public HomeScreenViewModel(ProtoBridge bridge, StaffAccountBLL currUser)
            : base(LibraryScreens.HOME, bridge, currUser)
            DisplayName = "Home";

            if (currUser == null)
                LoginAnimationDone = false;

            if (currUser == null)
                LoginBoxVisible = true;
                AdminButtonsVisible = false;
                LoginBoxVisible = false;
                AdminButtonsVisible = true;

            Application.Current.Properties["BorrowLimit"] = 15;

            //For testing
            //			LoginBoxVisible=false;
            //			AdminButtonsVisible = true;
        public ScreenBaseViewModel(LibraryScreens screenType, ProtoBridge bridge,
            StaffAccountBLL currUser)
            ScreenType = screenType;
            _Bridge = bridge;
            _CurrentUser = currUser;

            if (_CurrentUser != null)
                IsLoggedIn = true;
                IsLoggedIn = false;
        public ManipBookDetailsViewModel(ProtoBridge bridge, StaffAccountBLL currUser)
            : base(LibraryScreens.MANIPULATE_RECORDS, bridge, currUser)
            _internalSet = false;

            _dialogHoster = new DialogHoster();
            //			_chooseAuthDiagBox = new ChooseAuthorsDialogViewModel

            _selectedAuthors = new List<ChooseAuthorsDialogViewModel.AuthorSummary>();

            ManipulateBar = new ManipulateBarViewModel<BookDetailsBLL>(_Bridge.BookDetailsMgr, OnCurrentItemChanged);
        public WorkspaceViewModel(ProtoBridge bridge, StaffAccountBLL currUser)
            _bridge = bridge;
            _currentUser = currUser;

            _activeScreen = new HomeScreenViewModel(bridge, currUser);
            _activeScreen.ScreenTransition += OnTransition;
            _activeScreen.LoggedOut += OnLoggedOut;
            _activeScreen.LoggedIn += OnLoggedIn;
            ActiveLayer = _activeScreen;
            PassiveLayer = null;

            DisplayName = _activeScreen.DisplayName;
        public MemberAccountViewModel(ProtoBridge bridge, StaffAccountBLL currUser)
            : base(LibraryScreens.TRANSACTIONS, bridge, currUser)
            int chosenId = (int)Application.Current.Properties["EnteredMemId"];
            _chosenMem = bridge.MemberMgr.GetByID(chosenId);

            if (_chosenMem == null)
                MemberID = _chosenMem.ItemID.ToString();
                MemberName = _chosenMem.FirstName + " " + _chosenMem.MiddleName + " " + _chosenMem.LastName;
                TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - _chosenMem.JoinDate;
                Age = (ts.Days/365).ToString();
                Address = _chosenMem.Contact.AddressLine1 + " " + _chosenMem.Contact.AddressLine2 + " " + _chosenMem.Contact.AddressLine3
                    + " " + _chosenMem.Contact.City + " " + _chosenMem.Contact.Pin + " " + _chosenMem.Contact.StateOrProvince + " " + _chosenMem.Contact.Country;
                Gender = _chosenMem.Gender;
                JoinDate = _chosenMem.JoinDate.ToString();

                List<TransactionBLL> transs = bridge.TransactionMgr.GetMemberTransactions(_chosenMem.ItemID);

                string err;
                bridge.TransactionMgr.IssueBook(120, chosenId, out err);
                if (err != null)

                foreach (TransactionBLL t in transs)
                    if (t.ReturnedOn == null)
                        TransHistory.Add(new TransactionDetails(bridge, t, true));
                        CurrentTrans.Add(new TransactionDetails(bridge, t, false));

        public bool Add(StaffAccountBLL item, out string serverSideError)
            serverSideError = null;
            if (item.IsValid)
                using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                    if (DatabaseDependantValidation(item, context, out serverSideError))
                        StaffAccount dalSA = new StaffAccount();
                        dalSA.AccountPrefs = new AccountPrefs();

                        CrossLayerEntityConverter.StaffAccountBllToDal(context, item, dalSA);


                        return true;

            return false;
        bool DatabaseDependantValidation(StaffAccountBLL bllSA, ProtoLibEntities context,
            out string error, int idToExclude = 0)
            error = null;

            //Check username existance
            if (UserNameExists(context, bllSA.UserName, bllSA.ItemID))
                error = string.Format("A user already exists with the user-name '{0}'",
                return false;

            if (ValidMemberId(context, bllSA.MemberID) == false)
                error = string.Format("No member with ID: {0} exists!", bllSA.MemberID.ToString());
                return false;

            if (MemberIdAlreadyTaken(context, bllSA.MemberID, bllSA.ItemID))
                error = string.Format("An account already exists for the member with ID: {0}", bllSA.MemberID.ToString());
                return false;

            return true;
        public bool Update(StaffAccountBLL newItem, out string serverSideError)
            if (newItem.IsValid)
                using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                    if (DatabaseDependantValidation(newItem, context, out serverSideError, newItem.ItemID))
                        StaffAccount dalSA = (from sa in context.StaffAccounts
                                               where sa.AccountID == newItem.ItemID
                                               select sa).Single();

                        CrossLayerEntityConverter.StaffAccountBllToDal(context, newItem, dalSA);

                        return true;
                        return false;

            serverSideError = "Item is in an invalid state!";
            return false;
        public StaffAccountBLL GetUserByLoginDetails(string username, string pass)
            StaffAccountBLL bllSA = null;

            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                StaffAccount dalSA = (from sa in context.StaffAccounts
                             where sa.UserName == username && sa.Password == pass
                             select sa).FirstOrDefault();

                if (dalSA != null)
                    bllSA = new StaffAccountBLL();
                    CrossLayerEntityConverter.StaffAccountDalToBll(context, bllSA, dalSA);

            return bllSA;
        public static void StaffAccountBllToDal(ProtoLibEntities context,
            StaffAccountBLL bllSA, StaffAccount dalSA)
            dalSA.UserName = bllSA.UserName;
            dalSA.Password = bllSA.Password;
            dalSA.ClearanceLevel = bllSA.ClearanceLevel;

            dalSA.Member = context.Members.SingleOrDefault(m => m.MemberID == bllSA.MemberID);

            dalSA.AccountPrefs.CacheSize = bllSA.Preferences.CacheSize;
            dalSA.AccountPrefs.SearchResultsPageSize = bllSA.Preferences.SearchResultsPageSize;
            dalSA.AccountPrefs.FullScreenMode = bllSA.Preferences.FullScreenMode;
 public SearchHostScreenViewModel(ProtoBridge bridge, StaffAccountBLL currUser)
     : base(LibraryScreens.SEARCH, bridge, currUser)
     //_activeSearchScreen =
        private void OnTransition(TransitionPath path, StaffAccountBLL currUser)
            ScreenBaseViewModel scr = null;

            //ALT: Use a Dictionary if this becomes too large
            switch (path.To)
                case LibraryScreens.SEARCH:
                    scr = new SearchHostScreenViewModel(_bridge, currUser);

                case LibraryScreens.HOME:
                    scr = new HomeScreenViewModel(_bridge, currUser);

                    //FIXME:Add the proper 4 extra manip enum vals & modify
                    //transition stuff accordingly
                case LibraryScreens.MANIPULATE_RECORDS:
                    scr = new ManipBookDetailsViewModel(_bridge, currUser);

                case LibraryScreens.TRANSACTIONS_ENTERID:
                    scr = new EnterMemberIdViewModel(_bridge, currUser);

                case LibraryScreens.TRANSACTIONS:
                    scr = new MemberAccountViewModel(_bridge, currUser);

            //Set active and passive layers for animation and inform
            //listener(view) that animation can be performed
            PassiveLayer = _activeScreen;
            PassiveLayer.ScreenTransition -= OnTransition;
            PassiveLayer.LoggedOut -= OnLoggedOut;
            PassiveLayer.LoggedIn -= OnLoggedIn;

            _activeScreen = scr;
            ActiveLayer = _activeScreen;
            ActiveLayer.ScreenTransition += OnTransition;
            ActiveLayer.LoggedOut += OnLoggedOut;
            ActiveLayer.LoggedIn += OnLoggedIn;

            if (_screenDepthMap[path.To] >= _screenDepthMap[path.From])
                InitiateTransitionFSTInwards(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                InitiateTransitionFSTOutwards(this, EventArgs.Empty);
 private void OnLoggedOut(object o)
     if (this.LoggedOut != null)
         _currentUser = null;
 private void OnLoggedIn(object user)
     if (this.LoggedIn != null)
         _currentUser = user as StaffAccountBLL;
 public EnterMemberIdViewModel(ProtoBridge bridge, StaffAccountBLL currUser)
     : base(LibraryScreens.TRANSACTIONS_ENTERID, bridge, currUser)
     BadInput += (o, e) => {};
        public StaffAccountBLL GetByID(int id)
            StaffAccountBLL bllSA = null;

            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                StaffAccount dalSA = (from sa in context.StaffAccounts
                                         where sa.AccountID == id
                                         select sa).SingleOrDefault();

                if (dalSA != null)
                    bllSA = new StaffAccountBLL();
                                                                   bllSA, dalSA);

            return bllSA;
        public List<StaffAccountBLL> GetFirstItems(int numItems)
            List<StaffAccountBLL> retList = new List<StaffAccountBLL>();

            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                var dalSAs = (from sa in context.StaffAccounts
                                orderby sa.AccountID
                                select sa).Take(numItems);

                StaffAccountBLL bllSA = null;
                foreach (StaffAccount dalSA in dalSAs)
                    bllSA = new StaffAccountBLL();
                    CrossLayerEntityConverter.StaffAccountDalToBll(context, bllSA, dalSA);

            return retList;
 void PerformLogin(object user)
     if (user is StaffAccountBLL)
         _currentUser = (StaffAccountBLL)user;
        void PerformMassLogout(object o)
            _currentUser = null;
            Workspaces.Clear(); //HACK: ?? Clean up event handlers? OnWkspcChngd not being called

        public List<StaffAccountBLL> GetPreviousItems(int beforeItemID, int numItems)
            List<StaffAccountBLL> retList = new List<StaffAccountBLL>();

            using (ProtoLibEntities context = new ProtoLibEntities())
                var dalSAs = (from sa in context.StaffAccounts
                              where sa.AccountID < beforeItemID
                                orderby sa.AccountID descending
                                select sa).Take(numItems);

                StaffAccountBLL bllSA = null;
                foreach (StaffAccount dalSA in dalSAs)
                    bllSA = new StaffAccountBLL();
                    CrossLayerEntityConverter.StaffAccountDalToBll(context, bllSA, dalSA);

            return retList;
        public static void StaffAccountDalToBll(ProtoLibEntities context,
            StaffAccountBLL bllSA, StaffAccount dalSA)
            bllSA.ItemID = dalSA.AccountID;
            bllSA.UserName = dalSA.UserName;
            bllSA.Password = dalSA.Password;
            bllSA.ClearanceLevel = dalSA.ClearanceLevel;

            bllSA.MemberID = dalSA.MemberID;

            bllSA.Preferences.CacheSize = dalSA.AccountPrefs.CacheSize;
            bllSA.Preferences.SearchResultsPageSize = dalSA.AccountPrefs.SearchResultsPageSize;
            bllSA.Preferences.FullScreenMode = dalSA.AccountPrefs.FullScreenMode;
        protected void PerformLogin(StaffAccountBLL user)
            _CurrentUser = user;

            if (user != null)
                IsLoggedIn = true;
                if (LoggedIn != null)
                IsLoggedIn = false;