private PartSetupDialog(TieredResource product, string body, TechTier tier, TechTier maxTierForPart)
     this.Body           = body;
     this.Tier           = tier;
     this.Product        = product;
     this.MaxTierForPart = maxTierForPart;
     this.RiskLevel      = StaticAnalysis.GetTierSuitability(ColonizationResearchScenario.Instance, this.Product, tier, maxTierForPart, this.Body);
Exemple #2
 private static void SetToIdealTier(IColonizationResearchScenario colonizationResearch, ITieredProducer producer)
     for (TechTier tier = TechTier.Tier4; tier >= TechTier.Tier0; --tier)
         var suitability = StaticAnalysis.GetTierSuitability(colonizationResearch, producer.Output, tier, producer.MaximumTier, producer.Body);
         if (suitability == TierSuitability.Ideal)
             producer.Tier = tier;
Exemple #3
        internal static IEnumerable <WarningMessage> CheckTieredProduction(IColonizationResearchScenario colonizationResearch, List <ITieredProducer> producers, Dictionary <string, double> amountAvailable, Dictionary <string, double> storageAvailable)
            List <ITieredProducer> noScannerParts     = new List <ITieredProducer>();
            List <ITieredProducer> noSubResearchParts = new List <ITieredProducer>();
            List <ITieredProducer> underTier          = new List <ITieredProducer>();

            foreach (var producer in producers)
                var suitability = StaticAnalysis.GetTierSuitability(colonizationResearch, producer.Output, producer.Tier, producer.MaximumTier, producer.Body);
                switch (suitability)
                case TierSuitability.LacksScanner:

                case TierSuitability.LacksSubordinateResearch:

                case TierSuitability.UnderTier:


            if (noScannerParts.Any())
                var examplePart = noScannerParts[0];
                yield return(new WarningMessage
                    Message = $"Scanning technology at {examplePart.Body} has not kept up with production technologies - {examplePart.Tier.DisplayName()} parts will not function until you deploy an equal-tier scanner to orbit around {examplePart.Body}.",
                    IsClearlyBroken = true,
                    FixIt = () => SetToIdealTier(colonizationResearch, noScannerParts)

            if (noSubResearchParts.Any())
                var examplePart = noSubResearchParts[0];
                yield return(new WarningMessage
                    Message = $"Not all the products in the production chain for {examplePart.Output.DisplayName} have advanced to {examplePart.Tier}.",
                    IsClearlyBroken = true,
                    FixIt = () => SetToIdealTier(colonizationResearch, noSubResearchParts)

            if (underTier.Any())
                var examplePart = underTier[0];
                yield return(new WarningMessage
                    Message = $"This base is not taking advantage of the latest tech for producing {examplePart.Output.DisplayName}",
                    IsClearlyBroken = true,
                    FixIt = () => SetToIdealTier(colonizationResearch, underTier)

            var mostUsedBodyAndCount = producers
                                       .Where(c => c.Output.ProductionRestriction != ProductionRestriction.Space)
                                       .Where(c => c.Body != null)
                                       .GroupBy(c => c.Body)
                                       .Select(g => new { body = g.Key, count = g.Count() })
                                       .OrderByDescending(o => o.count)
            string targetBody = mostUsedBodyAndCount.Length > 0 ? mostUsedBodyAndCount[0].body : null;

            foreach (var pair in producers.GroupBy(producer => producer.Output))
                TieredResource output = pair.Key;
                IEnumerable <ITieredProducer> parts = pair;

                // Parts should be set consistently
                TechTier minTier = parts.Min(p => p.Tier);
                TechTier maxTier = parts.Max(p => p.Tier);
                if (minTier != maxTier)
                    yield return(new WarningMessage
                        Message = $"Not all of the parts producing {output.BaseName} are set at {maxTier}",
                        IsClearlyBroken = false,
                        FixIt = () =>
                            foreach (var part in parts)
                                part.Tier = maxTier;


                // Supplier parts should be at least maxTier
                var            firstPart = parts.First();
                TieredResource input     = firstPart.Input;
                if (parts.First().Input == null && output.IsHarvestedLocally && targetBody != null)
                    // then it depends on scanning
                    TechTier maxScanningTier = colonizationResearch.GetMaxUnlockedScanningTier(targetBody);
                    if (maxTier > maxScanningTier)
                else if (input != null)
                    // Ensure that the suppliers are all at least the same tier.
                    if (producers.Any(producer => producer.Output == input && producer.Tier < maxTier))
                        yield return(new WarningMessage
                            Message = $"There are {maxTier.DisplayName()} producers of {output.BaseName}, but it requires equal-tier {input.BaseName} production in order to work.",
                            IsClearlyBroken = true,
                            FixIt = null
        private void CalculateTierLabels(bool setTier)
            for (TechTier tier = TechTier.Tier0; tier <= TechTier.Tier4; ++tier)
                var  suitability = StaticAnalysis.GetTierSuitability(ColonizationResearchScenario.Instance, this.Product, tier, this.MaxTierForPart, this.Body);
                bool isEnabled;
                Func <string, string> transform;
                string toolTipTag;
                switch (suitability)
                case TierSuitability.Ideal:
                    transform  = TextEffects.Green;
                    toolTipTag = "#LOC_KPBS_IDEAL_TIER";
                    isEnabled  = true;
                    if (setTier)
                        this.RiskLevel = TierSuitability.Ideal;
                        this.Tier      = tier;

                case TierSuitability.LacksScanner:
                    transform  = TextEffects.Yellow;
                    toolTipTag = "#LOC_KPBS_SCANNING_SKILL_LAGS";
                    isEnabled  = true;

                case TierSuitability.LacksSubordinateResearch:
                    transform  = TextEffects.Red;
                    toolTipTag = "#LOC_KPBS_SUBORDINATE_SKILL_LAGS";
                    isEnabled  = true;

                case TierSuitability.UnderTier:
                    transform  = TextEffects.Yellow;
                    toolTipTag = "#LOC_KPBS_UNDER_TIER";
                    isEnabled  = true;

                case TierSuitability.NotResearched:
                    transform  = s => s;
                    toolTipTag = "#LOC_KPBS_NOT_RESEARCHED";
                    isEnabled  = false;

                case TierSuitability.BodyNotSelected:
                    transform  = s => s;
                    toolTipTag = "#LOC_KPBS_CHOOSE_A_BODY_FIRST";
                    isEnabled  = false;

                case TierSuitability.PartDoesntSupportTier:
                    transform  = s => s;
                    toolTipTag = "#LOC_KPBS_PART_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_TIER";
                    isEnabled  = false;

                TechTier techTierCopy = tier;
                string labelGetter() => transform(techTierCopy.DisplayName());

                void onToggled(bool isSelected)
                    if (isSelected && isEnabled)
                        this.Tier      = techTierCopy;
                        this.RiskLevel = suitability;

                if (this.tierToggles[(int)tier] == null)
                    this.tierToggles[(int)tier] = new DialogGUIToggle(() => techTierCopy == this.Tier, labelGetter, onToggled);
                    this.tierToggles[(int)tier].setLabel  = labelGetter;
                    this.tierToggles[(int)tier].onToggled = onToggled;

                this.tierToggles[(int)tier].OptionInteractableCondition = () => isEnabled;
                this.tierToggles[(int)tier].tooltipText = Localizer.GetStringByTag(toolTipTag);