public static void SaveServer(Data_server pData)
            BinaryFormatter br = new BinaryFormatter();

            string path = MonoData_Tools.pathHDDServer + "server";

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                (new FileInfo(path)).Directory.Create();
            //string path = Application.DataPath + strDatasFolder + strPathServerData + "/";
            //Debug.Log("Client List path " + path);
            FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);

            br.Serialize(stream, pData);

        public static Data_server LoadServer()
            Debug.LogWarning("In load server");

            //on saisie la localisation du fichier a charger
            string path = MonoData_Tools.pathHDDServer + "server";

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                (new FileInfo(path)).Directory.Create();
                Debug.LogWarning("Folder has been created at " + path);
                Debug.LogWarning("Folder is already exist at" + path);
            ///Si le fichier existe bien alors
            if (File.Exists(path))
                //On déclare un BinaryFormatter qui va servir a deserialiser nos donnée
                BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                //Le FileStream va nous permettre dans ce cas d'ouvrir un fichier ou sont
                //stocker les donner a retourner
                FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);

                //Nous déclarons un PlayerData a qui l'ont assigne le FileStream deserialiser par le BinaryFormatter
                Data_server data = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as Data_server;

                //Toujours refermer le fichier!

                //on retourne le PlayerData ou l'ont va extraire les donner pour les affecter a un personnage
            ///si le fichier n'existe pas on retourne NULL
                Debug.Log("Save file not found in" + path);
                return(new Data_server());
        /* this function will test if we can register the new client trying to register, we return false if the id and the username are already used,
         * or if the username is empty */
        public static bool RegisterPlayer(ClientData _playerToRegister, Data_server data_Server)
            ClientData        currentClientToAdd = new ClientData(_playerToRegister);
            List <ClientData> copyOfTheList      = data_Server.ClientRegistered;

            currentClientToAdd.ID = data_Server.CountIDUnique + 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < copyOfTheList.Count; i++)
                /* check if the username has not already been chosen */
                if (copyOfTheList[i].Username == currentClientToAdd.Username)
                    Debug.LogWarning("i : " + i + "username : "******" already exist, you must enter another one" + " you entered : " + currentClientToAdd.Username);
                /* check if the id isnt already used */
                if (copyOfTheList[i].ID == currentClientToAdd.ID)
                    Debug.LogWarning("id : " + currentClientToAdd.ID + " already exists");
                #region Username Verifiaction 1 for now
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentClientToAdd.Username))
                    Debug.LogWarning("Invalid username : "******" try another one");

            /* we can now add PEACEFULLY the player to the list */
            Debug.Log("player successfully registered");

            currentClientToAdd = null;