public static void MainLoop() { comm.GotStartPublishMessage += new EventHandler<WatchdogMessageEventArgs<StartPublishMessage>>(comm_GotStartPublishMessage); comm.GotStopPublishMessage += new EventHandler<WatchdogMessageEventArgs<StopPublishMessage>>(comm_GotStopPublishMessage); comm.GotWatchdogTerminateMessage += new EventHandler<WatchdogMessageEventArgs<WatchdogTerminateMessage>>(comm_GotWatchdogTerminateMessage); comm.GotCommandMessage += new EventHandler<WatchdogMessageEventArgs<CommandMessage>>(comm_GotCommandMessage); Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StatusThread)); t.Name = "Watchdog Status Thread"; t.Start(); Publish autoP = AutodetectActivePublish(); if (autoP != null) { StartPublish(; } #if !SERVICE while(running) { string s = Console.ReadLine(); if (s == null) continue; if (s.StartsWith("load") && s.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.None).Length > 1) //load a publish { Trace.WriteLine("Loading " + s.Substring(s.IndexOf(" ") + 1)); curPublish = Publish.Load(s.Substring(s.IndexOf(" ") + 1),pubRoot); } if (s.StartsWith("show all")) { foreach (string p in Publish.GetAllPublishNames(pubRoot)) { Trace.WriteLine(p); } } if (s.StartsWith("curpub")) { if (curPublish == null) Trace.WriteLine("No Publish Loaded."); else { curPublish.PrintDebug(); Trace.WriteLine("Running: " + curPublish.IsCommandRunning()); } } if (s.StartsWith("start")) { if (curPublish == null) Trace.WriteLine("No publish loaded."); else curPublish.Start(pubRoot); } if (s.StartsWith("wdon")) { if (curPublish == null) Trace.WriteLine("No publish loaded."); else { Trace.WriteLine("Enabling Watchdog..."); curPublish.watchdogAutoRestart = true; } } if (s.StartsWith("wdoff")) { if (curPublish == null) Trace.WriteLine("No publish loaded."); else { Trace.WriteLine("Disabling Watchdog..."); curPublish.watchdogAutoRestart = false; } } if (s.StartsWith("list")) { Process[] parr = Process.GetProcesses(); List<Process> runningProcesses = new List<Process>(parr); foreach (Process filename in runningProcesses) { Trace.WriteLine(filename.ProcessName); } } } t.Abort(); traceText.Flush(); #endif }
static void StartPublish(string name) { //if we had an old publish, kill it. if (curPublish != null) { curPublish.Stop(); curPublish.Dispose(); } try { curPublish = Publish.Load(name, pubRoot); } catch (Exception ex) { comm.SendMessage<StartStopPublishMessageReply>(new StartStopPublishMessageReply(WatchdogComm.GetMachineName(), name, false, "Exception Loading Publish" + ex.Message)); return; } PublishRunStatus status = new PublishRunStatus("Unknown Publish Error", false); try { status = curPublish.Start(pubRoot); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine("Exception Starting! " + ex.Message); comm.SendMessage<StartStopPublishMessageReply>(new StartStopPublishMessageReply(WatchdogComm.GetMachineName(), name, false, "Exception Loading Publish" + ex.Message)); return; } Trace.WriteLine("Pub Status: " + status.text); curPublish.WatchdogReset += new EventHandler(curPublish_WatchdogReset); comm.SendMessage<StartStopPublishMessageReply>(new StartStopPublishMessageReply(WatchdogComm.GetMachineName(),, status.ok, status.text)); }
public static void SendPublishDefinitionOnly(Publish pub, RemotePublishLocation publoc, string pubRoot) { Trace.WriteLine("------------Attempting to send publish definition " + + " to " + + ".---------------"); string netDrive = NetworkDrive.GetNextAvailableDrive(); if (publoc.remoteShare.EndsWith("\\")) publoc.remoteShare = publoc.remoteShare.Remove(publoc.remoteShare.Length - 1); Trace.WriteLine("Mounting Drive " + netDrive + " to " + publoc.remoteShare + "..."); try { NetworkDrive.zMapDrive(publoc.username, publoc.password, netDrive, publoc.remoteShare); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine("Failed to map network drive! " + ex.Message); return; } Trace.WriteLine("Copying files..."); try { File.Copy(Publish.FilenameFromPublishname(, pubRoot), netDrive + "\\" + + Publish.pubExt, true); } catch (IOException ex) { Trace.WriteLine("Error copying file " + Publish.FilenameFromPublishname(, pubRoot) + "."); Trace.WriteLine("Check the publish is stopped and that your definition of the publish is recent. Detail:" + ex.Message); NetworkDrive.zUnMapDrive(true, netDrive); Trace.WriteLine("Published Defition Failed!----------------------------------------"); return; } pub.lastPublish = DateTime.Now; pub.Save(pubRoot); if (publoc.removeShare) NetworkDrive.zUnMapDrive(true, netDrive); Trace.WriteLine("Published Defition Sent OK!----------------------------------------------"); return; }
public static void SendPublishToRemoteComputer(Publish pub, RemotePublishLocation publoc, string pubRoot, EventHandler<SendPublishEventArgs> completed, bool dobackup ) { Object[] objects = new object[5]; objects[0] = pub; objects[1] = publoc; objects[2] = pubRoot; objects[3] = completed; objects[4] = dobackup; Thread publishThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SendPublish)); publishThread.Start(objects); }
void MonitorFunction(object state) { Trace.WriteLine("Monitor Started."); Publish p = (state as Publish); if (p.watchdogNames == null || p.watchdogNames.Count == 0) { Trace.WriteLine("Cannot Monitor becuase watchdog name is null or blank."); return; //we cant monitor without a watchdog name } WaitHandle[] handles = new WaitHandle[p.watchdogNames.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (string s in p.watchdogNames) { handles[i++] = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset, s); Trace.WriteLine("Created WatchdogHandle : " + s); } if (!AutoResetEvent.WaitAll(handles, 30000, false)) { Trace.WriteLine("Timed out waiting for init signal (30 seconds)."); } Thread.Sleep(p.watchdogPeriodms); Trace.WriteLine("Monitor Initialized. Watchdog Active: " + watchdogAutoRestart.ToString()); while (runWatchdogThread) { if (!AutoResetEvent.WaitAll(handles, p.watchdogPeriodms, false)) //if (!AutoResetEvent.WaitOne(p.watchdogPeriodms, false))//check for timeout { if (watchdogAutoRestart && active) //we have timed out, see if we should reset { lastWatchdogIntervention = DateTime.Now; Trace.WriteLine("Beginning Watchdog Reset @ " + DateTime.Now); Trace.WriteLine("Watchdog Stopping Processs..."); if (this.StopCommands()) { Thread.Sleep(p.watchdogPeriodms * 2); Trace.WriteLine("Watchdog Starting Processs..."); this.StartCommands(pubRoot); Trace.WriteLine("Watchdog Firing Event.."); if (WatchdogReset != null) { WatchdogReset(this, null); } Trace.WriteLine("Reinitializing Wait Handles..."); if (!AutoResetEvent.WaitAll(handles, 30000, false)) { Trace.WriteLine("Timed out waiting for init signal (30 seconds)."); } Thread.Sleep(p.watchdogPeriodms); } } } else { Trace.WriteLine("Got Signals OK"); } } Trace.WriteLine("Monitor Exited."); }