public double cubicInterp(PointValueDeriv p0, PointValueDeriv p1)
            double t1    = p0._d + p1._d - 3 * (p0._v - p1._v) / (p0._a - p1._a);
            double t2    = mathSign(p1._a - p0._a) * Math.Sqrt(t1 * t1 - p0._d * p1._d);
            double num   = p1._d + t2 - t1;
            double denom = p1._d - p0._d + 2 * t2;

            return(p1._a - (p1._a - p0._a) * num / denom);
        //to deal with non-convex objective function
        public void wolfeLineSearch()
            double dirDeriv = getDirDeriv();
            double normDir  = Math.Sqrt(dotProduct(_dir, _dir));

            if (dirDeriv > 0)
                Global.swLog.WriteLine("L-BFGS edition chose a non-descent direction: check your gradient!");

            double          c1 = 1e-4 * dirDeriv;
            double          c2 = 0.9 * dirDeriv;
            double          a = (_iter == 0 ? (1 / normDir) : 1.0);
            PointValueDeriv last = new PointValueDeriv(0, _value, dirDeriv);
            PointValueDeriv aLo = new PointValueDeriv(), aHi = new PointValueDeriv();
            bool            done = false;

            double unitRoundoff = 1e-6;

            if (a * normDir < unitRoundoff)
                Global.swLog.WriteLine("Obtained step size near limits of numerical stability.");

            Global.swLog.WriteLine(" ");

            double newValue = 0;

            while (true)
                newValue = getLossGradient(_newW, _newGradList);
                double oldValue = _value;
                _value   = newValue;
                dirDeriv = getNewDirDeriv();
                PointValueDeriv curr = new PointValueDeriv(a, newValue, dirDeriv);
                if ((curr._v > oldValue + c1 * a) || (last._a > 0 && curr._v >= last._v))
                    aLo = last;
                    aHi = curr;
                else if (Math.Abs(curr._d) <= -c2)
                    done = true;
                else if (curr._d >= 0)
                    aLo = curr;
                    aHi = last;
                last = curr;
                a   *= 2;
            double minChange = 0.01;

            while (!done)
                PointValueDeriv left  = aLo._a < aHi._a ? aLo : aHi;
                PointValueDeriv right = aLo._a < aHi._a ? aHi : aLo;
                if (left._d > 0 && right._d < 0)
                    a = aLo._v < aHi._v ? aLo._a : aHi._a;
                    a = cubicInterp(aLo, aHi);

                double ub = (minChange * left._a + (1 - minChange) * right._a);
                if (a > ub)
                    a = ub;
                double lb = (minChange * right._a + (1 - minChange) * left._a);
                if (a < lb)
                    a = lb;

                newValue = getLossGradient(_newW, _newGradList);
                double oldValue = _value;
                _value   = newValue;
                dirDeriv = getNewDirDeriv();
                PointValueDeriv curr = new PointValueDeriv(a, newValue, dirDeriv);
                if ((curr._v > oldValue + c1 * a) || (curr._v >= aLo._v))
                    aHi = curr;
                else if (Math.Abs(curr._d) <= -c2)
                    done = true;
                    if (curr._d * (aHi._a - aLo._a) >= 0)
                        aHi = aLo;
                    aLo = curr;

                if (aLo._a == aHi._a)
                    Global.swLog.WriteLine("Step size interval numerically zero.");