public override IList FindAllAuctions()
     IContext context = GetContext();
     IQuery query = new NPathQuery("Select *, Item.*, Seller.*, Bids.* from Auction Order By Id", typeof(Auction));
     IList auctions = (IList) context.GetObjectsByQuery(query);
     return auctions;
 public override IList FindHighBids(string auctionId)
     IContext context = GetContext();
     IQuery query = new NPathQuery("select Top 1 *, Buyer.* from Bid where Auction = ? order by Amount desc", typeof(Bid));
     query.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter(DbType.String, auctionId));
     IList bids = context.GetObjectsByQuery(query);
     return bids;
Exemple #3
        public void ParseSubQuery()
            using (IContext context = GetContext())
                //,(select count(*) from Products) as Blah
                string npath = "select CategoryName,(1+3-(5*Id)) as Häst from Category";
                string sql = new NPathQuery(npath,typeof(Category),context).ToSql() ;

                Console.WriteLine(sql) ;
 public virtual IQuery ToQuery(MarshalQuery marshalQuery)
     IQuery query = null;
     IContext ctx = this.Context;
     IClassMap classMap = ctx.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(marshalQuery.PrimitiveType);
     Type realType = ctx.AssemblyManager.MustGetTypeFromClassMap(classMap);
     if (marshalQuery.QueryType == "NPathQuery")
         query = new NPathQuery(marshalQuery.QueryString, realType, this.Context);
     if (marshalQuery.QueryType == "SqlQuery")
         query = new SqlQuery(marshalQuery.QueryString, realType, this.Context);
     query.Query = marshalQuery.QueryString;
     foreach (MarshalParameter mp in marshalQuery.Parameters)
         object value = ToParameterValue(mp);
         IQueryParameter param = new QueryParameter(mp.Name, mp.DbType, value);
     return query;
        public virtual void TestFetchEmployeesNamedNancyDavolioByNPathQuery()
            using (IContext context = GetContext())
                //Create the query string
                string npath = "Select * From Employee Where FirstName = ? And LastName = ?";

                //Create query parameters
                QueryParameter param1 = new QueryParameter(DbType.String, "Nancy");
                QueryParameter param2 = new QueryParameter(DbType.String, "Davolio");

                //Create an npath query object
                NPathQuery npathQuery = new NPathQuery(npath, typeof(Employee));

                //add the parameters to the query object

                //Ask the context to fetch all employees with the name nancy davolio
                IList employees = context.GetObjectsByQuery(npathQuery);

                //Assert that the context didn't return a null value

                //Assert that the context didn't return an empty list
                Assert.IsTrue(employees.Count > 0);

                //Make sure that each employee in the collection
                //has the name nancy davolio
                foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                    Assert.AreEqual("Nancy", employee.FirstName);
                    Assert.AreEqual("Davolio", employee.LastName);

Exemple #6
        private void RunQuery(bool eval)
            string query = GetQuery();
            if (query == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You must enter a query first!");
            NPathQuery npath = new NPathQuery(query) ;
                IContext context = GetContext();
                IClassMap classMap = context.NPathEngine.GetRootClassMap(query, context.DomainMap);
                Type type = context.AssemblyManager.MustGetTypeFromClassMap(classMap);

                if (type == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not find type for classMap " + classMap.Name);

                npath.Context = context;
                npath.PrimaryType = type;

                NPathQueryType npathQueryType = context.NPathEngine.GetNPathQueryType(query);

                string sql = npath.ToSql();
                textSql.Text = sql;

                if (!(eval))

                    if (npathQueryType == NPathQueryType.SelectObjects)

                        DataTable sqlResult = context.SqlExecutor.ExecuteDataTable(sql, context.GetDataSource( classMap.GetSourceMap()), npath.Parameters);
                        gridRows.DataSource = sqlResult;

                        IList result = context.GetObjectsByQuery(npath);
                        DataTable table = GetDataTable(result, context);
                        gridObjects.DataSource = table;


                    if (npathQueryType == NPathQueryType.SelectScalar)

                        DataTable sqlResult = context.SqlExecutor.ExecuteDataTable(sql, context.GetDataSource( classMap.GetSourceMap()));
                        gridRows.DataSource = sqlResult;

                        object result = context.ExecuteScalar(npath);
                        DataTable table = GetScalarDataTable(result);
                        gridObjects.DataSource = table;


                    if (npathQueryType == NPathQueryType.SelectTable )

                        DataTable sqlResult = context.SqlExecutor.ExecuteDataTable(sql, context.GetDataSource( classMap.GetSourceMap()));
                        gridRows.DataSource = sqlResult;

                        DataTable result = context.GetDataTable(npath);
                        gridObjects.DataSource = result;


            catch (Exception ex)
        private void RunQuery(string query)
            if (query == "")
                query = GetQuery();
            if (query == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You must enter a query first!");

            Cursor cacheCursor = this.Cursor ;

            //			try
            //			{
                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor ;
                Application.DoEvents() ;

                IList filter = null;
                if (queryResultMenuItem.Checked)
                    filter = GetListViewObjects();

                objectsListView.Clear() ;
                objectsListView.Columns.Clear() ;
                objectsListView.Items.Clear() ;

                NPathQuery npath = new NPathQuery(query) ;
                IClassMap classMap = Context.NPathEngine.GetRootClassMap(query, Context.DomainMap);
                Type type = Context.AssemblyManager.MustGetTypeFromClassMap(classMap);

                npath.Context = Context;
                npath.PrimaryType = type;

                NPathQueryType npathQueryType = Context.NPathEngine.GetNPathQueryType(query);

                if (npathQueryType == NPathQueryType.SelectObjects)
                    IList result = null;
                    if (queryDataSourceMenuItem.Checked)
                        result = Context.GetObjects(npath, type);
                    else if (queryFilterMenuItem.Checked)
                        result = Context.FilterObjects(npath);
                        result = Context.FilterObjects(filter, npath);

                    ObjectListViewItem.SetupColumns(Context, type, objectsListView);

                    objectsListView.BeginUpdate() ;
                    foreach (object obj in result)
                        ListViewItem listViewItem = new ObjectListViewItem(Context, obj, type) ;
                        objectsListView.Items.Add(listViewItem );
                    objectsListView.EndUpdate() ;

                if (npathQueryType == NPathQueryType.SelectScalar)
                    MessageBox.Show("Only queries that returned objects are allowed in the Object Explorer! For scalar queries, please use the Query Analyzer instead.");

                if (npathQueryType == NPathQueryType.SelectTable )
                    MessageBox.Show("Only queries that returned objects are allowed in the Object Explorer! For tabular queries, please use the Query Analyzer instead.");
            //			}
            //			catch (CompositeException compEx)
            //			{
            //				ListAllSystemExceptions(compEx.InnerExceptions);
            //				MessageBox.Show("Exceptions were encountered while executing the query! Please inspect the list of errors for more information!");
            //			}
            //			catch (Exception ex)
            //			{
            //				IList exceptions = new ArrayList();
            //				exceptions.Add(ex);
            //				ListAllSystemExceptions(exceptions);
            //				MessageBox.Show("An exception was encountered while executing the query! Please inspect the list of errors for more information!");
            //			}

            this.Cursor = cacheCursor ;
        //Fetch a list of all the employees in the database where the
        //first or last name contains the string in the filter text box,
        //ordered by first name and last name and add them to the list view
        private void FilterEmployees()
            //set up the list view columns

            //clearing any old list view items
            employeesListView.Items.Clear() ;

            using (IContext context = ContextFactory.GetContext())
                //For this query we will be using an NPathQuery object
                //for comfortable handling of parameters
                NPathQuery npathQuery = new NPathQuery() ;

                //Set the type that we want to fetch objects of
                npathQuery.PrimaryType = typeof(Employee);

                //This is the query string for our query,
                //formulated in the query langauge NPath
                string npathQueryString = "Select * From Employee ";

                string filter = filterTextBox.Text ;

                //Add where clause (unless filter text box is empty)
                if (filter.Length > 0)
                    //add wildcards to the filter
                    filter = "%" + filter + "%";

                    //add the where clause to the query string
                    npathQueryString += "Where FirstName LIKE ? or LastName LIKE ?";

                    //create the parameters
                    QueryParameter firstNameParameter = new QueryParameter(DbType.String, filter);
                    QueryParameter lastNameParameter = new QueryParameter(DbType.String, filter);

                    //add the parameters to our query object

                //Add order by clause
                npathQueryString += "Order By FirstName, LastName";

                //Add our query string to our query object
                npathQuery.Query = npathQueryString;

                //Ask the context to execute the query and return the matching employees
                IList employees = context.GetObjectsByQuery(npathQuery);

                //Add the resulting employees to the list view
                foreach (Employee employee in employees)
        public static IList FilterAuthors(
            IContext context,
            string firstName,
            string lastName)
            //Pad the first and last names with wildcard symbols
            firstName = "%" + firstName + "%";
            lastName = "%" + lastName + "%";

            //Create the npath query string
            string npathString = "Select * From Author Where " +
                "FirstName Like ? and LastName Like ?";

            //Create the npath query object
            NPathQuery npathQuery = new NPathQuery(npathString, typeof(Author));

            //Add the parameters to the npath query object
                new QueryParameter(DbType.AnsiString, firstName));

                new QueryParameter(DbType.AnsiString, lastName));

            //Ask the context to fetch all authors matching the npath query
            IList authors = context.GetObjectsByNPath(npathQuery);

            return authors;
        public override IList GetObjectsOfType(Type type, Filter filter)
            if (filter.FilterItems.Count < 1)
                return GetObjectsOfType(type);

            NPathQuery query = new NPathQuery();

            query.PrimaryType = type;

            string npathString = "Select * From " + GetTypeNameFromType(type) + " Where ";
            foreach (FilterItem item in filter.FilterItems)
                npathString += item.PropertyName;
                switch (item.MatchCondition)
                    case MatchCondition.Equals:
                        npathString += " = ";
                    case MatchCondition.Like:
                        npathString += " LIKE ";
                        item.Value = "%" + item.Value + "%";
                    case MatchCondition.LargerThan:
                        npathString += " > ";
                    case MatchCondition.SmallerThan:
                        npathString += " < ";
                npathString += "? And ";

            npathString = npathString.Substring(0, npathString.Length - 4);

            query.Query = npathString;

            return context.GetObjectsByNPath(query);
        public virtual NPathQuery GetLoadObjectNPathQueryWithSelect(object obj, string npathQueryString, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior)
            IClassMap classMap = this.Context.NPathEngine.GetRootClassMap(npathQueryString, this.Context.DomainMap);
            Type type = this.Context.AssemblyManager.MustGetTypeFromClassMap(classMap);

            NPathQuery npathQuery = new NPathQuery(npathQueryString, type);
            npathQuery.RefreshBehavior = refreshBehavior;

            npathQuery.Parameters.Add(new QueryParameter(DbType.Object, obj));

            return npathQuery;