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     controlLessonIndex = 0;
     introText          = "" +
                          "Instead of using the Left Control Stick, you\n" +
                          "can use the Left and Right Shoulder Buttons.\n" +
                          "Try it now!:" +
                          "Good! This will perform a different type of\n" +
                          "rotation. Use the Shoulder Buttons to match\n" +
                          "these bubbles!";
     successText = "" +
                   "Nice! If you can master all 6 types of these\n" +
                   "rotations, you'll do great!";
     restrictions = ControlRestrictions.ShouldersOnly;
     Clear(box, grid);
     grid[0, 1]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     grid[3, 4]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     grid.queues[0, 1][1] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
     grid.queues[0, 1][0] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Red);
     grid.queues[3, 4][1] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Red);
     grid.queues[3, 4][0] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
     grid[2, 4]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
     grid.queues[2, 4][1] = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     box[0, 0, 2]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     box[0, 0, 0]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     box[0, 1, 2]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
     box[0, 1, 0]         = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
Exemple #9
 public static void Lesson3(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     controlLessonIndex = 0;
     introText          = "" +
                          "In addition, you can use the Left and Right\n" +
                          "Triggers to push and pull the bubbles in the\n" +
                          "Jellyfish's body. Try it now!:" +
                          "Great! That way, you can change which layer of\n" +
                          "bubbles aligns with the tentacles.:" +
                          "Now, use the Left and Right Triggers to match\n" +
                          "the bubbles!";
     successText = "" +
                   "Great! With the Left Control Stick, Shoulder\n" +
                   "Buttons, and Triggers, you can reorient the\n" +
                   "bubbles however you want!:" +
                   "If you need a reminder of the controls, take a\n" +
                   "look around the top and bottom left of the\n" +
                   "screen for a review.";
     Clear(box, grid);
     restrictions         = ControlRestrictions.TriggersOnly;
     grid[0, 1]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Red);
     grid.queues[0, 1][1] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
     grid[3, 0]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     grid[4, 3]           = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     grid[1, 4]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     box[0, 0, 0]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
     box[1, 0, 0]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Red);
     box[2, 2, 0]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     box[1, 0, 2]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     box[2, 2, 2]         = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
Exemple #10
 public static void Lesson1(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     controlLessonIndex = 1;
     introText          = "" +
                          "Look at all these bubbles inside Mister\n" +
                          "Jellyfish! The colored ones are toxic! Let's\n" +
                          "see if we can get rid of them.:" +
                          "You can use the Left Control Stick to rotate\n" +
                          "the bubbles in Mister Jellyfish's body.\n" +
                          "Try it now!:" +
                          "Perfect! Try to match up the colored bubbles\n" +
                          "in his body with the bubbles in his tentacles!";
     successText = "" +
                   "Great job! When you aligned the bubbles in\n" +
                   "his body with the bubbles in his tentacles,\n" +
                   "the bubbles popped!";
     Clear(box, grid);
     restrictions         = ControlRestrictions.StickOnly;
     grid[0, 1]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     grid[3, 4]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     grid.queues[0, 1][1] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
     grid.queues[0, 1][0] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Red);
     grid.queues[3, 4][1] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Red);
     grid.queues[3, 4][0] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
     grid[2, 4]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
     grid.queues[2, 4][1] = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     box[0, 0, 2]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
     box[0, 0, 0]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
     box[0, 1, 2]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
     box[0, 1, 0]         = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
Exemple #11
 public static void Lesson0(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     Clear(box, grid);
     box[1, 2, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Red);
     box[0, 2, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Color.Red);
     grid[3, 0]   = new PuzzleNode(Color.Red);
Exemple #12
        public static void LoadLevel(string fileName, PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
            String loadPath = "LevelData\\" + fileName;

                r = new StreamReader(TitleContainer.OpenStream(loadPath));
            catch (Exception e)

            for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
                    if (grid.queues[x, y] != null)
                        grid.queues[x, y] = new List <PuzzleNode>();
            for (;;)
                String s = r.ReadLine();
                if (s == null)
                string[] data = s.Split(',');
                if (data[0] == "WIN")
                if (data[0] == "LOSE")
                if (data[0] == "BOX")
                    int x = Convert.ToInt32(data[1]);
                    int y = Convert.ToInt32(data[2]);
                    int z = Convert.ToInt32(data[3]);

                    box[x, y, z] = new PuzzleNode(data[4]);
                else if (data[0] == "GRID")
                    int x = Convert.ToInt32(data[1]);
                    int y = Convert.ToInt32(data[2]);
                    grid[x, y] = new PuzzleNode(data[3]);
                else if (data[0] == "QUEUE")
                    int x = Convert.ToInt32(data[1]);
                    int y = Convert.ToInt32(data[2]);
                    int z = Convert.ToInt32(data[3]);
                    grid.queues[x, y].Add(new PuzzleNode(data[4]));
Exemple #13
 private static void SetBoxFromGrid(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     for (int x = 0; x < boxSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < boxSize; y++)
             box[box.activeZ, y, x] = grid[x + boxOffset, y + boxOffset];
Exemple #14
 private static void AddBoxToGrid(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     for (int x = 0; x < boxSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < boxSize; y++)
             grid[x + boxOffset, y + boxOffset] = box[box.activeZ, y, x];
Exemple #15
 public static void Lesson10(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     introText = "Almost done! Lets do one more.:" +
                 "There are three blue bubbles in the back right \n" +
                 "of Mister Jellyfish. There also 5 blue bubbles \n" +
                 "in the right tentacles.:" +
                 "If you can bring all three of those blue bubbles \n" +
                 "to the front, you can get 3 bonus bubbles to use \n" +
                 "for a second set!";
     successText = "" +
                   "Super! Looks like you're ready to get to work.\n" +
                   "First, lets go over a few more quick things!:" +
                   "There are three different types of Jellyfish\n" +
                   "surgery to choose from, each of which poses\n" +
                   "unique challenges.:" +
                   "In Emergency mode, you'll race against the clock\n" +
                   "to pop as many bubbles as you can.:" +
                   "Scoring sets of 3 or more bubbles at a time is\n" +
                   "key to getting a high score.:" +
                   "Operation mode is similar, but you can relax and\n" +
                   "take your time. However, you'll have a limited\n" +
                   "number of moves to work with.:" +
                   "Time isn't a factor, but you'll need to plan\n" +
                   "your moves carefully and be efficient to get\n" +
                   "a good score.:" +
                   "Finally, Challenge mode will give you some\n" +
                   "tricky puzzles to solve.:" +
                   "You'll need to use what you've learned here to\n" +
                   "pop all of the bubbles in each patient. If you make\n" +
                   "a wrong move, you might get stuck!:" +
                   "Luckily, in Challenge mode, you can press B to\n" +
                   "undo your last move if you make a mistake.:" +
                   "You'll be awarded a rating after each patient.\n" +
                   "If you earn 3 stars, your patient will make a\n" +
                   "full recovery and return to the sea!:" +
                   "Try to save them all!\n";
     failureText = "" +
                   "Oops! Try to rotate all three blue bubbles in\n" +
                   "back to the front right. Then use the three\n" +
                   "bonus bubbles to make a second set.:" +
                   "Don't forget you can use the Right Control Stick\n" +
                   "to get a better view of bubbles in the back!";
     restrictions = ControlRestrictions.None;
     Clear(box, grid);
     box[2, 0, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     box[2, 1, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     box[2, 2, 2] = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     grid[3, 0]   = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     grid[3, 4]   = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     grid[4, 1]   = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     grid[4, 2]   = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     grid[4, 3]   = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
     grid[1, 4]   = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
Exemple #16
 public static void SaveLevel(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
         w = new StreamWriter(TitleContainer.OpenStream(savePath));
     catch (Exception e)
     for (int x = 0; x < boxSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < boxSize; y++)
             for (int z = 0; z < boxSize; z++)
                 PuzzleNode p = box[x, y, z];
                 w.WriteLine("BOX," + x + "," + y + "," + z + "," + p.ToString());
     for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
             PuzzleNode p = grid[x, y];
             w.WriteLine("GRID," + x + "," + y + "," + p.ToString());
     for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
             if (grid.queues[x, y] != null)
                 for (int z = 0; z < grid.queues[x, y].Count; z++)
                     PuzzleNode p = grid.queues[x, y][z];
                     w.WriteLine("QUEUE," + x + "," + y + "," + z + "," + p.ToString());
Exemple #17
        public PuzzleBox Copy()
            PuzzleBox newBox = new PuzzleBox();

            for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < size; z++)
                        newBox[x, y, z] = arr[x, y, z].Copy();
            newBox.activeZ = activeZ;
Exemple #18
 // Clears state. Called when returning to ready state.
 public static void Clear(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     for (int x = 0; x < boxSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < boxSize; y++)
             for (int z = 0; z < boxSize; z++)
                 box[x, y, z].ClearMarking();
     for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
             //if (x == 0 || x == gridSize-1 || y == 0 || y == gridSize-1)
             if (grid.queues[x, y] != null)
                 for (int i = 0; i < grid[x, y].replace_distance; i++)
                     grid.queues[x, y].RemoveAt(0);
                     if (Game.currentSettings.refillQueues)
                         PuzzleNode p = new PuzzleNode();
                         while (p.color == grid.queues[x, y][grid.queues[x, y].Count - 1].color)
                             p = new PuzzleNode();
                         grid.queues[x, y].Add(p);
                         grid.queues[x, y].Add(new PuzzleNode(Color.Gray));
                 for (int i = 0; i < grid.queues[x, y].Count; i++)
                     grid.queues[x, y][i].ClearMarking();
             grid[x, y].ClearMarking();
Exemple #19
 public static void UpdateToggleState(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     for (int x = 0; x < boxSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < boxSize; y++)
             for (int z = 0; z < boxSize; z++)
                 if (box[x, y, z].toggleOrb)
                     Color temp = box[x, y, z].color;
                     box[x, y, z].color       = box[x, y, z].toggleColor;
                     box[x, y, z].toggleColor = temp;
Exemple #20
        public static void LessonBonus(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
            introText = "" +
                        "We'll learn some advanced techniques soon,\n" +
                        "but matching bubbles like this is the core\n" +
                        "skill for any Jellyfish surgeon.:" +
                        "So let's practice this some more!\n" +
                        "Also, you can use the Right Control Stick at any\n" +
                        "time to shift the camera angle.:" +
                        "I like to set the camera so that all 27 bubbles\n" +
                        "in the body are visible at the same time.:" +
                        "But you should do whatever feels comfortable!\n" +
                        "Now, match those bubbles!";

            successText = "" +
                          "Way to go! You're getting the hang of it!\n" +
                          "Let's talk about some more advanced topics!";
            failureText = "BUG!";
            Clear(box, grid);
            restrictions         = ControlRestrictions.None;
            grid[2, 0]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Red);
            grid[3, 0]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
            grid[3, 4]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
            grid.queues[3, 4][0] = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
            grid[0, 1]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
            grid.queues[3, 0][1] = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
            grid[1, 0]           = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
            grid[0, 2]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
            grid.queues[0, 2][0] = (new PuzzleNode(Color.Red));
            grid[4, 2]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
            grid[2, 4]           = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
            grid.queues[4, 2][0] = (new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow));
            grid.queues[4, 2][1] = (new PuzzleNode(Color.Red));
            box[1, 1, 0]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Red);
            box[1, 0, 2]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Magenta);
            box[0, 2, 2]         = new PuzzleNode(Game.jellyBlue);
            box[0, 1, 2]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Yellow);
            box[0, 0, 1]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Green);
            box[2, 0, 0]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
            box[2, 2, 2]         = new PuzzleNode(Color.Orange);
Exemple #21
 public static bool AllGray(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     for (int x = 0; x < boxSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < boxSize; y++)
             for (int z = 0; z < boxSize; z++)
                 if (box[x, y, z].color != Color.Gray && box[x, y, z].color != Game.currentSettings.dangerColor)
                 if (box[x, y, z].toggleColor != Color.Gray && box[x, y, z].toggleColor != Game.currentSettings.dangerColor)
     for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
             if (grid.queues[x, y] != null)
                 for (int i = 0; i < grid.queues[x, y].Count; i++)
                     if (grid.queues[x, y][i].color != Color.Gray && grid.queues[x, y][i].color != Game.currentSettings.dangerColor)
             if (grid[x, y].color != Color.Gray && grid[x, y].color != Game.currentSettings.dangerColor)
Exemple #22
 public static void UpdateTimeCountdown(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid, int elapsedTime)
     for (int x = 0; x < boxSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < boxSize; y++)
             for (int z = 0; z < boxSize; z++)
                 if (box[x, y, z].timeCountdownOrb)
                     box[x, y, z].countdown -= elapsedTime;
                     if (box[x, y, z].countdown <= 0)
                         box[x, y, z].timeCountdownOrb = false;
                         box[x, y, z].color            = Color.Gray;
Exemple #23
 public static void UpdateMoveCountdown(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
     for (int x = 0; x < boxSize; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < boxSize; y++)
             for (int z = 0; z < boxSize; z++)
                 if (box[x, y, z].moveCountdownOrb)
                     box[x, y, z].countdown--;
                     if (box[x, y, z].countdown == 0)
                         box[x, y, z].moveCountdownOrb = false;
                         box[x, y, z].color            = Color.Gray;
Exemple #24
        // Completely randomizes the entire box and grid.
        public static void Reset(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
            for (int x = 0; x < boxSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < boxSize; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < boxSize; z++)
                        //if (box[x, y, z].moveCountdownOrb == true) box[x, y, z].color = Color.Gray;
                        //if (box[x, y, z].timeCountdownOrb == true) box[x, y, z].color = Color.Gray;

                        box[x, y, z]        = new PuzzleNode();
                        box[x, y, z].marked = true;
            Random r = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < Game.currentSettings.grayOrbStart;)
                int x = r.Next(3);
                int y = r.Next(3);
                int z = r.Next(3);
                if (box[x, y, z].color != Color.Gray)
                    box[x, y, z]        = new PuzzleNode(Color.Gray);
                    box[x, y, z].marked = true;
            for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
                    grid[x, y]        = new PuzzleNode();
                    grid[x, y].marked = true;
Exemple #25
        public static int GetMaxReplaceDistance(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
            AddBoxToGrid(box, grid);

            int max_distance = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
                    if (IsWildCard(grid[x, y]) == true && max_distance == 0)
                        max_distance = 1;
                    if (grid[x, y].replace_distance > max_distance)
                        max_distance = grid[x, y].replace_distance;

            SetBoxFromGrid(box, grid);
Exemple #26
        //Puzzle Load
        public static void LoadLesson(int index, PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
            active             = true;
            introIndex         = 0;
            successIndex       = 0;
            failureIndex       = 0;
            controlLessonIndex = -5;
            phase = TutorialPhase.Intro;
            switch (index)
            case (0):
                Lesson1(box, grid);

            case (1):
                Lesson2(box, grid);

            case (2):
                Lesson3(box, grid);

            case (3):
                Lesson4(box, grid);

            case (4):
                LessonBonus(box, grid);

            case (5):
                Lesson5(box, grid);

            case (6):
                Lesson6(box, grid);

            case (7):
                Lesson7(box, grid);

            case (8):
                Lesson8(box, grid);

            case (9):
                Lesson9(box, grid);

            case (10):
                Lesson10(box, grid);

            if (loaded == true)
                Mark(box, grid);
                loaded = true;
Exemple #27
 public static void Mark(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
Exemple #28
        // Checks if any valid move exists.
        public static bool HasValidMove(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
            List <Color> sideColorsBox1   = new List <Color>();
            List <Color> sideColorsBox2   = new List <Color>();
            List <Color> cornerColorsBox  = new List <Color>();
            List <Color> faceColorsBox    = new List <Color>();
            List <Color> sideColorsGrid   = new List <Color>();
            List <Color> cornerColorsGrid = new List <Color>();

            // Get potential box colors
            for (int x = 0; x < boxSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < boxSize; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < boxSize; z++)
                        PuzzleNode p           = box[x, y, z];
                        int        centerCount = 0;
                        if (x == 1)
                        if (y == 1)
                        if (z == 1)
                        if (centerCount == 0)
                            if (p.toggleOrb)
                        if (centerCount == 1)
                            if (p.toggleOrb)
                        if (centerCount == 2)
                            if (p.toggleOrb)
            // Get potential grid colors
            cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[1, 0].color);
            if (grid[1, 0].toggleOrb)
                cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[1, 0].toggleColor);
            cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[3, 0].color);
            if (grid[3, 0].toggleOrb)
                cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[3, 0].toggleColor);
            sideColorsGrid.Add(grid[2, 0].color);
            if (grid[2, 0].toggleOrb)
                cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[2, 0].toggleColor);
            sideColorsGrid.Add(grid[2, 4].color);
            if (grid[2, 4].toggleOrb)
                cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[2, 4].toggleColor);
            cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[1, 4].color);
            if (grid[1, 4].toggleOrb)
                cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[1, 4].toggleColor);
            cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[3, 4].color);
            if (grid[3, 4].toggleOrb)
                cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[3, 4].toggleColor);

            cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[0, 1].color);
            if (grid[0, 1].toggleOrb)
                cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[0, 1].toggleColor);
            cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[0, 3].color);
            if (grid[0, 3].toggleOrb)
                cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[0, 3].toggleColor);
            sideColorsGrid.Add(grid[0, 2].color);
            if (grid[0, 2].toggleOrb)
                cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[0, 2].toggleColor);
            sideColorsGrid.Add(grid[4, 2].color);
            if (grid[4, 2].toggleOrb)
                cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[4, 2].toggleColor);
            cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[4, 1].color);
            if (grid[4, 1].toggleOrb)
                cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[4, 1].toggleColor);
            cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[4, 3].color);
            if (grid[4, 3].toggleOrb)
                cornerColorsGrid.Add(grid[4, 3].toggleColor);

            foreach (Color c in faceColorsBox)
                if (c == Color.Gray || c == Game.currentSettings.dangerColor)
                if (sideColorsGrid.Contains(c))
            foreach (Color c in sideColorsBox1)
                if (c == Color.Gray || c == Game.currentSettings.dangerColor)
                if (cornerColorsGrid.Contains(c) || sideColorsGrid.Contains(c))
            foreach (Color c in cornerColorsBox)
                if (c == Color.Gray || c == Game.currentSettings.dangerColor)
                if (cornerColorsGrid.Contains(c))
Exemple #29
        //Identifies all scoring matches and marks them.
        public static List <ScoringSet> Solve(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)
            Matcher.AddBoxToGrid(box, grid);

            List <ScoringSet> scoringSets = new List <ScoringSet>();

            // Marking orbs
            #region InitialOrbMarking
            // Marking vertical lines
            for (int x = boxOffset; x < boxOffset + boxSize; x++)
                int        start_index = 0;
                int        end_index   = 0;
                PuzzleNode lastNode    = new PuzzleNode(Color.Black);
                for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
                    if (grid[x, y] == null)
                    if (PuzzleNode.Match(lastNode, grid[x, y]))
                        lastNode = grid[x, y];
                        lastNode = grid[x, y];
                        if (StartEndHelper(start_index, end_index))
                            ScoringSet s;
                            if (start_index < boxOffset)
                                s = CreateScoreHelperVert(start_index, end_index, x, grid[x, start_index]);
                                s = CreateScoreHelperVert(start_index, end_index, x, grid[x, y]);
                            for (int i = start_index; i < end_index; i++)
                                s.multiplier *= grid[x, i].bonus;
                                MarkHelperVert(start_index, end_index, i, grid[x, i]);
                        start_index = y;
                        end_index   = y + 1;
                if (StartEndHelper(start_index, end_index))
                    ScoringSet s = CreateScoreHelperVert(start_index, end_index, x, grid[x, end_index - 1]);
                    for (int i = start_index; i < end_index; i++)
                        s.multiplier *= grid[x, i].bonus;
                        MarkHelperVert(start_index, end_index, i, grid[x, i]);

            // Marking horizontal lines
            for (int y = boxOffset; y < boxOffset + boxSize; y++)
                int        start_index = 0;
                int        end_index   = 0;
                PuzzleNode lastNode    = new PuzzleNode(Color.Black);
                for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
                    if (grid[x, y] == null)
                    if (PuzzleNode.Match(lastNode, grid[x, y]))
                        lastNode = grid[x, y];
                        lastNode = grid[x, y];
                        if (StartEndHelper(start_index, end_index))
                            ScoringSet s;
                            if (start_index < boxOffset)
                                s = CreateScoreHelperHoriz(start_index, end_index, y, grid[start_index, y]);
                                s = CreateScoreHelperHoriz(start_index, end_index, y, grid[x, y]);
                            for (int i = start_index; i < end_index; i++)
                                s.multiplier *= grid[i, y].bonus;
                                MarkHelperHoriz(start_index, end_index, i, grid[i, y]);
                        start_index = x;
                        end_index   = x + 1;
                if (StartEndHelper(start_index, end_index))
                    ScoringSet s = CreateScoreHelperHoriz(start_index, end_index, y, grid[end_index - 1, y]);

                    for (int i = start_index; i < end_index; i++)
                        s.multiplier *= grid[i, y].bonus;
                        MarkHelperHoriz(start_index, end_index, i, grid[i, y]);

            // Extend wildcard markings
            #region ExtendWildcardMarkings
            for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
                    if (IsWildCard(grid[x, y]))
                        for (int i = x + 1; i < gridSize; i++)
                            if (grid[i, y].marked)
                                grid[i, y].replace_right = true;
                        for (int i = x - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            if (grid[i, y].marked)
                                grid[i, y].replace_left = true;
                        for (int i = y + 1; i < gridSize; i++)
                            if (grid[x, i].marked)
                                grid[x, i].replace_bottom = true;
                        for (int i = y - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            if (grid[x, i].marked)
                                grid[x, i].replace_top = true;

            // Mark non-scoring orbs as needing to be replaced
            #region MarkNonScoringOrbsForReplacement
            for (int x = boxOffset; x < boxOffset + boxSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
                    if (grid[x, y].replace_bottom && !IsWildCard(grid[x, y]))
                        for (int i = y; i < gridSize; i++)
                            grid[x, i].marked           = true;
                            grid[x, i].replace_bottom   = true;
                            grid[x, i].replace_distance = grid[x, y].replace_distance;
                for (int y = gridSize - 1; y >= 0; y--)
                    if (grid[x, y].replace_top && !IsWildCard(grid[x, y]))
                        for (int i = y; i >= 0; i--)
                            grid[x, i].marked           = true;
                            grid[x, i].replace_top      = true;
                            grid[x, i].replace_distance = grid[x, y].replace_distance;
            for (int y = boxOffset; y < boxOffset + boxSize; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
                    if (grid[x, y].replace_right && !IsWildCard(grid[x, y]))
                        for (int i = x; i < gridSize; i++)
                            grid[i, y].marked           = true;
                            grid[i, y].replace_right    = true;
                            grid[i, y].replace_distance = grid[x, y].replace_distance;
                for (int x = gridSize - 1; x >= 0; x--)
                    if (grid[x, y].replace_left && !IsWildCard(grid[x, y]))
                        for (int i = x; i >= 0; i--)
                            grid[i, y].marked           = true;
                            grid[i, y].replace_left     = true;
                            grid[i, y].replace_distance = grid[x, y].replace_distance;

            // fix replace distances
            #region FixReplaceDistances
            for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
                    if (IsWildCard(grid[x, y]))
                        if (grid[x, y].replace_right)
                            for (int i = x; i < gridSize; i++)
                                if (grid[i, y].marked)
                                    grid[i, y].replace_distance--;
                        if (grid[x, y].replace_left)
                            for (int i = x; i >= 0; i--)
                                if (grid[i, y].marked)
                                    grid[i, y].replace_distance--;
                        if (grid[x, y].replace_bottom)
                            for (int i = y; i < gridSize; i++)
                                if (grid[x, i].marked)
                                    grid[x, i].replace_distance--;
                        if (grid[x, y].replace_top)
                            for (int i = y; i >= 0; i--)
                                if (grid[x, i].marked)
                                    grid[x, i].replace_distance--;

            Matcher.SetBoxFromGrid(box, grid);
Exemple #30
 public static void Clear(PuzzleBox box, MasterGrid grid)