Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyze insertions in this transcript. Add changeEffect to 'changeEffect'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exon"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool ChangeCodon(Exon exon)
            string netChange = Variant.NetChange(Transcript.IsStrandMinus());

            CodonsReference = CodonsRef();
            CodonsAlternate = CodonsAlt();

            EffectType effType;

            if (netChange.Length % CODON_SIZE != 0)
                 * Length not multiple of CODON_SIZE => FRAME_SHIFT
                 *  E.g. :
                 *      Original:			AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG
                 *      Insert 'TT' pos 0:	TTA AAC CCG GGA AAC CCG GGA AAC CCG GG
                 *      Insert 'TT' pos 1:	ATT AAC CCG GGA AAC CCG GGA AAC CCG GG
                 *      Insert 'TT' pos 2:	AAT TAC CCG GGA AAC CCG GGA AAC CCG GG
                effType = EffectType.FRAME_SHIFT;
            else if (CodonStartIndex == 0)
                 * Length multiple of CODON_SIZE and insertion happens at codon boundary => CODON_INSERTION
                 *  E.g. :
                 *      Original:			AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG
                 *      Insert 'TTT' pos 0:	TTT AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG
                effType = EffectType.CODON_INSERTION;
                 * Length multiple of CODON_SIZE and insertion does not happen at codon boundary => CODON_CHANGE_PLUS_CODON_INSERTION
                 *  E.g. :
                 *      Original:			AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG
                 *      Insert 'TTT' pos 1:	ATT TAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG
                 *      Insert 'TTT' pos 2:	AAT TTA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG
                if (CodonsAlternate.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).StartsWith(CodonsReference.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)))
                     *  May be the inserted base are equal to the old ones.
                     *  E.g.
                     *      Original:			AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG
                     *      Insert 'AAA' pos 1:	AAA AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG AAA CCC GGG
                    effType = EffectType.CODON_INSERTION;
                    effType = EffectType.CODON_CHANGE_PLUS_CODON_INSERTION;

            Effect(exon, effType, false);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Did we gain a start codon in this 5'UTR interval?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seqChange"></param>
        /// <returns>A new start codon (if gained)</returns>
        private string startGained(Variant seqChange)
            if (!seqChange.isSnv())
            }                                      // Only SNPs supported.

            // Calculate SNP position relative to UTRs
            long pos = seqChange.DistanceBases(get5primeUtrs().OfType <Interval>().ToList(), IsStrandMinus());

            // Change base at SNP position
            string sequence = getSequence();

            char[] chars   = sequence.ToCharArray();
            char   snpBase = seqChange.NetChange(this)[0];

            if (IsStrandMinus() && Alphabets.DNA.TryGetComplementSymbol((byte)snpBase, out byte complement))
                snpBase = (char)complement;
            chars[pos] = snpBase;

            // Do we gain a new start codon?
            return(startGained(chars, pos));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// We may have to calculate 'netCdsChange', which is the effect on the CDS.
        /// Note: A deletion or a MNP might affect several exons
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override string NetCdsChange()
            if (Variant.Length() > 1)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (Exon exon in Transcript.ExonsSortedStrand)
                    string seq = Variant.NetChange(exon);
                    sb.Append(exon.IsStrandPlus() ? seq : SequenceExtensions.ConvertToString(new Sequence(Alphabets.AmbiguousDNA, seq).GetReverseComplementedSequence()));

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get new (modified) codons
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override string CodonsAlt()
            // Inserts BEFORE base:
            //		- In positive strand that is BEFORE pos
            //		- In negative strand, that is AFTER pos
            int idx = CodonStartIndex + (Transcript.IsStrandMinus() ? 1 : 0);

            // Insertion: Concatenate...
            string prefix = CodonsReference.Length >= idx?CodonsReference.Substring(0, idx) : CodonsReference; // First part of the codon

            string netChange = Variant.NetChange(Transcript.IsStrandMinus());                                  // Insertion
            string suffix    = CodonsReference.Length >= idx?CodonsReference.Substring(idx) : "";              // last part of the codon

            // New codon
            string codonsNew = prefix + netChange + suffix;

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// We may have to calculate 'netCdsChange', which is the effect on the CDS.
        /// Note: A deletion or a MNP might affect several exons
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual string NetCdsChange()
            if (!RequireNetCdsChange)

            if (Variant.Length() > 1)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (Exon exon in Transcript.ExonsSortedStrand)

        /// <summary>
        /// Get new (modified) codons
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override string CodonsAlt()
            // Was there a problem getting 'codonsOld'? => We cannot do anything
            if (CodonsReference == "")

            char[] codonChars = CodonsReference.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToCharArray();
            char   snpBase    = Variant.NetChange(Transcript.IsStrandMinus())[0];

            if (CodonStartIndex < codonChars.Length)
                codonChars[CodonStartIndex] = char.ToUpper(snpBase);

            string codonsNew = new string(codonChars);

Exemple #7
        protected void ApplyIns(Variant variant, IntervalSequence markerSeq)
            // Get sequence in positive strand direction
            ISequence seq = IsStrandPlus() ? Sequence : Sequence.GetReverseComplementedSequence();

            // Apply change to sequence
            String netChange = variant.NetChange(this);
            long   idx       = variant.OneBasedStart - OneBasedStart - 1;

            if (idx >= 0)
                seq = new Sequence(seq.Alphabet, SequenceExtensions.ConvertToString(seq, 0, idx + 1) + netChange + SequenceExtensions.ConvertToString(seq, idx + 1));
                seq = new Sequence(seq.Alphabet, netChange + SequenceExtensions.ConvertToString(seq));

            // Update sequence
            markerSeq.Sequence = IsStrandPlus() ? seq : seq.GetReverseComplementedSequence();