Exemple #1
        // This is the constructor for this class.
        public frmCheckOut(bool isCheckOut, Booking booking, frmFacilitySchedule facilitySchedule)
            //_txtCheckOut = txtCheckOut;
            //_txtCeckIn = txtCheckOut;
            _bookingManager   = new BookingManager();
            _booking          = booking;
            _facilitySchedule = facilitySchedule;

            _isCheckout = isCheckOut;
            if (!isCheckOut)
                this.Title = "Check In";
        // This is the event handler for the Facility Schedule button. When this button is clicked the Facility Schedule form is loaded.
        private void BtnFacilitySchedule_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            frmFacilitySchedule facilitySchedule = new frmFacilitySchedule(false, _user);

        // This event handler is fired when the view my reservations button is clicked. It displays the my reservations form.
        private void BtnViewMyReservations_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            frmFacilitySchedule facilitySchedule = new frmFacilitySchedule(true, _user);
