public Lobby(UI.Splash splash) { InitializeComponent(); string FNCosmeticsPath = global.ProSwapperFolder + "lobby.ProSwapper"; Icon = Main.appIcon; BackColor = global.MainMenu; CurrentCID = new Item(); var asset = new Asset(); asset.AssetPath = "FortniteGame/AssetRegistry.bin"; asset.UcasFile = "pakchunk0-WindowsClient.pak";//Asset registry is always in pakchunk0 coz ue4 moment asset.Search = new string[1] { $"" }; asset.Replace = new string[1] { $"" }; CurrentCID.Asset = new Asset[1] { asset }; if (global.allskins == null) { SkinSearch.Root allitems = new(); download : double TimeNow = global.GetEpochTime(); if (global.CurrentConfig.LobbyLastOpened + 86400 < TimeNow) { //More than 24hrs have passed allitems = msgpack.MsgPacklz4 <SkinSearch.Root>($"{api.FNAPIEndpoint}v2/cosmetics/br?responseFormat=msgpack_lz4&responseOptions=ignore_null"); File.WriteAllText(FNCosmeticsPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(allitems)); global.CurrentConfig.LobbyLastOpened = TimeNow; global.SaveConfig(); } else { if (!File.Exists(FNCosmeticsPath)) { global.CurrentConfig.LobbyLastOpened = 0; goto download; } allitems = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SkinSearch.Root>(File.ReadAllText(FNCosmeticsPath)); } global.allskins = new SkinSearch.Root(); = => CIDSelection.actuallyUsingBackends.Any(x.type.backendValue.Equals)).ToArray(); } splash.Invoke(new Action(() => { splash.Close(); })); }
public Main(UI.Splash splash) { InitializeComponent(); Mainform = this; try { api.UpdateAPI(); string apiversion = api.apidata.version; double TimeNow = global.GetEpochTime(); if (global.CurrentConfig.lastopened + 7200 < TimeNow) { global.OpenUrl(api.apidata.discordurl); global.CurrentConfig.lastopened = TimeNow; } int thisVer = int.Parse(global.version.Replace(".", "")); int apiVer = int.Parse(api.apidata.version.Replace(".", "")); const string NewDownload = ""; if (apiVer > thisVer) { MessageBox.Show("New Pro Swapper Update found! Redirecting you to the new download!", "Pro Swapper Update", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); global.OpenUrl(NewDownload); Cleanup(); } if (global.IsNameModified()) { ThrowError($"This Pro Swapper version has been renamed, this means you have not downloaded it from the official source. Please redownload it on the Discord server at {api.apidata.discordurl}"); global.OpenUrl(NewDownload); } if (api.apidata.status[0].IsUp == false) { ThrowError(api.apidata.status[0].DownMsg); } Color[] theme = global.CurrentConfig.theme; global.MainMenu = theme[0]; global.ItemsBG = theme[1]; global.Button = theme[2]; global.TextColor = theme[3]; RPC.InitializeRPC(); Icon = appIcon; Region = Region.FromHrgn(CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height, 30, 30)); versionlabel.Text = global.version; panelContainer.Controls.Add(Dashboard.Instance); Control.ControlCollection MenuButtons = Controls["panel1"].Controls; for (int i = 0; i < MenuButtons.Count; i++) { if (MenuButtons[i].GetType().Name == "BunifuFlatButton" && MenuButtons[i].Tag.Equals("TabButton")) { BunifuFlatButton btn = (BunifuFlatButton)MenuButtons[i]; btn.BackColor = btn.Normalcolor = btn.OnHovercolor = btn.Activecolor = global.Button; btn.Textcolor = btn.OnHoverTextColor = global.TextColor; if (btn.Text == "Settings") { continue; } btn.Click += delegate { NewPanel(btn.Text); }; } } BackColor = global.MainMenu; panel1.BackColor = global.MainMenu; versionlabel.ForeColor = global.TextColor; global.SaveConfig(); splash.Invoke(new Action(() => { splash.Close(); })); } catch (Exception ex) { Program.logger.LogError(ex.Message); ThrowError($"Source: {ex.Source} | Message: {ex.Message} | Stack Trace: {ex.StackTrace}", true); } }