Exemple #1
        private Orbit CreateOrbitFromState(VesselState state)
            var orbit = new Orbit();

            orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(SwapYZ(state.Position), SwapYZ(state.Velocity), state.ReferenceBody, state.Time);
            var pars = new PatchedConics.SolverParameters
                FollowManeuvers = false

            PatchedConics.CalculatePatch(orbit, new Orbit(), state.Time, pars, null);
Exemple #2
        private IEnumerable <bool> AddPatch(VesselState startingState, bool isActiveVessel)
            if (isActiveVessel)
                if (null == attachedVessel.patchedConicSolver)
                    UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Trajectories: AddPatch() attempted when patchedConicsSolver is null; Skipping.");
                    yield break;

            CelestialBody body = startingState.ReferenceBody;

            var patch = new Patch
                StartingState = startingState,
                IsAtmospheric = false,
                SpaceOrbit    = startingState.StockPatch ?? CreateOrbitFromState(startingState)

            patch.EndTime = patch.StartingState.Time + patch.SpaceOrbit.period;

            // the flight plan does not always contain the first patches (before the first maneuver node),
            // so we populate it with the current orbit and associated encounters etc.
            var flightPlan = new List <Orbit>();

            for (var orbit = attachedVessel.orbit; orbit != null && orbit.activePatch; orbit = orbit.nextPatch)

            Orbit nextPatch = null;

            if (startingState.StockPatch == null)
                nextPatch = patch.SpaceOrbit.nextPatch;
                int planIdx = flightPlan.IndexOf(startingState.StockPatch);
                if (planIdx >= 0 && planIdx < flightPlan.Count - 1)
                    nextPatch = flightPlan[planIdx + 1];

            if (nextPatch != null)
                patch.EndTime = nextPatch.StartUT;

            double maxAtmosphereAltitude = RealMaxAtmosphereAltitude(body);

            if (!body.atmosphere)
                maxAtmosphereAltitude = body.pqsController.mapMaxHeight;

            double minAltitude = patch.SpaceOrbit.PeA;

            if (patch.SpaceOrbit.timeToPe < 0 || patch.EndTime < startingState.Time + patch.SpaceOrbit.timeToPe)
                minAltitude = Math.Min(
                    patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(patch.StartingState.Time + 1.0).magnitude
                    ) - body.Radius;
            if (minAltitude < maxAtmosphereAltitude)
                double entryTime;
                if (startingState.Position.magnitude <= body.Radius + maxAtmosphereAltitude)
                    // whole orbit is inside the atmosphere
                    entryTime = startingState.Time;
                    entryTime = FindOrbitBodyIntersection(
                        startingState.Time, startingState.Time + patch.SpaceOrbit.timeToPe,
                        body.Radius + maxAtmosphereAltitude);

                if (entryTime > startingState.Time + 0.1 || !body.atmosphere)
                    if (body.atmosphere)
                        // add the space patch before atmospheric entry

                        patch.EndTime = entryTime;
                        AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                            Position      = SwapYZ(patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime)),
                            ReferenceBody = body,
                            Time          = entryTime,
                            Velocity      = SwapYZ(patch.SpaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(entryTime))
                        yield break;
                        // the body has no atmosphere, so what we actually computed is the entry
                        // inside the "ground sphere" (defined by the maximal ground altitude)
                        // now we iterate until the inner ground sphere (minimal altitude), and
                        // check if we hit the ground along the way
                        double groundRangeExit = FindOrbitBodyIntersection(
                            startingState.Time, startingState.Time + patch.SpaceOrbit.timeToPe,
                            body.Radius - maxAtmosphereAltitude);

                        if (groundRangeExit <= entryTime)
                            groundRangeExit = startingState.Time + patch.SpaceOrbit.timeToPe;

                        double iterationSize = (groundRangeExit - entryTime) / 100.0;
                        double t;
                        bool   groundImpact = false;
                        for (t = entryTime; t < groundRangeExit; t += iterationSize)
                            Vector3d pos            = patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(t);
                            double   groundAltitude = GetGroundAltitude(body, CalculateRotatedPosition(body, SwapYZ(pos), t))
                                                      + body.Radius;
                            if (pos.magnitude < groundAltitude)
                                t           -= iterationSize;
                                groundImpact = true;

                        if (groundImpact)
                            patch.EndTime           = t;
                            patch.RawImpactPosition = SwapYZ(patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(t));
                            patch.ImpactPosition    = CalculateRotatedPosition(body, patch.RawImpactPosition.Value, t);
                            patch.ImpactVelocity    = SwapYZ(patch.SpaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(t));
                            AddPatch_outState = null;
                            yield break;
                            // no impact, just add the space orbit
                            if (nextPatch != null)
                                AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                                    Position      = SwapYZ(patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(patch.EndTime)),
                                    Velocity      = SwapYZ(patch.SpaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(patch.EndTime)),
                                    ReferenceBody = nextPatch == null ? body : nextPatch.referenceBody,
                                    Time          = patch.EndTime,
                                    StockPatch    = nextPatch
                                yield break;
                                AddPatch_outState = null;
                                yield break;
                    if (patch.StartingState.ReferenceBody != attachedVessel.mainBody)
                        // currently, we can't handle predictions for another body, so we stop
                        AddPatch_outState = null;
                        yield break;

                    // simulate atmospheric flight (drag and lift), until impact or atmosphere exit
                    // (typically for an aerobraking maneuver) assuming a constant angle of attack
                    patch.IsAtmospheric            = true;
                    patch.StartingState.StockPatch = null;

                    // lower dt would be more accurate, but a tradeoff has to be found between performances and accuracy
                    double dt = Settings.IntegrationStepSize;

                    // some shallow entries can result in very long flight. For performances reasons,
                    // we limit the prediction duration
                    int maxIterations = (int)(60.0 * 60.0 / dt);

                    int chunkSize = 128;

                    // time between two consecutive stored positions (more intermediate positions are computed for better accuracy),
                    // also used for ground collision checks
                    double trajectoryInterval = 10.0;

                    var buffer = new List <Point[]>
                        new Point[chunkSize]
                    int nextPosIdx = 0;

                    SimulationState state;
                    state.position = SwapYZ(patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime));
                    state.velocity = SwapYZ(patch.SpaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(entryTime));

                    // Initialize a patch with zero acceleration
                    Vector3d currentAccel = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

                    double   currentTime               = entryTime;
                    double   lastPositionStoredUT      = 0;
                    Vector3d lastPositionStored        = new Vector3d();
                    bool     hitGround                 = false;
                    int      iteration                 = 0;
                    int      incrementIterations       = 0;
                    int      minIterationsPerIncrement = maxIterations / Settings.MaxFramesPerPatch;

                    #region Acceleration Functor

                    // function that calculates the acceleration under current parmeters
                    Func <Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d> accelerationFunc = (position, velocity) =>
                        //Profiler.Start("accelerationFunc inside");

                        // gravity acceleration
                        double   R_      = position.magnitude;
                        Vector3d accel_g = position * (-body.gravParameter / (R_ * R_ * R_));

                        // aero force
                        Vector3d vel_air = velocity - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + position);

                        double aoa = 0;

                        Vector3d force_aero = aerodynamicModel_.GetForces(body, position, vel_air, aoa);

                        Vector3d accel = accel_g + force_aero / aerodynamicModel_.mass;

                        //Profiler.Stop("accelerationFunc inside");

                    #region Integration Loop

                    while (true)

                        if (incrementIterations > minIterationsPerIncrement && incrementTime_.ElapsedMilliseconds > MaxIncrementTime)
                            yield return(false);

                            incrementIterations = 0;

                        double R               = state.position.magnitude;
                        double altitude        = R - body.Radius;
                        double atmosphereCoeff = altitude / maxAtmosphereAltitude;
                        if (hitGround ||
                            atmosphereCoeff <= 0.0 || atmosphereCoeff >= 1.0 ||
                            iteration == maxIterations || currentTime > patch.EndTime)
                            //Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("atmo force", "Atmospheric accumulated force: " + accumulatedForces.ToString("0.00"));

                            if (hitGround || atmosphereCoeff <= 0.0)
                                patch.RawImpactPosition = state.position;
                                patch.ImpactPosition    = CalculateRotatedPosition(body, patch.RawImpactPosition.Value, currentTime);
                                patch.ImpactVelocity    = state.velocity;

                            patch.EndTime = Math.Min(currentTime, patch.EndTime);

                            int totalCount = (buffer.Count - 1) * chunkSize + nextPosIdx;
                            patch.AtmosphericTrajectory = new Point[totalCount];
                            int outIdx = 0;
                            foreach (var chunk in buffer)
                                foreach (var p in chunk)
                                    if (outIdx == totalCount)
                                    patch.AtmosphericTrajectory[outIdx++] = p;

                            if (iteration == maxIterations)
                                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("WARNING: trajectory prediction stopped, too many iterations");
                                AddPatch_outState = null;
                                yield break;
                            else if (atmosphereCoeff <= 0.0 || hitGround)
                                AddPatch_outState = null;
                                yield break;
                                AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                                    Position      = state.position,
                                    Velocity      = state.velocity,
                                    ReferenceBody = body,
                                    Time          = patch.EndTime
                                yield break;

                        Vector3d        lastAccel = currentAccel;
                        SimulationState lastState = state;


                        // Verlet integration (more precise than using the velocity)
                        // state = VerletStep(state, accelerationFunc, dt);
                        state = RK4Step(state, accelerationFunc, dt, out currentAccel);

                        currentTime += dt;

                        // KSP presumably uses Euler integration for position updates. Since RK4 is actually more precise than that,
                        // we try to reintroduce an approximation of the error.

                        // The local truncation error for euler integration is:
                        // LTE = 1/2 * h^2 * y''(t)
                        // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_method#Local_truncation_error
                        // For us,
                        // h is the time step of the outer simulation (KSP), which is the physics time step
                        // y''(t) is the difference of the velocity/acceleration divided by the physics time step
                        state.position += 0.5 * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime * currentAccel * dt;
                        state.velocity += 0.5 * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime * (currentAccel - lastAccel);


                        // calculate gravity and aerodynamic force
                        Vector3d gravityAccel     = lastState.position * (-body.gravParameter / (R * R * R));
                        Vector3d aerodynamicForce = (currentAccel - gravityAccel) / aerodynamicModel_.mass;

                        // acceleration in the vessel reference frame is acceleration - gravityAccel
                        maxAccelBackBuffer_ = Math.Max(
                            (float)(aerodynamicForce.magnitude / aerodynamicModel_.mass),

                        #region Impact Calculation


                        double interval = altitude < 10000.0 ? trajectoryInterval * 0.1 : trajectoryInterval;
                        if (currentTime >= lastPositionStoredUT + interval)
                            double groundAltitude = GetGroundAltitude(body, CalculateRotatedPosition(body, state.position, currentTime));
                            if (lastPositionStoredUT > 0)
                                // check terrain collision, to detect impact on mountains etc.
                                Vector3 rayOrigin         = lastPositionStored;
                                Vector3 rayEnd            = state.position;
                                double  absGroundAltitude = groundAltitude + body.Radius;
                                if (absGroundAltitude > rayEnd.magnitude)
                                    hitGround = true;
                                    float coeff = Math.Max(0.01f, (float)((absGroundAltitude - rayOrigin.magnitude)
                                                                          / (rayEnd.magnitude - rayOrigin.magnitude)));
                                    state.position = rayEnd * coeff + rayOrigin * (1.0f - coeff);
                                    currentTime    = currentTime * coeff + lastPositionStoredUT * (1.0f - coeff);

                            lastPositionStoredUT = currentTime;
                            if (nextPosIdx == chunkSize)
                                buffer.Add(new Point[chunkSize]);
                                nextPosIdx = 0;
                            Vector3d nextPos = state.position;
                            if (Settings.BodyFixedMode)
                                nextPos = CalculateRotatedPosition(body, nextPos, currentTime);
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].aerodynamicForce = aerodynamicForce;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].orbitalVelocity  = state.velocity;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].groundAltitude   = (float)groundAltitude;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].time             = currentTime;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx++].pos            = nextPos;
                            lastPositionStored = state.position;



                // no atmospheric entry, just add the space orbit
                if (nextPatch != null)
                    AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                        Position      = SwapYZ(patch.SpaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(patch.EndTime)),
                        Velocity      = SwapYZ(patch.SpaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(patch.EndTime)),
                        ReferenceBody = nextPatch == null ? body : nextPatch.referenceBody,
                        Time          = patch.EndTime,
                        StockPatch    = nextPatch
                    yield break;
                    AddPatch_outState = null;
                    yield break;
Exemple #3
        private IEnumerable <bool> ComputeTrajectoryIncrement(Vessel vessel, DescentProfile profile)
            // create or update aerodynamic model
            if (aerodynamicModel_ == null || !aerodynamicModel_.isValidFor(vessel, vessel.mainBody))
                aerodynamicModel_ = AerodynamicModelFactory.GetModel(vessel, vessel.mainBody);
            // create new VesselState from vessel, or null if it's on the ground
            var state = new VesselState(vessel);

            // iterate over patches until MaxPatchCount is reached
            for (int patchIdx = 0; patchIdx < Settings.MaxPatchCount; ++patchIdx)
                // stop if we don't have a vessel state
                if (state == null)
                    state = new VesselState(vessel);

                // If we spent more time in this calculation than allowed, pause until the next frame

                if (incrementTime_.ElapsedMilliseconds > MaxIncrementTime)
                    yield return(false);
                // if we have a patched conics solver, check for maneuver nodes
                if (null != attachedVessel.patchedConicSolver)
                    // search through maneuver nodes of the vessel
                    var maneuverNodes = attachedVessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes;
                    foreach (var node in maneuverNodes)
                        // if the maneuver node time corresponds to the end time of the last patch
                        if (node.UT == state.Time)
                            // add the velocity change of the burn to the velocity of the last patch
                            state.Velocity += node.GetBurnVector(CreateOrbitFromState(state));

                    // Add one patch, then pause execution after every patch
                    foreach (bool result in AddPatch(state, true))
                        yield return(false);
                    // Add one patch, then pause execution after every patch
                    foreach (bool result in AddPatch(state, false))
                        yield return(false);

                state = AddPatch_outState;