private void timerAnim_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Tuple <int, int> selectedDirection = player.GetOffset(); xOffset = selectedDirection.Item2 * (animCount - 2) * SIDE / STEPS; yOffset = selectedDirection.Item1 * (animCount - 2) * SIDE / STEPS; if (animCount == 2) { canMove = true; timerAnim.Stop(); if (player.X == WORLD_WIDTH && player.Y == 1) { scoreTimer.Stop(); simpleSound.Stop(); Invalidate(); String message = "You beat the game in " + timePassed.ToString() + " seconds and won " + player.score.ToString() + " points!"; MessageBox.Show(message, "CONGRATULATIONS!"); NameInput nameInput = new NameInput(); nameInput.Show(); =; if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY.easy) { easyHighScores.Add(player); } if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY.medium) { mediumHighScores.Add(player); } if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY.hard) { hardHighScores.Add(player); } Close(); } } else { animCount++; } Invalidate(); }
private void Camera(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { lock (syncLock) { Graphics g = e.Graphics; player.Move(); for (int k = 0; k < STEPS; k++) { g.Clear(Color.White); Tuple <int, int> selectedDirection = player.GetOffset(); int xOffset = selectedDirection.Item2 * (k - 2) * SIDE / STEPS; int yOffset = selectedDirection.Item1 * (k - 2) * SIDE / STEPS; for (int i = -3; i < 5; i++) { for (int j = -3; j < 5; j++) { if (outOfBounds(player.Y + i, player.X + j)) { g.FillRectangle(brush, (j + 2) * SIDE + xOffset, (i + 2) * SIDE + yOffset, SIDE, SIDE); } else if (maze[player.Y + i, player.X + j]) { g.FillRectangle(brush, (j + 2) * SIDE + xOffset, (i + 2) * SIDE + yOffset, SIDE, SIDE); } else if ((player.Y + i) == 1 && (player.X + j) == WORLD_WIDTH) { g.FillRectangle(doorBrush, (j + 2) * SIDE + xOffset, (i + 2) * SIDE + yOffset, SIDE, SIDE); //door } } } player.Draw(g); // if (k!=STEPS-1) Thread.Sleep(TIMER_INTERVAL); } if (player.X == WORLD_WIDTH && player.Y == 1) { scoreTimer.Stop(); simpleSound.Stop(); String message = "You beat the game in " + timePassed.ToString() + " seconds and won " + player.score.ToString() + " points!"; MessageBox.Show(message, "CONGRATULATIONS!"); NameInput nameInput = new NameInput(); nameInput.Show(); =; if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY.easy) { easyHighScores.Add(player); } if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY.medium) { mediumHighScores.Add(player); } if (difficulty == DIFFICULTY.hard) { hardHighScores.Add(player); } Close(); } canMove = true; } }