public CircleElement(GLEffect a_oDefaultEffect, Vector3 a_oPosition, OrbitingEntity a_oOrbitEntity, System.Drawing.Color a_oColor)
            : base()

            m_oPrimaryPrimitive = new GLCircle(a_oDefaultEffect,

Exemple #2
        public SystemBody(OrbitingEntity parent, PlanetType type)
            : base()
            /// <summary>
            /// create these or else anything that relies on a unique global id will break.
            /// </summary>
            Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            Type = type; // set the type ASAP in case anthing needs to know it.

            Moons       = new BindingList <SystemBody>();
            Populations = new BindingList <Population>();

            SSEntity = StarSystemEntityType.Body;

            Parent   = parent;
            Position = parent.Position;

            TaskGroupsInOrbit = new BindingList <TaskGroupTN>();

            GeoSurveyList = new Dictionary <Faction, bool>();

            /// <summary>
            /// Default mineral amount is zero.
            /// do mineral generation elsewhere.
            /// </summary>
            m_aiMinerialReserves      = new float[Constants.Minerals.NO_OF_MINERIALS];
            m_aiMinerialAccessibility = new float[Constants.Minerals.NO_OF_MINERIALS];
            for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++)
                m_aiMinerialReserves[mineralIterator]      = 0.0f;
                m_aiMinerialAccessibility[mineralIterator] = 0.0f;
            _MineralsGenerated = false;
            _BodyMineralType   = MineralType.NotGenerated;

#warning planet generation needs minerals, anomalies, and ruins generation.
            PlanetaryRuins = new Ruins();

            Atmosphere = new Atmosphere(this);

            if (Type != PlanetType.GasDwarf && Type != PlanetType.GasGiant && Type != PlanetType.IceGiant)
                SupportsPopulations = true;
Exemple #3
        public Planet(Star primary, OrbitingEntity parent)
            : base()
            /// <summary>
            /// create these or else anything that relies on a unique global id will break.
            /// </summary>
            Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            Moons       = new BindingList <Planet>();
            Gases       = new BindingList <Gas>();
            Populations = new BindingList <Population>();

            GeoSurveyList = new Dictionary <Faction, bool>();
            GeoTeamSurvey = false;

            SSEntity = StarSystemEntityType.Body;

            Primary = primary;
            Parent  = parent;

            TaskGroupsInOrbit = new BindingList <TaskGroupTN>();

#warning planet generation needs minerals, anomalies, and ruins generation.
            PlanetaryRuins = new Ruins();

            PlanetaryTectonics = Tectonics.Dead;

            /// <summary>
            /// Default mineral amount is zero.
            /// do mineral generation elsewhere.
            /// </summary>
            m_aiMinerialReserves      = new float[Constants.Minerals.NO_OF_MINERIALS];
            m_aiMinerialAccessibility = new float[Constants.Minerals.NO_OF_MINERIALS];
            for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++)
                m_aiMinerialReserves[mineralIterator]      = 0.0f;
                m_aiMinerialAccessibility[mineralIterator] = 0.0f;
Exemple #4
        public SystemBody(OrbitingEntity parent, PlanetType type)
            : base()
            /// <summary>
            /// create these or else anything that relies on a unique global id will break.
            /// </summary>
            Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            Type = type; // set the type ASAP in case anthing needs to know it.

            Moons = new BindingList<SystemBody>();
            Populations = new BindingList<Population>();

            SSEntity = StarSystemEntityType.Body;

            Parent = parent;
            Position = parent.Position;

            TaskGroupsInOrbit = new BindingList<TaskGroupTN>();

            GeoSurveyList = new Dictionary<Faction, bool>();

            /// <summary>
            /// Default mineral amount is zero.
            /// do mineral generation elsewhere.
            /// </summary>
            m_aiMinerialReserves = new float[Constants.Minerals.NO_OF_MINERIALS];
            m_aiMinerialAccessibility = new float[Constants.Minerals.NO_OF_MINERIALS];
            for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++)
                m_aiMinerialReserves[mineralIterator] = 0.0f;
                m_aiMinerialAccessibility[mineralIterator] = 0.0f;

#warning planet generation needs minerals, anomalies, and ruins generation.
            PlanetaryRuins = new Ruins();

            Atmosphere = new Atmosphere(this);
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new taskgroup to the taskgroups list at location StartBody in System StartSystem.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Title">Name.</param>
 /// <param name="StartBody">Body with population that built the ship that will be put into the TG.</param>
 /// <param name="StartSystem">System in which the TG starts in.</param>
 public void AddNewTaskGroup(String Title, OrbitingEntity StartBody, StarSystem StartSystem)
     TaskGroupTN TG = new TaskGroupTN(Title, this, StartBody, StartSystem);
Exemple #6
        public GLCircle(GLEffect a_oEffect, Vector3 a_v3Pos, OrbitingEntity a_oOrbitEntity, System.Drawing.Color a_oColor, string a_szTexture = "")
            : base()
            // Save some stuff to member vars:
            //double dKMperAUdevby10 = (Pulsar4X.Constants.Units.KM_PER_AU / 10); // we scale everthing down by 10 to avoid float buffer overflows.
            m_v3Position = a_v3Pos;
            m_v2Size.X = 1;

            // set verts to 360, looks good at any zoom.
            int iNumOfVerts = 360;
            //create our Vertex and index arrays:
            m_aoVerticies = new GLVertex[iNumOfVerts];
            m_auiIndicies = new ushort[iNumOfVerts + 1]; // make this one longer so it can loop back around to the begining!!

            for (int i = 0; i < iNumOfVerts; ++i)
                double dAngle = i * (MathHelper.TwoPi / iNumOfVerts);

                double x, y;
                a_oOrbitEntity.Orbit.GetPosition(dAngle, out x, out y);

                m_aoVerticies[i].m_v4Position.X = (float)x;
                m_aoVerticies[i].m_v4Position.Y = (float)y;
                m_aoVerticies[i].m_v4Position.Z = 0;
                m_auiIndicies[i] = (ushort)i;

            // set last index:
            m_auiIndicies[iNumOfVerts] = 0;

            // Setup Matrix:
            m_m4ModelMatrix = Matrix4.Identity * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(a_v3Pos);

            // Set our shader program:
            m_oEffect = a_oEffect;

            // Load texture if specified:
            if (a_szTexture != "")
                // We can assuem we have been provided with a texture to load:
                m_uiTextureID = Helpers.ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(a_szTexture);
                m_uiTextureID = 0; // set texture to none!

            // tell Opgl about our VBOs:
            GL.GenVertexArrays(1, out m_uiVextexArrayHandle);               // Generate Our Vertex Array and get the handle to it.
            GL.BindVertexArray(m_uiVextexArrayHandle);                      // Lets OpenGL that this is the current "active" vertex array.
            //#if DEBUG
            //    logger.Info("OpenGL Generate VAO: " + GL.GetError().ToString());

            GL.GenBuffers(1, out m_uiVertexBufferHandle);                   // Generate our Vertex Buffer Object and get the handle to it.
            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, m_uiVertexBufferHandle);// Lets Open GL know that this is the current active buffer object.
            GL.BufferData<GLVertex>(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(m_aoVerticies.Length * GLVertex.SizeInBytes()), m_aoVerticies, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); // tells OpenGL about the structure of the data.
            //#if DEBUG
            //    logger.Info("OpenGL Generate VBO: " + GL.GetError().ToString());

            GL.GenBuffers(1, out m_uiIndexBufferHandle);                    //Generate Our index Buffer and get handle to it.
            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, m_uiIndexBufferHandle); // Lets Open GL know that this is the current active buffer object.
            GL.BufferData(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(m_auiIndicies.Length * sizeof(ushort)), m_auiIndicies, BufferUsageHint.StaticDraw); // Tells OpenGL how the data is structured.
            //#if DEBUG
            //    logger.Info("OpenGL Generate EBO: " + GL.GetError().ToString());

            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, m_uiVertexBufferHandle);    // Switch back to our Buffer Object as the current buffer.
            GL.VertexAttribPointer(0, 4, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, false, GLVertex.SizeInBytes(), 0);  // Tells OpenGL about the first three doubles in the vbo, i.e the position of the vertex.
            GL.VertexAttribPointer(1, 4, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, true, GLVertex.SizeInBytes(), Vector4.SizeInBytes); // tells OpenGL about the 4 floats used to repesent color.
            GL.VertexAttribPointer(2, 2, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, false, GLVertex.SizeInBytes(), (Vector4.SizeInBytes + Vector4.SizeInBytes)); // tells OpenGL about the 2 floats in the vertgexc used to repesent UV coords.
            //#if DEBUG
            //    logger.Info("OpenGL Create Vertes Attribute Pointers: " + GL.GetError().ToString());

            // Turn on the Vertex Attribs:

            // #if DEBUG
            //     logger.Info("OpenGL Create Circle Primitive: " + GL.GetError().ToString());
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for the taskgroup, sets name, faction, planet the TG starts in orbit of.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Title">Name</param>
        /// <param name="FID">Faction</param>
        /// <param name="StartingBody">body taskgroup will orbit at creation.</param>
        public TaskGroupTN(string Title, Faction FID, OrbitingEntity StartingBody, StarSystem StartingSystem)
            Name = Title;
            /// <summary>
            /// create these or else anything that relies on a unique global id will break.
            /// </summary>
            Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            TaskGroupFaction = FID;

            IsOrbiting = true;
            OrbitingBody = StartingBody;
            (OrbitingBody as SystemBody).TaskGroupsInOrbit.Add(this);

            SSEntity = StarSystemEntityType.TaskGroup;

            Position.System = StartingSystem;
            Position.X = OrbitingBody.Position.X;
            Position.Y = OrbitingBody.Position.Y;

            Contact = new SystemContact(TaskGroupFaction, this);

            Contact.LastPosition.X = Contact.Position.X;
            Contact.LastPosition.Y = Contact.Position.Y;

            DrawTravelLine = 3;

            CurrentSpeed = 1;
            MaxSpeed = 1;

            CurrentSpeedX = 0.0;
            CurrentSpeedY = 0.0;
            CurrentHeading = 0.0;
            TimeRequirement = 0;

            TaskGroupOrders = new BindingList<Order>();

            TotalOrderDistance = 0.0;

            /// <summary>
            /// Change this for PDCS and starbases.
            /// </summary>
            CanOrder = Constants.ShipTN.OrderState.AcceptOrders;

            /// <summary>
            /// Ships start in the unordered state, so new orders will have to have GetHeading/speed/other functionality performed.
            /// </summary>
            NewOrders = true;

            Ships = new BindingList<ShipTN>();
            ShipOutOfFuel = false;

            ActiveSensorQue = new BindingList<ActiveSensorTN>();
            ActiveSensorCount = new BindingList<int>();

            TaskGroupLookUpST = new BindingList<int>();

            /// <summary>
            /// Resolution Max needs to go into global constants, or ship constants I think.
            /// </summary>
            for (int loop = 0; loop < Constants.ShipTN.ResolutionMax; loop++)
                /// <summary>
                /// TaskGroupLookUpST will be initialized to zero.
                /// </summary>

            TaskGroupLookUpMT = new BindingList<int>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < 15; loop++)
                /// <summary>
                /// TaskGroupLookUpMT will be initialized to zero.
                /// </summary>

            BestThermalCount = 0;
            BestEMCount = 0;

            ThermalSortList = new LinkedList<int>();
            EMSortList = new LinkedList<int>();
            ActiveSortList = new LinkedList<int>();

            TotalCargoTonnage = 0;
            CurrentCargoTonnage = 0;

            TotalCryoCapacity = 0;
            CurrentCryoStorage = 0;

            TaskGroupsOrdered = new BindingList<TaskGroupTN>();

            TaskGroupPDL = new PointDefenseList();

            IsInShipyard = false;

            SensorUpdateAck = 0;

            //add default legal order for targeting TGs.

