/// <summary>
		/// Draws string with given character format and alignment at given <see cref="Point"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="gr"><see cref="Graphics"/> object to draw into.</param>
		/// <param name="str"><see cref="string"/> to be drawn.</param>
		/// <param name="pnt"><see cref="Point"/> where the string will be drawn.</param>
		/// <param name="fmt"><see cref="CharacterFormat"/> used to draw the <see cref="string"/>. </param>
		/// <param name="align">Specifies whether the <paramref name="pnt"/> is at left, right 
		/// or in the center of the string. (<see cref="ParagraphAlignment.Full"/> means the same
		/// as <see cref="ParagraphAlignment.Left"/>.)</param>
		public void DrawString(Graphics gr, string str, PointF pnt,
		                       CharacterFormat fmt, ParagraphAlignment align)
			StringFormat sf = (StringFormat) StringFormat.GenericDefault.Clone();
			sf.Alignment = ParAl2StrAl(align);
			sf.HotkeyPrefix = fmt.HotkeyPrefix;

			Matrix trOld = null;
			if (fmt.Angle != 0)
				trOld = gr.Transform.Clone();
				gr.TranslateTransform(pnt.X, pnt.Y);
				gr.TranslateTransform(-pnt.X, -pnt.Y);

			if (fmt.Formatted)
				CharacterFormat cf = fmt.ShallowCopy();
				cf.Angle = 0;
				SDUFormattedString fs = new SDUFormattedString(str, cf);
				SizeF sz = fs.Measure(gr, true);
				sz.Height += GetMeasureStringVerticalGap(gr, cf.Font);

				PointF ofs = pnt;
				switch (align)
					case ParagraphAlignment.Right:
						ofs.X -= sz.Width;
					case ParagraphAlignment.Center:
						ofs.X -= sz.Width/2;

				ParagraphFormat pf = new ParagraphFormat();
				pf.MultiLine = false;
				pf.Alignment = align;
				fs.DrawStringInRectangle(gr, new RectangleF(ofs, sz), pf);

			else if (fmt.FilledBounds)
				ParagraphFormat pf = new ParagraphFormat();
				SizeF sz = MeasureStringExactly(gr, str, fmt, pf, false);

				sz.Width += GetMeasureStringHorizontalGap(gr, fmt.Font);
				pnt.X += GetMeasureStringHorizontalGap(gr, fmt.Font)/2;
				pnt.Y += GetMeasureStringVerticalGap(gr, fmt.Font);

				gr.FillRectangle(fmt.Brush, new RectangleF(pnt, sz));
				gr.DrawString(str, fmt.Font, fmt.Brush, pnt, sf);

			if (trOld != null)
				gr.Transform = trOld;
		/// <summary>
		/// Draws string with given formating into given <paramref name="rectangle"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="gr"><see cref="Graphics"/> object to draw into.</param>
		/// <param name="str"><see cref="string"/> to be drawn.</param>
		/// <param name="rectangle"><see cref="Rectangle"/> that string is drawn into.</param>
		/// <param name="fmtCharacter"><see cref="CharacterFormat"/> used to draw the <see cref="string"/>. </param>
		/// <param name="fmtParagraph"><see cref="ParagraphFormat"/> used to draw the <see cref="string"/>. </param>
		public void DrawStringInRectangle(Graphics gr, string str, RectangleF rectangle,
		                                  CharacterFormat fmtCharacter, ParagraphFormat fmtParagraph)
			Matrix trOld = gr.Transform.Clone();
			gr.TranslateTransform(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y);
			gr.TranslateTransform(-rectangle.X, -rectangle.Y);

			if (fmtParagraph.BackgroundBrush != null)
				gr.FillRectangle(fmtParagraph.BackgroundBrush, rectangle);

			CharacterFormat cf = fmtCharacter.ShallowCopy();
			cf.Angle = 0;
			ParagraphFormat pf = fmtParagraph.ShallowCopy();
			pf.BackgroundBrush = null;

			if (fmtCharacter.Formatted)
				SDUFormattedString fmts = new SDUFormattedString(str, cf);
				if (pf.MultiLine)
					fmts.WrapLines(gr, rectangle.Width);
				fmts.DrawStringInRectangle(gr, rectangle, pf);
			else if (fmtCharacter.FilledBounds)
				gr.FillRectangle(fmtCharacter.Brush, rectangle);
				if (fmtParagraph.Alignment == ParagraphAlignment.Full && fmtParagraph.MultiLine && rectangle.Width > 0)
					DrawFullAlignedStringInRectangle(gr, str, rectangle, cf, fmtParagraph);
					StringFormat sf = GetStringFormat(fmtCharacter, fmtParagraph);

					gr.DrawString(str, fmtCharacter.Font, fmtCharacter.Brush, rectangle, sf);


			gr.Transform = trOld;
