public void UpdateWithTaches(int day, CalendarInfo c) { activitiesStack.Children.Clear(); DateTime d = new DateTime(c.Month.Year, c.Month.Month, day); List <Tache> datal = c.GetDayTaches(c.Month.Year, c.Month.Month, day); if (datal.Count != 0) { Dictionary <string, List <Tache> > actDictionary = new Dictionary <string, List <Tache> >(); actDictionary[""] = new List <Tache>(); foreach (string s in DataSupervisor.ds.user.Activities.Keys) { actDictionary[s] = new List <Tache>(); } foreach (Tache t in datal) { if (actDictionary.ContainsKey(t.Activitee)) { actDictionary[t.Activitee].Add(t); } else { actDictionary[""].Add(t); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Tache> > kv in actDictionary) { if (kv.Key == "") { continue; } StackActivite s = new StackActivite(); string color = "#FFFFFF"; if (DataSupervisor.ds.user.Activities.ContainsKey(kv.Key)) { color = DataSupervisor.ds.user.Activities[kv.Key]; } s.LoadData(kv.Key, color, kv.Value); activitiesStack.Children.Add(s); } } else { TextBlock tb = new TextBlock() { Text = "Vous n'avez pas ajouté de tâches", FontSize = 16, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Margin = new Thickness(0, 20, 0, 0) }; activitiesStack.Children.Add(tb); } }
public void LoadMonthData(int year, int month) { if (this.user == null) { throw new Exception("User account is not loaded"); } if (this.MonthData != null) { this.MonthData.StoreData(); } this.MonthData = new CalendarInfo(this.currentUserDataPath + $"\\MonthData{month}-{year}.json", new DateTime(year, month, 1)); }
public List <Evenement> GetDayEvents(int day, int month, int year) { if (MonthData.Month.Month == month && MonthData.Month.Year == year) { return(MonthData.GetDayEvents(year, month, day)); } else { CalendarInfo data = new CalendarInfo(this.currentUserDataPath + $"\\MonthData{month}-{year}.json", new DateTime(year, month, day)); return(data.GetDayEvents(year, month, day)); } }
private void ParseMonthEvenementsData(CalendarInfo data) { if (jourActive) { this.jourSemainField.Content = affichageparJourControl; affichageparJourControl.UpdateWithEvents(this.TachemonthYearSelectRegion.selectedDay, data); } else { this.jourSemainField.Content = affichageparSemaineControl; affichageparSemaineControl.UpdateWithEvents(this.TachemonthYearSelectRegion.selectedWeek, this.TachemonthYearSelectRegion.Month, this.TachemonthYearSelectRegion.Year); } }
public void SupprimerEvent(Evenement e) { if (e.DateDebut.Year == MonthData.Month.Year && e.DateDebut.Month == MonthData.Month.Month) { MonthData.Data[new DateTime(e.DateDebut.Year, e.DateDebut.Month, e.DateDebut.Day)].Remove(e); MonthData.StoreData(); } else { CalendarInfo ci = new CalendarInfo(this.currentUserDataPath + $"\\MonthData{e.DateDebut.Month}-{e.DateDebut.Year}.json", new DateTime(e.DateDebut.Year, e.DateDebut.Month, 1)); ci.Data[new DateTime(e.DateDebut.Year, e.DateDebut.Month, e.DateDebut.Day)].Remove(e); ci.StoreData(); } }
public void SupprimerTache(Tache t) { if (t.dateDebut.Year == MonthData.Month.Year && t.dateDebut.Month == MonthData.Month.Month) { MonthData.Data[new DateTime(t.dateDebut.Year, t.dateDebut.Month, t.dateDebut.Day)].Remove(t); MonthData.StoreData(); } else { CalendarInfo ci = new CalendarInfo(this.currentUserDataPath + $"\\MonthData{t.dateDebut.Month}-{t.dateDebut.Year}.json", new DateTime(t.dateDebut.Year, t.dateDebut.Month, 1)); ci.Data[new DateTime(t.dateDebut.Year, t.dateDebut.Month, t.dateDebut.Day)].Remove(t); ci.StoreData(); } }
// Saves the data in user object and close it public void LogOut() { OtherThread.stop(); if (this.user == null) { return; } this.SaveUserProfile(); this.user = null; this.MonthData = null; this.Contactes = null; MainWindow.settingsField = null; MainWindow.ContactesField = null; userPasswrd = ""; }
public List <Tache> GetDayTaches(int day, int month, int year) { List <Tache> lst; if (MonthData.Month.Month == month && MonthData.Month.Year == year) { lst = MonthData.GetDayTaches(year, month, day); } else { CalendarInfo data = new CalendarInfo(this.currentUserDataPath + $"\\MonthData{month}-{year}.json", new DateTime(year, month, day)); lst = data.GetDayTaches(year, month, day); } return(lst); }
public void ParseMonthEvenementsData(CalendarInfo monthDataProvider) { Dictionary <DateTime, List <Evenement> > events = monthDataProvider.getMonthEvenements(); string order = (string)((ComboBoxItem)OrderSelectionComboBox.SelectedValue).Content; DateTime m = monthDataProvider.Month; SetMonth(year: m.Year, month: m.Month); foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, List <Evenement> > kv in events) { List <Evenement> lt = kv.Value; if (selectedActivitie != "Toutes les activités") { lt = DataSupervisor.FilterByActivities(lt, selectedActivitie); } switch (order) { case "Date": lt.Sort(new EventTimeComparer()); break; case "Priorité": lt.Sort(new EventUrgenceComparer()); break; } this.SetDayEvenements(kv.Value, kv.Key); } Dictionary <DateTime, Dictionary <string, Object> > dict = new Dictionary <DateTime, Dictionary <string, Object> >(); foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, string> kv in DataSupervisor.ds.user.JoursFeries) { Dictionary <string, Object> dict2 = new Dictionary <string, Object>(); string color = "#555555"; dict2["color"] = new SolidColorBrush((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(color)); dict2["dayTitle"] = kv.Value; dict[kv.Key] = dict2; } this.SetDaysCaptions(dict); }
public void AddEvenement(Evenement e) { if (this.user == null) { throw new Exception("User account is not loaded"); } if (e.DateDebut.Month == this.MonthData.Month.Month && e.DateDebut.Year == this.MonthData.Month.Year) { this.MonthData.AddEvenement(new DateTime(e.DateDebut.Year, e.DateDebut.Month, e.DateDebut.Day), e); MainWindow.CalendarField.UpdateCalendar(); MainWindow.TachesEventsField.Update(); } else { CalendarInfo ci = new CalendarInfo(this.currentUserDataPath + $"\\MonthData{e.DateDebut.Month}-{e.DateDebut.Year}.json", new DateTime(e.DateDebut.Year, e.DateDebut.Month, 1)); ci.AddEvenement(new DateTime(e.DateDebut.Year, e.DateDebut.Month, e.DateDebut.Day), e); ci.StoreData(); } foreach (Notif n in e.Alarms) { OtherThread.sendData(ConvertToNotification(n, "evenment", e.DateDebut, e.Title)); } }
public void AddTache(Tache t) { if (this.user == null) { throw new Exception("User account is not loaded"); } if (t.dateDebut.Month == this.MonthData.Month.Month && t.dateDebut.Year == this.MonthData.Month.Year) { this.MonthData.AddTache(new DateTime(t.dateDebut.Year, t.dateDebut.Month, t.dateDebut.Day), t); MainWindow.CalendarField.UpdateCalendar(); MainWindow.TachesEventsField.Update(); } else { CalendarInfo ci = new CalendarInfo(this.currentUserDataPath + $"\\MonthData{t.dateDebut.Month}-{t.dateDebut.Year}.json", new DateTime(t.dateDebut.Year, t.dateDebut.Month, 1)); ci.AddTache(new DateTime(t.dateDebut.Year, t.dateDebut.Month, t.dateDebut.Day), t); ci.StoreData(); } foreach (Notif n in t.Alarms) { OtherThread.sendData(ConvertToNotification(n, "tache", t.dateDebut, t.title)); } }