Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the game engine and processes any effects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyState"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the game should cease it's update loop</returns>
        public bool update(KeyboardState keyState)
            if (_level.levelChange != LevelChange.None)
                if (_level.levelChange == LevelChange.Down)
                    _level.levelChange = LevelChange.None;
                    _level = _level.downLevel;
                    _level.levelChange = LevelChange.None;
                    _level = _level.upLevel;
                _levelView = new LevelView(_level);
                return true;

            EffectDescription? effectDescription = _level.getEffect();
            if (effectDescription != null)
                Effect effect = EffectBuilder.buildEffect(effectDescription.Value, _level.getHeroLocation());
                return true;

            if (_effectView.empty())
                return _level.update();
            return true;
Exemple #2
        public static Location getFirstStep(Location start, Location end, Level level)
            AStarNode lastStep = aStarSearch(start, end, level);
            while (lastStep.parent != null && lastStep.parent.parent != null)
                lastStep = lastStep.parent;

            return lastStep.location;
        public static void calculateFOV(Level level)
            level.setLit(level.getHeroLocation(), 0);

            scanOctant1(level, level.getHeroLocation(), 1, 1, 0);
            scanOctant2(level, level.getHeroLocation(), 1, 1, 0);
            scanOctant3(level, level.getHeroLocation(), 1, 1, 0);
            scanOctant4(level, level.getHeroLocation(), 1, 1, 0);
            scanOctant5(level, level.getHeroLocation(), 1, 1, 0);
            scanOctant6(level, level.getHeroLocation(), 1, 1, 0);
            scanOctant7(level, level.getHeroLocation(), 1, 1, 0);
            scanOctant8(level, level.getHeroLocation(), 1, 1, 0);
Exemple #4
        public Window()
            _hero = new Hero();

            _level = new Level(_hero, true);
            _levelView = new LevelView(_level);
            _hud = new Hud(_hero);

            DungeonGenerator.generateDungeon(_level, 200, 200);

            _effectView = new EffectView();

            _inputManager = new InputManager();
Exemple #5
        public Level(Hero hero, bool isTopLevel)
            _tiles = new Dictionary<Location, Tile>();
            _actors = new List<Actor>();
            _items = new Dictionary<Location, Item>();
            _walkables = new Dictionary<Location, Entity>();
            _effectQueue = new LinkedList<EffectDescription>();

            _actorLocations = new HashSet<Location>();
            curActor = 0;

            upLevel = null;
            downLevel = null;
            levelChange = LevelChange.None;

            _isTopLevel = isTopLevel;

            _hero = hero;
        private static void scanOctant2(Level level, Location heroLocation, int depth, double startSlope, double endSlope)
            if (depth >= Hero.MAX_SIGHT_DISTANCE)

            int y = heroLocation.y - depth;
            int x = heroLocation.x + (int)(startSlope * depth);

            while (getSlope(x, y, heroLocation.x, heroLocation.y, false) <= endSlope)
                if (level.blocksSight(new Location(x, y)))
                    if (!level.blocksSight(new Location(x + 1, y)))
                        double newEndSlope = getSlope(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, heroLocation.x, heroLocation.y, false);
                        scanOctant2(level, heroLocation, depth + 1, startSlope, newEndSlope);
                    if (level.blocksSight(new Location(x + 1, y)))
                        startSlope = -getSlope(x + 0.5, y - 0.5, heroLocation.x, heroLocation.y, false);
                level.setLit(new Location(x, y), 0);
            if (depth < Hero.MAX_SIGHT_DISTANCE && !level.blocksSight(new Location(x, y)))
                scanOctant2(level, heroLocation, depth + 1, startSlope, endSlope);
Exemple #7
 public LevelView(Level level)
     _level = level;
        private static void addChests(Level level, Rect bounds)
            const int numChests = 5;
            for (int i = 0; i < numChests; i++)
                Location chestLoc = new Location(0, 0);

                while (!isChestCandidate(level, chestLoc))
                    chestLoc.x = Util.random.Next(bounds.x1, bounds.x2);
                    chestLoc.y = Util.random.Next(bounds.y1, bounds.y2);

                Chest chest = new Chest();
                level.addWalkable(chest, chestLoc);
        private static void addEntranceAndExit(Level level, Rect dungeon)
            Location loc = new Location(0, 0);

            while (!isStairCandidate(level, loc))
                loc.x = Util.random.Next(dungeon.x1, dungeon.x2);
                loc.y = Util.random.Next(dungeon.y1, dungeon.y2);

            Staircase upcase = new Staircase(true);
            level.addWalkable(upcase, loc);
            level.upStairs = loc;

            loc = new Location(0, 0);

            while (!isStairCandidate(level, loc))
                loc.x = Util.random.Next(dungeon.x1, dungeon.x2);
                loc.y = Util.random.Next(dungeon.y1, dungeon.y2);

            Staircase downcase = new Staircase(false);
            level.addWalkable(downcase, loc);
            level.downStairs = loc;
Exemple #10
 public void bindLevel(Level level)
     this.level = level;
        public static void generateDungeon(Level level, int width, int height)
            Rect dungeonRect = new Rect(0, 0, width, height);
            level.bounds = dungeonRect;

            carveRoom(level, dungeonRect, true, TileType.Dungeon_Wall);

            Location center = new Location(width / 2, height / 2);
            Rect innerRoom = createRect(center, Direction.West, Feature.Room);
            carveRoom(level, innerRoom, false, TileType.Dungeon_Floor);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                Location doorLoc = findDoor(level, dungeonRect);

                //randomly choose a feature to add to the dungeon
                Feature[] features = {Feature.Corridor, Feature.Room};
                Feature feature = Util.chooseRandomElement(features);

                tryAddFeature(level, doorLoc, feature);
            addEntranceAndExit(level, dungeonRect);
            addChests(level, dungeonRect);
            addMonsters(level, dungeonRect);
            initLighting(level, dungeonRect);
        private static void tryAddFeature(Level level, Location doorLoc, Feature feature)
            Direction[] directions = { Direction.North, Direction.South, Direction.West, Direction.East };

            foreach (Direction direction in directions)
                Rect rect = createRect(doorLoc, direction, feature);
                if (rectIsClear(level, rect))
                    if (feature == Feature.Room)
                        carveRoom(level, rect, false, TileType.Dungeon_Floor);
                    else if (feature == Feature.Corridor)
                        carveCorridor(level, rect, false, TileType.Dungeon_Floor);
                    level.addTile(new Tile(false, TileType.Dungeon_Floor), doorLoc);
                    level.addWalkable(new Door(), doorLoc);
 private static void carveRoom(Level level, Rect rect, bool blocks, TileType tileType)
     for (int x = rect.x1; x <= rect.x2; x++)
         for (int y = rect.y1; y <= rect.y2; y++)
             Tile tile = new Tile(blocks, tileType);
             level.addTile(tile, new Location(x, y));
        private static bool isStairCandidate(Level level, Location location)
            if (!isChestCandidate(level, location)) return false;

            Entity interactable = level.getWalkable(location);
            return interactable == null;
        private static bool isDark(Level level, Location location)
            if (level.getTile(location) == null || !level.getTile(location).blocksMovement)
                return false;

            Location[] neighbors =

            int countBlockedNeighbors = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.Length; i++)
                Tile tile = level.getTile(neighbors[i]);
                if (tile == null || tile.blocksMovement)

            return countBlockedNeighbors == 8;
        private static void addMonsters(Level level, Rect bounds)
            List<Monster> monsters = MonsterFactory.getDungeonMonsters(1);

            for (int i = 0; i < monsters.Count; i++)
                Location monsterLocation = new Location(0, 0);

                while (!isMonsterCandidate(level, monsterLocation))
                    monsterLocation.x = Util.random.Next(bounds.x1, bounds.x2);
                    monsterLocation.y = Util.random.Next(bounds.y1, bounds.y2);

                level.addActor(monsters[i], monsterLocation);
        private static bool isChestCandidate(Level level, Location location)
            if (level.getTile(location).blocksMovement)
                return false;

            Direction[] directions = {Direction.North, Direction.South, Direction.West, Direction.East};
            bool[] blocked = new bool[4];

            for (int i = 0; i < directions.Length; i++)
                Location adj = location.getAdjLocation(directions[i]);
                if (level.getWalkable(adj) is Door)
                    return false;

                Tile tile = level.getTile(adj);
                if (tile != null && tile.blocksMovement)
                    blocked[i] = true;

            return !((blocked[0] && blocked[1]) || (blocked[2] && blocked[3]));
 private static void initLighting(Level level,  Rect bounds)
     for (int x = bounds.x1; x <= bounds.x2; x++)
         for (int y = bounds.y1; y <= bounds.y2; y++)
             if (isDark(level, new Location(x, y)))
                 level.setLit(new Location(x, y), Entity.LIT_FULL_DARK);
        private static Location findDoor(Level level, Rect dungeonRect)
            Location doorLoc = new Location(0, 0);

            while (!isDoorCandidate(level, doorLoc))
                doorLoc = new Location(

            return doorLoc;
Exemple #20
        public void changeLevel(LevelChange change)
            if (change == LevelChange.Up && _isTopLevel) return;
            levelChange = change;

            if (levelChange == LevelChange.Down && downLevel == null)
                downLevel = new Level(_hero, false);
                DungeonGenerator.generateDungeon(downLevel, 200, 200);
                downLevel.upLevel = this;
 private static bool rectIsClear(Level level, Rect rect)
     for (int x = rect.x1; x <= rect.x2; x++)
         for (int y = rect.y1; y <= rect.y2; y++)
             Tile tile = level.getTile(new Location(x, y));
             if (tile == null || !tile.blocksMovement)
                 return false;
     return true;
        private static bool isDoorCandidate(Level level, Location location)
            if (!level.getTile(location).blocksMovement)
                return false;

            Location[] neighbors =

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Tile tile = level.getTile(neighbors[i]);
                if (tile != null && !tile.blocksMovement)
                    return true;
            return false;
 private static void carveCorridor(Level level, Rect rect, bool blocks, TileType tileType)
     carveRoom(level, rect, blocks, tileType);
Exemple #24
        private static AStarNode aStarSearch(Location start, Location end, Level level)
            HashSet<AStarNode> open = new HashSet<AStarNode>();
            HashSet<AStarNode> closed = new HashSet<AStarNode>();

            AStarNode startNode = new AStarNode(start);
            startNode.g = 0;
            startNode.h = start.distance(end);

            while (open.Count > 0)
                AStarNode q = new AStarNode(new Location(0, 0));
                double min = 10000;
                foreach (AStarNode node in open)
                    if (node.f() < min)
                        min = node.f();
                        q = node;

                Direction[] directions = {Direction.North, Direction.South, Direction.East, Direction.West};

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    Location adj = q.location.getAdjLocation(directions[i]);
                    if (level.getTile(adj).blocksMovement)

                    AStarNode node = new AStarNode(adj);
                    if (closed.Contains(node))

                    if (adj.Equals(end))
                        return node;

                    node.g = q.g + 1;
                    node.h = adj.distance(end);

                    bool add = true;
                    foreach (AStarNode openNode in open)
                        if (openNode.location.Equals(node.location) && openNode.f() < node.f())
                            add = false;
                    foreach (AStarNode closedNode in closed)
                        if (closedNode.location.Equals(node.location) && closedNode.f() < node.f())
                            add = false;
                    if (add)
            return startNode;
 private static bool isMonsterCandidate(Level level, Location location)
     if (level.getEntities(location).Count > 1)
         return false;
     return !level.getTile(location).blocksMovement;