public FargateStack() { // Read back the default VPC and public subnets, which we will use. var vpc = Output.Create(Ec2.GetVpc.InvokeAsync(new Ec2.GetVpcArgs { Default = true })); var vpcId = vpc.Apply(vpc => vpc.Id); var subnet = vpcId.Apply(id => Ec2.GetSubnetIds.InvokeAsync(new Ec2.GetSubnetIdsArgs { VpcId = id })); var subnetIds = subnet.Apply(s => s.Ids); // Create a SecurityGroup that permits HTTP ingress and unrestricted egress. var webSg = new Ec2.SecurityGroup("web-sg", new Ec2.SecurityGroupArgs { VpcId = vpcId, Egress = { new Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupEgressArgs { Protocol = "-1", FromPort = 0, ToPort = 0, CidrBlocks ={ "" } } }, Ingress = { new Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs { Protocol = "tcp", FromPort = 80, ToPort = 80, CidrBlocks ={ "" } } } }); // Create an ECS cluster to run a container-based service. var cluster = new Ecs.Cluster("app-cluster"); // Create an IAM role that can be used by our service's task. var taskExecRole = new Iam.Role("task-exec-role", new Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2008-10-17"", ""Statement"": [{ ""Sid"": """", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" }] }" }); var taskExecAttach = new Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("task-exec-policy", new Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { Role = taskExecRole.Name, PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy" }); // Create a load balancer to listen for HTTP traffic on port 80. var webLb = new Elb.LoadBalancer("web-lb", new Elb.LoadBalancerArgs { Subnets = subnetIds, SecurityGroups = { webSg.Id } }); var webTg = new Elb.TargetGroup("web-tg", new Elb.TargetGroupArgs { Port = 80, Protocol = "HTTP", TargetType = "ip", VpcId = vpcId }); var webListener = new Elb.Listener("web-listener", new Elb.ListenerArgs { LoadBalancerArn = webLb.Arn, Port = 80, DefaultActions = { new Elb.Inputs.ListenerDefaultActionArgs { Type = "forward", TargetGroupArn = webTg.Arn, } } }); // Create a private ECR registry and build and publish our app's container image to it. var appRepo = new Ecr.Repository("app-repo"); var appRepoCredentials = appRepo.RegistryId.Apply(async rid => { var credentials = await Ecr.GetCredentials.InvokeAsync(new Ecr.GetCredentialsArgs { RegistryId = rid }); var data = Convert.FromBase64String(credentials.AuthorizationToken); return(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data).Split(":").ToImmutableArray()); }); var image = new Docker.Image("app-img", new Docker.ImageArgs { Build = "../App", ImageName = appRepo.RepositoryUrl, Registry = new Docker.ImageRegistry { Server = appRepo.RepositoryUrl, Username = appRepoCredentials.GetAt(0), Password = appRepoCredentials.GetAt(1) } }); // Spin up a load balanced service running our container image. var appTask = new Ecs.TaskDefinition("app-task", new Ecs.TaskDefinitionArgs { Family = "fargate-task-definition", Cpu = "256", Memory = "512", NetworkMode = "awsvpc", RequiresCompatibilities = { "FARGATE" }, ExecutionRoleArn = taskExecRole.Arn, ContainerDefinitions = image.ImageName.Apply(imageName => @"[{ ""name"": ""my-app"", ""image"": """ + imageName + @""", ""portMappings"": [{ ""containerPort"": 80, ""hostPort"": 80, ""protocol"": ""tcp"" }] }]") }); var appSvc = new Ecs.Service("app-svc", new Ecs.ServiceArgs { Cluster = cluster.Arn, DesiredCount = 3, LaunchType = "FARGATE", TaskDefinition = appTask.Arn, NetworkConfiguration = new Ecs.Inputs.ServiceNetworkConfigurationArgs { AssignPublicIp = true, Subnets = subnetIds, SecurityGroups = { webSg.Id } }, LoadBalancers = { new Ecs.Inputs.ServiceLoadBalancerArgs { TargetGroupArn = webTg.Arn, ContainerName = "my-app", ContainerPort = 80 } } }, new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = { webListener } }); // Export the resulting web address. this.Url = Output.Format($"http://{webLb.DnsName}"); }
public MyStack() { const int RedisPort = 6379; const string RedisHost = "redisdb"; var network = new Docker.Network("network"); var redisImage = new Docker.RemoteImage("RedisImage", new Docker.RemoteImageArgs { Name = "redis:6.2", KeepLocally = true }); var redisContainer = new Docker.Container("RedisContainer", new Docker.ContainerArgs { Image = redisImage.Latest, Ports = new InputList <Docker.Inputs.ContainerPortArgs> { new Docker.Inputs.ContainerPortArgs { Internal = RedisPort, External = RedisPort } }, NetworksAdvanced = new InputList <Docker.Inputs.ContainerNetworksAdvancedArgs> { new Docker.Inputs.ContainerNetworksAdvancedArgs { Name = network.Name, Aliases = new InputList <string> { RedisHost } } } }); var appImage = new Docker.Image("AppImage", new Docker.ImageArgs { Build = new Docker.DockerBuild { Context = "../App" }, ImageName = "app", SkipPush = true }); var appContainer = new Docker.Container("AppContainer", new Docker.ContainerArgs { Image = appImage.BaseImageName, Ports = new InputList <Docker.Inputs.ContainerPortArgs> { new Docker.Inputs.ContainerPortArgs { Internal = 80, External = 8080 } }, Envs = new InputList <string> { $"REDIS_HOST={RedisHost}", $"REDIS_PORT={RedisPort}" }, NetworksAdvanced = new InputList <Docker.Inputs.ContainerNetworksAdvancedArgs> { new Docker.Inputs.ContainerNetworksAdvancedArgs { Name = network.Name } } }, new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = redisContainer }); this.Url = Output.Create("http://localhost:8080/Cache"); }
public MyStack() { var resourceGroup = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("my-group"); var registry = new Registry("registry", new RegistryArgs { ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, AdminEnabled = true, Sku = "Standard" }); var dockerImage = new Pulumi.Docker.Image("node-app", new Pulumi.Docker.ImageArgs { ImageName = Output.Format($"{registry.LoginServer}/myapp"), Build = "./app", Registry = new Pulumi.Docker.ImageRegistry { Server = registry.LoginServer, Username = registry.AdminUsername, Password = registry.AdminPassword } }); var group = new Group("aci", new GroupArgs { ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, OsType = "Linux", Containers = { new GroupContainersArgs { Cpu = 0.5, Image = dockerImage.ImageName, Memory = 1.5, Name = "hello-world", Ports = { new GroupContainersPortsArgs { Port = 80, Protocol = "TCP" } } } }, ImageRegistryCredentials = { new GroupImageRegistryCredentialsArgs { Server = registry.LoginServer, Username = registry.AdminUsername, Password = registry.AdminPassword } }, IpAddressType = "public", DnsNameLabel = "my-unique-name" }, new CustomResourceOptions { DeleteBeforeReplace = true }); this.Endpoint = Output.Format($"http://{group.Fqdn}"); }
private AppService AdminPortal(string prefix, InputMap <string> commonAppSettings, Pulumi.Azure.CosmosDB.Account messageStoreCosmosAccount) { var registry = new Pulumi.Azure.ContainerService.Registry($"{prefix}magicbusregistry", new RegistryArgs() { ResourceGroupName = _resourceGroup.Name, Sku = "Basic", AdminEnabled = true }); var dockerImage = new Pulumi.Docker.Image("adminportal", new ImageArgs() { ImageName = Output.Format($"{registry.LoginServer}/adminportal:latest"), Build = new DockerBuild() { Context = "../", }, Registry = new ImageRegistry() { Server = registry.LoginServer, Username = registry.AdminUsername, Password = registry.AdminPassword } }); var appServicePlan = new Plan("admin-portal-plan", new PlanArgs() { ResourceGroupName = _resourceGroup.Name, Location = "australiasoutheast", Kind = "linux", Reserved = true, Sku = new PlanSkuArgs() { Tier = "Basic", Size = "B1", Capacity = 1 } }); var app = new AppService("magic-bus-admin-portal", new AppServiceArgs() { ResourceGroupName = _resourceGroup.Name, AppServicePlanId = appServicePlan.Id, Location = "australiasoutheast", AppSettings = InputMap <string> .Merge(commonAppSettings, new InputMap <string>() { { "WEBSITES_ENABLE_APP_SERVICE_STORAGE", "false" }, { "DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_URL", Output.Format($"https://{registry.LoginServer}") }, { "DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_USERNAME", registry.AdminUsername }, { "DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD", registry.AdminPassword }, { "WEBSITES_PORT", "80,443" }, { "CosmosDbEndpoint", messageStoreCosmosAccount.Endpoint }, { "CosmosDbAuthKey", messageStoreCosmosAccount.PrimaryMasterKey } }), SiteConfig = new AppServiceSiteConfigArgs() { AlwaysOn = true, LinuxFxVersion = Output.Format($"DOCKER|{dockerImage.ImageName}") }, HttpsOnly = true }); return(app); }
static Task <int> Main() => Deployment.RunAsync(async() => { // Conditionalize the auth mechanism. var config = new Config(); var useServicePrincipalAuth = config.GetBoolean("useServicePrincipalAuth") ?? false; // Create a private ACR registry. var rg = new ResourceGroup("myrg"); var registry = new Registry("myregistry", new RegistryArgs { ResourceGroupName = rg.Name, AdminEnabled = !useServicePrincipalAuth, Sku = "basic" }); // Get registry info (creds and endpoint) so we can build/publish to it. var imageName = Output.Format($"{registry.LoginServer}/myapp"); Docker.ImageRegistry registryInfo; if (useServicePrincipalAuth) { var sp = new AAD.ServicePrincipal("mysp", new AAD.ServicePrincipalArgs { ApplicationId = new AAD.Application("myspapp").ApplicationId, }); var spPassword = new AAD.ServicePrincipalPassword("mysp-pass", new AAD.ServicePrincipalPasswordArgs { ServicePrincipalId = sp.Id, Value = new RandomPassword("mypass", new RandomPasswordArgs { Length = 32, }, new CustomResourceOptions { AdditionalSecretOutputs = { "result" } } ).Result, EndDateRelative = "8760h", }); var spAuth = new Assignment("myauth", new AssignmentArgs { Scope = registry.Id, RoleDefinitionName = "acrpush", PrincipalId = sp.Id, }); registryInfo = new Docker.ImageRegistry { Server = registry.LoginServer, Username = sp.ApplicationId, Password = spAuth.Id.Apply(_ => spPassword.Value), }; } else { registryInfo = new Docker.ImageRegistry { Server = registry.LoginServer, Username = registry.AdminUsername, Password = registry.AdminPassword, }; } // Build and publish the app image. var image = new Docker.Image("my-image", new Docker.ImageArgs { Build = new Docker.DockerBuild { Context = "app" }, ImageName = imageName, Registry = registryInfo, }); // Export the resulting base name in addition to the specific version pushed. return(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "baseImageName", image.BaseImageName }, { "fullImageName", image.ImageName }, }); });
public MyStack() { // Create an Azure Resource Group var applicationResourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("pulumi-appgateway-hosting-example", new ResourceGroupArgs() { Name = "pulumi-appgateway-hosting-example" }); var registry = new Registry("global", new RegistryArgs { ResourceGroupName = applicationResourceGroup.Name, AdminEnabled = true, Sku = "Premium", }); var dockerImage = new Pulumi.Docker.Image("my-app", new Pulumi.Docker.ImageArgs { ImageName = Output.Format($"{registry.LoginServer}/myapp:v1.0.0"), Build = "./container", Registry = new ImageRegistry { Server = registry.LoginServer, Username = registry.AdminUsername, Password = registry.AdminPassword, }, }, new ComponentResourceOptions { Parent = registry }); var vnet = new VirtualNetwork("vnet", new VirtualNetworkArgs() { AddressSpaces = "", Subnets = new List <VirtualNetworkSubnetsArgs>() { }, ResourceGroupName = applicationResourceGroup.Name, Name = $"vnet" }); var appGatewaySubnet = new Subnet("gateway-subnet", new SubnetArgs() { Name = AzureGatewayNetworkName, VirtualNetworkName = $"vnet", AddressPrefix = "", ResourceGroupName = applicationResourceGroup.Name, }, new CustomResourceOptions() { Parent = vnet }); var applicationSubnet = new Subnet("application-subnet", new SubnetArgs() { Name = "applicationsubnet", VirtualNetworkName = $"vnet", AddressPrefix = "", ResourceGroupName = applicationResourceGroup.Name, Delegations = new SubnetDelegationsArgs() { Name = "SubnetDelegation", ServiceDelegation = new SubnetDelegationsServiceDelegationArgs() { Name = "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups", Actions = "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/join/action" } } }, new CustomResourceOptions() { Parent = vnet }); var applicationNetworkProfile = new Profile("application-networking-profile", new ProfileArgs() { Name = "application-networking-profile", ResourceGroupName = applicationResourceGroup.Name, ContainerNetworkInterface = new ProfileContainerNetworkInterfaceArgs() { Name = "ContainerNetworkInterface", IpConfigurations = new ProfileContainerNetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationsArgs() { Name = "IpConfigurations", SubnetId = applicationSubnet.Id, } } }); var aci = new Group($"aci", new GroupArgs() { Containers = new GroupContainersArgs() { Name = "aci", Memory = 1.5, Cpu = 0.5, Image = dockerImage.ImageName, Ports = new GroupContainersPortsArgs() { Port = 80, Protocol = "TCP" }, }, ImageRegistryCredentials = new GroupImageRegistryCredentialsArgs { Server = registry.LoginServer, Username = registry.AdminUsername, Password = registry.AdminPassword, }, OsType = "Linux", ResourceGroupName = applicationResourceGroup.Name, Name = "application", IpAddressType = "Private", NetworkProfileId = applicationNetworkProfile.Id, }); var publicIp = new PublicIp("gateway-publicip", new PublicIpArgs() { Sku = "Standard", ResourceGroupName = applicationResourceGroup.Name, AllocationMethod = "Static", DomainNameLabel = "application" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }); var backendAddressPools = new ApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPoolsArgs() { Name = "applicationBackendPool", IpAddresses = aci.IpAddress }; var frontendPorts = new ApplicationGatewayFrontendPortsArgs() { Name = "applicationfrontendport", Port = 80 }; var frontendIpConfigurations = new ApplicationGatewayFrontendIpConfigurationsArgs() { Name = "applicationFrontEndIpConfig", PublicIpAddressId = publicIp.Id, }; var backendHttpSettings = new ApplicationGatewayBackendHttpSettingsArgs() { Name = "sqBackendHttpSettings", Port = 80, Protocol = "Http", CookieBasedAffinity = "Disabled", RequestTimeout = 30, }; var appgwHttpListener = new ApplicationGatewayHttpListenersArgs() { Name = "appgwhttplistener", FrontendPortId = frontendPorts.Id, FrontendPortName = frontendPorts.Name, HostName = publicIp.Fqdn, Protocol = "Http", FrontendIpConfigurationId = frontendIpConfigurations.Id, FrontendIpConfigurationName = frontendIpConfigurations.Name, }; var requestRoutingRules = new ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRulesArgs() { Name = "RoutingRequestRules", BackendAddressPoolId = backendAddressPools.Id, BackendAddressPoolName = backendAddressPools.Name, BackendHttpSettingsId = backendHttpSettings.Id, BackendHttpSettingsName = backendHttpSettings.Name, HttpListenerId = appgwHttpListener.Id, HttpListenerName = appgwHttpListener.Name, RuleType = "Basic", }; new ApplicationGateway($"applicationgateway", new ApplicationGatewayArgs() { ResourceGroupName = applicationResourceGroup.Name, Sku = new ApplicationGatewaySkuArgs() { Name = "Standard_v2", Tier = "Standard_v2", Capacity = 1 }, FrontendIpConfigurations = frontendIpConfigurations, BackendAddressPools = backendAddressPools, BackendHttpSettings = backendHttpSettings, FrontendPorts = frontendPorts, RequestRoutingRules = requestRoutingRules, GatewayIpConfigurations = new ApplicationGatewayGatewayIpConfigurationsArgs() { Name = "gatewayconfig", SubnetId = appGatewaySubnet.Id }, HttpListeners = appgwHttpListener, }); this.ApplicationUrl = publicIp.Fqdn; }