GetEvent() public méthode

public GetEvent ( ) : Event
Résultat Event
Exemple #1
 // Get Length of a special, in meters.
 public static float ComputeSpecialLength(EventDB eventDB, Id<Special> specialId)
     Special special = eventDB.GetSpecial(specialId);
     SymPath path = new SymPath(special.locations);
     return (float)((eventDB.GetEvent().mapScale * path.Length) / 1000.0);
Exemple #2
        // Similar to ComputeLegLength. However, if the leg is flagged partially, only the length of the flagged portion is returned.
        // Note: if the flagging is NONE, this still returns the length of the whole leg!
        public static float ComputeFlaggedLegLength(EventDB eventDB, Id<ControlPoint> controlId1, Id<ControlPoint> controlId2, Id<Leg> legId)
            PointF location1 = eventDB.GetControl(controlId1).location;
            PointF location2 = eventDB.GetControl(controlId2).location;
            PointF[] bends = null;
            Leg leg = null;

            if (legId.IsNotNone) {
                leg = eventDB.GetLeg(legId);
                Debug.Assert(leg.controlId1 == controlId1 && leg.controlId2 == controlId2);
                bends = leg.bends;

            if (bends == null) {
                return (float)((eventDB.GetEvent().mapScale * Geometry.Distance(location1, location2)) / 1000.0);
            else {
                List<PointF> points = new List<PointF>();
                int bendIndexStart, bendIndexStop;


                // Which part is flagged?
                if (leg.flagging == FlaggingKind.Begin) {
                    bendIndexStart = 0; bendIndexStop = points.IndexOf(leg.flagStartStop);
                else if (leg.flagging == FlaggingKind.End) {
                    bendIndexStart = points.IndexOf(leg.flagStartStop); bendIndexStop = points.Count - 1;
                else {
                    bendIndexStart = 0; bendIndexStop = points.Count - 1;

                double dist = 0;

                for (int i = bendIndexStart + 1; i <= bendIndexStop; ++i)
                    dist += Geometry.Distance(points[i - 1], points[i]);

                return (float)((eventDB.GetEvent().mapScale * dist) / 1000.0);
Exemple #3
        // Compute the length of a leg between two controls, in meters. The indicated leg id, if non-zero, is used
        // to get bend information. The event map scale converts between the map scale, in mm, which is used
        // for the coordinate information, to meters in the world scale.
        public static float ComputeLegLength(EventDB eventDB, Id<ControlPoint> controlId1, Id<ControlPoint> controlId2, Id<Leg> legId)
            PointF location1 = eventDB.GetControl(controlId1).location;
            PointF location2 = eventDB.GetControl(controlId2).location;

            SymPath path = GetLegPath(eventDB, controlId1, controlId2, legId);
            return (float)((eventDB.GetEvent().mapScale * path.Length) / 1000.0);
Exemple #4
        // Get the print area for a course, or for all controls if CourseId is none.
        public static PrintArea GetPrintArea(EventDB eventDB, CourseDesignator courseDesignator)
            PrintArea printArea;

            if (courseDesignator.IsAllControls)
                printArea = eventDB.GetEvent().printArea;
            else {
                Course course = eventDB.GetCourse(courseDesignator.CourseId);
                printArea = course.printArea;
                if (!courseDesignator.AllParts && course.partPrintAreas.ContainsKey(courseDesignator.Part))
                    printArea = course.partPrintAreas[courseDesignator.Part];

            return printArea;
Exemple #5
        // Renumber all controls according the current start code/invertible code.
        // Rather than change every control, any code that will continue to be used remains assigned to the same control id. Controls getting
        // new codes are assigned in code order, to new codes in code order.
        public static void AutoRenumberControls(EventDB eventDB)
            Event e = eventDB.GetEvent();

            Dictionary<string, bool> newCodes = new Dictionary<string,bool>(); // dictionary of new codes and if we still need to assign them
            Dictionary<string, Id<ControlPoint>> codeToControl = new Dictionary<string, Id<ControlPoint>>(); // dictionary mapping current codes to control ids.

            // Initialize the newCodes and codeToControl data structures
            int newCode = e.firstControlCode;
            string newCodeString = newCode.ToString();
            foreach (Id<ControlPoint> controlId in eventDB.AllControlPointIds) {
                ControlPoint control = eventDB.GetControl(controlId);
                string reason;
                bool legal;

                if (control.kind == ControlPointKind.Normal) {
                    // Add to codeToControl mapping dictionary.
                    codeToControl.Add(control.code, controlId);

                    // Add a new code to the new code dictionary
                    newCodes.Add(newCodeString, true);
                    do {
                        if (newCode >= 1000)
                            newCode = 31;
                        newCodeString = newCode.ToString();

                        // Is the new code legal and preferred?
                        legal = QueryEvent.IsPreferredControlCode(eventDB, newCodeString, out reason);
                    } while (!legal || reason != null);  // filters out invertible (if selected in the event).

            // Remove controls from the codeToControl dictionary that have codes we will continue to use, and mark those
            // codes are assigned.
            List<string> newCodeStrings = new List<string>(newCodes.Keys);
            foreach (string code in newCodeStrings) {
                if (codeToControl.ContainsKey(code)) {
                    newCodes[code] = false;

            // Put the codeToControl dictionary into a list and sort it.
            List<KeyValuePair<string, Id<ControlPoint>>> codeToControlList = new List<KeyValuePair<string, Id<ControlPoint>>>(codeToControl);
            codeToControlList.Sort(delegate(KeyValuePair<string, Id<ControlPoint>> pair1, KeyValuePair<string, Id<ControlPoint>> pair2) {
                return Util.CompareCodes(pair1.Key, pair2.Key);

            // Put the codes still to be assigned into a list and sort it.
            List<string> newCodeList = new List<string>();
            foreach (string code in newCodes.Keys)
                if (newCodes[code])

            // Assign new codes.
            Debug.Assert(codeToControlList.Count == newCodeList.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < codeToControlList.Count; ++i) {
                ChangeEvent.ChangeCode(eventDB, codeToControlList[i].Value, newCodeList[i]);
Exemple #6
        // Gets the custom symbol text/key dictionary. Makes a copy of them, so that changes don't cause weird effects.
        public static void GetCustomSymbolText(EventDB eventDB, out Dictionary<string, List<SymbolText>> customSymbolText, out Dictionary<string, bool> customSymbolKey)
            Event ev = eventDB.GetEvent();

            customSymbolText = Util.CopyDictionary(ev.customSymbolText);
            customSymbolKey = Util.CopyDictionary(ev.customSymbolKey);
Exemple #7
        // Get the description language.
        public static string GetDescriptionLanguage(EventDB eventDB)
            Event ev = eventDB.GetEvent();

            return ev.descriptionLangId;
Exemple #8
        // Change the event title. Seperate lines with "|".
        public static void ChangeEventTitle(EventDB eventDB, string newTitle)
            Event e = eventDB.GetEvent();

            e = (Event) e.Clone();
            e.title = newTitle;

Exemple #9
        // Change the map scale.
        public static void ChangeMapScale(EventDB eventDB, float newScale)
            Event e = eventDB.GetEvent();

            e = (Event) e.Clone();
            e.mapScale = newScale;

Exemple #10
        // Change the custom system text for the event.
        public static void ChangeCustomSymbolText(EventDB eventDB, Dictionary<string, List<SymbolText>> customSymbolText, Dictionary<string, bool> customSymbolKey)
            Event e = eventDB.GetEvent();

            e = (Event) e.Clone();
            e.customSymbolText = Util.CopyDictionary(customSymbolText);
            e.customSymbolKey = Util.CopyDictionary(customSymbolKey);

Exemple #11
        // Change the description language
        public static void ChangeDescriptionLanguage(EventDB eventDB, string newLangId)
            Event e = eventDB.GetEvent();

            e = (Event) e.Clone();
            e.descriptionLangId = newLangId;

Exemple #12
        // Set the course appearance for this event.
        public static void ChangeCourseAppearance(EventDB eventDB, CourseAppearance courseAppearance)
            Event e = eventDB.GetEvent();

            e = (Event) e.Clone();
            e.courseAppearance = (CourseAppearance) courseAppearance.Clone();

Exemple #13
        // Change the auto numbering options.
        public static void ChangeAutoNumbering(EventDB eventDB, int startCode, bool disallowInvertibleCodes)
            Event e = eventDB.GetEvent();

            e = (Event) e.Clone();
            e.firstControlCode = startCode;
            e.disallowInvertibleCodes = disallowInvertibleCodes;

Exemple #14
        // Change the attributes of a all controls display.
        public static void ChangeAllControlsProperties(EventDB eventDB, float printScale, DescriptionKind descriptionKind)
            Event e = eventDB.GetEvent();

            e = (Event) e.Clone();
            e.allControlsPrintScale = printScale;
            e.allControlsDescKind = descriptionKind;

Exemple #15
 // Get the real world distance, in meters, between two points.
 public static float DistanceBetweenPointsInMeters(EventDB eventDB, PointF pt1, PointF pt2)
     return (float)((eventDB.GetEvent().mapScale * Geometry.Distance(pt1, pt2)) / 1000.0);
Exemple #16
        // Change the course print area. If "removeParts" is true, and the course is an all parts,
        // then remove print descriptions for each part.
        public static void ChangePrintArea(EventDB eventDB, CourseDesignator courseDesignator, bool removeParts, PrintArea printArea)
            printArea = (PrintArea) printArea.Clone();

            if (courseDesignator.IsAllControls) {
                Event e = eventDB.GetEvent();

                e = (Event) e.Clone();
                e.printArea = printArea;

            else {
                Course course = eventDB.GetCourse(courseDesignator.CourseId);

                course = (Course) course.Clone();

                if (courseDesignator.AllParts) {
                    course.printArea = printArea;

                    if (removeParts)
                        course.partPrintAreas = new Dictionary<int, PrintArea>();
                else {
                    course.partPrintAreas[courseDesignator.Part] = printArea;

                eventDB.ReplaceCourse(courseDesignator.CourseId, course);
Exemple #17
 // Get auto numbering values.
 public static void GetAutoNumbering(EventDB eventDB, out int firstCode, out bool disallowInvertibleCodes)
     Event ev = eventDB.GetEvent();
     firstCode = ev.firstControlCode;
     disallowInvertibleCodes = ev.disallowInvertibleCodes;
Exemple #18
        // Set the punch card format for the event.
        public static void ChangePunchcardFormat(EventDB eventDB, PunchcardFormat punchcardFormat)
            Event e = eventDB.GetEvent();

            e = (Event) e.Clone();
            e.punchcardFormat = (PunchcardFormat) punchcardFormat.Clone();

Exemple #19
 // What is the default description kind for this course. Can be None, which gets
 // All Controls print scale.
 public static DescriptionKind GetDefaultDescKind(EventDB eventDB, Id<Course> courseId)
     if (courseId.IsNone)
         return eventDB.GetEvent().allControlsDescKind;
         return eventDB.GetCourse(courseId).descKind;
Exemple #20
        // Determine if a code is legal and preferred. Some legal codes like "20" are never preferred. Invertible codes are
        // preferred only if the event is set to disallow such codes.
        // Returns true if the code is legal, false if illegal.
        // If legal but not preferred, returns true, but reason is set to a non-null value.
        // Legal but not preferred includes: under 31, leading zero, invertable (and event disallows those).
        public static bool IsPreferredControlCode(EventDB eventDB, string code, out string reason)
            int codeNumber;

            bool disallowInvertibleCodes = eventDB.GetEvent().disallowInvertibleCodes;

            if (!IsLegalControlCode(code, out reason))
                return false;

            if (int.TryParse(code, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.None, null, out codeNumber)) {
                if (code[0] == '0') {
                    reason = MiscText.CodeBeginsWithZero;
                    return true;  // legal but not preferred.
                if (disallowInvertibleCodes && Array.IndexOf(badUpsideDownNumbers, codeNumber) >= 0) {
                    reason = MiscText.CodeCouldBeUpsideDown;
                    return true;  // legal but not preferred.

                // It's OK.
                reason = null;
                return true;
            else {
                // Non-numerics are OK.
                reason = null;
                return true;
Exemple #21
 // Get the event title, with particular string for newlines.
 public static string GetEventTitle(EventDB eventDB, string lineSep)
     Event ev = eventDB.GetEvent();
     return ev.title.Replace("|", lineSep);            // In internal storage, | is used as line seperator.
Exemple #22
        // Get the next unused control code. The next unused control code is determined by first taking
        // the initial code for this event. The next legal numeric control code
        // that isn't in use after this is returned, taking into account the invertibility setting for this event also.
        public static string NextUnusedControlCode(EventDB eventDB)
            Event ev = eventDB.GetEvent();

            int lowestCode = ev.firstControlCode;

            // Loop to find a legal, unused control code.
            bool wrapped = false;
            int codeNumber = lowestCode;
            for (;;) {
                string code = codeNumber.ToString();
                string reason;

                if (FindCode(eventDB, code).IsNone && IsPreferredControlCode(eventDB, code, out reason) && reason == null)
                    return code;

                if (codeNumber == 1000) {
                    // Hit 1000. Wrap around to find another place.
                    if (wrapped)
                        return "XX";  // all the numbers are used! Unlikely, but we don't want to hang!
                    wrapped = true;
                    codeNumber = 31;
Exemple #23
 // What is the print scale for this course? Can be None, which gets All Controls print scale.
 public static float GetPrintScale(EventDB eventDB, Id<Course> courseId)
     if (courseId.IsNone)
         return eventDB.GetEvent().allControlsPrintScale;
         return eventDB.GetCourse(courseId).printScale;
Exemple #24
        // Create a new course with the given attributes. The course sorts after all existing courses.
        // If addStartAndFinish is true, then if exact one start control exists, it is added. If exactly one finish control exists, it is added.
        public static Id<Course> CreateCourse(EventDB eventDB, CourseKind courseKind, string name, ControlLabelKind labelKind, int scoreColumn, string secondaryTitle, float printScale, float climb, float? length, DescriptionKind descriptionKind, int firstControlOrdinal, bool addStartAndFinish)
            // Find max sort order in use.
            int maxSortOrder = 0;
            foreach (Course course in eventDB.AllCourses)
                if (course.sortOrder > maxSortOrder)
                    maxSortOrder = course.sortOrder;

            PrintArea printArea = (PrintArea) eventDB.GetEvent().printArea.Clone();

            Course newCourse = new Course(courseKind, name, printScale, maxSortOrder + 1);
            newCourse.secondaryTitle = secondaryTitle;
            newCourse.climb = climb;
            newCourse.overrideCourseLength = length;
            newCourse.descKind = descriptionKind;
            newCourse.labelKind = labelKind;
            newCourse.scoreColumn = scoreColumn;
            newCourse.firstControlOrdinal = firstControlOrdinal;
            newCourse.printArea = printArea;

            Id<Course> newCourseId = eventDB.AddCourse(newCourse);

            if (addStartAndFinish) {
                // Add unique start and finish, if they exist.
                Id<ControlPoint> uniqueStart = FindUniqueControl(eventDB, newCourseId, ControlPointKind.Start);
                if (uniqueStart.IsNotNone)
                    AddStartToCourse(eventDB, uniqueStart, newCourseId, false);

                Id<ControlPoint> uniqueFinish = FindUniqueControl(eventDB, newCourseId, ControlPointKind.Finish);
                if (uniqueFinish.IsNotNone)
                    AddFinishToCourse(eventDB, uniqueFinish, newCourseId, false);

            return newCourseId;