public void DrawSelf() // Default draw, draws sprites from a sprite sheet( Which isn't actually used in game) { Rectangle destRectangle = new Rectangle(Position.x, Position.y, Dimensions.x * Scale.x, Dimensions.y * Scale.y); // Scales the drawn image if (new Vector2(Sprite.width, Sprite.height) == Dimensions) //Draw flat sprite, i.e not a sprite sheet { // new Raylib.Vector2 was the best work around i could find, i could use the basic draw class // but that doesnt allow rotation and stuff Rectangle imageRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Dimensions.x + 1, Dimensions.y); DrawTexturePro(Sprite, MathMore.toRayRect(imageRect), MathMore.toRayRect(destRectangle), new Raylib.Vector2(Origin.x, Origin.y), Rotation, Blend); } else { float sheetXPos = Dimensions.x * ImageIndex; if (sheetXPos > Sprite.width) // Sets the animation back to first frame { sheetXPos = 0; ImageIndex = 0; } Rectangle imageRect = new Rectangle(sheetXPos, 0, Dimensions.x + 1, Dimensions.y); DrawTexturePro(Sprite, MathMore.toRayRect(imageRect), MathMore.toRayRect(destRectangle), new Raylib.Vector2(Origin.x, Origin.y), Rotation, Blend); } }
public void GunDraw() { Rectangle ImageRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, GunSprite.width, GunSprite.height); // Image rectangle (Whole Image) Rectangle DestRect = new Rectangle(Position.x, Position.y, ImageRect.width, ImageRect.height); // World Rect DrawTexturePro(GunSprite, MathMore.toRayRect(ImageRect), MathMore.toRayRect(DestRect), new Raylib.Vector2(GunOrigin.x, GunOrigin.y), GunRotation * RAD2DEG, Color.WHITE); DrawCircleLines((int)MousePos.x, (int)MousePos.y, 3, Color.BLACK); }
public override void Draw() { if (!BeenHit || HitTimer % 5 == 0) { DrawSelf(); GunDraw(); } //Draw HealthBar Rectangle PlayerHealthBack = new Rectangle(8, 8, 96, Program.GameHeight * 0.05f); Rectangle PlayerHealthFront = new Rectangle(PlayerHealthBack.x, PlayerHealthBack.y, PlayerHealthBack.width, PlayerHealthBack.height); HP = (int)Clamp(HP, 0, MaxHp); PlayerHealthFront.width *= ((float)HP / (float)MaxHp); int Alpha = 255; DrawRectangleRec(MathMore.toRayRect(PlayerHealthBack), new Color(Color.DARKGRAY.r, Color.DARKGRAY.g, Color.DARKGRAY.b, Alpha)); DrawRectangleRec(MathMore.toRayRect(PlayerHealthFront), new Color(Color.GREEN.r, Color.GREEN.g, Color.GREEN.b, Alpha)); DrawRectangleLinesEx(MathMore.toRayRect(PlayerHealthBack), 1, new Color(Color.BLACK.r, Color.BLACK.g, Color.BLACK.b, Alpha)); //Draw Dead Text if (HP <= 0) { DeadTimer++; Vector2 Pos = new Vector2(Program.GameWidth / 2, Program.GameHeight / 2); DrawRectangleRec(MathMore.toRayRect(new Rectangle(0, Pos.y - 8, Program.GameWidth, 16)), Color.BLACK); if (DeadTimer % 20 > 5) { Raylib.Vector2 Measure = MeasureTextEx(Program.Romulus, "Dead", 12, 1); DrawTextEx(Program.Romulus, "Dead", new Raylib.Vector2(Pos.x - (Measure.x / 2), Pos.y - (Measure.y / 2)), 12, 1, Color.WHITE); } if (!HasDied && DeadTimer > 60) { = new GameScene(; HasDied = true; } } }