public List <Project> getAdminalPanelActiveProjects()
            string         initialQuery = "";
            List <Project> projects     = new List <Project>();
            TeamMembers    member       = authRepo.getLoggedInUser();

            if (authRepo.getAdminRights())
                initialQuery = "SELECT * FROM [Project] WHERE Enabled=1 order by Name asc";
                projects     = this._db.Query <Project>(initialQuery).ToList();
            else if (authRepo.getTeamLeadRightsForAnyAccount())
                initialQuery = "SELECT * FROM [Project] WHERE Enabled=1 and AccountId In(select distinct (e.AccountId) from EmployeeProjects e,Account ac where e.AccountId=ac.Id and ((e.EmpId=" + member.Id + " and e.Lead=1) or ac.AccountOwner=" + member.Id + ")) order by Name asc";
                projects     = this._db.Query <Project>(initialQuery).ToList();
Exemple #2
        public List <Account> getAdminPanelActiveAccounts()
            string initialQuery = "";
            List <Account> accounts = new List <Account>();
            TeamMembers    member   = authRepo.getLoggedInUser();

            if (authRepo.getAdminRights())
                initialQuery = "SELECT * FROM [Account] WHERE Availability=1 order by AccountName asc";
                accounts     = this._db.Query <Account>(initialQuery).ToList();
            else if (authRepo.getTeamLeadRightsForAnyAccount())
                initialQuery = "SELECT a.* FROM [Account] a WHERE Availability=1 and ((a.Id In(select distinct (e.AccountId) from EmployeeProjects e where e.EmpId=" + member.Id + " and e.Lead=1)) or a.AccountOwner=" + member.Id + ") order by a.AccountName asc";
                accounts     = this._db.Query <Account>(initialQuery).ToList();

Exemple #3
        public List <TeamSatisfactionEmployeeSummary> getSelectedQuarterSummary(int accountId, int year, int quarter)
            TeamMembers member = authRepo.getLoggedInUser();
            string      query  = "";

            if (authRepo.getAdminRights() | authRepo.getTeamLeadRights(accountId))
                query = "SELECT [Id],[EmpId],[AccountId],[Year],[Quarter],[Rating] FROM [TeamSatisfactionEmployeeSummary] where AccountId='" + accountId + "' and Year='" + year + "' and Quarter='" + quarter + "' order by EmpId asc";
                query = "SELECT [Id],[EmpId],[AccountId],[Year],[Quarter],[Rating] FROM [TeamSatisfactionEmployeeSummary] where AccountId='" + accountId + "' and Year='" + year + "' and Quarter='" + quarter + "' and EmpId=" + member.Id + "";
            return(this._db.Query <TeamSatisfactionEmployeeSummary>(query).ToList());
        public List <List <object[]> > getSelectedResults(int projectid, int year, int quarter)
            List <List <Object[]> > sendingArray       = new List <List <object[]> >();
            QuestionRepository      questionRepository = new QuestionRepository();
            List <Questions>        displayingQuestion = questionRepository.getDisplayingQuestions(0);

            if (displayingQuestion.Count != 0)
                foreach (Questions q1 in displayingQuestion)
                    double   total   = 0;
                    Object[] myarray = new Object[6];
                    string   query   = "";
                    if (authRepo.getAdminRights() | authRepo.getTeamLeadRights(projectid))
                        query = @"select,m.MemberName,q.QuestionName,r.Answer,r.Year,r.Quarter from results r, Questions q,TeamMembers m where r.QuestionID = q.Id and r.MemberId = m.Id and r.AccountID = '" + projectid + "' and q.CalcExist = 1 and r.QuestionID = '" + q1.Id + "' and r.Year = (select top(1) r.Year from results r, Questions q where r.QuestionID = q.Id and r.AccountID = '" + projectid + "' and q.CalcExist = 1 order by year desc, quarter desc) and r.Quarter = (select top(1) r.quarter from results r, Questions q where r.QuestionID = q.Id and r.AccountID = '" + projectid + "' and q.CalcExist = 1 order by year desc, quarter desc) order by asc";
                        Debug.WriteLine("Year " + year + " " + quarter + " " + (year != 0));
                        if (year != 0 | quarter != 0)
                            query = @"select,m.MemberName,q.QuestionName,r.Answer,r.Year,r.Quarter from results r, Questions q,TeamMembers m where r.QuestionID = q.Id and r.MemberId = m.Id and r.AccountID = '" + projectid + "' and q.CalcExist = 1 and r.QuestionID = '" + q1.Id + "' and r.Year = '" + year + "' and r.Quarter = '" + quarter + "' order by asc";
                        query = @"select,m.MemberName,q.QuestionName,r.Answer,r.Year,r.Quarter from results r, Questions q,TeamMembers m where r.QuestionID = q.Id and r.MemberId = m.Id and r.AccountID = '" + projectid + "' and m.MemberName='" + authRepo.getUsername() + "' and q.CalcExist = 1 and r.QuestionID = '" + q1.Id + "' and r.Year = (select top(1) r.Year from results r, Questions q where r.QuestionID = q.Id and r.AccountID = '" + projectid + "' and q.CalcExist = 1 order by year desc, quarter desc) and r.Quarter = (select top(1) r.quarter from results r, Questions q where r.QuestionID = q.Id and r.AccountID = '" + projectid + "' and q.CalcExist = 1 order by year desc, quarter desc) order by asc";
                        Debug.WriteLine("Year " + year + " " + quarter + " " + (year != 0));
                        if (year != 0 | quarter != 0)
                            query = @"select,m.MemberName,q.QuestionName,r.Answer,r.Year,r.Quarter from results r, Questions q,TeamMembers m where r.QuestionID = q.Id and r.MemberId = m.Id and r.AccountID = '" + projectid + "' and m.MemberName='" + authRepo.getUsername() + "' and q.CalcExist = 1 and r.QuestionID = '" + q1.Id + "' and r.Year = '" + year + "' and r.Quarter = '" + quarter + "' order by asc";

                    List <Object[]> dataArray = _db.Query(query).Select(d => new object[] {, d.MemberName, d.QuestionName, d.Answer, d.Year, d.Quarter }).ToList();
                    if (dataArray.Count != 0)
                        foreach (Object[] x in dataArray)
                            total = total + Convert.ToInt64(x[3]);

                        if (authRepo.getAdminRights() | authRepo.getTeamLeadRights(projectid))
                            myarray[3] = Math.Round(((double)(total / dataArray.Count)), 2);
                            myarray[1] = "Average";

                        Debug.WriteLine("Data " + dataArray[0][0]);
                //List<Object[]> dynamicDataArray = new List<object[]>();
                //double dynamicTotal = 0;
                //foreach (List<Object[]> myList in sendingArray) {
                //    Object[] dynamicMyarray = new Object[4];
                //    int x = 0;
                //    foreach (Object[] arr in myList) {
                //        double value = Convert.ToInt64(arr[3]);
                //        try
                //        {
                //            if (dynamicDataArray[x] != null)
                //            {
                //                dynamicDataArray[x][3] = Convert.ToInt64(dynamicDataArray[x][3]) + value;
                //            }

                //        }
                //        catch (Exception e)
                //        {
                //            dynamicMyarray[3] = value;
                //            dynamicDataArray.Add(dynamicMyarray);
                //        }
                //        x++;
                //    }
