private void Print_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { _cls.ClsConnect(); int thamso = 3; string[] bien = new string[thamso]; object[] giatri = new object[thamso]; bien[0] = "@Nam"; giatri[0] = comboBoxYear.SelectedValue; bien[1] = "@Quy"; giatri[1] = CboQuy.SelectionBoxItem.ToString().Trim(); bien[2] = "@Dot"; giatri[2] = bll.Left(CboDot.SelectedValue.ToString(), 1); //MessageBox.Show(giatri[0] + " " + giatri[1]); //dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("usp_KHB", bien, giatri, thamso); _cls.UpdateDataProcPara("usp_CongThiDua", bien, giatri, thamso); //string strcong = "with lst1 as " // +" (select CHUYENDE, sum(DIEM) DIEM, sum(P0101) P0101, sum(P0102) P0102, sum(P0201) P0201, sum(P0202) P0202 " // +", sum(P0301) P0301, sum(P0302) P0302, sum(P0401) P0401, sum(P0402) P0402, sum(P0501) P0501, sum(P0502) P0502 " // +", sum(P0601) P0601, sum(P0602) P0602, sum(P0701) P0701, sum(P0702) P0702, sum(P0801) P0801, sum(P0802) P0802 " // + " from MAU_THIDUA where CONG='0' and NAM='" + comboBoxYear.SelectedValue + "' and QUY='" + CboQuy.SelectionBoxItem.ToString().Trim() // + "' and DOT='" + bll.Left(CboDot.SelectedValue.ToString(), 1) + "' and CHUYENDE='" + RadCboChDe.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "' group by CHUYENDE ) " // + "update a set a.P0101 = b.P0101,a.P0102 = b.P0102,a.P0201 = b.P0201,a.P0202 = b.P0202,a.P0301 = b.P0301,a.P0302 = b.P0302, " // +" a.P0401 = b.P0401,a.P0402 = b.P0402,a.P0501 = b.P0501,a.P0502 = b.P0502,a.P0601 = b.P0601,a.P0602 = b.P0602, " // + " a.P0701 = b.P0701,a.P0702 = b.P0702,a.P0801 = b.P0801,a.P0802 = b.P0802 from MAU_THIDUA a, lst1 b " // + " where a.NAM='" + comboBoxYear.SelectedValue + "' and a.QUY='" + CboQuy.SelectionBoxItem.ToString().Trim() // + "' and a.DOT='" + bll.Left(CboDot.SelectedValue.ToString(), 1) + "' and a.CHUYENDE='" + RadCboChDe.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "' and a.CHUYENDE = b.CHUYENDE and a.CONG='1' and a.CHONIN='1'"; //MessageBox.Show(strcong); // _cls.UpdateDataText(strcong); string strin = ""; if (ChkTh.IsChecked == true) { strin = "select b.PO_TEN,a.*,P" + CboPos.SelectedValue.ToString().Substring(4, 2) + "01 CHAMDIEM ," + "( case when a.DOT=0 then c.MOTA+' Quý '+ a.QUY + ' Năm '+ a.NAM else c.MOTA end ) TITLE,NGNH" + CboPos.SelectedValue.ToString().Substring(4, 2) + " NG_NHAN from MAU_THIDUA a,DMPOS b,DOT_THIDUA c where a.NAM='" + comboBoxYear.SelectedValue + "' and a.QUY='" + CboQuy.SelectionBoxItem.ToString().Trim() + "' and a.DOT='" + bll.Left(CboDot.SelectedValue.ToString(), 1) + "' and b.PO_MA='" + bll.Left(CboPos.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim(), 6) + "' and a.DOT=c.DOT and a.CHONIN='1' order by a.CHUYENDE,a.STT"; } else { strin = "select b.PO_TEN,a.*,P" + CboPos.SelectedValue.ToString().Substring(4, 2) + "01 CHAMDIEM ,case when a.DOT=0 then c.MOTA+' Quý '+ a.QUY + ' Năm '+ a.NAM else c.MOTA end TITLE,NGNH" + CboPos.SelectedValue.ToString().Substring(4, 2) + " NG_NHAN from MAU_THIDUA a,DMPOS b,DOT_THIDUA c where a.NAM='" + comboBoxYear.SelectedValue + "' and a.QUY='" + CboQuy.SelectionBoxItem.ToString().Trim() + "' and a.DOT='" + bll.Left(CboDot.SelectedValue.ToString(), 1) + "' and b.PO_MA='" + bll.Left(CboPos.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim(), 6) + "' and a.DOT=c.DOT and CHUYENDE='" + RadCboChDe.SelectedValue + "' and a.CHONIN='1' order by a.STT"; } //MessageBox.Show(strin); _dt = _cls.LoadDataText(strin); if (_dt.Rows.Count > 0) { rpt_ThiDua01 rpt = new rpt_ThiDua01(); RPUtility.ShowRp(rpt, _dt, this, srv.DbSourceSerVer(), srv.DbNameSerVer(), srv.DbUserSerVer(), srv.DbPassSerVer()); } else { MessageBox.Show("Không có dữ liệu để in !", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error \n" + ex.Message, "Thông báo", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } _cls.DongKetNoi(); }