Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //handle special characters encode console to utf8
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            Console.InputEncoding  = Encoding.UTF8;
            //initial build lists

            /*List<string> movieList = new List<string> { "movie1", "movie2", "movie3" };
             * Console.WriteLine("Expected position for movie1 is 0 and for movie4 is -1");
             * Console.WriteLine("Movie position for movie1 is at: {0}", LinearSearch.Search(movieList, "movie1"));
             * Console.WriteLine("Movie position for movie4 is at: {0}", LinearSearch.Search(movieList, "movie4"));
             * List<string> movieList2 = new List<string> { "movie1", "movie2", "movie3", "movie4", "movie5", "movie6" };
             * Console.WriteLine("Expected position for movie1 is 0 and for movie4 is 3 and movie7 is -1");
             * Console.WriteLine("Movie position for movie1 is at: {0}", BinarySearch.Search(movieList2, "movie1", 0, movieList2.Count - 1));
             * Console.WriteLine("Movie position for movie4 is at: {0}", BinarySearch.Search(movieList2, "movie4", 0, movieList2.Count - 1));
             * Console.WriteLine("Movie position for movie7 is at: {0}", BinarySearch.Search(movieList2, "movie7", 0, movieList2.Count - 1));
             * Console.WriteLine("Movie position for movie3 is at: {0}", BinarySearch.Search(movieList2, "movie3", 0, movieList2.Count - 1));*/

            //stopwatch create and activate for testing
            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

            //small list containing 10 items for testing
            List <string> movieList = new List <string> {
                "movie1", "movie2", "movie3", "movie4", "movie5", "movie6", "movie7", "movie8", "movie9", "movie10"

            Console.WriteLine("Movie position for movie4 is at: {0}", BinarySearch.Search(movieList, "movie4", 0, movieList.Count - 1));
            Console.WriteLine("It took {0}ms to find the position", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            Console.WriteLine("Movie position for movie7 is at: {0}", BinarySearch.Search(movieList, "movie7", 0, movieList.Count - 1));
            Console.WriteLine("It took {0}ms to find the position", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            Console.WriteLine("Movie position for movie10 is at: {0}", LinearSearch.Search(movieList, "movie10"));
            Console.WriteLine("It took {0}ms to find the position", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Exemple #2
        public static void UserSearch()
            //declare variables
            bool      continueFlag = true;
            var       chosenFile   = new List <string>();
            char      keyPressed;
            char      fileKey;
            Stopwatch watch  = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch watch2 = new Stopwatch();

            //loop for user to keep searching
            while (continueFlag)
                //create bools and reset to true for mutiple file searches
                bool searchFileAgain = true;
                bool fileLoop        = true;
                searchingLoop = true;
                searchLoop    = true;
                //initial message
                Console.WriteLine("\r\nDo you wish to perform a movie search?");
                Console.WriteLine("Press Y to procceed or N to cancel");
                //save key pressed
                keyPressed = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar;
                //perform search move into next step
                if (keyPressed == 'y')
                    //ask user for which movie file to load
                    //create list variables for coresponding movie data files
                    Console.WriteLine("Which movie list do you want to search from:");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press 1 for Movie list 20");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press 2 for Movie list 100");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press 3 for Movie list 200");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press 4 for Movie list 1k");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press 5 for Movie list 100k");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press 6 for Movie list 400k");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press 7 for Movie list 2mil");

                    //loop til a file is chosen
                    while (fileLoop)
                        fileKey = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar;
                        // if statements to decide which list to create and use
                        //20 list
                        if (fileKey == '1')
                            string        movieFile20Path = @"C:\Users\User\Desktop\class\Algorithms\PraticalTask3_LinearAndBinarySearch\data\searchassessment\movieTitles20.txt";
                            List <string> movieList20     = File.ReadAllLines(movieFile20Path).ToList();
                            chosenFile = movieList20;
                            fileLoop   = false;
                        //100 list
                        else if (fileKey == '2')
                            string        movieFile100Path = @"C:\Users\User\Desktop\class\Algorithms\PraticalTask3_LinearAndBinarySearch\data\searchassessment\movieTitles100.txt";
                            List <string> movieList100     = File.ReadAllLines(movieFile100Path).ToList();
                            chosenFile = movieList100;
                            fileLoop   = false;
                        //200 list
                        else if (fileKey == '3')
                            string        movieFile200Path = @"C:\Users\User\Desktop\class\Algorithms\PraticalTask3_LinearAndBinarySearch\data\searchassessment\movieTitles200.txt";
                            List <string> movieList200     = File.ReadAllLines(movieFile200Path).ToList();
                            chosenFile = movieList200;
                            fileLoop   = false;
                        //1k list
                        else if (fileKey == '4')
                            string        movieFile1kPath = @"C:\Users\User\Desktop\class\Algorithms\PraticalTask3_LinearAndBinarySearch\data\searchassessment\movieTitles1K.txt";
                            List <string> movieList1k     = File.ReadAllLines(movieFile1kPath).ToList();
                            chosenFile = movieList1k;
                            fileLoop   = false;
                        //100k list
                        else if (fileKey == '5')
                            string        movieFile100kPath = @"C:\Users\User\Desktop\class\Algorithms\PraticalTask3_LinearAndBinarySearch\data\searchassessment\movieTitles100K.txt";
                            List <string> movieList100k     = File.ReadAllLines(movieFile100kPath).ToList();
                            chosenFile = movieList100k;
                            fileLoop   = false;
                        //400k list
                        else if (fileKey == '6')
                            string        movieFile400kPath = @"C:\Users\User\Desktop\class\Algorithms\PraticalTask3_LinearAndBinarySearch\data\searchassessment\movieTitles400K.txt";
                            List <string> movieList400k     = File.ReadAllLines(movieFile400kPath).ToList();
                            chosenFile = movieList400k;
                            fileLoop   = false;
                        //2mil list
                        else if (fileKey == '7')
                            string        movieFile2milPath = @"C:\Users\User\Desktop\class\Algorithms\PraticalTask3_LinearAndBinarySearch\data\searchassessment\MovieTitles_2million.txt";
                            List <string> movieList2mil     = File.ReadAllLines(movieFile2milPath).ToList();
                            chosenFile = movieList2mil;
                            fileLoop   = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("Press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for the file you wish to load");

                    //loop til search method is chosen
                    while (searchLoop)
                        Console.WriteLine("Press B for binary search or press L for linear search");
                        binaryOrLinear = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar;
                        if (binaryOrLinear == 'b')
                            searchLoop = false;
                        else if (binaryOrLinear == 'l')
                            searchLoop = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid key pressed");

                    //loop til searching is done in current file
                    while (searchingLoop)
                        //request search item
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter the movie you wish to search for:\r\n");
                        searchMovieRequest = ReadLineUTF();

                        //perform binary search
                        if (binaryOrLinear == 'b')
                            //start stopwatch

                            //perform initial sort to ensure list is sorted

                            //start another stopwatch to time how long it took to find after sort

                            //write results
                            Console.WriteLine("Movie is indexed at {0} in a sorted list.", BinarySearch.Search(chosenFile, searchMovieRequest, 0, chosenFile.Count - 1));

                            //stop stopwatchs

                            //display elapsed time in ms
                            Console.WriteLine("It took {0}ms to sort then find the item in the list.", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                            Console.WriteLine("It took {0}ms to find the item in the list.\r\n", watch2.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                            //reset stopwatchs
                        //perform linear search
                            //start stopwatch

                            //write results
                            Console.WriteLine("In an unsorted list the item is indexed at {0}", (LinearSearch.Search(chosenFile, searchMovieRequest)));

                            //stop stopwatch

                            //write stopwatch time
                            Console.WriteLine("It took {0}ms to find the item.\r\n", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                            //reset stopwatch
                        //ask user if want to perform another search on the same file
                        while (searchFileAgain)
                            Console.WriteLine("Do you wish to search this file again? \r\n Press y for yes or n for no");
                            char keyPress = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar;
                            if (keyPress == 'y')
                                searchFileAgain = true; break;
                            else if (keyPress == 'n')
                                searchingLoop = false; searchFileAgain = false;
                                Console.WriteLine("Incorrect key pressed, press y to search file again or n to end search");
                //end while loop statement
                else if (keyPressed == 'n')
                    Console.WriteLine("Ending movie search program");
                    continueFlag = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("Incorrect key pressed, press y to search or n to end search");