public override object Execute(ProtoCore.Runtime.Context c, Interpreter dsi)
            List <StackValue> s          = dsi.runtime.rmem.Stack;
            FFIObjectMarshler marshaller = Module.GetMarshaller(dsi.runtime.RuntimeCore);

            Object retVal = null;

            if (ReflectionInfo.IsWrapperOf(CLRModuleType.DisposeMethod))
                // For those FFI objects that are disposable but don't provide
                // Dispose() method in their classes, they will share a same
                // Dispose() method from CLRModuleType.DisposeMethod. We need
                // to manually dispose them.
                var thisObject = marshaller.UnMarshal(s.Last(), c, dsi, typeof(IDisposable));
                if (thisObject != null && thisObject is IDisposable)
                    var disposable = thisObject as IDisposable;
                retVal = base.Execute(c, dsi);
            marshaller.OnDispose(s.Last(), c, dsi); //Notify marshler for dispose.

        public override object Execute(ProtoCore.Runtime.Context c, Interpreter dsi)
            Object retVal = base.Execute(c, dsi);
            List <ProtoCore.DSASM.StackValue> s = dsi.runtime.rmem.Stack;
            FFIObjectMarshler marshaller        = Module.GetMarshaller(dsi.runtime.Core);

            marshaller.OnDispose(s.Last(), c, dsi); //Notify marshler for dispose.
